ARTS  2.3.1285(git:92a29ea9-dirty)
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Stefan Buehler <>
3  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
5  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
6  License, or (at your option) any later version.
8  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11  GNU General Public License for more details.
13  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
15  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
16  USA. */
26 #include <algorithm>
27 #include <limits>
28 #include <map>
30 #include "absorption.h"
31 #include "agenda_class.h"
32 #include "arts.h"
33 #include "arts_omp.h"
34 #include "auto_md.h"
35 #include "check_input.h"
36 #include "cloudbox.h"
37 #include "gas_abs_lookup.h"
38 #include "global_data.h"
39 #include "interpolation_poly.h"
40 #include "math_funcs.h"
41 #include "matpackV.h"
42 #include "messages.h"
43 #include "physics_funcs.h"
44 #include "rng.h"
46 extern const Index GFIELD4_FIELD_NAMES;
47 extern const Index GFIELD4_P_GRID;
49 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
50 void abs_lookupInit(GasAbsLookup& x, const Verbosity& verbosity) {
51  ArtsOut2 out2(verbosity);
52  // Nothing to do here.
53  // That means, we rely on the default constructor.
55  x = GasAbsLookup();
56  out2 << " Created an empty gas absorption lookup table.\n";
57 }
59 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
60 void abs_lookupCalc( // Workspace reference:
61  Workspace& ws,
62  // WS Output:
63  GasAbsLookup& abs_lookup,
64  Index& abs_lookup_is_adapted,
65  // WS Input:
66  const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag& abs_species,
67  const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag& abs_nls,
68  const Vector& f_grid,
69  const Vector& abs_p,
70  const Matrix& abs_vmrs,
71  const Vector& abs_t,
72  const Vector& abs_t_pert,
73  const Vector& abs_nls_pert,
74  const Agenda& abs_xsec_agenda,
75  // Verbosity object:
76  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
80  // We need this temporary variable to make a local copy of all VMRs,
81  // where we then perturb the H2O profile as needed
82  Matrix these_all_vmrs = abs_vmrs;
84  // We will be calling an absorption agenda one species at a
85  // time. This is better than doing all simultaneously, because is
86  // saves memory and allows for consistent treatment of nonlinear
87  // species. But it means we need local copies of species, line list,
88  // and line shapes for agenda communication.
90  // 1. Output of absorption calculations:
92  // Absorption coefficients:
93  Matrix these_abs_coef;
95  // Absorption cross sections per tag group.
96  ArrayOfMatrix abs_xsec_per_species, src_xsec_per_species;
97  ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix dabs_xsec_per_species_dx, dsrc_xsec_per_species_dx;
99  // 2. Determine various important sizes:
100  const Index n_species = abs_species.nelem(); // Number of abs species
101  const Index n_nls = abs_nls.nelem(); // Number of nonlinear species
102  const Index n_f_grid = f_grid.nelem(); // Number of frequency grid points
103  const Index n_p_grid = abs_p.nelem(); // Number of presure grid points
104  const Index n_t_pert = abs_t_pert.nelem(); // Number of temp. perturbations
105  const Index n_nls_pert = abs_nls_pert.nelem(); // Number of VMR pert. for NLS
107  // 3. Input to absorption calculations:
109  // Absorption vmrs and temperature:
110  Matrix this_vmr(1, n_p_grid);
111  Vector abs_h2o(n_p_grid);
112  Vector this_t; // Has same dimension, but is
113  // initialized by assignment later.
114  const EnergyLevelMap this_nlte_dummy;
116  // Species list, lines, and line shapes, all with only 1 element:
117  ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag this_species(1);
119  // List of active species for agenda call. Will always be filled with only
120  // one species.
121  ArrayOfIndex abs_species_active(1);
123  // Local copy of nls_pert and t_pert:
124  Vector these_nls_pert; // Is resized every time when used
125  Vector these_t_pert; // Is resized later on
127  // 4. Checks of input parameter correctness:
129  const Index h2o_index = find_first_species_tg(
130  abs_species, species_index_from_species_name("H2O"));
132  if (h2o_index < 0) {
133  // If there are nonlinear species, then at least one species must be
134  // H2O. We will use that to set h2o_abs, and to perturb in the case
135  // of nonlinear species.
136  if (n_nls > 0) {
137  ostringstream os;
138  os << "If you have nonlinear species, at least one\n"
139  << "species must be a H2O species.";
140  throw runtime_error(os.str());
141  } else {
142  out2 << " You have no H2O species. Absorption continua will not work.\n"
143  << " You should get a runtime error if you try them anyway.\n";
144  }
145  }
147  // abs_species, f_grid, and p_grid should not be empty:
148  if (0 == n_species || 0 == n_f_grid || 0 == n_p_grid) {
149  ostringstream os;
150  os << "One of the required input variables is empty:\n"
151  << "abs_species.nelem() = " << n_species << ",\n"
152  << "f_grid.nelem() = " << n_f_grid << ",\n"
153  << "abs_p.nelem() = " << n_p_grid << ".";
154  throw runtime_error(os.str());
155  }
157  // Set up the index array abs_nls from the tag array
158  // abs_nls. Give an error message if these
159  // tags are not included in abs_species.
160  ArrayOfIndex abs_nls_idx;
161  for (Index i = 0; i < n_nls; ++i) {
162  Index s;
163  for (s = 0; s < n_species; ++s) {
164  if (abs_nls[i] == abs_species[s]) {
165  abs_nls_idx.push_back(s);
166  break;
167  }
168  }
169  if (s == n_species) {
170  ostringstream os;
171  os << "Did not find *abs_nls* tag group \""
172  << get_tag_group_name(abs_nls[i]) << "\" in *abs_species*.";
173  throw runtime_error(os.str());
174  }
175  }
177  // Furthermore abs_nls_idx must not contain duplicate values:
178  if (!is_unique(abs_nls_idx)) {
179  ostringstream os;
180  os << "The variable *abs_nls* must not have duplicate species.\n"
181  << "Value of *abs_nls*: " << abs_nls_idx;
182  throw runtime_error(os.str());
183  }
185  // VMR matrix must match species list and pressure levels:
186  chk_size("abs_vmrs", abs_vmrs, n_species, n_p_grid);
188  // Temperature vector must match number of pressure levels:
189  chk_size("abs_t", abs_t, n_p_grid);
191  // abs_nls_pert should only be not-empty if we have nonlinear species:
192  if (((0 == n_nls) && (0 != n_nls_pert)) ||
193  ((0 != n_nls) && (0 == n_nls_pert))) {
194  ostringstream os;
195  os << "You have to set both abs_nls and abs_nls_pert, or none.";
196  throw runtime_error(os.str());
197  }
199  // 4.a Set up a logical array for the nonlinear species.
200  ArrayOfIndex non_linear(n_species, 0);
201  for (Index s = 0; s < n_nls; ++s) {
202  non_linear[abs_nls_idx[s]] = 1;
203  }
205  // 5. Set general lookup table properties:
206  abs_lookup.species = abs_species; // Species list
207  abs_lookup.nonlinear_species =
208  abs_nls_idx; // Nonlinear species (e.g., H2O, O2)
209  abs_lookup.f_grid = f_grid; // Frequency grid
210  abs_lookup.p_grid = abs_p; // Pressure grid
211  abs_lookup.vmrs_ref = abs_vmrs;
212  abs_lookup.t_ref = abs_t;
213  abs_lookup.t_pert = abs_t_pert;
214  abs_lookup.nls_pert = abs_nls_pert;
216  // 5.a. Set log_p_grid:
217  abs_lookup.log_p_grid.resize(n_p_grid);
218  transform(abs_lookup.log_p_grid, log, abs_lookup.p_grid);
220  // 6. Create abs_lookup.xsec with the right dimensions:
221  {
222  Index a, b, c, d;
224  if (0 == n_t_pert)
225  a = 1;
226  else
227  a = n_t_pert;
229  b = n_species + n_nls * (n_nls_pert - 1);
231  c = n_f_grid;
233  d = n_p_grid;
235  abs_lookup.xsec.resize(a, b, c, d);
236  abs_lookup.xsec = NAN;
237  }
239  // 6.a. Set up these_t_pert. This is done so that we can use the
240  // same loop over the perturbations, independent of
241  // whether we have temperature perturbations or not.
242  if (0 != n_t_pert) {
243  out2 << " With temperature perturbations.\n";
244  these_t_pert.resize(n_t_pert);
245  these_t_pert = abs_t_pert;
246  } else {
247  out2 << " No temperature perturbations.\n";
248  these_t_pert.resize(1);
249  these_t_pert = 0;
250  }
252  const Index these_t_pert_nelem = these_t_pert.nelem();
254  // 7. Now we have to fill abs_lookup.xsec with the right values!
256  String fail_msg;
257  bool failed = false;
259  // We have to make a local copy of the Workspace and the agenda because
260  // only non-reference types can be declared firstprivate in OpenMP
261  Workspace l_ws(ws);
262  Agenda l_abs_xsec_agenda(abs_xsec_agenda);
264  // Loop species:
265  for (Index i = 0, spec = 0; i < n_species; ++i) {
266  // Skipping Zeeman and free_electrons species.
267  // (Mixed tag groups between those and other species are not allowed.)
268  if (is_zeeman(abs_species[i]) ||
269  abs_species[i][0].Type() == SpeciesTag::TYPE_FREE_ELECTRONS ||
270  abs_species[i][0].Type() == SpeciesTag::TYPE_PARTICLES) {
271  spec++;
272  continue;
273  }
275  // spec is the index for the second dimension of abs_lookup.xsec.
277  // Prepare absorption agenda input for this species:
278  out2 << " Doing species " << i + 1 << " of " << n_species << ": "
279  << abs_species[i] << ".\n";
281  // Set active species:
282  abs_species_active[0] = i;
284  // Get a dummy list of tag groups with only the current element:
285  this_species[0].resize(abs_species[i].nelem());
286  this_species[0] = abs_species[i];
288  // Set up these_nls_pert. This is done so that we can use the
289  // same loop over the perturbations, independent of
290  // whether we have nonlinear species or not.
291  if (non_linear[i]) {
292  out2 << " This is a species with H2O VMR perturbations.\n";
293  these_nls_pert.resize(n_nls_pert);
294  these_nls_pert = abs_nls_pert;
295  } else {
296  these_nls_pert.resize(1);
297  these_nls_pert = 1;
298  }
300  // Loop these_nls_pert:
301  for (Index s = 0; s < these_nls_pert.nelem(); ++s, ++spec) {
302  // Remember, spec is the index for the second dimension of
303  // abs_lookup.xsec
305  if (non_linear[i]) {
306  out2 << " Doing H2O VMR variant " << s + 1 << " of " << n_nls_pert
307  << ": " << abs_nls_pert[s] << ".\n";
308  }
310  // Make a local copy of the VMRs, and manipulate the H2O VMR within it.
311  // Note: We do not need a runtime error check that h2o_index is ok here,
312  // because earlier on we throw an error if there is no H2O species although we
313  // need it. So, if h2o_indes is -1, we here simply assume that there
314  // should not be a perturbation
315  if (h2o_index >= 0) {
316  these_all_vmrs(h2o_index, joker) = abs_vmrs(h2o_index, joker);
317  these_all_vmrs(h2o_index, joker) *=
318  these_nls_pert[s]; // Add perturbation
319  }
321  // VMR for this species (still needed by interfact to continua):
322  // FIXME: This variable may go away eventually, when the continuum
323  // part no longer needs it.
324  this_vmr(0, joker) = these_all_vmrs(i, joker);
326  // For abs_h2o, we can always add the perturbations (it will
327  // not make a difference if the species itself is also H2O).
328  // Attention, we need to treat here also the case that there
329  // is no H2O species. We will then set abs_h2o to
330  // -1. Absorption routines that do not really need abs_h2o
331  // will still run.
332  //
333  // FIXME: abs_h2o is currently still needed by the continuum part.
334  // Should go away eventually.
335  if (h2o_index == -1) {
336  // The case without H2O species.
337  abs_h2o.resize(1);
338  abs_h2o = -1;
339  } else {
340  // The normal case.
341  abs_h2o = these_all_vmrs(h2o_index, joker);
342  }
344  // Loop temperature perturbations
345  // ------------------------------
347  // We use a parallel for loop for this.
349  // There is something strange here: abs_lookup seems to be
350  // "shared" by default, although I have set default(none). I
351  // suspect that the reason for this behavior is that
352  // abs_lookup is a return by reference parameter of this
353  // function. Anyway, shared is the correct setting for
354  // abs_lookup, so there is no problem.
356 #pragma omp parallel for if ( \
357  !arts_omp_in_parallel() && \
358  these_t_pert_nelem >= \
359  arts_omp_get_max_threads()) private(this_t, \
360  abs_xsec_per_species, \
361  src_xsec_per_species, \
362  dabs_xsec_per_species_dx, \
363  dsrc_xsec_per_species_dx) \
364  firstprivate(l_ws, l_abs_xsec_agenda)
365  for (Index j = 0; j < these_t_pert_nelem; ++j) {
366  // Skip remaining iterations if an error occurred
367  if (failed) continue;
369  // The try block here is necessary to correctly handle
370  // exceptions inside the parallel region.
371  try {
372  if (0 != n_t_pert) {
373  // We first prepare the output in a string here,
374  // so that we can write it to out3 with a single
375  // operation. This avoids messy output from
376  // multiple threads.
377  ostringstream os;
379  os << " Doing temperature variant " << j + 1 << " of " << n_t_pert
380  << ": " << these_t_pert[j] << ".\n";
382  out3 << os.str();
383  }
385  // Create perturbed temperature profile:
386  this_t = abs_lookup.t_ref;
387  this_t += these_t_pert[j];
389  // Call agenda to calculate absorption:
391  abs_xsec_per_species,
392  src_xsec_per_species,
393  dabs_xsec_per_species_dx,
394  dsrc_xsec_per_species_dx,
395  abs_species,
397  abs_species_active,
398  f_grid,
399  abs_p,
400  this_t,
401  this_nlte_dummy,
402  these_all_vmrs,
403  l_abs_xsec_agenda);
405  // Store in the right place:
406  // Loop through all altitudes
407  for (Index p = 0; p < n_p_grid; ++p) {
408  abs_lookup.xsec(j, spec, Range(joker), p) =
409  abs_xsec_per_species[i](Range(joker), p);
411  // There used to be a division by the number density
412  // n here. This is no longer necessary, since
413  // abs_xsec_per_species now contains true absorption
414  // cross sections.
416  // IMPORTANT: There was a bug in my old Matlab
417  // function "create_lookup.m" to generate the lookup
418  // table. (The number density was always the
419  // reference one, and did not change for different
420  // temperatures.) Patricks Atmlab function
421  // "arts_abstable_from_arts1.m" did *not* have this bug.
423  // Calculate the number density for the given pressure and
424  // temperature:
425  // n = n0*T0/p0 * p/T or n = p/kB/t, ideal gas law
426  // const Numeric n = number_density( abs_lookup.p_grid[p],
427  // this_t[p] );
428  // abs_lookup.xsec( j, spec, Range(joker), p ) /= n;
429  }
430  } // end of try block
431  catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
432 #pragma omp critical(abs_lookupCalc_fail)
433  {
434  fail_msg = e.what();
435  failed = true;
436  }
437  }
438  } // end of parallel for loop
440  if (failed) throw runtime_error(fail_msg);
441  }
442  }
444  // 6. Initialize fgp_default.
445  abs_lookup.fgp_default.resize(f_grid.nelem());
446  gridpos_poly(abs_lookup.fgp_default, abs_lookup.f_grid, abs_lookup.f_grid, 0);
448  // Set the abs_lookup_is_adapted flag. After all, the table fits the
449  // current frequency grid and species selection.
450  abs_lookup_is_adapted = 1;
451 }
472  const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag& abs_species,
473  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
476  cont.resize(0);
478  // This is quite complicated, unfortunately. The approach here
479  // is copied from abs_xsec_per_speciesAddConts. For explanation,
480  // see there.
482  // Loop tag groups:
483  for (Index i = 0; i < abs_species.nelem(); ++i) {
484  // Loop tags in tag group
485  for (Index s = 0; s < abs_species[i].nelem(); ++s) {
486  // Check for continuum tags
487  if (abs_species[i][s].Type() == SpeciesTag::TYPE_PREDEF ||
488  abs_species[i][s].Type() == SpeciesTag::TYPE_CIA) {
489  const String thisname = abs_species[i][s].Name();
490  // Ok, now we know this is a continuum tag.
491  out3 << " Continuum tag: " << thisname;
493  // Check whether we want nonlinear treatment for
494  // this or not. We have three classes of continua:
495  // 1. Those that we know do not require it
496  // 2. Those that we know require h2o_abs
497  // 3. Those for which we do not know
499  // The list here is not at all perfect, just a first
500  // guess. If you need particular models, you better
501  // check that the right thing is done with your model.
503  // 1. Continua known to not use h2o_abs
504  // We take also H2O itself here, since this is
505  // handled separately
506  if (species_index_from_species_name("H2O") ==
507  abs_species[i][s].Species() ||
508  "N2-" == thisname.substr(0, 3) || "CO2-" == thisname.substr(0, 4) ||
509  "O2-CIA" == thisname.substr(0, 6) ||
510  "O2-v0v" == thisname.substr(0, 6) ||
511  "O2-v1v" == thisname.substr(0, 6) ||
512  "H2-CIA" == thisname.substr(0, 6) ||
513  "He-CIA" == thisname.substr(0, 6) ||
514  "CH4-CIA" == thisname.substr(0, 7) ||
515  "liquidcloud-MPM93" == thisname.substr(0, 17) ||
516  "liquidcloud-ELL07" == thisname.substr(0, 17)) {
517  out3 << " --> not added.\n";
518  break;
519  }
521  // 2. Continua known to use h2o_abs
522  if ("O2-" == thisname.substr(0, 3)) {
523  cont.push_back(i);
524  out3 << " --> added to abs_nls.\n";
525  break;
526  }
528  // 3. abs_species tags that are NOT allowed in LUT
529  // calculations
530  if ("icecloud-" == thisname.substr(0, 9) ||
531  "rain-" == thisname.substr(0, 5)) {
532  ostringstream os;
533  os << "Tag " << thisname << " not allowed in absorption "
534  << "lookup tables.";
535  throw runtime_error(os.str());
536  }
538  // If we get here, then the tag was neither in the
539  // posivitive nor in the negative list. We through a
540  // runtime error.
541  out3 << " --> unknown.\n";
542  ostringstream os;
543  os << "Unknown whether tag " << thisname
544  << " is a nonlinear species (i.e. uses h2o_abs) or not.\n"
545  << "Cannot set abs_nls automatically.";
546  throw runtime_error(os.str());
547  }
548  }
549  }
550 }
562  const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag& abs_species,
563  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
566  abs_nls.resize(0);
568  // Add all H2O species as non-linear:
569  Index next_h2o = 0;
570  while (-1 !=
571  (next_h2o = find_next_species_tg(
572  abs_species, species_index_from_species_name("H2O"), next_h2o))) {
573  abs_nls.push_back(abs_species[next_h2o]);
574  ++next_h2o;
575  }
577  // Certain continuum models also depend on abs_h2o. There is a
578  // helper function that contains a list of these.
579  ArrayOfIndex cont;
580  find_nonlinear_continua(cont, abs_species, verbosity);
582  // Add these to abs_nls:
583  for (Index i = 0; i < cont.nelem(); ++i) {
584  abs_nls.push_back(abs_species[cont[i]]);
585  }
587  out2 << " Species marked for nonlinear treatment:\n";
588  for (Index i = 0; i < abs_nls.nelem(); ++i) {
589  out2 << " ";
590  for (Index j = 0; j < abs_nls[i].nelem(); ++j) {
591  if (j != 0) out2 << ", ";
592  out2 << abs_nls[i][j].Name();
593  }
594  out2 << "\n";
595  }
596 }
612 void choose_abs_t_pert(Vector& abs_t_pert,
613  ConstVectorView abs_t,
614  ConstVectorView tmin,
615  ConstVectorView tmax,
616  const Numeric& step,
617  const Index& p_interp_order,
618  const Index& t_interp_order,
619  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
623  // The code to find out the range for perturbation is a bit
624  // complicated. The problem is that, since we use higher order
625  // interpolation for p, we may require temperatures well outside the
626  // local min/max range at the reference level. We solve this by
627  // really looking at the min/max range for those levels required by
628  // the p_interp_order.
630  Numeric mindev = 1e9;
631  Numeric maxdev = -1e9;
633  Vector the_grid(0, abs_t.nelem(), 1);
634  for (Index i = 0; i < the_grid.nelem(); ++i) {
635  GridPosPoly gp;
636  gridpos_poly(gp, the_grid, (Numeric)i, p_interp_order);
638  for (Index j = 0; j < gp.idx.nelem(); ++j) {
639  // Our pressure grid for the lookup table may be coarser than
640  // the original one for the batch cases. This may lead to max/min
641  // values in the original data that exceed those we assumed
642  // above. We add some extra margin here to account for
643  // that. (The margin is +-10K)
645  Numeric delta_min = tmin[i] - abs_t[gp.idx[j]] - 10;
646  Numeric delta_max = tmax[i] - abs_t[gp.idx[j]] + 10;
648  if (delta_min < mindev) mindev = delta_min;
649  if (delta_max > maxdev) maxdev = delta_max;
650  }
651  }
653  out3 << " abs_t_pert: mindev/maxdev : " << mindev << " / " << maxdev << "\n";
655  // We divide the interval between mindev and maxdev, so that the
656  // steps are of size *step* or smaller. But we also need at least
657  // *t_interp_order*+1 points.
658  Index div = t_interp_order;
659  Numeric effective_step;
660  do {
661  effective_step = (maxdev - mindev) / (Numeric)div;
662  ++div;
663  } while (effective_step > step);
665  abs_t_pert = Vector(mindev, div, effective_step);
667  out2 << " abs_t_pert: " << abs_t_pert[0] << " K to "
668  << abs_t_pert[abs_t_pert.nelem() - 1] << " K in steps of "
669  << effective_step << " K (" << abs_t_pert.nelem() << " grid points)\n";
670 }
686 void choose_abs_nls_pert(Vector& abs_nls_pert,
687  ConstVectorView refprof,
688  ConstVectorView minprof,
689  ConstVectorView maxprof,
690  const Numeric& step,
691  const Index& p_interp_order,
692  const Index& nls_interp_order,
693  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
697  // The code to find out the range for perturbation is a bit
698  // complicated. The problem is that, since we use higher order
699  // interpolation for p, we may require humidities well outside the
700  // local min/max range at the reference level. We solve this by
701  // really looking at the min/max range for those levels required by
702  // the p_interp_order.
704  Numeric mindev = 0;
705  Numeric maxdev = -1e9;
707  // mindev is set to zero from the start, since we always want to
708  // include 0.
710  Vector the_grid(0, refprof.nelem(), 1);
711  for (Index i = 0; i < the_grid.nelem(); ++i) {
712  // cout << "!!!!!! i = " << i << "\n";
713  // cout << " min/ref/max = " << minprof[i] << " / "
714  // << refprof[i] << " / "
715  // << maxprof[i] << "\n";
717  GridPosPoly gp;
718  gridpos_poly(gp, the_grid, (Numeric)i, p_interp_order);
720  for (Index j = 0; j < gp.idx.nelem(); ++j) {
721  // cout << "!!!!!! j = " << j << "\n";
722  // cout << " ref[j] = " << refprof[gp.idx[j]] << " ";
723  // cout << " minfrac[j] = " << minprof[i] / refprof[gp.idx[j]] << " ";
724  // cout << " maxfrac[j] = " << maxprof[i] / refprof[gp.idx[j]] << " \n";
726  // Our pressure grid for the lookup table may be coarser than
727  // the original one for the batch cases. This may lead to max/min
728  // values in the original data that exceed those we assumed
729  // above. We add some extra margin to the max value here to account for
730  // that. (The margin is a factor of 2.)
732  Numeric delta_min = minprof[i] / refprof[gp.idx[j]];
733  Numeric delta_max = 2 * maxprof[i] / refprof[gp.idx[j]];
735  if (delta_min < mindev) mindev = delta_min;
736  // do not update maxdev, when delta_max is infinity (this results from
737  // refprof being 0)
738  if (!std::isinf(delta_max) && (delta_max > maxdev)) maxdev = delta_max;
739  }
740  }
742  out3 << " abs_nls_pert: mindev/maxdev : " << mindev << " / " << maxdev
743  << "\n";
745  bool allownegative = false;
746  if (mindev < 0) {
747  out2
748  << " Warning: I am getting a negative fractional distance to the H2O\n"
749  << " reference profile. Some of your H2O fields may contain negative values.\n"
750  << " Will allow negative values also for abs_nls_pert.\n";
751  allownegative = true;
752  }
754  if (!allownegative) {
755  mindev = 0;
756  out3 << " Adjusted mindev : " << mindev << "\n";
757  }
759  if (std::isinf(maxdev)) {
760  ostringstream os;
761  os << "Perturbation upper limit is infinity (likely due to the reference\n"
762  << "profile being 0 at at least one pressure level). Can not work\n"
763  << "with that.";
764  throw runtime_error(os.str());
765  }
767  // We divide the interval between mindev and maxdev, so that the
768  // steps are of size *step* or smaller. But we also need at least
769  // *nls_interp_order*+1 points.
770  Index div = nls_interp_order;
771  Numeric effective_step;
772  do {
773  effective_step = (maxdev - mindev) / (Numeric)div;
774  ++div;
775  } while (effective_step > step);
777  abs_nls_pert = Vector(mindev, div, effective_step);
779  // If there are negative values, we also add 0. The reason for this
780  // is that 0 is a turning point.
781  if (allownegative) {
782  VectorInsertGridPoints(abs_nls_pert, abs_nls_pert, {0}, verbosity);
783  out2
784  << " I am including also 0 in the abs_nls_pert, because it is a turning \n"
785  << " point. Consider to use a higher abs_nls_interp_order, for example 4.\n";
786  }
788  out2 << " abs_nls_pert: " << abs_nls_pert[0] << " to "
789  << abs_nls_pert[abs_nls_pert.nelem() - 1]
790  << " (fractional units) in steps of "
791  << abs_nls_pert[1] - abs_nls_pert[0] << " (" << abs_nls_pert.nelem()
792  << " grid points)\n";
793 }
795 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
796 void abs_lookupSetup( // WS Output:
797  Vector& abs_p,
798  Vector& abs_t,
799  Vector& abs_t_pert,
800  Matrix& abs_vmrs,
801  ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag& abs_nls,
802  Vector& abs_nls_pert,
803  // WS Input:
804  const Index& atmosphere_dim,
805  const Vector& p_grid,
806  // const Vector& lat_grid,
807  // const Vector& lon_grid,
808  const Tensor3& t_field,
809  const Tensor4& vmr_field,
810  const Index& atmfields_checked,
811  const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag& abs_species,
812  const Index& abs_p_interp_order,
813  const Index& abs_t_interp_order,
814  const Index& abs_nls_interp_order,
815  // Control Parameters:
816  const Numeric& p_step10,
817  const Numeric& t_step,
818  const Numeric& h2o_step,
819  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
820  // Checks on input parameters:
822  if (atmfields_checked != 1)
823  throw runtime_error(
824  "The atmospheric fields must be flagged to have "
825  "passed a consistency check (atmfields_checked=1).");
827  // We don't actually need lat_grid and lon_grid, but we have them as
828  // input variables, so that we can use the standard functions to
829  // check atmospheric fields and grids. A bit cheesy, but I don't
830  // want to program all the checks explicitly.
832  // Check grids (outcommented the ones that have been done by
833  // atmfields_checkedCalc already):
834  //chk_atm_grids(atmosphere_dim, p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid);
836  if (p_grid.nelem() < 2) {
837  ostringstream os;
838  os << "You need at least two pressure levels.";
839  throw runtime_error(os.str());
840  }
842  // Check T field:
843  //chk_atm_field("t_field", t_field, atmosphere_dim,
844  // p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid);
846  // Check VMR field (and abs_species):
847  //chk_atm_field("vmr_field", vmr_field, atmosphere_dim,
848  // abs_species.nelem(), p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid);
850  // Check the keyword arguments:
851  if (p_step10 <= 0 || t_step <= 0 || h2o_step <= 0) {
852  ostringstream os;
853  os << "The keyword arguments p_step, t_step, and h2o_step must be >0.";
854  throw runtime_error(os.str());
855  }
857  // Ok, all input parameters seem to be reasonable.
859  // For consistency with other code around arts (e.g., correlation
860  // lengths in atmlab), p_step is given as log10(p[Pa]). However, we
861  // convert it here to the natural log:
862  const Numeric p_step = log(pow(10.0, p_step10));
864  // We will need the log of the pressure grid:
865  Vector log_p_grid(p_grid.nelem());
866  transform(log_p_grid, log, p_grid);
868  // const Numeric epsilon = 0.01 * p_step; // This is the epsilon that
869  // // we use for comparing p grid spacings.
871  // Construct abs_p
872  // ---------------
874  ArrayOfNumeric log_abs_p_a; // We take log_abs_p_a as an array of
875  // Numeric, so that we can easily
876  // build it up by appending new elements to the end.
878  // Check whether there are pressure levels that are further apart
879  // (in log(p)) than p_step, and insert additional levels if
880  // necessary:
882  log_abs_p_a.push_back(log_p_grid[0]);
884  for (Index i = 1; i < log_p_grid.nelem(); ++i) {
885  const Numeric dp =
886  log_p_grid[i - 1] - log_p_grid[i]; // The grid is descending.
888  const Numeric dp_by_p_step = dp / p_step;
889  // cout << "dp_by_p_step: " << dp_by_p_step << "\n";
891  // How many times does p_step fit into dp?
892  const Index n = (Index)ceil(dp_by_p_step);
893  // n is the number of intervals that we want to have in the
894  // new grid. The number of additional points to insert is
895  // n-1. But we have to insert the original point as well.
896  // cout << n << "\n";
898  const Numeric ddp = dp / (Numeric)n;
899  // cout << "ddp: " << ddp << "\n";
901  for (Index j = 1; j <= n; ++j)
902  log_abs_p_a.push_back(log_p_grid[i - 1] - (Numeric)j * ddp);
903  }
905  // Copy to a proper vector, we need this also later for
906  // interpolation:
907  Vector log_abs_p(log_abs_p_a.nelem());
908  for (Index i = 0; i < log_abs_p_a.nelem(); ++i) log_abs_p[i] = log_abs_p_a[i];
910  // Copy the new grid to abs_p, removing the log:
911  abs_p.resize(log_abs_p.nelem());
912  transform(abs_p, exp, log_abs_p);
914  // Check that abs_p has enough points for the interpolation order
915  if (abs_p.nelem() < abs_p_interp_order + 1) {
916  ostringstream os;
917  os << "Your pressure grid does not have enough levels for the desired interpolation order.";
918  throw runtime_error(os.str());
919  }
921  // We will also have to interpolate T and VMR profiles to the new
922  // pressure grid. We interpolate in log(p), as usual in ARTS.
924  // Grid positions:
925  ArrayOfGridPos gp(log_abs_p.nelem());
926  gridpos(gp, log_p_grid, log_abs_p);
928  // Interpolation weights:
929  Matrix itw(gp.nelem(), 2);
930  interpweights(itw, gp);
932  // In the 1D case the lookup table is just a lookup table in
933  // pressure. We treat this simple case first.
934  if (1 == atmosphere_dim) {
935  // Reference temperature,
936  // interpolate abs_t from t_field:
937  abs_t.resize(log_abs_p.nelem());
938  interp(abs_t, itw, t_field(joker, 0, 0), gp);
940  // Temperature perturbations:
941  abs_t_pert.resize(0);
943  // Reference VMR profiles,
944  // interpolate abs_vmrs from vmr_field:
945  abs_vmrs.resize(abs_species.nelem(), log_abs_p.nelem());
946  for (Index i = 0; i < abs_species.nelem(); ++i)
947  interp(abs_vmrs(i, joker), itw, vmr_field(i, joker, 0, 0), gp);
949  // Species for which H2O VMR is perturbed:
950  abs_nls.resize(0);
952  // H2O VMR perturbations:
953  abs_nls_pert.resize(0);
954  } else {
955  // 2D or 3D case. We have to set up T and nonlinear species variations.
957  // Make an intelligent choice for the nonlinear species.
958  choose_abs_nls(abs_nls, abs_species, verbosity);
960  // Now comes a part where we analyse the atmospheric fields.
961  // We need to find the max, min, and mean profile for
962  // temperature and VMRs.
963  // We do this on the original p grid, not on the refined p
964  // grid, to be more efficient.
966  // Temperature:
967  Vector tmin(p_grid.nelem());
968  Vector tmax(p_grid.nelem());
969  Vector tmean(p_grid.nelem());
971  for (Index i = 0; i < p_grid.nelem(); ++i) {
972  tmin[i] = min(t_field(i, joker, joker));
973  tmax[i] = max(t_field(i, joker, joker));
974  tmean[i] = mean(t_field(i, joker, joker));
975  }
977  // cout << "Tmin: " << tmin << "\n";
978  // cout << "Tmax: " << tmax << "\n";
979  // cout << "Tmean: " << tmean << "\n";
981  // Calculate mean profiles of all species. (We need all for abs_vmrs
982  // not only H2O.)
983  Matrix vmrmean(abs_species.nelem(), p_grid.nelem());
984  for (Index s = 0; s < abs_species.nelem(); ++s)
985  for (Index i = 0; i < p_grid.nelem(); ++i) {
986  vmrmean(s, i) = mean(vmr_field(s, i, joker, joker));
987  }
989  // If there are NLS, determine H2O statistics:
991  // We have to define these here, outside the if block, because
992  // we need the values later.
993  Vector h2omin(p_grid.nelem());
994  Vector h2omax(p_grid.nelem());
995  const Index h2o_index = find_first_species_tg(
996  abs_species, species_index_from_species_name("H2O"));
997  // We need this inside the if clauses for nonlinear species
998  // treatment. The function returns "-1" if there is no H2O
999  // species. There is a check for that in the next if block, with
1000  // an appropriate runtime error.
1002  if (0 < abs_nls.nelem()) {
1003  // Check if there really is a H2O species.
1004  if (h2o_index < 0) {
1005  ostringstream os;
1006  os << "Some of your species require nonlinear treatment,\n"
1007  << "but you have no H2O species.";
1008  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1009  }
1011  for (Index i = 0; i < p_grid.nelem(); ++i) {
1012  h2omin[i] = min(vmr_field(h2o_index, i, joker, joker));
1013  h2omax[i] = max(vmr_field(h2o_index, i, joker, joker));
1014  }
1016  // cout << "H2Omin: " << h2omin << "\n";
1017  // cout << "H2Omax: " << h2omax << "\n";
1018  // cout << "H2Omean: " << vmrmean(h2o_index,joker) << "\n";
1019  }
1021  // Interpolate in pressure, set abs_t, abs_vmr...
1023  // Reference temperature,
1024  // interpolate abs_t from tmean:
1025  abs_t.resize(log_abs_p.nelem());
1026  interp(abs_t, itw, tmean, gp);
1028  // Temperature perturbations:
1029  choose_abs_t_pert(abs_t_pert,
1030  tmean,
1031  tmin,
1032  tmax,
1033  t_step,
1034  abs_p_interp_order,
1035  abs_t_interp_order,
1036  verbosity);
1037  // cout << "abs_t_pert: " << abs_t_pert << "\n";
1039  // Reference VMR profiles,
1040  // interpolate abs_vmrs from vmrmean:
1041  abs_vmrs.resize(abs_species.nelem(), log_abs_p.nelem());
1042  for (Index i = 0; i < abs_species.nelem(); ++i)
1043  interp(abs_vmrs(i, joker), itw, vmrmean(i, joker), gp);
1045  if (0 < abs_nls.nelem()) {
1046  // Construct abs_nls_pert:
1047  choose_abs_nls_pert(abs_nls_pert,
1048  vmrmean(h2o_index, joker),
1049  h2omin,
1050  h2omax,
1051  h2o_step,
1052  abs_p_interp_order,
1053  abs_nls_interp_order,
1054  verbosity);
1055  } else {
1056  // Empty abs_nls_pert:
1057  abs_nls_pert.resize(0);
1058  }
1059  // cout << "abs_nls_pert: " << abs_nls_pert << "\n";
1060  }
1061 }
1063 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
1064 void abs_lookupSetupBatch( // WS Output:
1065  Vector& abs_p,
1066  Vector& abs_t,
1067  Vector& abs_t_pert,
1068  Matrix& abs_vmrs,
1069  ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag& abs_nls,
1070  Vector& abs_nls_pert,
1071  // WS Input:
1072  const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag& abs_species,
1073  const ArrayOfGriddedField4& batch_fields,
1074  const Index& abs_p_interp_order,
1075  const Index& abs_t_interp_order,
1076  const Index& abs_nls_interp_order,
1077  const Index& atmosphere_dim,
1078  // Control Parameters:
1079  const Numeric& p_step10,
1080  const Numeric& t_step,
1081  const Numeric& h2o_step,
1082  const Vector& extremes,
1083  const Index& robust,
1084  const Index& check_gridnames,
1085  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
1086  CREATE_OUT1;
1087  CREATE_OUT2;
1088  CREATE_OUT3;
1090  // For consistency with other code around arts (e.g., correlation
1091  // lengths in atmlab), p_step is given as log10(p[Pa]). However, we
1092  // convert it here to the natural log:
1093  const Numeric p_step = log(pow(10.0, p_step10));
1095  // Derive which abs_species is H2O (required for nonlinear species handling)
1096  // returns -1 if no H2O present
1097  const Index h2o_index = find_first_species_tg(
1098  abs_species, species_index_from_species_name("H2O"));
1099  // cout << "The " << h2o_index+1 << ". species in abs_species is H2O\n";
1100  // cout << "That is, H2O is expected to be the " << indoff+h2o_index
1101  // << ". column of the atmospheric fields\n";
1103  ArrayOfIndex batch_index(abs_species.nelem());
1104  Index T_index = -1;
1105  Index z_index = -1;
1107  ArrayOfString species_names(abs_species.nelem());
1108  for (Index i = 0; i < abs_species.nelem(); ++i)
1109  species_names[i] = get_species_name(abs_species[i]);
1111  const ArrayOfString field_names = batch_fields[0].get_string_grid(0);
1113  String species_type;
1114  String species_name;
1115  const String delim = "-";
1117  // Check that the field names in batch_fields are good. (We check
1118  // only the first field in the batch.)
1119  {
1120  ostringstream os;
1121  bool bail = false;
1123  // One of the abs_species has to be H2O
1124  // (ideally that should be checked later, when we know whether there are
1125  // nonlinear species present. however, currently batch mode REQUIRES H2O to
1126  // be present, so we check that immediately)
1127  if (h2o_index < 0) {
1128  os << "One of the atmospheric fields must be H2O.\n";
1129  bail = true;
1130  }
1132  // First simply check dimensions of abs_species and field_names
1133  if (field_names.nelem() < 3) {
1134  os << "Atmospheric states in batch_fields must have at\n"
1135  << "least three fields: T, z, and at least one absorption species.";
1136  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1137  }
1139  if (abs_species.nelem() < 1) {
1140  os << "At least one absorption species needs to be defined "
1141  << "in abs_species.";
1142  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1143  }
1145  // Check that all required fields are present.
1146  const Index nf = field_names.nelem();
1147  bool found;
1149  // Looking for temperature field:
1150  found = false;
1151  for (Index fi = 0; fi < nf; ++fi) {
1152  parse_atmcompact_speciestype(species_type, field_names[fi], delim);
1153  if (species_type == "T") {
1154  if (found) {
1155  os << "Only one temperature ('T') field allowed, "
1156  << "but found at least 2.\n";
1157  bail = true;
1158  } else {
1159  found = true;
1160  T_index = fi;
1161  }
1162  }
1163  }
1164  if (!found) {
1165  os << "One temperature ('T') field required, but none found.\n";
1166  bail = true;
1167  }
1169  // Looking for altitude field:
1170  found = false;
1171  for (Index fi = 0; fi < nf; ++fi) {
1172  parse_atmcompact_speciestype(species_type, field_names[fi], delim);
1173  if (species_type == "z") {
1174  if (found) {
1175  os << "Only one altitude ('z') field allowed, "
1176  << "but found at least 2.\n";
1177  bail = true;
1178  } else {
1179  found = true;
1180  z_index = fi;
1181  }
1182  }
1183  }
1184  if (!found) {
1185  os << "One altitude ('z') field required, but none found.\n";
1186  bail = true;
1187  }
1189  // Now going over all abs_species elements and match the corresponding
1190  // field_name (we always take the first occurence of a matching field). We
1191  // don't care that batch_fields contains further fields, too. And we can't
1192  // expect the fields being in the same order as the abs_species.
1193  // At the same time, we keep the indices of the fields corresponding to the
1194  // abs_species elements, because later we will need the field data.
1195  Index fi;
1196  for (Index j = 0; j < abs_species.nelem(); ++j) {
1197  found = false;
1198  fi = 0;
1199  while (!found && fi < nf) {
1200  parse_atmcompact_speciestype(species_type, field_names[fi], delim);
1201  // do we have an abs_species type field?
1202  if (species_type == "abs_species") {
1203  parse_atmcompact_speciesname(species_name, field_names[fi], delim);
1204  if (species_name == species_names[j]) {
1205  found = true;
1206  batch_index[j] = fi;
1207  }
1208  }
1209  fi++;
1210  }
1211  if (!found) {
1212  os << "No field for absorption species '" << species_names[j]
1213  << "'found.\n";
1214  bail = true;
1215  }
1216  }
1218  os << "Your field names are:\n" << field_names;
1220  if (bail) throw runtime_error(os.str());
1221  }
1223  // FIXME: Adjustment of min/max values for Jacobian perturbations is still missing.
1225  // Make an intelligent choice for the nonlinear species.
1226  choose_abs_nls(abs_nls, abs_species, verbosity);
1228  // Find out maximum and minimum pressure and check that pressure grid is decreasing.
1229  Numeric maxp = batch_fields[0].get_numeric_grid(GFIELD4_P_GRID)[0];
1230  Numeric minp = batch_fields[0].get_numeric_grid(
1231  GFIELD4_P_GRID)[batch_fields[0].get_numeric_grid(GFIELD4_P_GRID).nelem() -
1232  1];
1234  ArrayOfIndex valid_field_indices;
1235  for (Index i = 0; i < batch_fields.nelem(); ++i) {
1236  // Local variables for atmfields_check.
1237  Index atmfields_checked;
1238  Tensor4 t4_dummy;
1239  Tensor3 t3_dummy;
1241  Vector p_grid;
1242  Vector lat_grid;
1243  Vector lon_grid;
1244  Tensor3 t_field;
1245  Tensor3 z_field;
1246  Tensor4 vmr_field;
1247  Tensor4 particle_bulkprop_field;
1248  ArrayOfString particle_bulkprop_names;
1249  GriddedField4 atm_fields_compact;
1250  SpeciesAuxData partition_functions;
1251  Index abs_f_interp_order;
1253  // Extract fields from atmfield and check their validity.
1254  // This closes the loophole when only calculating lookup tables.
1255  atm_fields_compact = batch_fields[i];
1258  lat_grid,
1259  lon_grid,
1260  t_field,
1261  z_field,
1262  vmr_field,
1263  particle_bulkprop_field,
1264  particle_bulkprop_names,
1265  abs_species,
1266  atm_fields_compact,
1267  atmosphere_dim,
1268  "-",
1269  0,
1270  check_gridnames,
1271  verbosity);
1273  try {
1274  atmfields_checkedCalc(atmfields_checked,
1275  atmosphere_dim,
1276  p_grid,
1277  lat_grid,
1278  lon_grid,
1279  abs_species,
1280  t_field,
1281  vmr_field,
1282  t3_dummy,
1283  t3_dummy,
1284  t3_dummy,
1285  t3_dummy,
1286  t3_dummy,
1287  t3_dummy,
1288  partition_functions,
1289  abs_f_interp_order,
1290  0,
1291  0,
1292  verbosity);
1293  } catch (const std::exception& e) {
1294  // If `robust`, skip field and continue, ...
1295  if (robust) {
1296  out1 << " WARNING! Skipped invalid atmfield "
1297  << "at batch_atmfield index " << i << ".\n"
1298  << "The runtime error produced was:\n"
1299  << e.what() << "\n";
1300  continue;
1301  }
1302  // ... else throw an error.
1303  else {
1304  stringstream err;
1305  err << "Invalid atmfield at batch_atmfield index " << i << ".\n"
1306  << "The runtime error produced was:\n"
1307  << e.what() << "\n";
1308  throw std::runtime_error(err.str());
1309  }
1310  };
1311  valid_field_indices.push_back(i); // Append index to list of valid fields.
1313  if (maxp < batch_fields[i].get_numeric_grid(GFIELD4_P_GRID)[0])
1314  maxp = batch_fields[i].get_numeric_grid(GFIELD4_P_GRID)[0];
1315  if (minp >
1316  batch_fields[i].get_numeric_grid(GFIELD4_P_GRID)
1317  [batch_fields[i].get_numeric_grid(GFIELD4_P_GRID).nelem() - 1])
1318  minp = batch_fields[i].get_numeric_grid(GFIELD4_P_GRID)
1319  [batch_fields[i].get_numeric_grid(GFIELD4_P_GRID).nelem() - 1];
1320  }
1321  // cout << " minp/maxp: " << minp << " / " << maxp << "\n";
1323  // Information on the number of skipped atmospheres.
1324  if (batch_fields.nelem() > valid_field_indices.nelem()) {
1325  out1 << " " << batch_fields.nelem() - valid_field_indices.nelem()
1326  << " out of " << batch_fields.nelem() << " atmospheres ignored.\n";
1327  }
1329  // Throw error if no atmfield passed the check.
1330  if (valid_field_indices.nelem() < 1) {
1331  stringstream err;
1332  err << "You need at least one valid profile.\n"
1333  << "It seems that no atmfield passed the checks!\n";
1334  throw std::runtime_error(err.str());
1335  }
1337  if (maxp == minp) {
1338  ostringstream os;
1339  os << "You need at least two pressure levels.";
1340  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1341  }
1343  // We construct the pressure grid as follows:
1344  // - Everything is done in log(p).
1345  // - Start with maxp and go down in steps of p_step until we are <= minp.
1346  // - Adjust the final pressure value to be exactly minp, otherwise
1347  // we have problems in getting min, max, and mean values for this
1348  // point later.
1349  Index np = (Index)ceil((log(maxp) - log(minp)) / p_step) + 1;
1350  // The +1 above has to be there because we must include also both
1351  // grid end points.
1353  // If np is too small for the interpolation order, we increase it:
1354  if (np < abs_p_interp_order + 1) np = abs_p_interp_order + 1;
1356  Vector log_abs_p(log(maxp), np, -p_step);
1357  log_abs_p[np - 1] = log(minp);
1359  abs_p.resize(np);
1360  transform(abs_p, exp, log_abs_p);
1361  out2 << " abs_p: " << abs_p[0] << " Pa to " << abs_p[np - 1]
1362  << " Pa in log10 steps of " << p_step10 << " (" << np
1363  << " grid points)\n";
1365  // Now we have to determine the statistics of T and VMRs, we need
1366  // profiles of min, max, and mean of these, on the abs_p grid.
1368  // Index n_variables = batch_fields[0].data.nbooks();
1369  // we will do statistics for data fields excluding the scat_species fields
1370  Index n_variables = 2 + abs_species.nelem();
1372  // The first dimension of datamin, datamax, and datamean is the
1373  // variable (T,Z,H2O,O3,...). The second dimension is pressure. We
1374  // assume all elements of the batch have the same variables.
1376  Matrix datamin(n_variables, np, numeric_limits<Numeric>::max());
1377  Matrix datamax(n_variables, np, numeric_limits<Numeric>::min());
1378  // The limits here are from the header file <limits>
1379  Matrix datamean(n_variables, np, 0);
1380  Vector mean_norm(np, 0); // Divide by this to get mean.
1382  // We will loop over all batch cases to analyze the statistics and
1383  // calculate reference profiles. As a little side project, we will
1384  // also calculate the absolute min and max of temperature and
1385  // humidity. This is handy as input to abs_lookupSetupWide.
1386  Numeric mint = +1e99;
1387  Numeric maxt = -1e99;
1388  Numeric minh2o = +1e99;
1389  Numeric maxh2o = -1e99;
1391  // Loop over valid atmfields.
1392  for (Index vi = 0; vi < valid_field_indices.nelem(); ++vi) {
1393  // Get internal field index.
1394  Index i = valid_field_indices[vi];
1396  // Check that really each case has the same variables (see
1397  // comment above.)
1398  if (batch_fields[i].get_string_grid(GFIELD4_FIELD_NAMES) !=
1399  batch_fields[0].get_string_grid(GFIELD4_FIELD_NAMES))
1400  throw runtime_error(
1401  "All batch atmospheres must contain the same field names.");
1403  for (Index j = 0;
1404  j < batch_fields[i].get_string_grid(GFIELD4_FIELD_NAMES).nelem();
1405  ++j)
1406  if (batch_fields[i].get_string_grid(GFIELD4_FIELD_NAMES)[j] !=
1407  batch_fields[0].get_string_grid(GFIELD4_FIELD_NAMES)[j])
1408  throw runtime_error(
1409  "All batch atmospheres must contain the same individual field names.");
1411  // Create convenient handles:
1412  const Vector& p_grid = batch_fields[i].get_numeric_grid(GFIELD4_P_GRID);
1413  const Tensor4& data = batch_fields[i].data;
1415  // Update our global max/min values for T and H2O:
1417  // We have to loop over pressure, latitudes, and longitudes
1418  // here. The dimensions of data are:
1419  // data[N_fields][N_p][N_lat][N_lon]
1421  for (Index ip = 0; ip < data.npages(); ++ip)
1422  for (Index ilat = 0; ilat < data.nrows(); ++ilat)
1423  for (Index ilon = 0; ilon < data.ncols(); ++ilon) {
1424  // Field T_index is temperature:
1425  if (data(T_index, ip, ilat, ilon) < mint)
1426  mint = data(T_index, ip, ilat, ilon);
1427  if (data(T_index, ip, ilat, ilon) > maxt)
1428  maxt = data(T_index, ip, ilat, ilon);
1429  // Field batch_index[h2o_index] is H2O:
1430  if (data(batch_index[h2o_index], ip, ilat, ilon) < minh2o) {
1431  minh2o = data(batch_index[h2o_index], ip, ilat, ilon);
1432  }
1433  if (data(batch_index[h2o_index], ip, ilat, ilon) > maxh2o) {
1434  maxh2o = data(batch_index[h2o_index], ip, ilat, ilon);
1435  }
1436  }
1438  // Interpolate the current batch fields to the abs_p grid. We
1439  // have to do this for each batch case, since the grids could
1440  // all be different.
1442  Vector log_p_grid(p_grid.nelem());
1443  transform(log_p_grid, log, p_grid);
1445  // There is a catch here: We can only use the part of abs_p that
1446  // is inside the current pressure grid p_grid, otherwise we
1447  // would have to extrapolate.
1448  // The eps_bottom and eps_top account for the little bit of
1449  // extrapolation that is allowed.
1451  const Numeric eps_bottom = (log_p_grid[0] - log_p_grid[1]) / 2.1;
1452  Index first_p = 0;
1453  while (log_abs_p[first_p] > log_p_grid[0] + eps_bottom) ++first_p;
1455  const Numeric eps_top = (log_p_grid[log_p_grid.nelem() - 2] -
1456  log_p_grid[log_p_grid.nelem() - 1]) /
1457  2.1;
1458  Index last_p = log_abs_p.nelem() - 1;
1459  while (log_abs_p[last_p] < log_p_grid[log_p_grid.nelem() - 1] - eps_top)
1460  --last_p;
1462  const Index extent_p = last_p - first_p + 1;
1464  // This was too complicated to get right:
1465  // const Index first_p = (Index) round ( (log_abs_p[0] - log_p_grid[0]) / p_step);
1466  // const Index extent_p = (Index) round ( (log_abs_p[first_p] - log_p_grid[log_p_grid.nelem()-1]) / p_step) + 1;
1468  ConstVectorView active_log_abs_p = log_abs_p[Range(first_p, extent_p)];
1470  // cout << "first_p / last_p / extent_p : " << first_p << " / " << last_p << " / " << extent_p << "\n";
1471  // cout << "log_p_grid: " << log_p_grid << "\n";
1472  // cout << "log_abs_p: " << log_abs_p << "\n";
1473  // cout << "active_log_abs_p: " << active_log_abs_p << "\n";
1474  // cout << "=============================================================\n";
1475  // arts_exit();
1477  // Grid positions:
1478  ArrayOfGridPos gp(active_log_abs_p.nelem());
1479  gridpos(gp, log_p_grid, active_log_abs_p);
1480  // gridpos(gp, log_p_grid, active_log_abs_p, 100);
1481  // We allow much more extrapolation here than normal (0.5 is
1482  // normal). If we do not do this, then we get problems for
1483  // p_grids that are much finer than abs_p.
1485  // Interpolation weights:
1486  Matrix itw(gp.nelem(), 2);
1487  interpweights(itw, gp);
1489  // We have to loop over fields, latitudes, and longitudes here, doing the
1490  // pressure interpolation for all. The dimensions of data are:
1491  // data[N_fields][N_p][N_lat][N_lon]
1492  // For data_interp we reduce data by the particle related fields, i.e.,
1493  // the ones in between the first two and the last N=abs_species.nelem().
1494  // Tensor4 data_interp(data.nbooks(),
1495  Tensor4 data_interp(
1496  n_variables, active_log_abs_p.nelem(), data.nrows(), data.ncols());
1498  for (Index lo = 0; lo < data.ncols(); ++lo)
1499  for (Index la = 0; la < data.nrows(); ++la) {
1500  // for (Index fi=0; fi<data.nbooks(); ++fi)
1501  // we have to handle T/z and abs_species parts separately since they
1502  // can have scat_species in between, which we want to ignore
1503  interp(data_interp(0, joker, la, lo),
1504  itw,
1505  data(T_index, joker, la, lo),
1506  gp);
1507  interp(data_interp(1, joker, la, lo),
1508  itw,
1509  data(z_index, joker, la, lo),
1510  gp);
1511  for (Index fi = 0; fi < abs_species.nelem(); ++fi)
1512  interp(data_interp(fi + 2, joker, la, lo),
1513  itw,
1514  data(batch_index[fi], joker, la, lo),
1515  gp);
1516  }
1518  // Now update our datamin, datamax, and datamean variables.
1519  // We need the min and max only for the T and H2O profile,
1520  // not for others. But we need the mean for all. We are just
1521  // hopping over the case that we do not need below. This is not
1522  // very clean, but efficient. And it avoids handling all the
1523  // different cases explicitly.
1524  for (Index lo = 0; lo < data_interp.ncols(); ++lo)
1525  for (Index la = 0; la < data_interp.nrows(); ++la) {
1526  for (Index fi = 0; fi < data_interp.nbooks(); ++fi) {
1527  if (1 != fi) // We skip the z field, which we do not need
1528  for (Index pr = 0; pr < data_interp.npages(); ++pr) {
1529  // Min and max only needed for T and H2o
1530  if (0 == fi || (h2o_index + 2) == fi) {
1531  if (data_interp(fi, pr, la, lo) < datamin(fi, first_p + pr))
1532  datamin(fi, first_p + pr) = data_interp(fi, pr, la, lo);
1533  if (data_interp(fi, pr, la, lo) > datamax(fi, first_p + pr))
1534  datamax(fi, first_p + pr) = data_interp(fi, pr, la, lo);
1535  }
1537  datamean(fi, first_p + pr) += data_interp(fi, pr, la, lo);
1538  }
1539  }
1541  // The mean_norm is actually a bit tricky. It depends on
1542  // pressure, since different numbers of cases contribute
1543  // to the mean for different pressures. At the very eges
1544  // of the grid, typically only a single case contributes.
1546  mean_norm[Range(first_p, extent_p)] += 1;
1547  }
1548  }
1550  out2 << " Global statistics:\n"
1551  << " min(p) / max(p) [Pa]: " << minp << " / " << maxp << "\n"
1552  << " min(T) / max(T) [K]: " << mint << " / " << maxt << "\n"
1553  << " min(H2O) / max(H2O) [VMR]: " << minh2o << " / " << maxh2o << "\n";
1555  // Divide mean by mean_norm to get the mean:
1556  assert(np == mean_norm.nelem());
1557  for (Index fi = 0; fi < datamean.nrows(); ++fi)
1558  if (1 != fi) // We skip the z field, which we do not need
1559  for (Index pi = 0; pi < np; ++pi) {
1560  // We do this in an explicit loop here, since we have to
1561  // check whether there really were data points to calculate
1562  // the mean at each level.
1563  if (0 < mean_norm[pi])
1564  datamean(fi, pi) /= mean_norm[pi];
1565  else {
1566  ostringstream os;
1567  os << "No data at pressure level " << pi + 1 << " of " << np << " ("
1568  << abs_p[pi] << " hPa).";
1569  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1570  }
1571  }
1573  // If we do higher order pressure interpolation, then we should
1574  // smooth the reference profiles with a boxcar filter of width
1575  // p_interp_order+1. Otherwise we get numerical problems if there
1576  // are any sharp spikes in the reference profiles.
1577  assert(log_abs_p.nelem() == np);
1578  Matrix smooth_datamean(datamean.nrows(), datamean.ncols(), 0);
1579  for (Index i = 0; i < np; ++i) {
1580  GridPosPoly gp;
1581  gridpos_poly(gp, log_abs_p, log_abs_p[i], abs_p_interp_order);
1583  // We do this in practice by using the indices returned by
1584  // gridpos_poly. We simply take a mean over all points that
1585  // would be used in the interpolation.
1587  for (Index fi = 0; fi < datamean.nrows(); ++fi)
1588  if (1 != fi) // We skip the z field, which we do not need
1589  {
1590  for (Index j = 0; j < gp.idx.nelem(); ++j) {
1591  smooth_datamean(fi, i) += datamean(fi, gp.idx[j]);
1592  }
1593  smooth_datamean(fi, i) /= (Numeric)gp.idx.nelem();
1594  }
1595  // cout << "H2O-raw / H2O-smooth: "
1596  // << datamean(h2o_index+2,i) << " / "
1597  // << smooth_datamean(h2o_index+2,i) << "\n";
1598  }
1600  // There is another complication: If the (smoothed) mean for the H2O
1601  // reference profile is 0, then we have to adjust both mean and max
1602  // value to a non-zero number, otherwise the reference profile will
1603  // be zero, and we will get numerical problems later on when we
1604  // divide by the reference value. So, we set it here to 1e-9.
1605  for (Index i = 0; i < np; ++i) {
1606  // Assert that really H2O has index batch_index[h2o_index] VMR field list
1607  // and h2o_index in abs_species
1609  species_type, field_names[batch_index[h2o_index]], delim);
1610  assert(species_type == "abs_species");
1612  species_name, field_names[batch_index[h2o_index]], delim);
1613  assert("H2O" == species_name);
1614  assert("H2O" == species_names[h2o_index]);
1616  // Find mean and max H2O for this level:
1617  Numeric& mean_h2o = smooth_datamean(h2o_index + 2, i);
1618  Numeric& max_h2o = datamax(h2o_index + 2, i);
1619  if (mean_h2o <= 0) {
1620  mean_h2o = 1e-9;
1621  max_h2o = 1e-9;
1622  out3 << " H2O profile contained zero values, adjusted to 1e-9.\n";
1623  }
1624  }
1626  // Set abs_t:
1627  abs_t.resize(np);
1628  abs_t = smooth_datamean(0, joker);
1629  // cout << "abs_t: " << abs_t << "\n\n";
1630  // cout << "tmin: " << datamin(0,joker) << "\n\n";
1631  // cout << "tmax: " << datamax(0,joker) << "\n";
1633  // Set abs_vmrs:
1634  assert(abs_species.nelem() == smooth_datamean.nrows() - 2);
1635  abs_vmrs.resize(abs_species.nelem(), np);
1636  abs_vmrs = smooth_datamean(Range(2, abs_species.nelem()), joker);
1637  // cout << "\n\nabs_vmrs: " << abs_vmrs << "\n\n";
1639  // Construct abs_t_pert:
1640  ConstVectorView tmin = datamin(0, joker);
1641  ConstVectorView tmax = datamax(0, joker);
1642  choose_abs_t_pert(abs_t_pert,
1643  abs_t,
1644  tmin,
1645  tmax,
1646  t_step,
1647  abs_p_interp_order,
1648  abs_t_interp_order,
1649  verbosity);
1650  // cout << "abs_t_pert: " << abs_t_pert << "\n";
1652  // Construct abs_nls_pert:
1653  ConstVectorView h2omin = datamin(h2o_index + 2, joker);
1654  ConstVectorView h2omax = datamax(h2o_index + 2, joker);
1655  choose_abs_nls_pert(abs_nls_pert,
1656  abs_vmrs(h2o_index, joker),
1657  h2omin,
1658  h2omax,
1659  h2o_step,
1660  abs_p_interp_order,
1661  abs_nls_interp_order,
1662  verbosity);
1663  // cout << "abs_nls_pert: " << abs_nls_pert << "\n";
1665  // Append the explicitly given user extreme values, if necessary:
1666  if (0 != extremes.nelem()) {
1667  // There must be 4 values in this case: t_min, t_max, h2o_min, h2o_max
1668  if (4 != extremes.nelem()) {
1669  ostringstream os;
1670  os << "There must be exactly 4 elements in extremes:\n"
1671  << "min(abs_t_pert), max(abs_t_pert), min(abs_nls_pert), max(abs_nls_pert)";
1672  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1673  }
1675  // t_min:
1676  if (extremes[0] < abs_t_pert[0]) {
1677  Vector dummy = abs_t_pert;
1678  abs_t_pert.resize(abs_t_pert.nelem() + 1);
1679  abs_t_pert[0] = extremes[0];
1680  abs_t_pert[Range(1, dummy.nelem())] = dummy;
1681  out2 << " Added min extreme value for abs_t_pert: " << abs_t_pert[0]
1682  << "\n";
1683  }
1685  // t_max:
1686  if (extremes[1] > abs_t_pert[abs_t_pert.nelem() - 1]) {
1687  Vector dummy = abs_t_pert;
1688  abs_t_pert.resize(abs_t_pert.nelem() + 1);
1689  abs_t_pert[Range(0, dummy.nelem())] = dummy;
1690  abs_t_pert[abs_t_pert.nelem() - 1] = extremes[1];
1691  out2 << " Added max extreme value for abs_t_pert: "
1692  << abs_t_pert[abs_t_pert.nelem() - 1] << "\n";
1693  }
1695  // nls_min:
1696  if (extremes[2] < abs_nls_pert[0]) {
1697  Vector dummy = abs_nls_pert;
1698  abs_nls_pert.resize(abs_nls_pert.nelem() + 1);
1699  abs_nls_pert[0] = extremes[2];
1700  abs_nls_pert[Range(1, dummy.nelem())] = dummy;
1701  out2 << " Added min extreme value for abs_nls_pert: " << abs_nls_pert[0]
1702  << "\n";
1703  }
1705  // nls_max:
1706  if (extremes[3] > abs_nls_pert[abs_nls_pert.nelem() - 1]) {
1707  Vector dummy = abs_nls_pert;
1708  abs_nls_pert.resize(abs_nls_pert.nelem() + 1);
1709  abs_nls_pert[Range(0, dummy.nelem())] = dummy;
1710  abs_nls_pert[abs_nls_pert.nelem() - 1] = extremes[3];
1711  out2 << " Added max extreme value for abs_nls_pert: "
1712  << abs_nls_pert[abs_nls_pert.nelem() - 1] << "\n";
1713  }
1714  }
1715 }
1717 void abs_lookupSetupWide( // WS Output:
1718  Vector& abs_p,
1719  Vector& abs_t,
1720  Vector& abs_t_pert,
1721  Matrix& abs_vmrs,
1722  ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag& abs_nls,
1723  Vector& abs_nls_pert,
1724  // WS Input:
1725  const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag& abs_species,
1726  const Index& abs_p_interp_order,
1727  const Index& abs_t_interp_order,
1728  const Index& abs_nls_interp_order,
1729  // Control Parameters:
1730  const Numeric& p_min,
1731  const Numeric& p_max,
1732  const Numeric& p_step10,
1733  const Numeric& t_min,
1734  const Numeric& t_max,
1735  const Numeric& h2o_min,
1736  const Numeric& h2o_max,
1737  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
1738  CREATE_OUT2;
1740  // For consistency with other code around arts (e.g., correlation
1741  // lengths in atmlab), p_step is given as log10(p[Pa]). However, we
1742  // convert it here to the natural log:
1743  const Numeric p_step = log(pow(10.0, p_step10));
1745  // Make an intelligent choice for the nonlinear species.
1746  choose_abs_nls(abs_nls, abs_species, verbosity);
1748  // 1. Fix pressure grid abs_p
1749  // --------------------------
1751  // We construct the pressure grid as follows:
1752  // - Everything is done in log(p).
1753  // - Start with p_max and go down in steps of p_step until we are <= p_min.
1755  Index np = (Index)ceil((log(p_max) - log(p_min)) / p_step) + 1;
1756  // The +1 above has to be there because we must include also both
1757  // grid end points.
1759  // If np is too small for the interpolation order, we increase it:
1760  if (np < abs_p_interp_order + 1) np = abs_p_interp_order + 1;
1762  Vector log_abs_p(log(p_max), np, -p_step);
1764  abs_p.resize(np);
1765  transform(abs_p, exp, log_abs_p);
1766  out2 << " abs_p: " << abs_p[0] << " Pa to " << abs_p[np - 1]
1767  << " Pa in log10 steps of " << p_step10 << " (" << np
1768  << " grid points)\n";
1770  // 2. Fix reference temperature profile abs_t and temperature perturbations
1771  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1773  // We simply take a constant reference profile.
1775  Numeric t_ref = (t_min + t_max) / 2;
1777  abs_t.resize(np);
1778  abs_t = t_ref; // Assign same value to all elements.
1780  // We have to make vectors out of t_min and t_max, so we can use
1781  // them in the choose_abs_t_pert function call:
1782  Vector min_prof(np), max_prof(np);
1783  min_prof = t_min;
1784  max_prof = t_max;
1786  // Chose temperature perturbations:
1787  choose_abs_t_pert(abs_t_pert,
1788  abs_t,
1789  min_prof,
1790  max_prof,
1791  20,
1792  abs_p_interp_order,
1793  abs_t_interp_order,
1794  verbosity);
1796  // 3. Fix reference H2O profile and abs_nls_pert
1797  // ---------------------------------------------
1799  // We take a constant reference profile of 1000ppm (=1e-3) for H2O
1800  Numeric const h2o_ref = 1e-3;
1802  // And 1 ppt (1e-9) as default for all VMRs
1803  Numeric const other_ref = 1e-9;
1805  // We have to assign this value to all pressures of the H2O profile,
1806  // and 0 to all other profiles.
1808  // abs_vmrs has dimension [n_species, np].
1809  abs_vmrs.resize(abs_species.nelem(), np);
1810  abs_vmrs = other_ref;
1812  // We look for O2 and N2, and assign constant values to them.
1813  // The values are from Wallace&Hobbs, 2nd edition.
1815  const Index o2_index =
1817  if (o2_index >= 0) {
1818  abs_vmrs(o2_index, joker) = 0.2095;
1819  }
1821  const Index n2_index =
1823  if (n2_index >= 0) {
1824  abs_vmrs(n2_index, joker) = 0.7808;
1825  }
1827  // Which species is H2O?
1828  const Index h2o_index = find_first_species_tg(
1829  abs_species, species_index_from_species_name("H2O"));
1831  // The function returns "-1" if there is no H2O
1832  // species.
1833  if (0 < abs_nls.nelem()) {
1834  if (h2o_index < 0) {
1835  ostringstream os;
1836  os << "Some of your species require nonlinear treatment,\n"
1837  << "but you have no H2O species.";
1838  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1839  }
1841  // Assign constant reference value to all H2O levels:
1842  abs_vmrs(h2o_index, joker) = h2o_ref;
1844  // We have to make vectors out of h2o_min and h2o_max, so we can use
1845  // them in the choose_abs_nls_pert function call.
1846  // We re-use the vectors min_prof and max_prof that we have
1847  // defined above.
1848  min_prof = h2o_min;
1849  max_prof = h2o_max;
1851  // Construct abs_nls_pert:
1852  choose_abs_nls_pert(abs_nls_pert,
1853  abs_vmrs(h2o_index, joker),
1854  min_prof,
1855  max_prof,
1856  1e99,
1857  abs_p_interp_order,
1858  abs_nls_interp_order,
1859  verbosity);
1860  } else {
1861  CREATE_OUT1;
1862  out1 << " WARNING:\n"
1863  << " You have no species that require H2O variations.\n"
1864  << " This case might work, but it has never been tested.\n"
1865  << " Please test it, then remove this warning.\n";
1866  }
1867 }
1869 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
1870 void abs_speciesAdd( // WS Output:
1871  ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag& abs_species,
1872  Index& propmat_clearsky_agenda_checked,
1873  Index& abs_xsec_agenda_checked,
1874  // Control Parameters:
1875  const ArrayOfString& names,
1876  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
1877  CREATE_OUT3;
1879  // Invalidate agenda check flags
1880  propmat_clearsky_agenda_checked = false;
1881  abs_xsec_agenda_checked = false;
1883  // Size of initial array
1884  Index n_gs = abs_species.nelem();
1886  // Temporary ArrayOfSpeciesTag
1889  // Each element of the array of Strings names defines one tag
1890  // group. Let's work through them one by one.
1891  for (Index i = 0; i < names.nelem(); ++i) {
1892  array_species_tag_from_string(temp, names[i]);
1893  abs_species.push_back(temp);
1894  }
1896  check_abs_species(abs_species);
1898  // Print list of tag groups to the most verbose output stream:
1899  out3 << " Added tag groups:";
1900  for (Index i = n_gs; i < abs_species.nelem(); ++i) {
1901  out3 << "\n " << i << ":";
1902  for (Index s = 0; s < abs_species[i].nelem(); ++s) {
1903  out3 << " " << abs_species[i][s].Name();
1904  }
1905  }
1906  out3 << '\n';
1907 }
1909 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
1910 void abs_speciesAdd2( // WS Output:
1911  Workspace& ws,
1912  ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag& abs_species,
1914  Agenda& jacobian_agenda,
1915  Index& propmat_clearsky_agenda_checked,
1916  Index& abs_xsec_agenda_checked,
1917  // WS Input:
1918  const Index& atmosphere_dim,
1919  const Vector& p_grid,
1920  const Vector& lat_grid,
1921  const Vector& lon_grid,
1922  // WS Generic Input:
1923  const Vector& rq_p_grid,
1924  const Vector& rq_lat_grid,
1925  const Vector& rq_lon_grid,
1926  // Control Parameters:
1927  const String& species,
1928  const String& mode,
1929  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
1930  CREATE_OUT3;
1932  // Invalidate agenda check flags
1933  propmat_clearsky_agenda_checked = false;
1934  abs_xsec_agenda_checked = false;
1936  // Add species to *abs_species*
1937  ArrayOfSpeciesTag tags;
1938  array_species_tag_from_string(tags, species);
1939  abs_species.push_back(tags);
1941  check_abs_species(abs_species);
1943  // Print list of added tag group to the most verbose output stream:
1944  out3 << " Appended tag group:";
1945  out3 << "\n " << abs_species.nelem() - 1 << ":";
1946  for (Index s = 0; s < tags.nelem(); ++s) {
1947  out3 << " " << tags[s].Name();
1948  }
1949  out3 << '\n';
1951  // Do retrieval part
1953  jq,
1954  jacobian_agenda,
1955  atmosphere_dim,
1956  p_grid,
1957  lat_grid,
1958  lon_grid,
1959  rq_p_grid,
1960  rq_lat_grid,
1961  rq_lon_grid,
1962  species,
1963  mode,
1964  1,
1965  verbosity);
1966 }
1968 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
1970  abs_species.resize(0);
1971 }
1973 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
1974 void abs_speciesSet( // WS Output:
1975  ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag& abs_species,
1976  Index& abs_xsec_agenda_checked,
1977  Index& propmat_clearsky_agenda_checked,
1978  // Control Parameters:
1979  const ArrayOfString& names,
1980  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
1981  CREATE_OUT3;
1983  // Invalidate agenda check flags
1984  propmat_clearsky_agenda_checked = false;
1985  abs_xsec_agenda_checked = false;
1987  abs_species.resize(names.nelem());
1989  //cout << "Names: " << names << "\n";
1991  // Each element of the array of Strings names defines one tag
1992  // group. Let's work through them one by one.
1993  for (Index i = 0; i < names.nelem(); ++i) {
1994  // This part has now been moved to array_species_tag_from_string.
1995  // Call this function.
1996  array_species_tag_from_string(abs_species[i], names[i]);
1997  }
1999  check_abs_species(abs_species);
2001  // Print list of tag groups to the most verbose output stream:
2002  out3 << " Defined tag groups: ";
2003  for (Index i = 0; i < abs_species.nelem(); ++i) {
2004  out3 << "\n " << i << ":";
2005  for (Index s = 0; s < abs_species[i].nelem(); ++s)
2006  out3 << " " << abs_species[i][s].Name();
2007  }
2008  out3 << '\n';
2009 }
2011 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
2013  Index& abs_lookup_is_adapted,
2014  const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag& abs_species,
2015  const Vector& f_grid,
2016  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
2017  abs_lookup.Adapt(abs_species, f_grid, verbosity);
2018  abs_lookup_is_adapted = 1;
2019 }
2021 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
2023  ArrayOfPropagationMatrix& propmat_clearsky,
2024  ArrayOfPropagationMatrix& dpropmat_clearsky_dx,
2025  const GasAbsLookup& abs_lookup,
2026  const Index& abs_lookup_is_adapted,
2027  const Index& abs_p_interp_order,
2028  const Index& abs_t_interp_order,
2029  const Index& abs_nls_interp_order,
2030  const Index& abs_f_interp_order,
2031  const Vector& f_grid,
2032  const Numeric& a_pressure,
2033  const Numeric& a_temperature,
2034  const Vector& a_vmr_list,
2035  const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity& jacobian_quantities,
2036  const Numeric& extpolfac,
2037  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
2038  CREATE_OUT3;
2040  // Variables needed by abs_lookup.Extract:
2041  Matrix abs_scalar_gas, dabs_scalar_gas_df, dabs_scalar_gas_dt;
2043  // Check if the table has been adapted:
2044  if (1 != abs_lookup_is_adapted)
2045  throw runtime_error(
2046  "Gas absorption lookup table must be adapted,\n"
2047  "use method abs_lookupAdapt.");
2049  const bool do_jac = supports_lookup(jacobian_quantities);
2050  const bool do_freq_jac = do_frequency_jacobian(jacobian_quantities);
2051  const bool do_temp_jac = do_temperature_jacobian(jacobian_quantities);
2052  const Numeric df = frequency_perturbation(jacobian_quantities);
2053  const Numeric dt = temperature_perturbation(jacobian_quantities);
2054  const ArrayOfIndex jacobian_quantities_position =
2055  equivalent_propmattype_indexes(jacobian_quantities);
2057  // The combination of doing frequency jacobian together with an
2058  // absorption lookup table is quite dangerous. If the frequency
2059  // interpolation order for the table is zero, the Jacobian will be
2060  // zero, and the cause for this may be difficult for a user to
2061  // find. So we do not allow this combination.
2062  if (do_freq_jac and (1 > abs_f_interp_order))
2063  throw std::runtime_error("Wind/frequency Jacobian is not possible without at least first\n"
2064  "order frequency interpolation in the lookup table. Please use\n"
2065  "abs_f_interp_order>0 or remove wind/frequency Jacobian.");
2067  // The function we are going to call here is one of the few helper
2068  // functions that adjust the size of their output argument
2069  // automatically.
2070  abs_lookup.Extract(abs_scalar_gas,
2071  abs_p_interp_order,
2072  abs_t_interp_order,
2073  abs_nls_interp_order,
2074  abs_f_interp_order,
2075  a_pressure,
2076  a_temperature,
2077  a_vmr_list,
2078  f_grid,
2079  extpolfac);
2080  if (do_freq_jac) {
2081  Vector dfreq = f_grid;
2082  dfreq += df;
2083  abs_lookup.Extract(dabs_scalar_gas_df,
2084  abs_p_interp_order,
2085  abs_t_interp_order,
2086  abs_nls_interp_order,
2087  abs_f_interp_order,
2088  a_pressure,
2089  a_temperature,
2090  a_vmr_list,
2091  dfreq,
2092  extpolfac);
2093  }
2094  if (do_temp_jac) {
2095  const Numeric dtemp = a_temperature + dt;
2096  abs_lookup.Extract(dabs_scalar_gas_dt,
2097  abs_p_interp_order,
2098  abs_t_interp_order,
2099  abs_nls_interp_order,
2100  abs_f_interp_order,
2101  a_pressure,
2102  dtemp,
2103  a_vmr_list,
2104  f_grid,
2105  extpolfac);
2106  }
2108  // Now add to the right place in the absorption matrix.
2110  if (not do_jac) {
2111  for (Index ii = 0; ii < propmat_clearsky.nelem(); ii++) {
2112  propmat_clearsky[ii].Kjj() += abs_scalar_gas(ii, joker);
2113  }
2114  } else {
2115  for (Index isp = 0; isp < propmat_clearsky.nelem(); isp++) {
2116  propmat_clearsky[isp].Kjj() += abs_scalar_gas(isp, joker);
2118  for (Index iv = 0; iv < propmat_clearsky[isp].NumberOfFrequencies();
2119  iv++) {
2120  for (Index iq = 0; iq < jacobian_quantities_position.nelem(); iq++) {
2121  if (jacobian_quantities[jacobian_quantities_position[iq]] ==
2123  dpropmat_clearsky_dx[iq].Kjj()[iv] +=
2124  (dabs_scalar_gas_dt(isp, iv) - abs_scalar_gas(isp, iv)) / dt;
2125  } else if (is_frequency_parameter(
2126  jacobian_quantities
2127  [jacobian_quantities_position[iq]])) {
2128  dpropmat_clearsky_dx[iq].Kjj()[iv] +=
2129  (dabs_scalar_gas_df(isp, iv) - abs_scalar_gas(isp, iv)) / df;
2130  } else if (jacobian_quantities[jacobian_quantities_position[iq]] ==
2132  if (jacobian_quantities[jacobian_quantities_position[iq]]
2133  .QuantumIdentity()
2134  .Species() not_eq abs_lookup.GetSpeciesIndex(isp))
2135  continue; // FIXME?: Ignoring isotopologue???
2137  // WARNING: If CIA in list, this scales wrong by factor 2
2138  dpropmat_clearsky_dx[iq].Kjj()[iv] +=
2139  abs_scalar_gas(isp, iv) / a_vmr_list[isp];
2140  }
2141  }
2142  }
2143  }
2144  }
2145 }
2147 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
2149  // WS Output:
2150  Tensor7& propmat_clearsky_field,
2151  Tensor6& nlte_source_field,
2152  // WS Input:
2153  const Index& atmfields_checked,
2154  const Vector& f_grid,
2155  const Index& stokes_dim,
2156  const Vector& p_grid,
2157  const Vector& lat_grid,
2158  const Vector& lon_grid,
2159  const Tensor3& t_field,
2160  const Tensor4& vmr_field,
2161  const EnergyLevelMap& nlte_field,
2162  const Tensor3& mag_u_field,
2163  const Tensor3& mag_v_field,
2164  const Tensor3& mag_w_field,
2165  const Agenda& abs_agenda,
2166  // WS Generic Input:
2167  const Vector& doppler,
2168  const Vector& los,
2169  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
2170  CREATE_OUT2;
2171  CREATE_OUT3;
2173  chk_if_in_range("stokes_dim", stokes_dim, 1, 4);
2174  if (atmfields_checked != 1)
2175  throw runtime_error(
2176  "The atmospheric fields must be flagged to have "
2177  "passed a consistency check (atmfields_checked=1).");
2179  ArrayOfPropagationMatrix partial_abs;
2180  ArrayOfStokesVector partial_nlte_source,
2181  nlte_partial_source; // FIXME: This is not stored!
2183  ArrayOfStokesVector nlte;
2184  Vector a_vmr_list;
2185  EnergyLevelMap a_nlte_list;
2187  // Get the number of species from the leading dimension of vmr_field:
2188  const Index n_species = vmr_field.nbooks();
2190  // Number of frequencies:
2191  const Index n_frequencies = f_grid.nelem();
2193  // Number of pressure levels:
2194  const Index n_pressures = p_grid.nelem();
2196  // Number of latitude grid points (must be at least one):
2197  const Index n_latitudes = max(Index(1), lat_grid.nelem());
2199  // Number of longitude grid points (must be at least one):
2200  const Index n_longitudes = max(Index(1), lon_grid.nelem());
2202  // Check that doppler is empty or matches p_grid
2203  if (0 != doppler.nelem() && p_grid.nelem() != doppler.nelem()) {
2204  ostringstream os;
2205  os << "Variable doppler must either be empty, or match the dimension of "
2206  << "p_grid.";
2207  throw runtime_error(os.str());
2208  }
2210  // Resize output field.
2211  // The dimension in lat and lon must be at least one, even if these
2212  // grids are empty.
2213  out2 << " Creating propmat field with dimensions:\n"
2214  << " " << n_species << " gas species,\n"
2215  << " " << n_frequencies << " frequencies,\n"
2216  << " " << stokes_dim << " stokes dimension,\n"
2217  << " " << stokes_dim << " stokes dimension,\n"
2218  << " " << n_pressures << " pressures,\n"
2219  << " " << n_latitudes << " latitudes,\n"
2220  << " " << n_longitudes << " longitudes.\n";
2222  propmat_clearsky_field.resize(n_species,
2223  n_frequencies,
2224  stokes_dim,
2225  stokes_dim,
2226  n_pressures,
2227  n_latitudes,
2228  n_longitudes);
2229  if (nlte_field.Data().empty()) {
2230  out2 << " Creating source field with dimensions:\n"
2231  << " " << n_species << " gas species,\n"
2232  << " " << n_frequencies << " frequencies,\n"
2233  << " " << stokes_dim << " stokes dimension,\n"
2234  << " " << n_pressures << " pressures,\n"
2235  << " " << n_latitudes << " latitudes,\n"
2236  << " " << n_longitudes << " longitudes.\n";
2237  nlte_source_field.resize(n_species,
2238  n_frequencies,
2239  stokes_dim,
2240  n_pressures,
2241  n_latitudes,
2242  n_longitudes);
2243  } else {
2244  out2 << " Creating source field with dimensions:\n"
2245  << " " << 0 << " gas species,\n"
2246  << " " << 0 << " frequencies,\n"
2247  << " " << 0 << " stokes dimension,\n"
2248  << " " << 0 << " pressures,\n"
2249  << " " << 0 << " latitudes,\n"
2250  << " " << 0 << " longitudes.\n";
2251  nlte_source_field.resize(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
2252  }
2254  // We have to make a local copy of the Workspace and the agendas because
2255  // only non-reference types can be declared firstprivate in OpenMP
2256  Workspace l_ws(ws);
2257  Agenda l_abs_agenda(abs_agenda);
2259  String fail_msg;
2260  bool failed = false;
2262  // Make local copy of f_grid, so that we can apply Dopler if we want.
2263  Vector this_f_grid = f_grid;
2265  // Now we have to loop all points in the atmosphere:
2266  if (n_pressures)
2267 #pragma omp parallel for if (!arts_omp_in_parallel() && \
2268  n_pressures >= arts_omp_get_max_threads()) \
2269  firstprivate(l_ws, l_abs_agenda, this_f_grid) private(abs, \
2270  nlte, \
2271  partial_abs, \
2272  partial_nlte_source, \
2273  nlte_partial_source, \
2274  a_vmr_list)
2275  for (Index ipr = 0; ipr < n_pressures; ++ipr) // Pressure: ipr
2276  {
2277  // Skip remaining iterations if an error occurred
2278  if (failed) continue;
2280  // The try block here is necessary to correctly handle
2281  // exceptions inside the parallel region.
2282  try {
2283  Numeric a_pressure = p_grid[ipr];
2285  if (0 != doppler.nelem()) {
2286  this_f_grid = f_grid;
2287  this_f_grid += doppler[ipr];
2288  }
2290  {
2291  ostringstream os;
2292  os << " p_grid[" << ipr << "] = " << a_pressure << "\n";
2293  out3 << os.str();
2294  }
2296  for (Index ila = 0; ila < n_latitudes; ++ila) // Latitude: ila
2297  for (Index ilo = 0; ilo < n_longitudes; ++ilo) // Longitude: ilo
2298  {
2299  Numeric a_temperature = t_field(ipr, ila, ilo);
2300  a_vmr_list = vmr_field(Range(joker), ipr, ila, ilo);
2301  if (!nlte_field.Data().empty())
2302  a_nlte_list = nlte_field(ipr, ila, ilo);
2304  Vector this_rtp_mag(3, 0.);
2306  if (mag_u_field.npages() != 0) {
2307  this_rtp_mag[0] = mag_u_field(ipr, ila, ilo);
2308  }
2309  if (mag_v_field.npages() != 0) {
2310  this_rtp_mag[1] = mag_v_field(ipr, ila, ilo);
2311  }
2312  if (mag_w_field.npages() != 0) {
2313  this_rtp_mag[2] = mag_w_field(ipr, ila, ilo);
2314  }
2316  // Execute agenda to calculate local absorption.
2317  // Agenda input: f_index, a_pressure, a_temperature, a_vmr_list
2318  // Agenda output: abs, nlte
2320  abs,
2321  nlte,
2322  partial_abs,
2323  partial_nlte_source,
2324  nlte_partial_source,
2326  this_f_grid,
2327  this_rtp_mag,
2328  los,
2329  a_pressure,
2330  a_temperature,
2331  a_nlte_list,
2332  a_vmr_list,
2333  l_abs_agenda);
2335  // Verify, that the number of elements in abs matrix is
2336  // constistent with stokes_dim:
2337  if (abs.nelem() > 0) {
2338  if (stokes_dim != abs[0].StokesDimensions()) {
2339  ostringstream os;
2340  os << "propmat_clearsky_fieldCalc was called with stokes_dim = "
2341  << stokes_dim << ",\n"
2342  << "but the stokes_dim returned by the agenda is "
2343  << abs[0].StokesDimensions() << ".";
2344  throw runtime_error(os.str());
2345  }
2346  }
2348  // Verify, that the number of species in abs is
2349  // constistent with vmr_field:
2350  if (n_species != abs.nelem()) {
2351  ostringstream os;
2352  os << "The number of gas species in vmr_field is " << n_species
2353  << ",\n"
2354  << "but the number of species returned by the agenda is "
2355  << abs.nelem() << ".";
2356  throw runtime_error(os.str());
2357  }
2359  // Verify, that the number of frequencies in abs is
2360  // constistent with f_extent:
2361  if (abs.nelem() > 0) {
2362  if (n_frequencies != abs[0].NumberOfFrequencies()) {
2363  ostringstream os;
2364  os << "The number of frequencies desired is " << n_frequencies
2365  << ",\n"
2366  << "but the number of frequencies returned by the agenda is "
2367  << abs[0].NumberOfFrequencies() << ".";
2368  throw runtime_error(os.str());
2369  }
2370  }
2372  // Store the result in output field.
2373  // We have to transpose abs, because the dimensions of the
2374  // two variables are:
2375  // abs_field: [abs_species, f_grid, stokes, stokes, p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid]
2376  // abs: [abs_species][f_grid, stokes, stokes]
2377  for (Index i = 0; i < abs.nelem(); i++) {
2378  abs[i].GetTensor3(propmat_clearsky_field(
2379  i, joker, joker, joker, ipr, ila, ilo));
2381  if (not nlte_field.Data().empty()) {
2382  //If some are NLTE and others not, this might be bad...
2383  nlte_source_field(i, joker, joker, ipr, ila, ilo) =
2384  nlte[i].Data()(0, 0, joker, joker);
2385  }
2386  }
2387  }
2388  } catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
2389 #pragma omp critical(propmat_clearsky_fieldCalc_fail)
2390  {
2391  fail_msg = e.what();
2392  failed = true;
2393  }
2394  }
2395  }
2397  if (failed) throw runtime_error(fail_msg);
2398 }
2400 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
2402  const GasAbsLookup& abs_lookup,
2403  const Verbosity&) {
2404  const Vector& lookup_f_grid = abs_lookup.GetFgrid();
2405  f_grid.resize(lookup_f_grid.nelem());
2406  f_grid = lookup_f_grid;
2407 }
2409 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
2411  const GasAbsLookup& abs_lookup,
2412  const Verbosity&) {
2413  const Vector& lookup_p_grid = abs_lookup.GetPgrid();
2414  p_grid.resize(lookup_p_grid.nelem());
2415  p_grid = lookup_p_grid;
2416 }
2441 Numeric calc_lookup_error( // Parameters for lookup table:
2442  Workspace& ws,
2443  const GasAbsLookup& al,
2444  const Index& abs_p_interp_order,
2445  const Index& abs_t_interp_order,
2446  const Index& abs_nls_interp_order,
2447  const bool ignore_errors,
2448  // Parameters for LBL:
2449  const Agenda& abs_xsec_agenda,
2450  // Parameters for both:
2451  const Numeric& local_p,
2452  const Numeric& local_t,
2453  const Vector& local_vmrs,
2454  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
2455  // Allocate some matrices. I also tried allocating these (and the
2456  // vectors below) outside, but there was no significant speed
2457  // advantage. (I guess the LBL calculation is expensive enough to
2458  // make the extra time of allocation here insignificant.)
2459  Matrix sga_tab; // Absorption, dimension [n_species,n_f_grid]:
2460  const EnergyLevelMap local_nlte_dummy;
2462  // Do lookup table first:
2464  try {
2465  // Absorption, dimension [n_species,n_f_grid]:
2466  // Output variable: sga_tab
2467  al.Extract(sga_tab,
2468  abs_p_interp_order,
2469  abs_t_interp_order,
2470  abs_nls_interp_order,
2471  0, // f_interp_order
2472  local_p,
2473  local_t,
2474  local_vmrs,
2475  al.f_grid,
2476  0.0); // Extpolfac
2477  } catch (const std::runtime_error& x) {
2478  // If ignore_errors is set to true, then we mark this case for
2479  // skipping, and ignore the exceptions.
2480  // Otherwise, we re-throw the exception.
2481  if (ignore_errors)
2482  return -1;
2483  else
2484  throw runtime_error(x.what());
2485  }
2487  // Get number of frequencies. (We cannot do this earlier, since we
2488  // get it from the output of al.Extract.)
2489  const Index n_f = sga_tab.ncols();
2491  // Allocate some vectors with this dimension:
2492  Vector abs_tab(n_f);
2493  Vector abs_lbl(n_f, 0.0);
2494  Vector abs_rel_diff(n_f);
2496  // Sum up for all species, to get total absorption:
2497  for (Index i = 0; i < n_f; ++i) abs_tab[i] = sga_tab(joker, i).sum();
2499  // Now get absorption line-by-line.
2501  // Variable to hold result of absorption calculation:
2502  ArrayOfPropagationMatrix propmat_clearsky;
2503  ArrayOfStokesVector nlte_source;
2504  ArrayOfPropagationMatrix dpropmat_clearsky_dx;
2505  ArrayOfStokesVector dnlte_dx_source, nlte_dsource_dx;
2506  ArrayOfMatrix d;
2507  const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity jacobian_quantities(0);
2508  Index propmat_clearsky_checked = 1,
2509  nlte_do = 0; // FIXME: OLE: Properly pass this through?
2511  // Initialize propmat_clearsky:
2512  propmat_clearskyInit(propmat_clearsky,
2513  nlte_source,
2514  dpropmat_clearsky_dx,
2515  dnlte_dx_source,
2516  nlte_dsource_dx,
2517  al.species,
2518  jacobian_quantities,
2519  al.f_grid,
2520  1, // Stokes dimension
2521  propmat_clearsky_checked,
2522  nlte_do,
2523  verbosity);
2525  // Add result of LBL calculation to propmat_clearsky:
2527  propmat_clearsky,
2528  nlte_source,
2529  dpropmat_clearsky_dx,
2530  dnlte_dx_source,
2531  nlte_dsource_dx,
2532  al.f_grid,
2533  al.species,
2534  jacobian_quantities,
2535  local_p,
2536  local_t,
2537  local_nlte_dummy,
2538  local_vmrs,
2539  abs_xsec_agenda,
2540  verbosity);
2542  // Argument 0 above is the Doppler shift (usually
2543  // rtp_doppler). Should be zero in this case.
2545  // Sum up for all species, to get total absorption:
2546  for (auto& pm : propmat_clearsky) abs_lbl += pm.Kjj();
2548  // Ok. What we have to compare is abs_tab and abs_lbl.
2550  assert(abs_tab.nelem() == n_f);
2551  assert(abs_lbl.nelem() == n_f);
2552  assert(abs_rel_diff.nelem() == n_f);
2553  for (Index i = 0; i < n_f; ++i) {
2554  // Absolute value of relative difference in percent:
2555  abs_rel_diff[i] = fabs((abs_tab[i] - abs_lbl[i]) / abs_lbl[i] * 100);
2556  }
2558  // Maximum of this:
2559  Numeric max_abs_rel_diff = max(abs_rel_diff);
2561  // cout << "ma " << max_abs_rel_diff << "\n";
2563  return max_abs_rel_diff;
2564 }
2566 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
2567 void abs_lookupTestAccuracy( // Workspace reference:
2568  Workspace& ws,
2569  // WS Input:
2570  const GasAbsLookup& abs_lookup,
2571  const Index& abs_lookup_is_adapted,
2572  const Index& abs_p_interp_order,
2573  const Index& abs_t_interp_order,
2574  const Index& abs_nls_interp_order,
2575  const Agenda& abs_xsec_agenda,
2576  // Verbosity object:
2577  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
2578  CREATE_OUT2;
2580  const GasAbsLookup& al = abs_lookup;
2582  // Check if the table has been adapted:
2583  if (1 != abs_lookup_is_adapted)
2584  throw runtime_error(
2585  "Gas absorption lookup table must be adapted,\n"
2586  "use method abs_lookupAdapt.");
2588  // Some important sizes:
2589  const Index n_nls = al.nonlinear_species.nelem();
2590  const Index n_species = al.species.nelem();
2591  // const Index n_f = al.f_grid.nelem();
2592  const Index n_p = al.log_p_grid.nelem();
2594  if (n_nls <= 0) {
2595  ostringstream os;
2596  os << "This function currently works only with lookup tables\n"
2597  << "containing nonlinear species.";
2598  throw runtime_error(os.str());
2599  }
2601  // If there are nonlinear species, then at least one species must be
2602  // H2O. We will use that to perturb in the case of nonlinear
2603  // species.
2604  Index h2o_index = -1;
2605  if (n_nls > 0) {
2606  h2o_index = find_first_species_tg(al.species,
2609  // This is a runtime error, even though it would be more logical
2610  // for it to be an assertion, since it is an internal check on
2611  // the table. The reason is that it is somewhat awkward to check
2612  // for this in other places.
2613  if (h2o_index == -1) {
2614  ostringstream os;
2615  os << "With nonlinear species, at least one species must be a H2O species.";
2616  throw runtime_error(os.str());
2617  }
2618  }
2620  // Check temperature interpolation
2622  Vector inbet_t_pert(al.t_pert.nelem() - 1);
2623  for (Index i = 0; i < inbet_t_pert.nelem(); ++i)
2624  inbet_t_pert[i] = (al.t_pert[i] + al.t_pert[i + 1]) / 2.0;
2626  // To store the temperature error, which we define as the maximum of
2627  // the absolute value of the relative difference between LBL and
2628  // lookup table, in percent.
2629  Numeric err_t = -999;
2631 #pragma omp parallel for if (!arts_omp_in_parallel())
2632  for (Index pi = 0; pi < n_p; ++pi)
2633  for (Index ti = 0; ti < inbet_t_pert.nelem(); ++ti) {
2634  // Find local conditions:
2636  // Pressure:
2637  Numeric local_p = al.p_grid[pi];
2639  // Temperature:
2640  Numeric local_t = al.t_ref[pi] + inbet_t_pert[ti];
2642  // VMRs:
2643  Vector local_vmrs = al.vmrs_ref(joker, pi);
2645  // Watch out, the table probably does not have an absorption
2646  // value for exactly the reference H2O profile. We multiply
2647  // with the first perturbation.
2648  local_vmrs[h2o_index] *= al.nls_pert[0];
2650  Numeric max_abs_rel_diff =
2651  calc_lookup_error(ws,
2652  // Parameters for lookup table:
2653  al,
2654  abs_p_interp_order,
2655  abs_t_interp_order,
2656  abs_nls_interp_order,
2657  true, // ignore errors
2658  // Parameters for LBL:
2659  abs_xsec_agenda,
2660  // Parameters for both:
2661  local_p,
2662  local_t,
2663  local_vmrs,
2664  verbosity);
2666  // cout << "ma " << max_abs_rel_diff << "\n";
2668  //Critical directive here is necessary, because all threads
2669  //access the same variable.
2670 #pragma omp critical(abs_lookupTestAccuracy_piti)
2671  {
2672  if (max_abs_rel_diff > err_t) err_t = max_abs_rel_diff;
2673  }
2675  } // end parallel for loop
2677  // Check H2O interpolation
2679  Vector inbet_nls_pert(al.nls_pert.nelem() - 1);
2680  for (Index i = 0; i < inbet_nls_pert.nelem(); ++i)
2681  inbet_nls_pert[i] = (al.nls_pert[i] + al.nls_pert[i + 1]) / 2.0;
2683  // To store the H2O error, which we define as the maximum of
2684  // the absolute value of the relative difference between LBL and
2685  // lookup table, in percent.
2686  Numeric err_nls = -999;
2688 #pragma omp parallel for if (!arts_omp_in_parallel())
2689  for (Index pi = 0; pi < n_p; ++pi)
2690  for (Index ni = 0; ni < inbet_nls_pert.nelem(); ++ni) {
2691  // Find local conditions:
2693  // Pressure:
2694  Numeric local_p = al.p_grid[pi];
2696  // Temperature:
2698  // Watch out, the table probably does not have an absorption
2699  // value for exactly the reference temperature. We add
2700  // the first perturbation.
2702  Numeric local_t = al.t_ref[pi] + al.t_pert[0];
2704  // VMRs:
2705  Vector local_vmrs = al.vmrs_ref(joker, pi);
2707  // Now we have to modify the H2O VMR according to nls_pert:
2708  local_vmrs[h2o_index] *= inbet_nls_pert[ni];
2710  Numeric max_abs_rel_diff =
2711  calc_lookup_error(ws,
2712  // Parameters for lookup table:
2713  al,
2714  abs_p_interp_order,
2715  abs_t_interp_order,
2716  abs_nls_interp_order,
2717  true, // ignore errors
2718  // Parameters for LBL:
2719  abs_xsec_agenda,
2720  // Parameters for both:
2721  local_p,
2722  local_t,
2723  local_vmrs,
2724  verbosity);
2726  //Critical directive here is necessary, because all threads
2727  //access the same variable.
2728 #pragma omp critical(abs_lookupTestAccuracy_pini)
2729  {
2730  if (max_abs_rel_diff > err_nls) err_nls = max_abs_rel_diff;
2731  }
2733  } // end parallel for loop
2735  // Check pressure interpolation
2737  // IMPORTANT: This does not test the pure pressure interpolation,
2738  // unless we have constant reference profiles for T and
2739  // H2O. Otherwise we have T and H2O interpolation mixed in.
2741  Vector inbet_p_grid(n_p - 1);
2742  Vector inbet_t_ref(n_p - 1);
2743  Matrix inbet_vmrs_ref(n_species, n_p - 1);
2744  for (Index i = 0; i < inbet_p_grid.nelem(); ++i) {
2745  inbet_p_grid[i] = exp((al.log_p_grid[i] + al.log_p_grid[i + 1]) / 2.0);
2746  inbet_t_ref[i] = (al.t_ref[i] + al.t_ref[i + 1]) / 2.0;
2747  for (Index j = 0; j < n_species; ++j)
2748  inbet_vmrs_ref(j, i) = (al.vmrs_ref(j, i) + al.vmrs_ref(j, i + 1)) / 2.0;
2749  }
2751  // To store the interpolation error, which we define as the maximum of
2752  // the absolute value of the relative difference between LBL and
2753  // lookup table, in percent.
2754  Numeric err_p = -999;
2756 #pragma omp parallel for if (!arts_omp_in_parallel())
2757  for (Index pi = 0; pi < n_p - 1; ++pi) {
2758  // Find local conditions:
2760  // Pressure:
2761  Numeric local_p = inbet_p_grid[pi];
2763  // Temperature:
2765  // Watch out, the table probably does not have an absorption
2766  // value for exactly the reference temperature. We add
2767  // the first perturbation.
2769  Numeric local_t = inbet_t_ref[pi] + al.t_pert[0];
2771  // VMRs:
2772  Vector local_vmrs = inbet_vmrs_ref(joker, pi);
2774  // Watch out, the table probably does not have an absorption
2775  // value for exactly the reference H2O profile. We multiply
2776  // with the first perturbation.
2777  local_vmrs[h2o_index] *= al.nls_pert[0];
2779  Numeric max_abs_rel_diff = calc_lookup_error(ws,
2780  // Parameters for lookup table:
2781  al,
2782  abs_p_interp_order,
2783  abs_t_interp_order,
2784  abs_nls_interp_order,
2785  true, // ignore errors
2786  // Parameters for LBL:
2787  abs_xsec_agenda,
2788  // Parameters for both:
2789  local_p,
2790  local_t,
2791  local_vmrs,
2792  verbosity);
2794  //Critical directive here is necessary, because all threads
2795  //access the same variable.
2796 #pragma omp critical(abs_lookupTestAccuracy_pi)
2797  {
2798  if (max_abs_rel_diff > err_p) err_p = max_abs_rel_diff;
2799  }
2800  }
2802  // Check total error
2804  // To store the interpolation error, which we define as the maximum of
2805  // the absolute value of the relative difference between LBL and
2806  // lookup table, in percent.
2807  Numeric err_tot = -999;
2809 #pragma omp parallel for if (!arts_omp_in_parallel())
2810  for (Index pi = 0; pi < n_p - 1; ++pi)
2811  for (Index ti = 0; ti < inbet_t_pert.nelem(); ++ti)
2812  for (Index ni = 0; ni < inbet_nls_pert.nelem(); ++ni) {
2813  // Find local conditions:
2815  // Pressure:
2816  Numeric local_p = inbet_p_grid[pi];
2818  // Temperature:
2819  Numeric local_t = inbet_t_ref[pi] + inbet_t_pert[ti];
2821  // VMRs:
2822  Vector local_vmrs = inbet_vmrs_ref(joker, pi);
2824  // Multiply with perturbation.
2825  local_vmrs[h2o_index] *= inbet_nls_pert[ni];
2827  Numeric max_abs_rel_diff =
2828  calc_lookup_error(ws,
2829  // Parameters for lookup table:
2830  al,
2831  abs_p_interp_order,
2832  abs_t_interp_order,
2833  abs_nls_interp_order,
2834  true, // ignore errors
2835  // Parameters for LBL:
2836  abs_xsec_agenda,
2837  // Parameters for both:
2838  local_p,
2839  local_t,
2840  local_vmrs,
2841  verbosity);
2843  //Critical directive here is necessary, because all threads
2844  //access the same variable.
2845 #pragma omp critical(abs_lookupTestAccuracy_pitini)
2846  {
2847  if (max_abs_rel_diff > err_tot) {
2848  err_tot = max_abs_rel_diff;
2850  // cout << "New max error: pi, ti, ni, err_tot:\n"
2851  // << pi << ", " << ti << ", " << ni << ", " << err_tot << "\n";
2852  }
2853  }
2854  }
2856  out2 << " Max. of absolute value of relative error in percent:\n"
2857  << " Note: Unless you have constant reference profiles, the\n"
2858  << " pressure interpolation error will have other errors mixed in.\n"
2859  << " Temperature interpolation: " << err_t << "%\n"
2860  << " H2O (NLS) interpolation: " << err_nls << "%\n"
2861  << " Pressure interpolation: " << err_p << "%\n"
2862  << " Total error: " << err_tot << "%\n";
2864  // Check pressure interpolation
2866  // assert(p_grid.nelem()==log_p_grid.nelem()); // Make sure that log_p_grid is initialized.
2867  // Vector inbet_log_p_grid(log_p_grid.nelem()-1)
2868  // for (Index i=0; i<log_p_grid.nelem()-1; ++i)
2869  // {
2870  // inbet_log_p_grid[i] = (log_p_grid[i]+log_p_grid[i+1])/2.0;
2871  // }
2873  // for (Index pi=0; pi<inbet_log_p_grid.nelem(); ++pi)
2874  // {
2875  // for (Index pt=0; pt<)
2876  // }
2877 }
2879 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
2880 void abs_lookupTestAccMC( // Workspace reference:
2881  Workspace& ws,
2882  // WS Input:
2883  const GasAbsLookup& abs_lookup,
2884  const Index& abs_lookup_is_adapted,
2885  const Index& abs_p_interp_order,
2886  const Index& abs_t_interp_order,
2887  const Index& abs_nls_interp_order,
2888  const Index& mc_seed,
2889  const Agenda& abs_xsec_agenda,
2890  // Verbosity object:
2891  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
2892  CREATE_OUT2;
2893  CREATE_OUT3;
2895  const GasAbsLookup& al = abs_lookup;
2897  // Check if the table has been adapted:
2898  if (1 != abs_lookup_is_adapted)
2899  throw runtime_error(
2900  "Gas absorption lookup table must be adapted,\n"
2901  "use method abs_lookupAdapt.");
2903  // Some important sizes:
2904  const Index n_nls = al.nonlinear_species.nelem();
2905  const Index n_species = al.species.nelem();
2907  if (n_nls <= 0) {
2908  ostringstream os;
2909  os << "This function currently works only with lookup tables\n"
2910  << "containing nonlinear species.";
2911  throw runtime_error(os.str());
2912  }
2914  // If there are nonlinear species, then at least one species must be
2915  // H2O. We will use that to perturb in the case of nonlinear
2916  // species.
2917  Index h2o_index = -1;
2918  if (n_nls > 0) {
2919  h2o_index = find_first_species_tg(al.species,
2922  // This is a runtime error, even though it would be more logical
2923  // for it to be an assertion, since it is an internal check on
2924  // the table. The reason is that it is somewhat awkward to check
2925  // for this in other places.
2926  if (h2o_index == -1) {
2927  ostringstream os;
2928  os << "With nonlinear species, at least one species must be a H2O species.";
2929  throw runtime_error(os.str());
2930  }
2931  }
2933  // How many MC cases to run between each convergence check.
2934  // (It is important for parallelization that this is not too small.)
2935  const Index chunksize = 100;
2937  //Random Number generator:
2938  Rng rng;
2939  rng.seed(mc_seed, verbosity);
2940  // rng.draw() will draw a double from the uniform distribution [0,1).
2942  // (Log) Pressure range:
2943  const Numeric lp_max = al.log_p_grid[0];
2944  const Numeric lp_min = al.log_p_grid[al.log_p_grid.nelem() - 1];
2946  // T perturbation range (additive):
2947  const Numeric dT_min = al.t_pert[0];
2948  const Numeric dT_max = al.t_pert[al.t_pert.nelem() - 1];
2950  // H2O perturbation range (scaling):
2951  const Numeric dh2o_min = al.nls_pert[0];
2952  const Numeric dh2o_max = al.nls_pert[al.nls_pert.nelem() - 1];
2954  // We are creating all random numbers for the chunk beforehand, to avoid the
2955  // problem that random number generators in different threads would need
2956  // different seeds to produce independent random numbers.
2957  // (I prefer this solution to the one of having the rng inside the threads,
2958  // because it ensures that the result does not depend on the the number of CPUs.)
2959  Vector rand_lp(chunksize);
2960  Vector rand_dT(chunksize);
2961  Vector rand_dh2o(chunksize);
2963  // Store the errors for one chunk:
2964  Vector max_abs_rel_diff(chunksize);
2966  // Flag to break our MC calculation loop eventually
2967  bool keep_looping = true;
2969  // Total mean and standard deviation. (Is updated after each chunk.)
2970  Numeric total_mean;
2971  Numeric total_std;
2972  Index N_chunk = 0;
2973  while (keep_looping) {
2974  ++N_chunk;
2976  for (Index i = 0; i < chunksize; ++i) {
2977  // A random pressure, temperature perturbation, and H2O perturbation,
2978  // all with flat PDF between min and max:
2979  rand_lp[i] = rng.draw() * (lp_max - lp_min) + lp_min;
2980  rand_dT[i] = rng.draw() * (dT_max - dT_min) + dT_min;
2981  rand_dh2o[i] = rng.draw() * (dh2o_max - dh2o_min) + dh2o_min;
2982  }
2984  for (Index i = 0; i < chunksize; ++i) {
2985  // The pressure we work with here:
2986  const Numeric this_lp = rand_lp[i];
2988  // Now we have to interpolate t_ref and vmrs_ref to this
2989  // pressure, so that we can apply the dT and dh2o perturbations.
2991  // Pressure grid positions:
2992  ArrayOfGridPosPoly pgp(1);
2993  gridpos_poly(pgp, al.log_p_grid, this_lp, abs_p_interp_order);
2995  // Pressure interpolation weights:
2996  Vector pitw;
2997  pitw.resize(abs_p_interp_order + 1);
2998  interpweights(pitw, pgp[0]);
3000  // Interpolated temperature:
3001  const Numeric this_t_ref = interp(pitw, al.t_ref, pgp[0]);
3003  // Interpolated VMRs:
3004  Vector these_vmrs(n_species);
3005  for (Index j = 0; j < n_species; ++j) {
3006  these_vmrs[j] = interp(pitw, al.vmrs_ref(j, Range(joker)), pgp[0]);
3007  }
3009  // Now get the actual p, T and H2O values:
3010  const Numeric this_p = exp(this_lp);
3011  const Numeric this_t = this_t_ref + rand_dT[i];
3012  these_vmrs[h2o_index] *= rand_dh2o[i];
3014  // cout << "p, T, H2O: " << this_p << ", " << this_t << ", " << these_vmrs[h2o_index] << "\n";
3016  // Get error between table and LBL calculation for these conditions:
3018  max_abs_rel_diff[i] = calc_lookup_error(ws,
3019  // Parameters for lookup table:
3020  al,
3021  abs_p_interp_order,
3022  abs_t_interp_order,
3023  abs_nls_interp_order,
3024  true, // ignore errors
3025  // Parameters for LBL:
3026  abs_xsec_agenda,
3027  // Parameters for both:
3028  this_p,
3029  this_t,
3030  these_vmrs,
3031  verbosity);
3032  // cout << "max_abs_rel_diff[" << i << "] = " << max_abs_rel_diff[i] << "\n";
3033  }
3035  // Calculate Mean of the last batch.
3037  // Total number of valid points in the chunk (not counting negative values,
3038  // which result from failed calculations at the edges of the table.)
3039  Index N = 0;
3040  // Mean (initially sum of all values):
3041  Numeric mean = 0;
3042  for (Index i = 0; i < chunksize; ++i) {
3043  const Numeric x = max_abs_rel_diff[i];
3044  if (x > 0) {
3045  ++N;
3046  mean += x;
3047  }
3048  // else
3049  // {
3050  // cout << "Negative value ignored.\n";
3051  // }
3052  }
3053  // Calculate mean by dividing sum by number of valid points:
3054  mean = mean / (Numeric)N;
3056  // Now calculate standard deviation:
3058  // Variance (initially sum of squared differences)
3059  Numeric variance = 0;
3060  for (Index i = 0; i < chunksize; ++i) {
3061  const Numeric x = max_abs_rel_diff[i];
3062  if (x > 0) {
3063  variance += (x - mean) * (x - mean);
3064  }
3065  }
3066  // Divide by N to really calculate variance:
3067  variance = variance / (Numeric)N;
3069  // cout << "Mean = " << mean << " Std = " << std_dev << "\n";
3071  if (N_chunk == 1) {
3072  total_mean = mean;
3073  total_std = sqrt(variance);
3074  } else {
3075  const Numeric old_mean = total_mean;
3077  // This formula assimilates the new chunk mean into the total mean:
3078  total_mean =
3079  (total_mean * ((Numeric)(N_chunk - 1)) + mean) / (Numeric)N_chunk;
3081  // Do the same for the standard deviation.
3082  // First get rid of the square root:
3083  total_std = total_std * total_std;
3084  // Now multiply with old normalisation:
3085  total_std *= (Numeric)(N_chunk - 1);
3086  // Now add the new sigma
3087  total_std += variance;
3088  // Divide by the new normalisation:
3089  total_std /= (Numeric)N_chunk;
3090  // And finally take the square root:
3091  total_std = sqrt(total_std);
3093  // Stop the chunk loop if desired accuracy has been reached.
3094  // We take 1% here, no point in trying to be more accurate!
3095  if (abs(total_mean - old_mean) < total_mean / 100) keep_looping = false;
3096  }
3098  // cout << " Chunk " << N_chunk << ": Mean estimate = " << total_mean
3099  // << " Std estimate = " << total_std << "\n";
3101  out3 << " Chunk " << N_chunk << ": Mean estimate = " << total_mean
3102  << " Std estimate = " << total_std << "\n";
3104  } // End of "keep_looping" loop that runs over the chunks
3106  out2 << " Mean relative error: " << total_mean << "%\n"
3107  << " Standard deviation: " << total_std << "%\n";
3108 }
The type to use for all integer numbers and indices.
Definition: matpack.h:39
void jacobianAddAbsSpecies(Workspace &, ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jq, Agenda &jacobian_agenda, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const Vector &p_grid, const Vector &lat_grid, const Vector &lon_grid, const Vector &rq_p_grid, const Vector &rq_lat_grid, const Vector &rq_lon_grid, const String &species, const String &mode, const Index &for_species_tag, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: jacobianAddAbsSpecies.
ArrayOfIndex equivalent_propmattype_indexes(const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &js)
Returns a list of positions for the derivatives in Propagation Matrix calculations.
#define N
void propmat_clearsky_fieldCalc(Workspace &ws, Tensor7 &propmat_clearsky_field, Tensor6 &nlte_source_field, const Index &atmfields_checked, const Vector &f_grid, const Index &stokes_dim, const Vector &p_grid, const Vector &lat_grid, const Vector &lon_grid, const Tensor3 &t_field, const Tensor4 &vmr_field, const EnergyLevelMap &nlte_field, const Tensor3 &mag_u_field, const Tensor3 &mag_v_field, const Tensor3 &mag_w_field, const Agenda &abs_agenda, const Vector &doppler, const Vector &los, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: propmat_clearsky_fieldCalc.
void abs_lookupInit(GasAbsLookup &x, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: abs_lookupInit.
The Agenda class.
Definition: agenda_class.h:44
Index nelem() const
Number of elements.
Definition: array.h:195
Vector nls_pert
The vector of perturbations for the VMRs of the nonlinear species.
QuantumIdentifier::QType Index LowerQuantumNumbers Species
Vector t_pert
The vector of temperature perturbations [K].
void choose_abs_nls(ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_nls, const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_species, const Verbosity &verbosity)
Choose species for abs_nls.
Declarations having to do with the four output streams.
void parse_atmcompact_speciestype(String &species_type, const String &field_name, const String &delim)
void abs_speciesInit(ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_species, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: abs_speciesInit.
void abs_lookupTestAccuracy(Workspace &ws, const GasAbsLookup &abs_lookup, const Index &abs_lookup_is_adapted, const Index &abs_p_interp_order, const Index &abs_t_interp_order, const Index &abs_nls_interp_order, const Agenda &abs_xsec_agenda, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: abs_lookupTestAccuracy.
void check_abs_species(const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_species)
Check the correctness of abs_species.
void abs_speciesSet(ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_species, Index &abs_xsec_agenda_checked, Index &propmat_clearsky_agenda_checked, const ArrayOfString &names, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: abs_speciesSet.
The Vector class.
Definition: matpackI.h:860
void f_gridFromGasAbsLookup(Vector &f_grid, const GasAbsLookup &abs_lookup, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: f_gridFromGasAbsLookup.
#define abs(x)
Numeric interp(ConstVectorView itw, ConstVectorView a, const GridPos &tc)
Red 1D Interpolate.
const Tensor4 & Data() const noexcept
Energy level type.
Numeric frequency_perturbation(const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &js) noexcept
Returns the frequency perturbation if it exists.
void abs_lookupSetupBatch(Vector &abs_p, Vector &abs_t, Vector &abs_t_pert, Matrix &abs_vmrs, ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_nls, Vector &abs_nls_pert, const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_species, const ArrayOfGriddedField4 &batch_fields, const Index &abs_p_interp_order, const Index &abs_t_interp_order, const Index &abs_nls_interp_order, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const Numeric &p_step10, const Numeric &t_step, const Numeric &h2o_step, const Vector &extremes, const Index &robust, const Index &check_gridnames, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: abs_lookupSetupBatch.
The Tensor4 class.
Definition: matpackIV.h:421
The range class.
Definition: matpackI.h:160
Array< RetrievalQuantity > ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity
Definition: jacobian.h:402
String get_tag_group_name(const ArrayOfSpeciesTag &tg)
Return the name of a tag group as a string.
Index npages() const
Returns the number of pages.
invlib::Vector< ArtsVector > Vector
invlib wrapper type for ARTS vectors.
Definition: oem.h:32
bool is_zeeman(const ArrayOfSpeciesTag &tg)
Is this a Zeeman tag group?
void abs_speciesAdd(ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_species, Index &propmat_clearsky_agenda_checked, Index &abs_xsec_agenda_checked, const ArrayOfString &names, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: abs_speciesAdd.
The Tensor7 class.
Definition: matpackVII.h:2382
void VectorInsertGridPoints(Vector &og, const Vector &ingrid, const Vector &points, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: VectorInsertGridPoints.
ArrayOfIndex nonlinear_species
The species tags with non-linear treatment.
void Adapt(const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &current_species, ConstVectorView current_f_grid, const Verbosity &verbosity)
Adapt lookup table to current calculation.
#define min(a, b)
G0 G2 FVC Y DV Numeric Numeric Numeric Zeeman LowerQuantumNumbers void * data
Index GetSpeciesIndex(const Index &isp) const
Vector log_p_grid
The natural log of the pressure grid.
Index nrows() const
Returns the number of rows.
void atmfields_checkedCalc(Index &atmfields_checked, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const Vector &p_grid, const Vector &lat_grid, const Vector &lon_grid, const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_species, const Tensor3 &t_field, const Tensor4 &vmr_field, const Tensor3 &wind_u_field, const Tensor3 &wind_v_field, const Tensor3 &wind_w_field, const Tensor3 &mag_u_field, const Tensor3 &mag_v_field, const Tensor3 &mag_w_field, const SpeciesAuxData &partition_functions, const Index &abs_f_interp_order, const Index &negative_vmr_ok, const Index &bad_partition_functions_ok, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: atmfields_checkedCalc.
Index nelem() const
Returns the number of elements.
bool is_unique(const ArrayOfIndex &x)
Checks if an ArrayOfIndex is unique, i.e., has no duplicate values.
void choose_abs_nls_pert(Vector &abs_nls_pert, ConstVectorView refprof, ConstVectorView minprof, ConstVectorView maxprof, const Numeric &step, const Index &p_interp_order, const Index &nls_interp_order, const Verbosity &verbosity)
Chose the H2O perturbations abs_nls_pert.
bool is_frequency_parameter(const RetrievalQuantity &t) noexcept
Returns if the Retrieval quantity is a frequency parameter in propagation matrix calculations.
Tensor4 xsec
Absorption cross sections.
Index ncols() const
Returns the number of columns.
The Tensor3 class.
Definition: matpackIII.h:339
The global header file for ARTS.
Matrix vmrs_ref
The reference VMR profiles.
Vector f_grid
The frequency grid [Hz].
void abs_lookupSetupWide(Vector &abs_p, Vector &abs_t, Vector &abs_t_pert, Matrix &abs_vmrs, ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_nls, Vector &abs_nls_pert, const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_species, const Index &abs_p_interp_order, const Index &abs_t_interp_order, const Index &abs_nls_interp_order, const Numeric &p_min, const Numeric &p_max, const Numeric &p_step10, const Numeric &t_min, const Numeric &t_max, const Numeric &h2o_min, const Numeric &h2o_max, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: abs_lookupSetupWide.
_CS_string_type str() const
Definition: sstream.h:491
void propmat_clearskyAddFromLookup(ArrayOfPropagationMatrix &propmat_clearsky, ArrayOfPropagationMatrix &dpropmat_clearsky_dx, const GasAbsLookup &abs_lookup, const Index &abs_lookup_is_adapted, const Index &abs_p_interp_order, const Index &abs_t_interp_order, const Index &abs_nls_interp_order, const Index &abs_f_interp_order, const Vector &f_grid, const Numeric &a_pressure, const Numeric &a_temperature, const Vector &a_vmr_list, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, const Numeric &extpolfac, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: propmat_clearskyAddFromLookup.
Declarations for agendas.
void abs_lookupAdapt(GasAbsLookup &abs_lookup, Index &abs_lookup_is_adapted, const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_species, const Vector &f_grid, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: abs_lookupAdapt.
ArrayOfIndex idx
Numeric calc_lookup_error(Workspace &ws, const GasAbsLookup &al, const Index &abs_p_interp_order, const Index &abs_t_interp_order, const Index &abs_nls_interp_order, const bool ignore_errors, const Agenda &abs_xsec_agenda, const Numeric &local_p, const Numeric &local_t, const Vector &local_vmrs, const Verbosity &verbosity)
Compare lookup and LBL calculation.
void abs_lookupCalc(Workspace &ws, GasAbsLookup &abs_lookup, Index &abs_lookup_is_adapted, const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_species, const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_nls, const Vector &f_grid, const Vector &abs_p, const Matrix &abs_vmrs, const Vector &abs_t, const Vector &abs_t_pert, const Vector &abs_nls_pert, const Agenda &abs_xsec_agenda, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: abs_lookupCalc.
void p_gridFromGasAbsLookup(Vector &p_grid, const GasAbsLookup &abs_lookup, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: p_gridFromGasAbsLookup.
void propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly(Workspace &ws, ArrayOfPropagationMatrix &propmat_clearsky, ArrayOfStokesVector &nlte_source, ArrayOfPropagationMatrix &dpropmat_clearsky_dx, ArrayOfStokesVector &dnlte_dx_source, ArrayOfStokesVector &nlte_dsource_dx, const Vector &f_grid, const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_species, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, const Numeric &rtp_pressure, const Numeric &rtp_temperature, const EnergyLevelMap &rtp_nlte, const Vector &rtp_vmr, const Agenda &abs_xsec_agenda, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly.
#define CREATE_OUT1
Definition: messages.h:205
Index find_first_species_tg(const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &tgs, const Index &spec)
Find first occurrence of species in tag groups.
void gridpos(ArrayOfGridPos &gp, ConstVectorView old_grid, ConstVectorView new_grid, const Numeric &extpolfac)
Set up a grid position Array.
An absorption lookup table.
Numeric temperature_perturbation(const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &js) noexcept
Returns the temperature perturbation if it exists.
const Vector & GetFgrid() const
const Joker joker
#define temp
member functions of the Rng class and gsl_rng code
The type to use for all floating point numbers.
Definition: matpack.h:33
The Matrix class.
Definition: matpackI.h:1193
Declarations for the gas absorption lookup table.
void AtmFieldsAndParticleBulkPropFieldFromCompact(Vector &p_grid, Vector &lat_grid, Vector &lon_grid, Tensor3 &t_field, Tensor3 &z_field, Tensor4 &vmr_field, Tensor4 &particle_bulkprop_field, ArrayOfString &particle_bulkprop_names, const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_species, const GriddedField4 &atm_fields_compact, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const String &delim, const Numeric &p_min, const Index &check_gridnames, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: AtmFieldsAndParticleBulkPropFieldFromCompact.
Declarations required for the calculation of absorption coefficients.
void gridpos_poly(ArrayOfGridPosPoly &gp, ConstVectorView old_grid, ConstVectorView new_grid, const Index order, const Numeric &extpolfac)
The maximum difference from 1 that we allow for a sum check.
void choose_abs_t_pert(Vector &abs_t_pert, ConstVectorView abs_t, ConstVectorView tmin, ConstVectorView tmax, const Numeric &step, const Index &p_interp_order, const Index &t_interp_order, const Verbosity &verbosity)
Chose the temperature perturbations abs_t_pert.
bool do_temperature_jacobian(const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &js) noexcept
Returns if the array wants the temperature derivative.
Numeric pow(const Rational base, Numeric exp)
Power of.
Definition: rational.h:628
Index species_index_from_species_name(String name)
Return species index for given species name.
Vector t_ref
The reference temperature profile [K].
double draw()
Draws a double from the uniform distribution [0,1)
bool supports_lookup(const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &js)
Returns if the array supports lookup table derivatives.
String get_species_name(const ArrayOfSpeciesTag &tg)
Return the species of a tag group as a string.
Index npages() const
Returns the number of pages.
Definition: matpackIII.h:144
Vector p_grid
The pressure grid for the table [Pa].
Definition: rng.h:554
Header file for
void chk_size(const String &x_name, ConstVectorView x, const Index &c)
Runtime check for size of Vector.
Index find_next_species_tg(const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &tgs, const Index &spec, const Index &start)
Find next occurrence of species in tag groups.
void Extract(Matrix &sga, const Index &p_interp_order, const Index &t_interp_order, const Index &h2o_interp_order, const Index &f_interp_order, const Numeric &p, const Numeric &T, ConstVectorView abs_vmrs, ConstVectorView new_f_grid, const Numeric &extpolfac) const
Extract scalar gas absorption coefficients from the lookup table.
void chk_if_in_range(const String &x_name, const Index &x, const Index &x_low, const Index &x_high)
void resize(Index n)
Resize function.
bool empty() const
Check if variable is empty.
#define max(a, b)
The Tensor6 class.
Definition: matpackVI.h:1088
void find_nonlinear_continua(ArrayOfIndex &cont, const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_species, const Verbosity &verbosity)
Find continuum species in abs_species.
A constant view of a Vector.
Definition: matpackI.h:476
void abs_xsec_agendaExecute(Workspace &ws, ArrayOfMatrix &abs_xsec_per_species, ArrayOfMatrix &src_xsec_per_species, ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix &dabs_xsec_per_species_dx, ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix &dsrc_xsec_per_species_dx, const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_species, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, const ArrayOfIndex &abs_species_active, const Vector &f_grid, const Vector &abs_p, const Vector &abs_t, const EnergyLevelMap &abs_nlte, const Matrix &abs_vmrs, const Agenda &input_agenda)
Numeric mean(const ConstVectorView &x)
Mean function, vector version.
Index nelem(const Lines &l)
Number of lines.
const Index GFIELD4_P_GRID
const Vector & GetPgrid() const
Workspace class.
Definition: workspace_ng.h:40
Index nbooks() const
Returns the number of books.
void resize(Index v, Index s, Index b, Index p, Index r, Index c)
Resize function.
void transform(VectorView y, double(&my_func)(double), ConstVectorView x)
A generic transform function for vectors, which can be used to implement mathematical functions opera...
ArrayOfGridPosPoly fgp_default
Frequency grid positions.
Structure to store a grid position for higher order interpolation.
#define CREATE_OUT3
Definition: messages.h:207
void seed(unsigned long int n, const Verbosity &verbosity)
Seeds the Rng with the integer argument.
void propmat_clearsky_agendaExecute(Workspace &ws, ArrayOfPropagationMatrix &propmat_clearsky, ArrayOfStokesVector &nlte_source, ArrayOfPropagationMatrix &dpropmat_clearsky_dx, ArrayOfStokesVector &dnlte_dx_source, ArrayOfStokesVector &nlte_dsource_dx, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, const Vector &f_grid, const Vector &rtp_mag, const Vector &rtp_los, const Numeric rtp_pressure, const Numeric rtp_temperature, const EnergyLevelMap &rtp_nlte, const Vector &rtp_vmr, const Agenda &input_agenda)
Header file for helper functions for OpenMP.
Auxiliary data for isotopologues.
Definition: absorption.h:217
Internal cloudbox functions.
void propmat_clearskyInit(ArrayOfPropagationMatrix &propmat_clearsky, ArrayOfStokesVector &nlte_source, ArrayOfPropagationMatrix &dpropmat_clearsky_dx, ArrayOfStokesVector &dnlte_dx_source, ArrayOfStokesVector &nlte_dsource_dx, const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_species, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, const Vector &f_grid, const Index &stokes_dim, const Index &propmat_clearsky_agenda_checked, const Index &nlte_do, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: propmat_clearskyInit.
Index ncols() const
Returns the number of columns.
void interpweights(VectorView itw, const GridPos &tc)
Red 1D interpolation weights.
void parse_atmcompact_speciesname(String &species_name, const String &field_name, const String &delim)
void resize(Index l, Index v, Index s, Index b, Index p, Index r, Index c)
Resize function.
void abs_lookupTestAccMC(Workspace &ws, const GasAbsLookup &abs_lookup, const Index &abs_lookup_is_adapted, const Index &abs_p_interp_order, const Index &abs_t_interp_order, const Index &abs_nls_interp_order, const Index &mc_seed, const Agenda &abs_xsec_agenda, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: abs_lookupTestAccMC.
#define CREATE_OUT2
Definition: messages.h:206
void array_species_tag_from_string(ArrayOfSpeciesTag &tags, const String &names)
Converts a String to ArrayOfSpeciesTag.
void abs_speciesAdd2(Workspace &ws, ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_species, ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jq, Agenda &jacobian_agenda, Index &propmat_clearsky_agenda_checked, Index &abs_xsec_agenda_checked, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const Vector &p_grid, const Vector &lat_grid, const Vector &lon_grid, const Vector &rq_p_grid, const Vector &rq_lat_grid, const Vector &rq_lon_grid, const String &species, const String &mode, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: abs_speciesAdd2.
bool do_frequency_jacobian(const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &js) noexcept
Returns if the array wants a frequency derivative.
ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag species
The species tags for which the table is valid.
This file contains declerations of functions of physical character.
Index nrows() const
Returns the number of rows.
void abs_lookupSetup(Vector &abs_p, Vector &abs_t, Vector &abs_t_pert, Matrix &abs_vmrs, ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_nls, Vector &abs_nls_pert, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const Vector &p_grid, const Tensor3 &t_field, const Tensor4 &vmr_field, const Index &atmfields_checked, const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_species, const Index &abs_p_interp_order, const Index &abs_t_interp_order, const Index &abs_nls_interp_order, const Numeric &p_step10, const Numeric &t_step, const Numeric &h2o_step, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: abs_lookupSetup.
void resize(Index b, Index p, Index r, Index c)
Resize function.
Numeric sqrt(const Rational r)
Square root.
Definition: rational.h:620
void resize(Index r, Index c)
Resize function.