Minutes of the seventh International Radiative Transfer Workshop, June 2005

Monday   Tuesday   Wednesday   Thursday   Whole Week  
Thursday, 23/06/05

Chair: CM

WG: Cloud retrieval
PE: CIWSIR: different retrieval methods, neural, MC integration, OEM (only gaus probabilities, for forward models only,limb sounding sensors), 3 first fro small state vector
Relevant set of retrieav products: IWC, size, shape and orientation of the particles (45degrees polarization better because of symmetry)median better than mean of non-gaussian statistics, WVC, profile, T, H2O, external info is needed, f.e. from ECMWF
correlation between water vapour and liquid clouds, how to model it still unknown
discrepancy between scattering models solved (MC and DOIT)

CM: want to know more about CIWSIR, PE answers: higher frequencies as for AMSU (WV transitions: 3 channels, total water vapour: 9 channels, res: 10 km, down looking), expectes in 6-8 years

WG: ARTS user group
OL: Dietrich problem solved and other problems, units of weighting function etc.
UR: QPack working on his windows

Green and red cards part :-)

Future plans:
PE: ARTS 2.0, cloud box part, new definition of agenda set, adding scattering part module, inversion modul for limb sounding sensors, will build QPack for ARTS 2.0, Wiki page for QPack,

Thanks to Nathalie from Workshop participants

Monday   Tuesday   Wednesday   Thursday   Whole Week