ARTS  2.3.1285(git:92a29ea9-dirty)
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* Copyright (C) 2002-2017
2  Patrick Eriksson <>
3  Stefan Buehler <>
4  Claudia Emde <>
5  Cory Davis <>
6  Jana Mendrok <>
7  Daniel Kreyling <>
8  Manfred Brath <>
10  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
12  Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
13  later version.
15  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18  GNU General Public License for more details.
20  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
22  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
23  USA. */
25 /*===========================================================================
26  === File description
27  ===========================================================================*/
39 /*===========================================================================
40  === External declarations
41  ===========================================================================*/
42 #include <cmath>
43 #include <cstdlib>
44 #include <stdexcept>
46 #include "array.h"
47 #include "arts.h"
48 #include "auto_md.h"
49 #include "check_input.h"
50 #include "cloudbox.h"
51 #include "file.h"
52 #include "gridded_fields.h"
53 #include "interpolation.h"
54 #include "lin_alg.h"
55 #include "logic.h"
56 #include "math_funcs.h"
57 #include "messages.h"
58 #include "microphysics.h"
59 #include "optproperties.h"
60 #include "parameters.h"
61 #include "physics_funcs.h"
62 #include "rte.h"
63 #include "sorting.h"
64 #include "special_interp.h"
65 #include "xml_io.h"
67 extern const Index GFIELD3_P_GRID;
68 extern const Index GFIELD3_LAT_GRID;
69 extern const Index GFIELD3_LON_GRID;
70 extern const Numeric PI;
71 extern const Numeric DEG2RAD;
72 extern const Numeric RAD2DEG;
73 extern const Numeric LAT_LON_MIN;
74 extern const Numeric DENSITY_OF_ICE;
76 /*===========================================================================
77  === The functions (in alphabetical order)
78  ===========================================================================*/
80 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
81 void cloudboxOff(Index& cloudbox_on,
82  Index& ppath_inside_cloudbox_do,
83  ArrayOfIndex& cloudbox_limits,
84  Agenda& iy_cloudbox_agenda,
85  Tensor4& pnd_field,
86  ArrayOfTensor4& dpnd_field_dx,
87  ArrayOfString& scat_species,
90  Index& scat_data_checked,
91  Matrix& particle_masses,
92  const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity& jacobian_quantities,
93  const Verbosity&) {
94  cloudbox_on = 0;
95  ppath_inside_cloudbox_do = 0;
96  cloudbox_limits.resize(0);
97  iy_cloudbox_agenda = Agenda();
98  iy_cloudbox_agenda.set_name("iy_cloudbox_agenda");
99  pnd_field.resize(0, 0, 0, 0);
100  // we need to size dpnd_field to be consistent with jacobian_quantities.
101  dpnd_field_dx.resize(jacobian_quantities.nelem());
102  scat_data.resize(0);
103  scat_species.resize(0);
104  // remove scat_data_raw resizing once all scat solvers have been convert to
105  // use of (new-type) scat_data
106  scat_data_raw.resize(0);
107  scat_data_checked = 0;
108  particle_masses.resize(0, 0);
109 }
111 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
112 void cloudboxSetAutomatically( // WS Output:
113  //Workspace& /* ws */,
114  Index& cloudbox_on,
115  ArrayOfIndex& cloudbox_limits,
116  //Agenda& iy_cloudbox_agenda,
117  // WS Input:
118  const Index& atmosphere_dim,
119  const Vector& p_grid,
120  const Vector& lat_grid,
121  const Vector& lon_grid,
122  const Tensor4& particle_field,
123  // Control Parameters
124  const ArrayOfIndex& cloudbox_limits_old,
125  const Numeric& cloudbox_margin,
126  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
127  // Check existing WSV
128  chk_if_in_range("atmosphere_dim", atmosphere_dim, 1, 3);
129  // includes p_grid chk_if_decresasing
130  chk_atm_grids(atmosphere_dim, p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid);
131  // Set cloudbox_on
132  cloudbox_on = 1;
134  if (atmosphere_dim > 1) {
135  ostringstream os;
136  os << "cloudboxSetAutomatically not yet available for 2D and 3D cases.";
137  throw runtime_error(os.str());
138  }
140  Index np = p_grid.nelem();
142  // Allocate cloudbox_limits
143  cloudbox_limits.resize(atmosphere_dim * 2);
145  bool cb_preset = (min(cloudbox_limits_old) > -1);
146  if (cb_preset) {
147  if (cloudbox_limits_old.nelem() != atmosphere_dim * 2) {
148  ostringstream os;
149  os << "The array *cloudbox_limits_old* has incorrect length.\n"
150  << "For atmospheric dim. = " << atmosphere_dim
151  << " the length shall be " << atmosphere_dim * 2 << " but it is "
152  << cloudbox_limits_old.nelem() << ".";
153  throw runtime_error(os.str());
154  }
155  }
157  // Initialize boundary counters
158  Index p1 = 0, p2 = 0;
159  if (cloudbox_margin != -1) {
160  if (cb_preset)
161  p1 = cloudbox_limits_old[0] + 1;
162  else
163  p1 = np - 1;
164  }
165  if (cb_preset) {
166  p2 = cloudbox_limits_old[1] - 1;
167  }
169  // OLE: Commented out until code that uses it at the end of this function is commented back in
170  /*
171  if ( atmosphere_dim > 1 )
172  {
173  Index lat1 = particle_field.nrows()-1;
174  Index lat2 = 0;
175  }
176  if ( atmosphere_dim > 2 )
177  {
178  Index lon1 = particle_field.ncols()-1;
179  Index lon2 = 0;
180  }
181 */
183  bool any_not_empty = false;
185  if (!particle_field.empty()) {
186  bool one_not_empty = false;
187  Index nss = particle_field.nbooks();
189  //--------- Start loop over fields in particle_field------------------------
190  for (Index l = 0; l < nss; l++) {
191  //not_empty is set to true, if a single value of particle_field
192  //is unequal zero (and not NaN), i.e. if we actually have some amount of
193  //these scattering species in the atmosphere.
194  chk_scat_species_field(one_not_empty,
195  particle_field(l, joker, joker, joker),
196  "particle_field",
197  atmosphere_dim,
198  p_grid,
199  lat_grid,
200  lon_grid);
202  //if particles found, enter detailed search
203  if (one_not_empty) {
204  any_not_empty = true;
205  find_cloudlimits(p1,
206  p2,
207  particle_field(l, joker, joker, joker),
208  atmosphere_dim,
209  cloudbox_margin);
210  }
211  }
212  }
214  if (any_not_empty || cb_preset) {
215  // decrease lower cb limit by one to ensure that linear interpolation of
216  // particle number densities is possible.
217  p1 = max(p1 - 1, Index(0));
219  Numeric p_margin1;
221  // alter lower cloudbox_limit by cloudbox_margin, using barometric
222  // height formula
223  p_margin1 = barometric_heightformula(p_grid[p1], cloudbox_margin);
224  while ((p_grid[p1] < p_margin1) && (p1 > 0)) p1--;
225  cloudbox_limits[0] = p1;
227  // increase upper cb limit by one to ensure that linear interpolation of
228  // particle number densities is possible.
229  p2 = min(p2 + 1, np - 1);
230  // set upper cloudbox_limit
231  // if cloudbox reaches to the upper most pressure level
232  if (p2 >= np - 1) {
234  out2 << "The cloud reaches to TOA!\n"
235  << "Check your *particle_field* data, if realistic!\n";
236  }
237  cloudbox_limits[1] = p2;
239  // assert keyword arguments
241  // The pressure in *p1* must be bigger than the pressure in *p2*.
242  assert(p_grid[p1] > p_grid[p2]);
243  // The pressure in *p1* must be larger than the last value in *p_grid*.
244  assert(p_grid[p1] > p_grid[p_grid.nelem() - 1]);
245  // The pressure in *p2* must be smaller than the first value in *p_grid*."
246  assert(p_grid[p2] < p_grid[0]);
248  /*
249  if ( atmosphere_dim >= 2 )
250  {
251  // The latitude in *lat2* must be bigger than the latitude in *lat1*.
252  assert ( lat_grid[lat2] > lat_grid[lat1] );
253  // The latitude in *lat1* must be >= the second value in *lat_grid*.
254  assert ( lat_grid[lat1] >= lat_grid[1] );
255  // The latitude in *lat2* must be <= the next to last value in *lat_grid*.
256  assert ( lat_grid[lat2] <= lat_grid[lat_grid.nelem()-2] );
257  }
258  if ( atmosphere_dim == 3 )
259  {
260  // The longitude in *lon2* must be bigger than the longitude in *lon1*.
261  assert ( lon_grid[lon2] > lon_grid[lon1] );
262  // The longitude in *lon1* must be >= the second value in *lon_grid*.
263  assert ( lon_grid[lon1] >= lon_grid[1] );
264  // The longitude in *lon2* must be <= the next to last value in *lon_grid*.
265  assert ( lon_grid[lon2] <= lon_grid[lon_grid.nelem()-2] );
266  }
267  */
268  }
270  else
271  // if all particle fields are zero at each level and cloudbox was not preset,
272  // switch cloudbox off.
273  {
275  cloudbox_on = 0;
276  cloudbox_limits[1] =
277  -1; // just for consistency with cloudboxSetAutomatically
278  out0 << "Cloudbox is switched off!\n";
279  }
280 }
282 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
283 void cloudboxSetFullAtm( //WS Output
284  Index& cloudbox_on,
285  ArrayOfIndex& cloudbox_limits,
286  // WS Input
287  const Index& atmosphere_dim,
288  const Vector& p_grid,
289  const Vector& lat_grid,
290  const Vector& lon_grid,
291  const Verbosity&) {
292  cloudbox_on = 1;
293  cloudbox_limits.resize(2 * atmosphere_dim);
295  cloudbox_limits[0] = 0;
296  cloudbox_limits[1] = p_grid.nelem() - 1;
298  if (atmosphere_dim > 1) {
299  Index last_lat = lat_grid.nelem() - 1;
301  // find minimum lat_grid point i with lat_grid[i]-lat_grid[0]>=LAT_LON_MIN
302  Index i = 1;
303  while ((i < last_lat - 1) && (lat_grid[i] - lat_grid[0] < LAT_LON_MIN)) i++;
304  if (i == last_lat - 1) {
305  ostringstream os;
306  os << "Can not define lower latitude edge of cloudbox:\n"
307  << "Extend of atmosphere too small. Distance to minimum latitude\n"
308  << "has to be at least " << LAT_LON_MIN << "deg, but only "
309  << lat_grid[i - 1] - lat_grid[0] << " available here.";
310  throw runtime_error(os.str());
311  }
312  cloudbox_limits[2] = i;
314  // find maximum lat_grid point j with lat_grid[-1]-lat_grid[j]>=LAT_LON_MIN
315  // and j>i
316  Index j = last_lat - 1;
317  while ((j > i) && (lat_grid[last_lat] - lat_grid[j] < LAT_LON_MIN)) j--;
318  if (j == i) {
319  ostringstream os;
320  os << "Can not define upper latitude edge of cloudbox:\n"
321  << "Extend of atmosphere too small. Distance to maximum latitude\n"
322  << "has to be at least " << LAT_LON_MIN << "deg, but only "
323  << lat_grid[last_lat] - lat_grid[j + 1] << " available here.";
324  throw runtime_error(os.str());
325  }
326  cloudbox_limits[3] = j;
327  }
329  if (atmosphere_dim > 2) {
330  const Numeric latmax = max(abs(lat_grid[cloudbox_limits[2]]),
331  abs(lat_grid[cloudbox_limits[3]]));
332  const Numeric lfac = 1 / cos(DEG2RAD * latmax);
333  Index last_lon = lon_grid.nelem() - 1;
335  // find minimum lon_grid point i with lon_grid[i]-lon_grid[0]>=LAT_LON_MIN/lfac
336  Index i = 1;
337  while ((i < last_lon - 1) &&
338  (lon_grid[i] - lon_grid[0] < LAT_LON_MIN / lfac))
339  i++;
340  if (i == last_lon - 1) {
341  ostringstream os;
342  os << "Can not define lower longitude edge of cloudbox:\n"
343  << "Extend of atmosphere too small. Distance to minimum longitude\n"
344  << "has to be at least " << LAT_LON_MIN / lfac << "deg, but only "
345  << lon_grid[i - 1] - lon_grid[0] << " available here.";
346  throw runtime_error(os.str());
347  }
348  cloudbox_limits[4] = i;
350  // find maximum lon_grid point j with lon_grid[-1]-lon_grid[j]>=LAT_LON_MIN/lfac
351  // and j>i
352  Index j = last_lon - 1;
353  while ((j > i) && (lon_grid[last_lon] - lon_grid[j] < LAT_LON_MIN / lfac))
354  j--;
355  if (j == i) {
356  ostringstream os;
357  os << "Can not define upper longitude edge of cloudbox:\n"
358  << "Extend of atmosphere too small. Distance to maximum longitude\n"
359  << "has to be at least " << LAT_LON_MIN / lfac << "deg, but only "
360  << lon_grid[last_lon] - lon_grid[j + 1] << " available here.";
361  throw runtime_error(os.str());
362  }
363  cloudbox_limits[5] = j;
364  }
365 }
367 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
368 void cloudboxSetManually( // WS Output:
369  Index& cloudbox_on,
370  ArrayOfIndex& cloudbox_limits,
371  // WS Input:
372  const Index& atmosphere_dim,
373  const Vector& p_grid,
374  const Vector& lat_grid,
375  const Vector& lon_grid,
376  // Control Parameters:
377  const Numeric& p1,
378  const Numeric& p2,
379  const Numeric& lat1,
380  const Numeric& lat2,
381  const Numeric& lon1,
382  const Numeric& lon2,
383  const Verbosity&) {
384  // Check existing WSV
385  chk_if_in_range("atmosphere_dim", atmosphere_dim, 1, 3);
386  chk_atm_grids(atmosphere_dim, p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid);
388  // Check keyword arguments
389  if (p1 <= p2)
390  throw runtime_error(
391  "The pressure in *p1* must be bigger than the "
392  "pressure in *p2*.");
393  if (p1 <= p_grid[p_grid.nelem() - 1])
394  throw runtime_error(
395  "The pressure in *p1* must be larger than the "
396  "last value in *p_grid*.");
397  if (p2 >= p_grid[0])
398  throw runtime_error(
399  "The pressure in *p2* must be smaller than the "
400  "first value in *p_grid*.");
401  if (atmosphere_dim >= 2) {
402  if (lat2 <= lat1)
403  throw runtime_error(
404  "The latitude in *lat2* must be bigger than the "
405  "latitude in *lat1*.");
406  if (lat1 < lat_grid[1])
407  throw runtime_error(
408  "The latitude in *lat1* must be >= the "
409  "second value in *lat_grid*.");
410  if (lat2 > lat_grid[lat_grid.nelem() - 2])
411  throw runtime_error(
412  "The latitude in *lat2* must be <= the "
413  "next to last value in *lat_grid*.");
414  }
415  if (atmosphere_dim == 3) {
416  if (lon2 <= lon1)
417  throw runtime_error(
418  "The longitude in *lon2* must be bigger than the "
419  "longitude in *lon1*.");
420  if (lon1 < lon_grid[1])
421  throw runtime_error(
422  "The longitude in *lon1* must be >= the "
423  "second value in *lon_grid*.");
424  if (lon2 > lon_grid[lon_grid.nelem() - 2])
425  throw runtime_error(
426  "The longitude in *lon2* must be <= the "
427  "next to last value in *lon_grid*.");
428  }
430  // Set cloudbox_on
431  cloudbox_on = 1;
433  // Allocate cloudbox_limits
434  cloudbox_limits.resize(atmosphere_dim * 2);
436  // Pressure limits
437  if (p1 > p_grid[1]) {
438  cloudbox_limits[0] = 0;
439  } else {
440  for (cloudbox_limits[0] = 1; p_grid[cloudbox_limits[0] + 1] >= p1;
441  cloudbox_limits[0]++) {
442  }
443  }
444  if (p2 < p_grid[p_grid.nelem() - 2]) {
445  cloudbox_limits[1] = p_grid.nelem() - 1;
446  } else {
447  for (cloudbox_limits[1] = p_grid.nelem() - 2;
448  p_grid[cloudbox_limits[1] - 1] <= p2;
449  cloudbox_limits[1]--) {
450  }
451  }
453  // Latitude limits
454  if (atmosphere_dim >= 2) {
455  for (cloudbox_limits[2] = 1; lat_grid[cloudbox_limits[2] + 1] <= lat1;
456  cloudbox_limits[2]++) {
457  }
458  for (cloudbox_limits[3] = lat_grid.nelem() - 2;
459  lat_grid[cloudbox_limits[3] - 1] >= lat2;
460  cloudbox_limits[3]--) {
461  }
462  }
464  // Longitude limits
465  if (atmosphere_dim == 3) {
466  for (cloudbox_limits[4] = 1; lon_grid[cloudbox_limits[4] + 1] <= lon1;
467  cloudbox_limits[4]++) {
468  }
469  for (cloudbox_limits[5] = lon_grid.nelem() - 2;
470  lon_grid[cloudbox_limits[5] - 1] >= lon2;
471  cloudbox_limits[5]--) {
472  }
473  }
474 }
476 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
477 void cloudboxSetManuallyAltitude( // WS Output:
478  Index& cloudbox_on,
479  ArrayOfIndex& cloudbox_limits,
480  // WS Input:
481  const Index& atmosphere_dim,
482  const Tensor3& z_field,
483  const Vector& lat_grid,
484  const Vector& lon_grid,
485  // Control Parameters:
486  const Numeric& z1,
487  const Numeric& z2,
488  const Numeric& lat1,
489  const Numeric& lat2,
490  const Numeric& lon1,
491  const Numeric& lon2,
492  const Verbosity&) {
493  // Check existing WSV
494  chk_if_in_range("atmosphere_dim", atmosphere_dim, 1, 3);
496  // Check keyword arguments
497  if (z1 >= z2)
498  throw runtime_error(
499  "The altitude in *z1* must be smaller than the "
500  "altitude in *z2*.");
501  /* These cases are in fact handled
502  if( z1 <= z_field(0, 0, 0) )
503  throw runtime_error( "The altitude in *z1* must be larger than the "
504  "first value in *z_field*." );
505  if( z2 >= z_field(z_field.npages()-1, 0, 0) )
506  throw runtime_error( "The altitude in *z2* must be smaller than the "
507  "last value in *z_field*." );
508  */
509  if (atmosphere_dim == 3) {
510  if (lat2 <= lat1)
511  throw runtime_error(
512  "The latitude in *lat2* must be bigger than the "
513  " latitude in *lat1*.");
514  if (lat1 < lat_grid[1])
515  throw runtime_error(
516  "The latitude in *lat1* must be >= the "
517  "second value in *lat_grid*.");
518  if (lat2 > lat_grid[lat_grid.nelem() - 2])
519  throw runtime_error(
520  "The latitude in *lat2* must be <= the "
521  "next to last value in *lat_grid*.");
522  if (lon2 <= lon1)
523  throw runtime_error(
524  "The longitude in *lon2* must be bigger than the "
525  "longitude in *lon1*.");
526  if (lon1 < lon_grid[1])
527  throw runtime_error(
528  "The longitude in *lon1* must be >= the "
529  "second value in *lon_grid*.");
530  if (lon2 > lon_grid[lon_grid.nelem() - 2])
531  throw runtime_error(
532  "The longitude in *lon2* must be <= the "
533  "next to last value in *lon_grid*.");
534  }
536  // Set cloudbox_on
537  cloudbox_on = 1;
539  // Allocate cloudbox_limits
540  cloudbox_limits.resize(atmosphere_dim * 2);
542  // Pressure/altitude limits
543  if (z1 < z_field(1, 0, 0)) {
544  cloudbox_limits[0] = 0;
545  } else {
546  for (cloudbox_limits[0] = 1; z_field(cloudbox_limits[0] + 1, 0, 0) <= z1;
547  cloudbox_limits[0]++) {
548  }
549  }
550  if (z2 > z_field(z_field.npages() - 2, 0, 0)) {
551  cloudbox_limits[1] = z_field.npages() - 1;
552  } else {
553  for (cloudbox_limits[1] = z_field.npages() - 2;
554  z_field(cloudbox_limits[1] - 1, 0, 0) >= z2;
555  cloudbox_limits[1]--) {
556  }
557  }
559  // Latitude limits
560  if (atmosphere_dim >= 2) {
561  for (cloudbox_limits[2] = 1; lat_grid[cloudbox_limits[2] + 1] <= lat1;
562  cloudbox_limits[2]++) {
563  }
564  for (cloudbox_limits[3] = lat_grid.nelem() - 2;
565  lat_grid[cloudbox_limits[3] - 1] >= lat2;
566  cloudbox_limits[3]--) {
567  }
568  }
570  // Longitude limits
571  if (atmosphere_dim == 3) {
572  for (cloudbox_limits[4] = 1; lon_grid[cloudbox_limits[4] + 1] <= lon1;
573  cloudbox_limits[4]++) {
574  }
575  for (cloudbox_limits[5] = lon_grid.nelem() - 2;
576  lon_grid[cloudbox_limits[5] - 1] >= lon2;
577  cloudbox_limits[5]--) {
578  }
579  }
580 }
582 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
584  const Tensor7& cloudbox_field,
585  const Vector& rte_pos,
586  const Vector& rte_los,
587  const Index& jacobian_do,
588  const Index& cloudbox_on,
589  const ArrayOfIndex& cloudbox_limits,
590  const Index& atmosphere_dim,
591  const Vector& p_grid,
592  const Vector& lat_grid,
593  const Vector& lon_grid,
594  const Tensor3& z_field,
595  const Matrix& z_surface,
596  const Index& stokes_dim,
597  const Vector& za_grid,
598  const Vector& aa_grid,
599  const Vector& f_grid,
600  //const Index& p_interp_order,
601  const Index& za_interp_order,
602  const Index& za_restrict,
603  const Index& cos_za_interp,
604  const Numeric& za_extpolfac,
605  const Index& aa_interp_order,
606  const Verbosity&) {
607  //--- Check input -----------------------------------------------------------
608  if (!(atmosphere_dim == 1 || atmosphere_dim == 3))
609  throw runtime_error("The atmospheric dimensionality must be 1 or 3.");
610  if (jacobian_do)
611  throw runtime_error(
612  "This method does not support jacobians (jacobian_do must be 0)");
613  if (!cloudbox_on)
614  throw runtime_error(
615  "The cloud box is not activated and no outgoing "
616  "field can be returned.");
617  if (cloudbox_limits.nelem() != 2 * atmosphere_dim)
618  throw runtime_error(
619  "*cloudbox_limits* is a vector which contains the upper and lower\n"
620  "limit of the cloud for all atmospheric dimensions.\n"
621  "So its length must be 2 x *atmosphere_dim*");
622  if (za_grid.nelem() == 0)
623  throw runtime_error(
624  "The variable *za_grid* is empty. Are dummy "
625  "values from *cloudboxOff used?");
626  if (!(za_interp_order < za_grid.nelem()))
627  throw runtime_error(
628  "Zenith angle interpolation order *za_interp_order*"
629  " must be smaller\n"
630  "than number of angles in *za_grid*.");
631  if (atmosphere_dim > 1 && !(aa_interp_order < aa_grid.nelem()))
632  throw runtime_error(
633  "Azimuth angle interpolation order *aa_interp_order*"
634  " must be smaller\n"
635  "than number of angles in *aa_grid*.");
636  if (cloudbox_field.nlibraries() != f_grid.nelem())
637  throw runtime_error(
638  "Inconsistency in size between f_grid and cloudbox_field! "
639  "(This method does not yet handle dispersion type calculations.)");
640  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
642  // At each lat/lon, one value of the intensity field is defined at the
643  // surface. Simplest way to handle this is to insert z_surface into z_field
644  Tensor3 z_with_surface = z_field;
645  for (Index ilat = 0; ilat < z_surface.nrows(); ilat++) {
646  for (Index ilon = 0; ilon < z_surface.ncols(); ilon++) {
647  Index ip = 0;
648  while (z_surface(ilat, ilon) >= z_field(ip + 1, ilat, ilon)) {
649  ip++;
650  }
651  z_with_surface(ip, ilat, ilon) = z_surface(ilat, ilon);
652  }
653  }
655  // Convert rte_pos to grid positions
656  GridPos gp_p, gp_lat, gp_lon;
657  rte_pos2gridpos(gp_p,
658  gp_lat,
659  gp_lon,
660  atmosphere_dim,
661  p_grid,
662  lat_grid,
663  lon_grid,
664  z_with_surface,
665  rte_pos);
667  //--- Determine if at border or inside of cloudbox (or outside!)
668  //
669  // Let us introduce a number coding for cloud box borders.
670  // Borders have the same number as position in *cloudbox_limits*.
671  // Inside cloud box is coded as 99, and outside as > 100.
672  Index border = 999;
673  //
674  //- Check if at any border
675  if (is_gridpos_at_index_i(gp_p, cloudbox_limits[0], false)) {
676  border = 0;
677  } else if (is_gridpos_at_index_i(gp_p, cloudbox_limits[1], false)) {
678  border = 1;
679  } else if (atmosphere_dim > 1) {
680  if (is_gridpos_at_index_i(gp_lat, cloudbox_limits[2], false)) {
681  border = 2;
682  } else if (is_gridpos_at_index_i(gp_lat, cloudbox_limits[3], false)) {
683  border = 3;
684  } else if (atmosphere_dim > 2) {
685  if (is_gridpos_at_index_i(gp_lon, cloudbox_limits[4], false)) {
686  border = 4;
687  } else if (is_gridpos_at_index_i(gp_lon, cloudbox_limits[5], false)) {
688  border = 5;
689  }
690  }
691  }
693  //
694  //- Check if inside (when border<100 here, it means we are on a cloudbox border)
695  if (border > 100) {
696  // Assume inside as it is easiest to detect if outside (can be detected
697  // check in one dimension at the time)
698  bool inside = true;
699  Numeric fgp;
701  // Check in pressure dimension
702  fgp = fractional_gp(gp_p);
703  if (fgp < Numeric(cloudbox_limits[0]) ||
704  fgp > Numeric(cloudbox_limits[1])) {
705  inside = false;
706  }
708  // Check in lat and lon dimensions
709  if (atmosphere_dim == 3 && inside) {
710  fgp = fractional_gp(gp_lat);
711  if (fgp < Numeric(cloudbox_limits[2]) ||
712  fgp > Numeric(cloudbox_limits[3])) {
713  inside = false;
714  }
715  fgp = fractional_gp(gp_lon);
716  if (fgp < Numeric(cloudbox_limits[4]) ||
717  fgp > Numeric(cloudbox_limits[5])) {
718  inside = false;
719  }
720  }
722  if (inside) {
723  border = 99;
724  }
725  }
727  // If outside, something is wrong
728  if (border > 100) {
729  throw runtime_error(
730  "Given position has been found to be outside the cloudbox.");
731  }
733  //- Sizes
734  const Index nf = f_grid.nelem();
735  DEBUG_ONLY(const Index np = cloudbox_limits[1] - cloudbox_limits[0] + 1);
736  const Index nza = za_grid.nelem();
737  const Index naa = cloudbox_field.nrows();
739  //- Resize *iy*
740  iy.resize(nf, stokes_dim);
741  //- Make space for spatially interpolated field (we perfrom angle
742  //interpolation separately on this then)
743  Tensor4 i_field_local(nf, nza, naa, stokes_dim);
745  // Index of the p/lat/lon slice (first or last element slice in this
746  // dimension), where rte_pos is located. if located on a border.
747  Index border_index;
748  if (border < 99) {
749  if (border % 2) // odd border id, ie top or north or east
750  border_index = cloudbox_limits[border] - cloudbox_limits[border - 1];
751  else // even border id, ie bottom or south or west
752  border_index = 0;
753  }
755  // Sensor points inside the cloudbox
756  if (border == 99) {
757  if (atmosphere_dim == 3) {
758  throw runtime_error(
759  "Radiation extraction for a position inside cloudbox\n"
760  "is not yet implemented for 3D cases.\n");
761  } else {
762  assert(atmosphere_dim == 1);
764  assert(is_size(cloudbox_field, nf, np, 1, 1, nza, 1, stokes_dim));
766  // Grid position in *p_grid*
767  gp_p.idx = gp_p.idx - cloudbox_limits[0];
768  gridpos_upperend_check(gp_p, cloudbox_limits[1] - cloudbox_limits[0]);
769  Vector itw_p(2);
770  interpweights(itw_p, gp_p);
772  for (Index is = 0; is < stokes_dim; is++)
773  for (Index iv = 0; iv < nf; iv++)
774  for (Index i_za = 0; i_za < nza; i_za++)
775  i_field_local(iv, i_za, 0, is) = interp(
776  itw_p, cloudbox_field(iv, joker, 0, 0, i_za, 0, is), gp_p);
777  }
778  }
780  // Sensor outside the cloudbox
782  // --- 1D ------------------------------------------------------------------
783  else if (atmosphere_dim == 1) {
784  i_field_local =
785  cloudbox_field(joker, border_index, 0, 0, joker, joker, joker);
786  }
788  // --- 3D ------------------------------------------------------------------
789  else {
790  assert(is_size(cloudbox_field,
791  nf,
792  cloudbox_field.nvitrines(),
793  cloudbox_field.nshelves(),
794  cloudbox_field.nbooks(),
795  za_grid.nelem(),
796  aa_grid.nelem(),
797  stokes_dim));
799  // Interpolation weights (for 2D "red" interpolation)
800  Vector itw(4);
802  // Outgoing from cloudbox top or bottom, i.e. from a pressure level
803  if (border <= 1) {
804  // Lat and lon grid positions with respect to cloud box
805  GridPos cb_gp_lat, cb_gp_lon;
806  cb_gp_lat = gp_lat;
807  cb_gp_lon = gp_lon;
808  cb_gp_lat.idx -= cloudbox_limits[2];
809  cb_gp_lon.idx -= cloudbox_limits[4];
810  //
811  gridpos_upperend_check(cb_gp_lat,
812  cloudbox_limits[3] - cloudbox_limits[2]);
813  gridpos_upperend_check(cb_gp_lon,
814  cloudbox_limits[5] - cloudbox_limits[4]);
816  interpweights(itw, cb_gp_lat, cb_gp_lon);
818  for (Index is = 0; is < stokes_dim; is++)
819  for (Index iv = 0; iv < nf; iv++)
820  for (Index i_za = 0; i_za < nza; i_za++)
821  for (Index i_aa = 0; i_aa < naa; i_aa++)
822  i_field_local(iv, i_za, i_aa, is) =
823  interp(itw,
824  cloudbox_field(
825  iv, border_index, joker, joker, i_za, i_aa, is),
826  cb_gp_lat,
827  cb_gp_lon);
828  }
830  // Outgoing from cloudbox north or south border, i.e. from a latitude level
831  else if (border <= 3) {
832  // Pressure and lon grid positions with respect to cloud box
833  GridPos cb_gp_p, cb_gp_lon;
834  cb_gp_p = gp_p;
835  cb_gp_lon = gp_lon;
836  cb_gp_p.idx -= cloudbox_limits[0];
837  cb_gp_lon.idx -= cloudbox_limits[4];
838  //
839  gridpos_upperend_check(cb_gp_p, cloudbox_limits[1] - cloudbox_limits[0]);
840  gridpos_upperend_check(cb_gp_lon,
841  cloudbox_limits[5] - cloudbox_limits[4]);
843  interpweights(itw, cb_gp_p, cb_gp_lon);
845  for (Index is = 0; is < stokes_dim; is++)
846  for (Index iv = 0; iv < nf; iv++)
847  for (Index i_za = 0; i_za < nza; i_za++)
848  for (Index i_aa = 0; i_aa < naa; i_aa++)
849  i_field_local(iv, i_za, i_aa, is) =
850  interp(itw,
851  cloudbox_field(
852  iv, joker, border_index, joker, i_za, i_aa, is),
853  cb_gp_p,
854  cb_gp_lon);
855  }
857  // Outgoing from cloudbox east or west border, i.e. from a longitude level
858  else {
859  // Pressure and lat grid positions with respect to cloud box
860  GridPos cb_gp_p, cb_gp_lat;
861  cb_gp_p = gp_p;
862  cb_gp_lat = gp_lat;
863  cb_gp_p.idx -= cloudbox_limits[0];
864  cb_gp_lat.idx -= cloudbox_limits[2];
865  //
866  gridpos_upperend_check(cb_gp_p, cloudbox_limits[1] - cloudbox_limits[0]);
867  gridpos_upperend_check(cb_gp_lat,
868  cloudbox_limits[3] - cloudbox_limits[2]);
870  interpweights(itw, cb_gp_p, cb_gp_lat);
872  for (Index is = 0; is < stokes_dim; is++)
873  for (Index iv = 0; iv < nf; iv++)
874  for (Index i_za = 0; i_za < nza; i_za++)
875  for (Index i_aa = 0; i_aa < naa; i_aa++)
876  i_field_local(iv, i_za, i_aa, is) =
877  interp(itw,
878  cloudbox_field(
879  iv, joker, joker, border_index, i_za, i_aa, is),
880  cb_gp_p,
881  cb_gp_lat);
882  }
883  }
885  // now, do Nth-oder polynomial interpoaltion of angle(s)
886  //
887  // a bunch of options for testing:
888  // a) interpolation over full zenith angle grid vs over hemispheres
889  // separately.
890  // b) interpolation in plain zenith angles vs. in cosines of zenith angle.
892  // find range of za_grid that we will do interpolation over.
893  Index za_start = 0;
894  Index za_extend = za_grid.nelem();
895  if (za_restrict) {
896  // which hemisphere do we need?
897  if (is_same_within_epsilon(rte_los[0], 90., 1e-6)) {
898  //FIXME: we should allow this though, if za_grid has a grid point
899  //at 90deg.
900  throw runtime_error(
901  "Hemisphere-restricted zenith angle interpolation not allowed\n"
902  "for 90degree views.");
903  } else if (rte_los[0] > 90) {
904  // upwelling, i.e. second part of za_grid. that is, we need to find
905  // the first point in za_grid where za>90. and update za_start
906  // accordingly.
907  while (za_start < za_grid.nelem() && za_grid[za_start] < 90.) {
908  za_start++;
909  }
910  if (za_start == za_grid.nelem())
911  throw runtime_error(
912  "No za_grid grid point found in 90-180deg hemisphere.\n"
913  "No hemispheric interpolation possible.");
914  za_extend -= za_start;
915  } else {
916  // downwelling, i.e. first part of za_grid. that is, we need to
917  // find the last point in za_grid where za<90. and update za_extend
918  // accordingly.
919  while (za_extend > 0 && za_grid[za_extend - 1] > 90.) {
920  za_extend--;
921  }
922  if (za_extend == 0)
923  throw runtime_error(
924  "No za_grid grid point found in 0-90deg hemisphere.\n"
925  "No hemispheric interpolation possible.");
926  }
927  if (!(za_interp_order < za_extend)) {
928  ostringstream os;
929  os << "Zenith angle interpolation order *za_interp_order* ("
930  << za_interp_order << ") must be smaller\n"
931  << "than number of angles in respective hemisphere (" << za_extend
932  << ").";
933  throw runtime_error(os.str());
934  }
935  }
937  // Grid position in *za_grid*
938  GridPosPoly gp_za, gp_aa;
940  if (cos_za_interp) {
941  Vector cosza_grid(za_extend);
942  const Numeric cosza = cos(rte_los[0] * DEG2RAD);
944  for (Index i_za = 0; i_za < za_extend; i_za++)
945  cosza_grid[i_za] = cos(za_grid[i_za + za_start] * DEG2RAD);
947  // OBS: cosza is a decreasing grid!
948  const Numeric cosza_min =
949  cosza_grid[0] + za_extpolfac * (cosza_grid[0] - cosza_grid[1]);
950  if (cosza > cosza_min) {
951  ostringstream os;
952  os << "Zenith angle " << rte_los[0] << "deg is outside the range"
953  << " covered by za_grid.\n"
954  << "Lower limit of allowed range is " << acos(cosza_min) * RAD2DEG
955  << ".\n"
956  << "Increase za_extpolfac (now=" << za_extpolfac << ") or"
957  << " use wider za_grid.\n";
958  throw runtime_error(os.str());
959  }
960  const Numeric cosza_max =
961  cosza_grid[za_extend - 1] -
962  za_extpolfac * (cosza_grid[za_extend - 2] - cosza_grid[za_extend - 1]);
963  if (cosza < cosza_max) {
964  ostringstream os;
965  os << "Zenith angle " << rte_los[0] << "deg is outside the range"
966  << " covered by za_grid.\n"
967  << "Upper limit of allowed range is " << acos(cosza_max) * RAD2DEG
968  << ".\n"
969  << "Increase za_extpolfac (now=" << za_extpolfac << ") or"
970  << " use wider za_grid.\n";
971  throw runtime_error(os.str());
972  }
974  gridpos_poly(gp_za, cosza_grid, cosza, za_interp_order, za_extpolfac);
975  } else {
976  Vector za_g = za_grid[Range(za_start, za_extend)];
977  const Numeric za = rte_los[0];
979  const Numeric za_min = za_g[0] - za_extpolfac * (za_g[1] - za_g[0]);
980  if (za < za_min) {
981  ostringstream os;
982  os << "Zenith angle " << rte_los[0] << "deg is outside the range"
983  << " covered by za_grid.\n"
984  << "Lower limit of allowed range is " << za_min << ".\n"
985  << "Increase za_extpolfac (now=" << za_extpolfac << ") or"
986  << " use wider za_grid.\n";
987  throw runtime_error(os.str());
988  }
989  const Numeric za_max =
990  za_g[za_g.nelem() - 1] +
991  za_extpolfac * (za_g[za_extend - 1] - za_g[za_extend - 2]);
992  if (za > za_max) {
993  ostringstream os;
994  os << "Zenith angle " << za << "deg is outside the range"
995  << " covered by za_grid.\n"
996  << "Upper limit of allowed range is " << za_max << ".\n"
997  << "Increase za_extpolfac (now=" << za_extpolfac << ") or"
998  << " use wider za_grid.\n";
999  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1000  }
1001  gridpos_poly(gp_za, za_g, za, za_interp_order, za_extpolfac);
1002  }
1004  if (atmosphere_dim > 1) {
1006  gp_aa, aa_grid, rte_los[1], aa_interp_order);
1007  } else {
1008  gp_aa.idx.resize(1);
1009  gp_aa.idx[0] = 0;
1010  gp_aa.w.resize(1);
1011  gp_aa.w[0] = 1;
1012  }
1014  // Corresponding interpolation weights
1015  Vector itw_angs(gp_za.idx.nelem() * gp_aa.idx.nelem());
1016  interpweights(itw_angs, gp_za, gp_aa);
1018  for (Index is = 0; is < stokes_dim; is++) {
1019  for (Index iv = 0; iv < nf; iv++) {
1020  iy(iv, is) =
1021  interp(itw_angs,
1022  i_field_local(iv, Range(za_start, za_extend), joker, is),
1023  gp_za,
1024  gp_aa);
1025  }
1026  }
1027 }
1029 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
1030 void cloudbox_fieldCrop(Tensor7& cloudbox_field,
1031  ArrayOfIndex& cloudbox_limits,
1032  const Index& atmosphere_dim,
1033  const Index& cloudbox_on,
1034  const Index& new_limit0,
1035  const Index& new_limit1,
1036  const Index& new_limit2,
1037  const Index& new_limit3,
1038  const Index& new_limit4,
1039  const Index& new_limit5,
1040  const Verbosity&) {
1041  if (!cloudbox_on)
1042  throw runtime_error("No need to use this method with cloudbox=0.");
1043  if (new_limit0 < cloudbox_limits[0])
1044  throw runtime_error("new_limits0 < cloudbox_limits[0], not allowed!");
1045  if (new_limit1 > cloudbox_limits[1])
1046  throw runtime_error("new_limits1 > cloudbox_limits[1], not allowed!");
1048  Tensor7 fcopy = cloudbox_field;
1050  if (atmosphere_dim == 1) {
1051  cloudbox_field = fcopy(
1052  joker,
1053  Range(new_limit0 - cloudbox_limits[0], new_limit1 - new_limit0 + 1),
1054  joker,
1055  joker,
1056  joker,
1057  joker,
1058  joker);
1059  cloudbox_limits[0] = new_limit0;
1060  cloudbox_limits[1] = new_limit1;
1061  } else {
1062  if (new_limit2 < cloudbox_limits[2])
1063  throw runtime_error("new_limits2 < cloudbox_limits[2], not allowed!");
1064  if (new_limit3 > cloudbox_limits[3])
1065  throw runtime_error("new_limits3 > cloudbox_limits[3], not allowed!");
1067  if (atmosphere_dim == 2) {
1068  cloudbox_field = fcopy(
1069  joker,
1070  Range(new_limit0 - cloudbox_limits[0], new_limit1 - new_limit0 + 1),
1071  Range(new_limit2 - cloudbox_limits[2], new_limit3 - new_limit2 - 1),
1072  joker,
1073  joker,
1074  joker,
1075  joker);
1076  cloudbox_limits[0] = new_limit0;
1077  cloudbox_limits[1] = new_limit1;
1078  cloudbox_limits[2] = new_limit2;
1079  cloudbox_limits[3] = new_limit3;
1080  } else {
1081  if (new_limit4 < cloudbox_limits[4])
1082  throw runtime_error("new_limits4 < cloudbox_limits[4], not allowed!");
1083  if (new_limit5 > cloudbox_limits[5])
1084  throw runtime_error("new_limits5 > cloudbox_limits[5], not allowed!");
1085  cloudbox_field = fcopy(
1086  joker,
1087  Range(new_limit0 - cloudbox_limits[0], new_limit1 - new_limit0 + 1),
1088  Range(new_limit2 - cloudbox_limits[2], new_limit3 - new_limit2 + 1),
1089  Range(new_limit4 - cloudbox_limits[4], new_limit5 - new_limit4 + 1),
1090  joker,
1091  joker,
1092  joker);
1093  cloudbox_limits[0] = new_limit0;
1094  cloudbox_limits[1] = new_limit1;
1095  cloudbox_limits[2] = new_limit2;
1096  cloudbox_limits[3] = new_limit3;
1097  cloudbox_limits[4] = new_limit4;
1098  cloudbox_limits[5] = new_limit5;
1099  }
1100  }
1101 }
1103 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
1104 void particle_fieldCleanup( //WS Output:
1105  Tensor4& particle_field_out,
1106  //WS Input:
1107  const Tensor4& particle_field_in,
1108  const Numeric& threshold,
1109  const Verbosity&) {
1110  if (&particle_field_out != &particle_field_in) {
1111  particle_field_out = particle_field_in;
1112  }
1114  // Check that particle_field contains realistic values
1115  //(values smaller than the threshold will be set to 0)
1116  for (Index i = 0; i < particle_field_out.nbooks(); i++) {
1117  for (Index j = 0; j < particle_field_out.npages(); j++) {
1118  for (Index k = 0; k < particle_field_out.nrows(); k++) {
1119  for (Index l = 0; l < particle_field_out.ncols(); l++) {
1120  if (particle_field_out(i, j, k, l) < threshold) {
1121  particle_field_out(i, j, k, l) = 0.0;
1122  }
1123  }
1124  }
1125  }
1126  }
1127 }
1129 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
1130 void ScatSpeciesInit( //WS Output:
1131  ArrayOfString& scat_species,
1132  ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData& scat_data_raw,
1134  Index& scat_data_checked,
1135  ArrayOfGriddedField3& pnd_field_raw,
1136  const Verbosity&) {
1137  scat_species.resize(0);
1138  scat_data_raw.resize(0);
1139  scat_meta.resize(0);
1140  pnd_field_raw.resize(0);
1141  scat_data_checked = 0;
1142 }
1144 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
1145 void ScatElementsPndAndScatAdd( //WS Output:
1146  ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData& scat_data_raw,
1147  ArrayOfGriddedField3& pnd_field_raw,
1148  // WS Input (needed for checking the datafiles):
1149  const Index& atmosphere_dim,
1150  // Keywords:
1151  const ArrayOfString& scat_data_files,
1152  const ArrayOfString& pnd_field_files,
1153  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
1154  CREATE_OUT2;
1156  //--- Check input ---------------------------------------------------------
1158  // Atmosphere
1159  chk_if_in_range("atmosphere_dim", atmosphere_dim, 1, 3);
1160  //chk_atm_grids( atmosphere_dim, p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid );
1162  //--- Reading the data ---------------------------------------------------
1164  if (scat_data_files.nelem() != pnd_field_files.nelem()) {
1165  ostringstream os;
1166  os << "Number of elements in scat_data and pnd_field filelists is"
1167  << "inconsistent.";
1168  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1169  }
1171  Index last_species = scat_data_raw.nelem() - 1;
1172  if (last_species == -1) {
1173  scat_data_raw.resize(1);
1174  last_species = 0;
1175  }
1177  // Create empty dummy elements to append to *scat_data_raw* and *pnd_field_raw*.
1178  SingleScatteringData scat_data_single;
1179  GriddedField3 pnd_field_data;
1181  for (Index i = 0; i < scat_data_files.nelem(); i++) {
1182  // Append *scat_data_raw* and *pnd_field_raw* with empty Arrays of Tensors.
1183  scat_data_raw[last_species].push_back(scat_data_single);
1184  pnd_field_raw.push_back(pnd_field_data);
1186  out2 << " Read single scattering data file " << scat_data_files[i] << "\n";
1188  scat_data_files[i],
1189  scat_data_raw[last_species][scat_data_raw[last_species].nelem() - 1],
1190  verbosity);
1192  out2 << " Read particle number density field\n";
1193  if (pnd_field_files[i].nelem() < 1) {
1194  CREATE_OUT1;
1195  out1 << "Warning: No pnd_field_file specified. Ignored here,\n"
1196  << "but user HAS TO add that later on!. \n";
1197  } else {
1198  xml_read_from_file(pnd_field_files[i],
1199  pnd_field_raw[pnd_field_raw.nelem() - 1],
1200  verbosity);
1202  chk_pnd_data(pnd_field_raw[pnd_field_raw.nelem() - 1],
1203  pnd_field_files[i],
1204  atmosphere_dim,
1205  verbosity);
1206  }
1207  }
1208 }
1210 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
1211 void ScatSpeciesPndAndScatAdd( //WS Output:
1212  ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData& scat_data_raw,
1213  ArrayOfGriddedField3& pnd_field_raw,
1214  // WS Input(needed for checking the datafiles):
1215  const Index& atmosphere_dim,
1216  // Keywords:
1217  const ArrayOfString& scat_data_files,
1218  const String& pnd_fieldarray_file,
1219  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
1220  CREATE_OUT2;
1222  //--- Check input ---------------------------------------------------------
1224  // Atmosphere
1225  chk_if_in_range("atmosphere_dim", atmosphere_dim, 1, 3);
1226  //chk_atm_grids ( atmosphere_dim, p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid );
1228  //--- Reading the data ---------------------------------------------------
1230  arr_ssd.resize(scat_data_files.nelem());
1232  for (Index i = 0; i < scat_data_files.nelem(); i++) {
1233  out2 << " Read single scattering data file " << scat_data_files[i] << "\n";
1234  xml_read_from_file(scat_data_files[i], arr_ssd[i], verbosity);
1235  }
1237  // append as new scattering species
1238  if (scat_data_raw.nelem() == 0) {
1239  scat_data_raw.resize(1);
1240  scat_data_raw[0] = arr_ssd;
1241  } else
1242  scat_data_raw.push_back(arr_ssd);
1244  out2 << " Read particle number density data \n";
1245  ArrayOfGriddedField3 pnd_tmp;
1246  xml_read_from_file(pnd_fieldarray_file, pnd_tmp, verbosity);
1248  chk_pnd_raw_data(pnd_tmp, pnd_fieldarray_file, atmosphere_dim, verbosity);
1250  // append to pnd_field_raw
1251  for (Index i = 0; i < pnd_tmp.nelem(); ++i)
1252  pnd_field_raw.push_back(pnd_tmp[i]);
1253 }
1255 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
1257  ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData& scat_data_raw,
1258  ArrayOfGriddedField3& vmr_field_raw,
1259  ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag& abs_species,
1260  Index& propmat_clearsky_agenda_checked,
1261  Index& abs_xsec_agenda_checked,
1262  // WS Input (needed for checking the datafiles):
1263  const Index& atmosphere_dim,
1264  const Vector& f_grid,
1265  // Keywords:
1266  const ArrayOfString& scat_data_files,
1267  const ArrayOfString& pnd_field_files,
1268  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
1269  CREATE_OUT2;
1271  //--- Check input ---------------------------------------------------------
1273  // Atmosphere
1274  chk_if_in_range("atmosphere_dim", atmosphere_dim, 1, 3);
1275  //chk_atm_grids( atmosphere_dim, p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid );
1277  // Frequency grid
1278  if (f_grid.empty()) throw runtime_error("The frequency grid is empty.");
1279  chk_if_increasing("f_grid", f_grid);
1281  //--- Reading the data ---------------------------------------------------
1283  if (scat_data_files.nelem() != pnd_field_files.nelem()) {
1284  ostringstream os;
1285  os << "Number of elements in scat_data and pnd_field filelists is"
1286  << "inconsistent.";
1287  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1288  }
1290  Index last_species = scat_data_raw.nelem() - 1;
1291  if (last_species == -1) {
1292  scat_data_raw.resize(1);
1293  last_species = 0;
1294  }
1296  // Create empty dummy elements to append to *scat_data_raw* and *pnd_field_raw*.
1297  SingleScatteringData scat_data_single;
1298  GriddedField3 pnd_field_data;
1299  ArrayOfString species(1);
1300  species[0] = "particles";
1302  for (Index i = 0; i < scat_data_files.nelem(); i++) {
1303  // Append *scat_data_raw* and *pnd_field_raw* with empty Arrays of Tensors.
1304  scat_data_raw[last_species].push_back(scat_data_single);
1305  vmr_field_raw.push_back(pnd_field_data);
1307  out2 << " Read single scattering data file " << scat_data_files[i] << "\n";
1309  scat_data_files[i],
1310  scat_data_raw[last_species][scat_data_raw[last_species].nelem() - 1],
1311  verbosity);
1313  out2 << " Check single scattering properties\n";
1315  "scat_data_single.f_grid to f_grid",
1316  scat_data_raw[last_species][scat_data_raw[last_species].nelem() - 1]
1317  .f_grid,
1318  f_grid);
1320  out2 << " Read particle number density field\n";
1321  if (pnd_field_files[i].nelem() < 1) {
1322  CREATE_OUT1;
1323  out1 << "Warning: No pnd_field_file specified. Ignored here,\n"
1324  << "but user HAS TO add that later on!\n";
1325  } else {
1326  try {
1327  xml_read_from_file(pnd_field_files[i],
1328  vmr_field_raw[vmr_field_raw.nelem() - 1],
1329  verbosity);
1330  } catch (...) {
1332  try {
1333  xml_read_from_file(pnd_field_files[i], tmp, verbosity);
1334  if (tmp.nelem() == 1) {
1335  vmr_field_raw[vmr_field_raw.nelem() - 1] = tmp[0];
1336  } else {
1337  std::ostringstream os;
1338  os << "The file " << pnd_field_files[i] << "\n"
1339  << "is neither GriddedField3 nor a 1-long ArrayOfGriddedField3.\n";
1340  throw std::runtime_error(os.str());
1341  }
1342  } catch (...) {
1343  std::ostringstream os;
1344  os << "The file " << pnd_field_files[i] << " does not exist or\n"
1345  << "its type is neither GriddedField3 nor a 1-long ArrayOfGriddedField3.\n";
1346  throw std::runtime_error(os.str());
1347  }
1348  }
1350  chk_pnd_data(vmr_field_raw[vmr_field_raw.nelem() - 1],
1351  pnd_field_files[i],
1352  atmosphere_dim,
1353  verbosity);
1354  }
1356  out2 << " Append 'particle' field to abs_species\n";
1357  abs_speciesAdd(abs_species,
1358  propmat_clearsky_agenda_checked,
1359  abs_xsec_agenda_checked,
1360  species,
1361  verbosity);
1362  }
1363  scat_dataCheck(scat_data_raw, "sane", 1e-2, verbosity);
1364 }
1366 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
1367 void ScatSpeciesScatAndMetaRead( //WS Output:
1368  ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData& scat_data_raw,
1370  // Keywords:
1371  const ArrayOfString& scat_data_files,
1372  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
1373  CREATE_OUT2;
1374  CREATE_OUT3;
1376  //--- Reading the data ---------------------------------------------------
1378  ArrayOfScatteringMetaData arr_smd;
1380  arr_ssd.resize(scat_data_files.nelem());
1381  arr_smd.resize(scat_data_files.nelem());
1383  Index meta_naming_conv = 0;
1385  for (Index i = 0; i < 1 && i < scat_data_files.nelem(); i++) {
1386  out3 << " Read single scattering data file " << scat_data_files[i] << "\n";
1387  xml_read_from_file(scat_data_files[i], arr_ssd[i], verbosity);
1389  // make meta data name from scat data name
1390  ArrayOfString strarr;
1391  String scat_meta_file;
1393  if (i == 0) {
1394  scat_data_files[i].split(strarr, ".xml");
1395  scat_meta_file = strarr[0] + ".meta.xml";
1397  try {
1398  find_xml_file(scat_meta_file, verbosity);
1399  } catch (const runtime_error&) {
1400  }
1402  if (file_exists(scat_meta_file)) {
1403  out3 << " Read scattering meta data\n";
1405  xml_read_from_file(scat_meta_file, arr_smd[i], verbosity);
1407  meta_naming_conv = 1;
1408  } else {
1409  try {
1410  scat_data_files[i].split(strarr, "scat_data");
1411  if (strarr.nelem() < 2) {
1412  throw std::runtime_error(
1413  "Splitting scattering data filename up at 'scat_data' also failed.");
1414  }
1415  scat_meta_file = strarr[0] + "scat_meta" + strarr[1];
1417  out3 << " Read scattering meta data\n";
1418  xml_read_from_file(scat_meta_file, arr_smd[i], verbosity);
1420  meta_naming_conv = 2;
1421  } catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
1422  ostringstream os;
1423  os << "No meta data file following one of the allowed naming "
1424  << "conventions was found.\n"
1425  << "Allowed are "
1426  << "*.meta.xml from *.xml and "
1427  << "*scat_meta* from *scat_data*\n"
1428  << "Scattering meta data file not found: " << scat_meta_file
1429  << "\n"
1430  << e.what();
1431  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1432  }
1433  }
1434  }
1435  }
1437  ArrayOfString fail_msg;
1439 #pragma omp parallel for if (!arts_omp_in_parallel() && \
1440  scat_data_files.nelem() > 1) \
1441  num_threads(arts_omp_get_max_threads() > 16 ? 16 \
1442  : arts_omp_get_max_threads()) \
1443  shared(out3, scat_data_files, arr_ssd, arr_smd)
1444  for (Index i = 1; i < scat_data_files.nelem(); i++) {
1445  // make meta data name from scat data name
1446  ArrayOfString strarr;
1447  String scat_meta_file;
1449  ScatteringMetaData smd;
1451  try {
1452  out3 << " Read single scattering data file " << scat_data_files[i]
1453  << "\n";
1454  xml_read_from_file(scat_data_files[i], ssd, verbosity);
1456  scat_data_files[i].split(strarr, ".xml");
1457  scat_meta_file = strarr[0] + ".meta.xml";
1459  if (meta_naming_conv == 1) {
1460  scat_data_files[i].split(strarr, ".xml");
1461  scat_meta_file = strarr[0] + ".meta.xml";
1463  out3 << " Read scattering meta data\n";
1464  xml_read_from_file(scat_meta_file, smd, verbosity);
1465  } else {
1466  scat_data_files[i].split(strarr, "scat_data");
1467  scat_meta_file = strarr[0] + "scat_meta" + strarr[1];
1469  out3 << " Read scattering meta data\n";
1470  xml_read_from_file(scat_meta_file, smd, verbosity);
1471  }
1472  } catch (const std::exception& e) {
1473  ostringstream os;
1474  os << "Run-time error reading scattering data : \n" << e.what();
1475 #pragma omp critical(ybatchCalc_push_fail_msg)
1476  fail_msg.push_back(os.str());
1477  }
1479  //FIXME: currently nothing is done in chk_scattering_meta_data!
1480  chk_scattering_meta_data(smd, scat_meta_file, verbosity);
1482 #pragma omp critical(ScatSpeciesScatAndMetaRead_assign_ssd)
1483  arr_ssd[i] = std::move(ssd);
1484 #pragma omp critical(ScatSpeciesScatAndMetaRead_assign_smd)
1485  arr_smd[i] = std::move(smd);
1486  }
1488  if (fail_msg.nelem()) {
1489  ostringstream os;
1490  for (auto& msg : fail_msg) os << msg << '\n';
1492  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1493  }
1495  // check if arrays have same size
1496  chk_scattering_data(arr_ssd, arr_smd, verbosity);
1498  // append as new scattering species
1499  scat_data_raw.push_back(std::move(arr_ssd));
1500  scat_meta.push_back(std::move(arr_smd));
1501 }
1503 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
1504 void ScatElementsSelect( //WS Output:
1505  ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData& scat_data_raw,
1507  // WS Input:
1508  const ArrayOfString& scat_species,
1509  const String& species,
1510  const String& sizeparam,
1511  const Numeric& sizemin,
1512  const Numeric& sizemax,
1513  const Numeric& tolerance,
1514  const String& delim,
1515  const Verbosity&) {
1516  // first check that sizes of scat_species and scat_data_raw/scat_meta agree
1517  Index nspecies = scat_species.nelem();
1518  if (nspecies != scat_data_raw.nelem() || nspecies != scat_meta.nelem()) {
1519  ostringstream os;
1520  os << "Number of scattering species specified by scat_species does\n"
1521  << "not agree with number of scattering species in\n"
1522  << "scat_data_raw or scat_meta:\n"
1523  << "scat_species has " << nspecies
1524  << " entries, while scat_data_raw has " << scat_data_raw.nelem()
1525  << " and scat_meta has " << scat_meta.nelem() << ".";
1526  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1527  }
1529  // create temporary containers for selected elements
1530  ArrayOfSingleScatteringData scat_data_raw_tmp;
1531  ArrayOfScatteringMetaData scat_meta_tmp;
1533  String partfield_name;
1534  //find the species to handle: compare 'species' to 'partfield' part of
1535  //scat_species tags
1536  Index i_ss = -1;
1537  for (Index i = 0; i < scat_species.nelem(); i++) {
1538  parse_partfield_name(partfield_name, scat_species[i], delim);
1539  if (partfield_name == species) i_ss = i;
1540  }
1541  if (i_ss < 0) {
1542  ostringstream os;
1543  os << "Scattering species " << species << " not found among scat_species.";
1544  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1545  }
1547  // choosing the specified SingleScatteringData and ScatteringMetaData
1548  if (sizeparam == "diameter_max")
1549  for (Index i_se = 0; i_se < scat_meta[i_ss].nelem(); i_se++) {
1550  // scattering element diameter is extracted from the
1551  // scattering element's meta data and checked whether it's within size
1552  // selected range (sizemax < 0 check follows from wildcard usage and
1553  // means consider all sizes on the upper end)
1554  if (scat_meta[i_ss][i_se].diameter_max > sizemin - sizemin * tolerance &&
1555  (sizemax + sizemax * tolerance > scat_meta[i_ss][i_se].diameter_max ||
1556  sizemax < 0.)) {
1557  // copy selected scattering element to temp arrays
1558  scat_data_raw_tmp.push_back(scat_data_raw[i_ss][i_se]);
1559  scat_meta_tmp.push_back(scat_meta[i_ss][i_se]);
1560  }
1561  }
1562  else if (sizeparam == "diameter_volume_equ")
1563  for (Index i_se = 0; i_se < scat_meta[i_ss].nelem(); i_se++) {
1564  if (scat_meta[i_ss][i_se].diameter_volume_equ >
1565  sizemin - sizemin * tolerance &&
1566  (sizemax + sizemax * tolerance >
1567  scat_meta[i_ss][i_se].diameter_volume_equ ||
1568  sizemax < 0.)) {
1569  // copy selected scattering element to temp arrays
1570  scat_data_raw_tmp.push_back(scat_data_raw[i_ss][i_se]);
1571  scat_meta_tmp.push_back(scat_meta[i_ss][i_se]);
1572  }
1573  }
1574  else if (sizeparam == "diameter_area_equ_aerodynamical")
1575  for (Index i_se = 0; i_se < scat_meta[i_ss].nelem(); i_se++) {
1576  if (scat_meta[i_ss][i_se].diameter_area_equ_aerodynamical >
1577  sizemin - sizemin * tolerance &&
1578  (sizemax + sizemax * tolerance >
1579  scat_meta[i_ss][i_se].diameter_area_equ_aerodynamical ||
1580  sizemax < 0.)) {
1581  // copy selected scattering element to temp arrays
1582  scat_data_raw_tmp.push_back(scat_data_raw[i_ss][i_se]);
1583  scat_meta_tmp.push_back(scat_meta[i_ss][i_se]);
1584  }
1585  }
1586  else {
1587  ostringstream os;
1588  os << "Size parameter " << sizeparam << "is unknown.";
1589  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1590  }
1592  // To use a particle species field without associated scattering element
1593  // data poses a high risk of accidentially neglecting these species. That's
1594  // unlikely what the user intends. Hence throw error.
1595  if (scat_meta_tmp.nelem() < 1) {
1596  ostringstream os;
1597  os << "For scattering species " << species << " no scattering "
1598  << "element matching the requested size range found.\n"
1599  << "Check *scat_data_raw* and *scat_meta* input as well as your size limit "
1600  << "selection!";
1601  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1602  }
1604  scat_meta[i_ss] = std::move(scat_meta_tmp);
1605  scat_data_raw[i_ss] = std::move(scat_data_raw_tmp);
1607  // check if array is empty. should never apply (since we checked the re-worked
1608  // data before and that error should also catch cases that are empty from the
1609  // beginning).
1610  assert(TotalNumberOfElements(scat_meta));
1611 }
1613 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
1615  ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData& scat_data_raw,
1616  // Keywords:
1617  const ArrayOfString& scat_species,
1618  const String& species,
1619  const String& scat_species_delim,
1620  const Numeric& T_low,
1621  const Numeric& T_high,
1622  const Verbosity&) {
1623  const bool do_tl = (T_low >= 0.);
1624  const bool do_th = (T_high >= 0.);
1626  if (do_tl || do_th) {
1627  Index i_ss = -1;
1628  if (species == "") {
1629  i_ss = scat_data_raw.nelem() - 1;
1630  if (i_ss == -1) {
1631  ostringstream os;
1632  os << "No *scat_data* available. Can not extend temperature range on "
1633  << "inexistent data.";
1634  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1635  }
1636  } else {
1637  // first check that sizes of scat_species and scat_data_raw agree
1638  Index nspecies = scat_species.nelem();
1639  if (nspecies != scat_data_raw.nelem()) {
1640  ostringstream os;
1641  os << "Number of scattering species specified by scat_species does\n"
1642  << "not agree with number of scattering species in *scat_data*:\n"
1643  << "scat_species has " << nspecies
1644  << " entries, while *scat_data* has " << scat_data_raw.nelem()
1645  << ".";
1646  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1647  }
1648  String partfield_name;
1649  //find the species to handle: compare 'species' to 'partfield' part of
1650  //scat_species tags
1651  for (Index i = 0; i < scat_species.nelem(); i++) {
1653  partfield_name, scat_species[i], scat_species_delim);
1654  if (partfield_name == species) i_ss = i;
1655  }
1656  if (i_ss < 0) {
1657  ostringstream os;
1658  os << "Scattering species " << species
1659  << " not found among scat_species.";
1660  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1661  }
1662  }
1664  for (Index i_se = 0; i_se < scat_data_raw[i_ss].nelem(); i_se++) {
1665  const SingleScatteringData& ssdo = scat_data_raw[i_ss][i_se];
1666  const Index nTo = ssdo.T_grid.nelem();
1667  Index nTn = nTo;
1668  bool do_htl, do_hth;
1669  if (nTo > 1) {
1670  do_htl = (do_tl && (T_low < ssdo.T_grid[0]));
1671  do_hth = (do_th && (T_high > last(ssdo.T_grid)));
1672  } else {
1673  do_htl = false;
1674  do_hth = false;
1675  }
1677  if (do_htl || do_hth) {
1678  // create new instance of SingleScatteringData
1679  SingleScatteringData ssdn;
1680  Index iToff;
1682  // determine new temperature grid
1683  if (do_htl) nTn += 1;
1684  if (do_hth) nTn += 1;
1685  Vector T_grid_new(nTn);
1686  if (do_htl) {
1687  T_grid_new[0] = T_low;
1688  iToff = 1;
1689  } else {
1690  iToff = 0;
1691  }
1692  for (Index iT = 0; iT < nTo; iT++)
1693  T_grid_new[iT + iToff] = scat_data_raw[i_ss][i_se].T_grid[iT];
1694  if (do_hth) T_grid_new[nTo + iToff] = T_high;
1695  ssdn.T_grid = std::move(T_grid_new);
1697  // copy grids and other descriptive data that is to remain identical
1698  ssdn.ptype = ssdo.ptype;
1699  ostringstream description;
1700  description << ssdo.description; // here just copy. we append further
1701  // info below if applicable.
1702  ssdn.f_grid = ssdo.f_grid;
1703  ssdn.za_grid = ssdo.za_grid;
1704  ssdn.aa_grid = ssdo.aa_grid;
1706  // determine size of current optical property data
1707  const Index nf = ssdo.f_grid.nelem();
1708  const Index nzas = ssdo.pha_mat_data.nshelves();
1709  const Index naas = ssdo.pha_mat_data.nbooks();
1710  const Index nzai = ssdo.pha_mat_data.npages();
1711  const Index naai = ssdo.pha_mat_data.nrows();
1712  const Index nmep = ssdo.pha_mat_data.ncols();
1713  const Index nmee = ssdo.ext_mat_data.ncols();
1714  const Index nvea = ssdo.abs_vec_data.ncols();
1716  // create containers for extended optical property data
1717  ssdn.pha_mat_data.resize(nf, nTn, nzas, naas, nzai, naai, nmep);
1718  ssdn.ext_mat_data.resize(nf, nTn, nzai, naai, nmee);
1719  ssdn.abs_vec_data.resize(nf, nTn, nzai, naai, nvea);
1721  // copy optical property data
1722  for (Index iT = 0; iT < nTo; iT++) {
1723  ssdn.pha_mat_data(
1724  joker, iT + iToff, joker, joker, joker, joker, joker) =
1725  ssdo.pha_mat_data(joker, iT, joker, joker, joker, joker, joker);
1726  ssdn.ext_mat_data(joker, iT + iToff, joker, joker, joker) =
1727  ssdo.ext_mat_data(joker, iT, joker, joker, joker);
1728  ssdn.abs_vec_data(joker, iT + iToff, joker, joker, joker) =
1729  ssdo.abs_vec_data(joker, iT, joker, joker, joker);
1730  }
1732  // duplicate optical property data on T-edges if applicable
1733  if (do_htl) {
1734  ssdn.pha_mat_data(joker, 0, joker, joker, joker, joker, joker) =
1735  ssdn.pha_mat_data(joker, 1, joker, joker, joker, joker, joker);
1736  ssdn.ext_mat_data(joker, 0, joker, joker, joker) =
1737  ssdn.ext_mat_data(joker, 1, joker, joker, joker);
1738  ssdn.abs_vec_data(joker, 0, joker, joker, joker) =
1739  ssdn.abs_vec_data(joker, 1, joker, joker, joker);
1740  description << "\n"
1741  << "Low temperature limit extended by"
1742  << " duplicating previous low temperature limit"
1743  << " single scattering properties.";
1744  }
1745  if (do_hth) {
1746  ssdn.pha_mat_data(joker, nTn - 1, joker, joker, joker, joker, joker) =
1747  ssdn.pha_mat_data(
1748  joker, nTn - 2, joker, joker, joker, joker, joker);
1749  ssdn.ext_mat_data(joker, nTn - 1, joker, joker, joker) =
1750  ssdn.ext_mat_data(joker, nTn - 2, joker, joker, joker);
1751  ssdn.abs_vec_data(joker, nTn - 1, joker, joker, joker) =
1752  ssdn.abs_vec_data(joker, nTn - 2, joker, joker, joker);
1753  description << "\n"
1754  << "High temperature limit extended by"
1755  << " duplicating previous high temperature limit"
1756  << " single scattering properties.";
1757  }
1758  ssdn.description = description.str();
1759  scat_data_raw[i_ss][i_se] = std::move(ssdn);
1760  }
1761  }
1762  }
1763 }
1765 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
1767  Tensor4& pnd_field,
1768  ArrayOfTensor4& dpnd_field_dx,
1769  //WS Input
1770  const Vector& p_grid,
1771  const Vector& lat_grid,
1772  const Vector& lon_grid,
1773  const ArrayOfGriddedField3& pnd_field_raw,
1774  const Index& atmosphere_dim,
1775  const ArrayOfIndex& cloudbox_limits,
1776  const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity& jacobian_quantities,
1777  const Index& zeropadding,
1778  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
1779  // Basic checks of input variables
1780  //
1781  // Particle number density data
1782  //
1783  if (pnd_field_raw.empty()) {
1784  ostringstream os;
1785  os << "No particle number density data given. Please use WSMs\n"
1786  << "*ParticleTypeInit* and *ParticleTypeAdd(All)* for reading\n"
1787  << "scattering element data.\n";
1788  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1789  }
1791  chk_atm_grids(atmosphere_dim, p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid);
1792  ArrayOfIndex cloudbox_limits_tmp;
1793  /*if ( cloudbox_limits.empty() )
1794  {
1795  //If no limits set, the cloud(box) is supposed to cover the
1796  //complete atmosphere. This particularly to facilitate use of
1797  //scat_data_single&pnd_fields for non-scatt, greybody cloud calculations.
1798  //Hence, set the limits to first & last elements of the different grids.
1799  //Note: no margin left at lat/lon_grid edges!.
1800  cloudbox_limits_tmp.resize(2*atmosphere_dim);
1802  // Pressure limits
1803  cloudbox_limits_tmp[0] = 0;
1804  cloudbox_limits_tmp[1] = p_grid.nelem() - 1;
1805  // Latitude limits
1806  if( atmosphere_dim >= 2 )
1807  {
1808  cloudbox_limits_tmp[2] = 0;
1809  cloudbox_limits_tmp[3] = lat_grid.nelem() - 1;
1810  }
1811  // Longitude limits
1812  if( atmosphere_dim == 3 )
1813  {
1814  cloudbox_limits_tmp[4] = 0;
1815  cloudbox_limits_tmp[5] = lon_grid.nelem() - 1;
1816  }
1817  }
1818  else */
1819  if (cloudbox_limits.nelem() != 2 * atmosphere_dim)
1820  throw runtime_error(
1821  "*cloudbox_limits* is a vector which contains the"
1822  "upper and lower limit of the cloud for all "
1823  "atmospheric dimensions. So its dimension must"
1824  "be 2 x *atmosphere_dim*");
1825  else
1826  cloudbox_limits_tmp = cloudbox_limits;
1828  // Check that pnd_field_raw has at least 2 grid-points in each dimension.
1829  // Otherwise, interpolation further down will fail with assertion.
1831  for (Index d = 0; d < atmosphere_dim; d++) {
1832  for (Index i = 0; i < pnd_field_raw.nelem(); i++) {
1833  if (pnd_field_raw[i].get_grid_size(d) < 2) {
1834  ostringstream os;
1835  os << "Error in pnd_field_raw data. ";
1836  os << "Dimension " << d << " (name: \"";
1837  os << pnd_field_raw[i].get_grid_name(d);
1838  os << "\") has only ";
1839  os << pnd_field_raw[i].get_grid_size(d);
1840  os << " element";
1841  os << ((pnd_field_raw[i].get_grid_size(d) == 1) ? "" : "s");
1842  os << ". Must be at least 2.";
1843  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1844  }
1845  }
1846  }
1847  const Index Np_cloud = cloudbox_limits_tmp[1] - cloudbox_limits_tmp[0] + 1;
1849  ConstVectorView p_grid_cloud =
1850  p_grid[Range(cloudbox_limits_tmp[0], Np_cloud)];
1852  // Check that no scatterers exist outside the cloudbox
1853  chk_pnd_field_raw_only_in_cloudbox(atmosphere_dim,
1854  pnd_field_raw,
1855  p_grid,
1856  lat_grid,
1857  lon_grid,
1858  cloudbox_limits_tmp);
1860  //==========================================================================
1861  if (atmosphere_dim == 1) {
1862  ArrayOfGriddedField3 pnd_field_tmp;
1865  pnd_field_tmp, p_grid_cloud, pnd_field_raw, 1, zeropadding, verbosity);
1867  FieldFromGriddedField(pnd_field,
1868  p_grid_cloud,
1869  pnd_field_tmp[0].get_numeric_grid(1),
1870  pnd_field_tmp[0].get_numeric_grid(2),
1871  pnd_field_tmp,
1872  verbosity);
1873  } else if (atmosphere_dim == 2) {
1874  const Index Nlat_cloud =
1875  cloudbox_limits_tmp[3] - cloudbox_limits_tmp[2] + 1;
1877  ConstVectorView lat_grid_cloud =
1878  lat_grid[Range(cloudbox_limits_tmp[2], Nlat_cloud)];
1880  if (zeropadding) {
1881  // FIXME: OLE: Implement this
1882  CREATE_OUT0;
1883  out0 << "WARNING: zeropadding currently only supported for 1D.";
1884  }
1886  //Resize variables
1887  pnd_field.resize(pnd_field_raw.nelem(), Np_cloud, Nlat_cloud, 1);
1889  // Gridpositions:
1890  ArrayOfGridPos gp_p(Np_cloud);
1891  ArrayOfGridPos gp_lat(Nlat_cloud);
1893  // Interpolate pnd_field.
1894  // Loop over the scattering element:
1895  for (Index i = 0; i < pnd_field_raw.nelem(); ++i) {
1896  // Calculate grid positions:
1897  p2gridpos(gp_p,
1898  pnd_field_raw[i].get_numeric_grid(GFIELD3_P_GRID),
1899  p_grid_cloud);
1900  gridpos(gp_lat,
1901  pnd_field_raw[i].get_numeric_grid(GFIELD3_LAT_GRID),
1902  lat_grid_cloud);
1904  // Interpolation weights:
1905  Tensor3 itw(Np_cloud, Nlat_cloud, 4);
1906  interpweights(itw, gp_p, gp_lat);
1908  // Interpolate:
1909  interp(pnd_field(i, joker, joker, 0),
1910  itw,
1911  pnd_field_raw[i].data(joker, joker, 0),
1912  gp_p,
1913  gp_lat);
1914  }
1915  } else {
1916  const Index Nlat_cloud =
1917  cloudbox_limits_tmp[3] - cloudbox_limits_tmp[2] + 1;
1918  const Index Nlon_cloud =
1919  cloudbox_limits_tmp[5] - cloudbox_limits_tmp[4] + 1;
1921  if (zeropadding) {
1922  // FIXME: OLE: Implement this
1923  CREATE_OUT0;
1924  out0 << "WARNING: zeropadding currently only supported for 1D.";
1925  }
1927  ConstVectorView lat_grid_cloud =
1928  lat_grid[Range(cloudbox_limits_tmp[2], Nlat_cloud)];
1929  ConstVectorView lon_grid_cloud =
1930  lon_grid[Range(cloudbox_limits_tmp[4], Nlon_cloud)];
1932  //Resize variables
1933  pnd_field.resize(pnd_field_raw.nelem(), Np_cloud, Nlat_cloud, Nlon_cloud);
1935  // Gridpositions:
1936  ArrayOfGridPos gp_p(Np_cloud);
1937  ArrayOfGridPos gp_lat(Nlat_cloud);
1938  ArrayOfGridPos gp_lon(Nlon_cloud);
1940  // Interpolate pnd_field.
1941  // Loop over the scattering element types:
1942  for (Index i = 0; i < pnd_field_raw.nelem(); ++i) {
1943  // Calculate grid positions:
1944  p2gridpos(gp_p,
1945  pnd_field_raw[i].get_numeric_grid(GFIELD3_P_GRID),
1946  p_grid_cloud);
1947  gridpos(gp_lat,
1948  pnd_field_raw[i].get_numeric_grid(GFIELD3_LAT_GRID),
1949  lat_grid_cloud);
1950  gridpos(gp_lon,
1951  pnd_field_raw[i].get_numeric_grid(GFIELD3_LON_GRID),
1952  lon_grid_cloud);
1954  // Interpolation weights:
1955  Tensor4 itw(Np_cloud, Nlat_cloud, Nlon_cloud, 8);
1956  interpweights(itw, gp_p, gp_lat, gp_lon);
1958  // Interpolate:
1959  interp(pnd_field(i, joker, joker, joker),
1960  itw,
1961  pnd_field_raw[i].data,
1962  gp_p,
1963  gp_lat,
1964  gp_lon);
1965  }
1966  }
1968  // no (cloudy) Jacobians with this WSM, hence no calc.
1969  // but we need to size dpnd_field to be consistent with jacobian_quantities.
1970  dpnd_field_dx.resize(jacobian_quantities.nelem());
1971 }
1973 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
1974 void pnd_fieldExpand1D(Tensor4& pnd_field,
1975  const Index& atmosphere_dim,
1976  const Index& cloudbox_on,
1977  const ArrayOfIndex& cloudbox_limits,
1978  const Index& nzero,
1979  const Verbosity&) {
1980  /* if( !cloudbox_checked )
1981  throw runtime_error( "The cloudbox must be flagged to have passed a "
1982  "consistency check (cloudbox_checked=1)." );
1983 */
1984  if (atmosphere_dim == 1) {
1985  throw runtime_error("No use in calling this method for 1D.");
1986  }
1987  if (!cloudbox_on) {
1988  throw runtime_error("No use in calling this method with cloudbox off.");
1989  }
1991  if (nzero < 1) {
1992  throw runtime_error("The argument *nzero* must be > 0.");
1993  }
1995  // Sizes
1996  const Index npart = pnd_field.nbooks();
1997  const Index np = cloudbox_limits[1] - cloudbox_limits[0] + 1;
1998  const Index nlat = cloudbox_limits[3] - cloudbox_limits[2] + 1;
1999  Index nlon = 1;
2000  if (atmosphere_dim == 3) {
2001  nlon = cloudbox_limits[5] - cloudbox_limits[4] + 1;
2002  }
2004  if (pnd_field.npages() != np || pnd_field.nrows() != 1 ||
2005  pnd_field.ncols() != 1) {
2006  throw runtime_error(
2007  "The input *pnd_field* is either not 1D or does not "
2008  "match pressure size of cloudbox.");
2009  }
2011  // Temporary container
2012  Tensor4 pnd_temp = pnd_field;
2014  // Resize and fill
2015  pnd_field.resize(npart, np, nlat, nlon);
2016  pnd_field = 0;
2017  //
2018  for (Index ilon = nzero; ilon < nlon - nzero; ilon++) {
2019  for (Index ilat = nzero; ilat < nlat - nzero; ilat++) {
2020  for (Index ip = 0; ip < np; ip++) {
2021  for (Index is = 0; is < npart; is++) {
2022  pnd_field(is, ip, ilat, ilon) = pnd_temp(is, ip, 0, 0);
2023  }
2024  }
2025  }
2026  }
2027 }
2029 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
2030 void pnd_fieldZero( //WS Output:
2031  Tensor4& pnd_field,
2032  ArrayOfTensor4& dpnd_field_dx,
2034  //WS Input:
2035  const Index& atmosphere_dim,
2036  const Vector& f_grid,
2037  const ArrayOfIndex& cloudbox_limits,
2038  const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity& jacobian_quantities,
2039  const Verbosity&) {
2040  chk_if_in_range("atmosphere_dim", atmosphere_dim, 1, 3);
2042  if (cloudbox_limits.nelem() != 2 * atmosphere_dim)
2043  throw runtime_error(
2044  "*cloudbox_limits* is a vector which contains the"
2045  "upper and lower limit of the cloud for all "
2046  "atmospheric dimensions. So its dimension must"
2047  "be 2 x *atmosphere_dim*");
2049  // Resize pnd_field and set it to 0:
2050  Index np = cloudbox_limits[1] - cloudbox_limits[0] + 1;
2051  Index nlat = 1, nlon = 1;
2052  if (atmosphere_dim > 1) {
2053  nlat = cloudbox_limits[3] - cloudbox_limits[2] + 1;
2054  if (atmosphere_dim > 2) {
2055  nlon = cloudbox_limits[5] - cloudbox_limits[4] + 1;
2056  }
2057  }
2059  // no (cloudy) Jacobians with this WSM, hence no setting.
2060  // but we need to size dpnd_field to be consistent with jacobian_quantities.
2061  dpnd_field_dx.resize(jacobian_quantities.nelem());
2063  // Do only reset scat_data if it has not been set yet.
2064  // There's no need otherwise, and it's rather unpractical for testing when
2065  // doing so: we might want to do some actual calcs with the scat_data later
2066  // on. So why throw it away?
2067  const Index N_se = TotalNumberOfElements(scat_data);
2068  if (N_se > 0) {
2069  pnd_field.resize(N_se, np, nlat, nlon);
2070  } else {
2071  pnd_field.resize(1, np, nlat, nlon);
2073  //Resize scat_data and set it to 0:
2074  // Number of scattering elements
2075  scat_data.resize(1);
2076  scat_data[0].resize(1);
2077  scat_data[0][0].ptype = PTYPE_TOTAL_RND;
2078  scat_data[0][0].description = " ";
2079  // Grids which contain full ranges which one wants to calculate
2080  Index nf = f_grid.nelem();
2081  scat_data[0][0].f_grid.resize(nf);
2082  scat_data[0][0].f_grid = f_grid;
2083  Index nT = 1;
2084  scat_data[0][0].T_grid.resize(nT);
2085  scat_data[0][0].T_grid = 270.;
2086  Index nza = 5;
2087  nlinspace(scat_data[0][0].za_grid, 0, 180, nza);
2088  // Resize the data arrays
2089  scat_data[0][0].pha_mat_data.resize(nf, nT, nza, 1, 1, 1, 6);
2090  scat_data[0][0].pha_mat_data = 0.;
2091  scat_data[0][0].ext_mat_data.resize(nf, nT, 1, 1, 1);
2092  scat_data[0][0].ext_mat_data = 0.;
2093  scat_data[0][0].abs_vec_data.resize(nf, nT, 1, 1, 1);
2094  scat_data[0][0].abs_vec_data = 0.;
2095  }
2097  pnd_field = 0.;
2098 }
The type to use for all integer numbers and indices.
Definition: matpack.h:39
void cloudboxSetManually(Index &cloudbox_on, ArrayOfIndex &cloudbox_limits, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const Vector &p_grid, const Vector &lat_grid, const Vector &lon_grid, const Numeric &p1, const Numeric &p2, const Numeric &lat1, const Numeric &lat2, const Numeric &lon1, const Numeric &lon2, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: cloudboxSetManually.
void cloudboxSetManuallyAltitude(Index &cloudbox_on, ArrayOfIndex &cloudbox_limits, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const Tensor3 &z_field, const Vector &lat_grid, const Vector &lon_grid, const Numeric &z1, const Numeric &z2, const Numeric &lat1, const Numeric &lat2, const Numeric &lon1, const Numeric &lon2, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: cloudboxSetManuallyAltitude.
const Numeric DENSITY_OF_ICE
const Numeric RAD2DEG
const Numeric LAT_LON_MIN
The Agenda class.
Definition: agenda_class.h:44
const Numeric PI
void chk_scattering_data(const ArrayOfSingleScatteringData &scat_data, const ArrayOfScatteringMetaData &scat_meta, const Verbosity &)
Check scattering data general.
Index nelem() const
Number of elements.
Definition: array.h:195
void resize(Index s, Index b, Index p, Index r, Index c)
Resize function.
void scat_dataCheck(const ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData &scat_data, const String &check_type, const Numeric &threshold, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: scat_dataCheck.
Declarations having to do with the four output streams.
void chk_if_increasing(const String &x_name, const ArrayOfIndex &x)
void gridpos_upperend_check(GridPos &gp, const Index &ie)
The Vector class.
Definition: matpackI.h:860
#define abs(x)
Numeric interp(ConstVectorView itw, ConstVectorView a, const GridPos &tc)
Red 1D Interpolate.
void cloudboxSetAutomatically(Index &cloudbox_on, ArrayOfIndex &cloudbox_limits, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const Vector &p_grid, const Vector &lat_grid, const Vector &lon_grid, const Tensor4 &particle_field, const ArrayOfIndex &cloudbox_limits_old, const Numeric &cloudbox_margin, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: cloudboxSetAutomatically.
void ScatSpeciesScatAndMetaRead(ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData &scat_data_raw, ArrayOfArrayOfScatteringMetaData &scat_meta, const ArrayOfString &scat_data_files, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: ScatSpeciesScatAndMetaRead.
The Tensor4 class.
Definition: matpackIV.h:421
Numeric last(ConstVectorView x)
The range class.
Definition: matpackI.h:160
void chk_pnd_field_raw_only_in_cloudbox(const Index &dim, const ArrayOfGriddedField3 &pnd_field_raw, ConstVectorView p_grid, ConstVectorView lat_grid, ConstVectorView lon_grid, const ArrayOfIndex &cloudbox_limits)
Index nrows() const
Returns the number of rows.
Linear algebra functions.
Index npages() const
Returns the number of pages.
Internal functions for microphysics calculations (size distributions etc.)
bool empty() const
Returns true if variable size is zero.
Numeric fractional_gp(const GridPos &gp)
void abs_speciesAdd(ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_species, Index &propmat_clearsky_agenda_checked, Index &abs_xsec_agenda_checked, const ArrayOfString &names, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: abs_speciesAdd.
This file contains basic functions to handle XML data files.
void p2gridpos(ArrayOfGridPos &gp, ConstVectorView old_pgrid, ConstVectorView new_pgrid, const Numeric &extpolfac)
Calculates grid positions for pressure values.
The Tensor7 class.
Definition: matpackVII.h:2382
This file contains basic functions to handle ASCII files.
void find_xml_file(String &filename, const Verbosity &verbosity)
Find an xml file.
Header file for
#define min(a, b)
G0 G2 FVC Y DV Numeric Numeric Numeric Zeeman LowerQuantumNumbers void * data
Index nrows() const
Returns the number of rows.
bool is_gridpos_at_index_i(const GridPos &gp, const Index &i, const bool &strict)
Index nelem() const
Returns the number of elements.
void cloudbox_fieldCrop(Tensor7 &cloudbox_field, ArrayOfIndex &cloudbox_limits, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const Index &cloudbox_on, const Index &new_limit0, const Index &new_limit1, const Index &new_limit2, const Index &new_limit3, const Index &new_limit4, const Index &new_limit5, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: cloudbox_fieldCrop.
Contains sorting routines.
void chk_interpolation_grids(const String &which_interpolation, ConstVectorView old_grid, ConstVectorView new_grid, const Index order, const Numeric &extpolfac, const bool islog)
Check interpolation grids.
Structure to store a grid position.
Definition: interpolation.h:73
Numeric barometric_heightformula(const Numeric &p, const Numeric &dh)
This file contains the definition of Array.
const Index GFIELD3_LON_GRID
Index ncols() const
Returns the number of columns.
void cloudboxOff(Index &cloudbox_on, Index &ppath_inside_cloudbox_do, ArrayOfIndex &cloudbox_limits, Agenda &iy_cloudbox_agenda, Tensor4 &pnd_field, ArrayOfTensor4 &dpnd_field_dx, ArrayOfString &scat_species, ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData &scat_data, ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData &scat_data_raw, Index &scat_data_checked, Matrix &particle_masses, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, const Verbosity &)
void pnd_fieldZero(Tensor4 &pnd_field, ArrayOfTensor4 &dpnd_field_dx, ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData &scat_data, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const Vector &f_grid, const ArrayOfIndex &cloudbox_limits, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: pnd_fieldZero.
The Tensor3 class.
Definition: matpackIII.h:339
Index TotalNumberOfElements(const Array< Array< base > > &aa)
Determine total number of elements in an ArrayOfArray.
Definition: array.h:343
The global header file for ARTS.
#define DEBUG_ONLY(...)
Definition: debug.h:36
const Index GFIELD3_LAT_GRID
void chk_pnd_raw_data(const ArrayOfGriddedField3 &pnd_field_raw, const String &pnd_field_file, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const Verbosity &verbosity)
Check particle number density files (pnd_field_raw)
void ScatSpeciesExtendTemperature(ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData &scat_data_raw, const ArrayOfString &scat_species, const String &species, const String &scat_species_delim, const Numeric &T_low, const Numeric &T_high, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: ScatSpeciesExtendTemperature.
bool is_same_within_epsilon(const Numeric &a, const Numeric &b, const Numeric &epsilon)
Check, if two numbers agree within a given epsilon.
_CS_string_type str() const
Definition: sstream.h:491
void ScatElementsToabs_speciesAdd(ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData &scat_data_raw, ArrayOfGriddedField3 &vmr_field_raw, ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_species, Index &propmat_clearsky_agenda_checked, Index &abs_xsec_agenda_checked, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const Vector &f_grid, const ArrayOfString &scat_data_files, const ArrayOfString &pnd_field_files, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: ScatElementsToabs_speciesAdd.
void nlinspace(Vector &x, const Numeric start, const Numeric stop, const Index n)
void ScatSpeciesPndAndScatAdd(ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData &scat_data_raw, ArrayOfGriddedField3 &pnd_field_raw, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const ArrayOfString &scat_data_files, const String &pnd_fieldarray_file, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: ScatSpeciesPndAndScatAdd.
#define CREATE_OUT1
Definition: messages.h:205
void FieldFromGriddedField(Matrix &field_out, const Vector &p_grid, const Vector &lat_grid, const Vector &lon_grid, const GriddedField2 &gfraw_in, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: FieldFromGriddedField.
void gridpos(ArrayOfGridPos &gp, ConstVectorView old_grid, ConstVectorView new_grid, const Numeric &extpolfac)
Set up a grid position Array.
void pnd_fieldExpand1D(Tensor4 &pnd_field, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const Index &cloudbox_on, const ArrayOfIndex &cloudbox_limits, const Index &nzero, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: pnd_fieldExpand1D.
void xml_read_from_file(const String &filename, T &type, const Verbosity &verbosity)
Reads data from XML file.
void ScatElementsPndAndScatAdd(ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData &scat_data_raw, ArrayOfGriddedField3 &pnd_field_raw, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const ArrayOfString &scat_data_files, const ArrayOfString &pnd_field_files, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: ScatElementsPndAndScatAdd.
const Joker joker
void GriddedFieldPRegrid(GriddedField3 &gfraw_out, const Vector &p_grid, const GriddedField3 &gfraw_in_orig, const Index &interp_order, const Index &zeropadding, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: GriddedFieldPRegrid.
Index idx
Definition: interpolation.h:74
The type to use for all floating point numbers.
Definition: matpack.h:33
The Matrix class.
Definition: matpackI.h:1193
Index nlibraries() const
Returns the number of libraries.
void gridpos_poly(ArrayOfGridPosPoly &gp, ConstVectorView old_grid, ConstVectorView new_grid, const Index order, const Numeric &extpolfac)
The maximum difference from 1 that we allow for a sum check.
bool file_exists(const String &filename)
Checks if the given file exists.
void ScatElementsSelect(ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData &scat_data_raw, ArrayOfArrayOfScatteringMetaData &scat_meta, const ArrayOfString &scat_species, const String &species, const String &sizeparam, const Numeric &sizemin, const Numeric &sizemax, const Numeric &tolerance, const String &delim, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: ScatElementsSelect.
void chk_scattering_meta_data(const ScatteringMetaData &scat_meta_single, const String &scat_meta_file, const Verbosity &verbosity)
Check scattering data meta.
void gridpos_poly_cyclic_longitudinal(ArrayOfGridPosPoly &gp, ConstVectorView old_grid, ConstVectorView new_grid, const Index order, const Numeric &extpolfac)
Set up grid positions for higher order interpolation.
Header file for
void pnd_fieldCalcFrompnd_field_raw(Tensor4 &pnd_field, ArrayOfTensor4 &dpnd_field_dx, const Vector &p_grid, const Vector &lat_grid, const Vector &lon_grid, const ArrayOfGriddedField3 &pnd_field_raw, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const ArrayOfIndex &cloudbox_limits, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, const Index &zeropadding, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: pnd_fieldCalcFrompnd_field_raw.
Header file for
void chk_scat_species_field(bool &empty_flag, const Tensor3 &scat_species_field, const String &fieldname, const Index &dim, const Vector &p_grid, const Vector &lat_grid, const Vector &lon_grid)
Check whether field of a specific scattering species zero everywhere.
basic_ostringstream< char, string_char_traits< char >, alloc > ostringstream
Definition: sstream.h:204
Index npages() const
Returns the number of pages.
Definition: matpackIII.h:144
This can be used to make arrays out of anything.
Definition: array.h:40
void split(Array< my_basic_string< charT > > &aos, const my_basic_string< charT > &delim) const
Split string into substrings.
Definition: mystring.h:206
void rte_pos2gridpos(GridPos &gp_p, GridPos &gp_lat, GridPos &gp_lon, const Index &atmosphere_dim, ConstVectorView p_grid, ConstVectorView lat_grid, ConstVectorView lon_grid, ConstTensor3View z_field, ConstVectorView rte_pos)
Converts a geographical position (rte_pos) to grid positions for p, lat and lon.
void chk_if_in_range(const String &x_name, const Index &x, const Index &x_low, const Index &x_high)
void set_name(const String &nname)
Set agenda name.
void parse_partfield_name(String &partfield_name, const String &part_string, const String &delim)
bool empty() const
Check if variable is empty.
const Index GFIELD3_P_GRID
#define max(a, b)
void iyInterpCloudboxField(Matrix &iy, const Tensor7 &cloudbox_field, const Vector &rte_pos, const Vector &rte_los, const Index &jacobian_do, const Index &cloudbox_on, const ArrayOfIndex &cloudbox_limits, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const Vector &p_grid, const Vector &lat_grid, const Vector &lon_grid, const Tensor3 &z_field, const Matrix &z_surface, const Index &stokes_dim, const Vector &za_grid, const Vector &aa_grid, const Vector &f_grid, const Index &za_interp_order, const Index &za_restrict, const Index &cos_za_interp, const Numeric &za_extpolfac, const Index &aa_interp_order, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: iyInterpCloudboxField.
A constant view of a Vector.
Definition: matpackI.h:476
void particle_fieldCleanup(Tensor4 &particle_field_out, const Tensor4 &particle_field_in, const Numeric &threshold, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: particle_fieldCleanup.
Index nshelves() const
Returns the number of shelves.
Index nelem(const Lines &l)
Number of lines.
Index npages() const
Returns the number of pages.
Index nbooks() const
Returns the number of books.
void chk_pnd_data(const GriddedField3 &pnd_field_raw, const String &pnd_field_file, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const Verbosity &verbosity)
Check particle number density files.
Implementation of gridded fields.
void cloudboxSetFullAtm(Index &cloudbox_on, ArrayOfIndex &cloudbox_limits, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const Vector &p_grid, const Vector &lat_grid, const Vector &lon_grid, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: cloudboxSetFullAtm.
Structure to store a grid position for higher order interpolation.
Index ncols() const
Returns the number of columns.
#define CREATE_OUT0
Definition: messages.h:204
#define CREATE_OUT3
Definition: messages.h:207
bool is_size(ConstVectorView x, const Index &n)
Verifies that the size of x is l.
Index nvitrines() const
Returns the number of vitrines.
Index ncols() const
Returns the number of columns.
Internal cloudbox functions.
This file contains header information for the dealing with command line parameters.
Index ncols() const
Returns the number of columns.
const Numeric DEG2RAD
void interpweights(VectorView itw, const GridPos &tc)
Red 1D interpolation weights.
void resize(Index l, Index v, Index s, Index b, Index p, Index r, Index c)
Resize function.
void chk_atm_grids(const Index &dim, ConstVectorView p_grid, ConstVectorView lat_grid, ConstVectorView lon_grid)
#define CREATE_OUT2
Definition: messages.h:206
void find_cloudlimits(Index &lower, Index &upper, const Tensor3 &scat_species_field, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const Numeric &cloudbox_margin)
Adjust uppermost and lowermost cloudy level for one scat_species_*_*_field.
Scattering database structure and functions.
This file contains declerations of functions of physical character.
Index nrows() const
Returns the number of rows.
Index nbooks() const
Returns the number of books.
void resize(Index b, Index p, Index r, Index c)
Resize function.
void ScatSpeciesInit(ArrayOfString &scat_species, ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData &scat_data_raw, ArrayOfArrayOfScatteringMetaData &scat_meta, Index &scat_data_checked, ArrayOfGriddedField3 &pnd_field_raw, const Verbosity &)
Declaration of functions in
void resize(Index r, Index c)
Resize function.