47 #define BasicInterfaceCAPI(TYPE) \ 48 void * create##TYPE() \ 53 void delete##TYPE(void * data) \ 55 delete static_cast<TYPE *>(data); \ 58 void print##TYPE(void * data) \ 60 std::cout << (*static_cast<TYPE *>(data)) << std::endl; \ 64 #define GetterSetterCAPI(TYPE, VALUE, BASETYPE) \ 65 BASETYPE get##VALUE##TYPE(void * data) \ 67 return static_cast<TYPE *>(data) -> VALUE (); \ 69 void set##VALUE##TYPE(void * data, BASETYPE newval) \ 71 static_cast<TYPE *>(data) -> VALUE (newval); \ 75 #define EnumGetterSetterCAPI(TYPE, VALUE, ENUM) \ 76 Index get##VALUE##TYPE(void * data) \ 78 return Index(static_cast<TYPE *>(data) -> VALUE ()); \ 80 Index set##VALUE##TYPE(void * data, Index newval) \ 82 if (static_cast<TYPE *>(data) -> validIndexFor##VALUE (newval)) { \ 83 static_cast<TYPE *>(data) -> VALUE (ENUM(newval)); \ 84 return EXIT_SUCCESS; \ 86 return EXIT_FAILURE; \ 89 Index string2index##VALUE##TYPE(void * data, char * newval) \ 91 return Index(static_cast<TYPE *>(data) -> string2##VALUE(newval)); \ 94 #define VoidGetterCAPI(TYPE, VALUE) \ 95 void * get##VALUE##TYPE(void * data) \ 97 return &static_cast<TYPE *>(data) -> VALUE(); \ 100 #define VoidStructGetterCAPI(TYPE, VALUE) \ 101 void * get##VALUE##TYPE(void * data) \ 103 return &static_cast<TYPE *>(data) -> VALUE; \ 107 #define BasicInputOutputCAPI(TYPE) \ 108 Index xmlread##TYPE(void * data, char * filepath) \ 111 xml_read_from_file(filepath, *static_cast<TYPE *>(data), Verbosity()); \ 112 return EXIT_SUCCESS; \ 113 } catch (std::runtime_error& e) { \ 114 return EXIT_FAILURE; \ 118 Index xmlsave##TYPE(void * data, char * filepath, Index filetype, Index clobber) \ 121 xml_write_to_file(filepath, *static_cast<const TYPE *>(data), FileType(filetype), not clobber, Verbosity()); \ 122 return EXIT_SUCCESS; \ 123 } catch (std::runtime_error& e) { \ 124 return EXIT_FAILURE; \ 129 #define VoidArrayCAPI(TYPE) \ 130 Index size##TYPE(void * data) \ 132 return static_cast<TYPE *>(data) -> size(); \ 134 void resize##TYPE(Index n, void * data) \ 136 static_cast<TYPE *>(data) -> resize(n); \ 138 void * getelem##TYPE(Index i, void * data) \ 140 return &static_cast<TYPE *>(data) -> operator[](i); \ 144 #define VoidArrayElemCAPI(TYPE, ELEM) \ 145 Index size##ELEM##TYPE(void * data) \ 147 return static_cast<TYPE *>(data) -> ELEM().size(); \ 149 void resize##ELEM##TYPE(Index n, void * data) \ 151 static_cast<TYPE *>(data) -> ELEM().resize(n); \ 153 void * getelem##ELEM##TYPE(Index i, void * data) \ 155 return &static_cast<TYPE *>(data) -> ELEM()[i]; \ 190 void simplifyRational(
void *
data) {
static_cast<Rational *
data)->simplify_in_place(); }
274 }
catch(std::exception& e) {
290 if (isot == species.Isotopologue().nelem())
299 if (isot >= 0 and isot < species.Isotopologue().nelem() and not species.Isotopologue()[isot].isContinuum())
308 if (isot >= 0 and isot < species.Isotopologue().nelem() and species.Isotopologue()[isot].isContinuum())
338 void printmetaAbsorptionLines(
void *
data) { std::cout << static_cast<AbsorptionLines *>(
data) -> MetaData() << std::endl; }
341 String *s =
new String(static_cast<AbsorptionLines *>(data)->SpeciesName());
444 void resizeTensor6(
Index nvitrines,
Index nshelves,
Index nbooks,
Index npages,
Index nrows,
Index ncols,
void *
data) {
static_cast<Tensor6 *
data) -> resize(nvitrines, nshelves, nbooks, npages, nrows, ncols);}
463 void resizeTensor7(
Index nlibraries,
Index nvitrines,
Index nshelves,
Index nbooks,
Index npages,
Index nrows,
Index ncols,
void *
data) {
static_cast<Tensor7 *
data) -> resize(nlibraries, nvitrines, nshelves, nbooks, npages, nrows, ncols);}
490 if (s >= 0 and s < 5 and f >= 0 and z >= 0 and a >= 0) {
516 if (s >= 0 and s < 5 and f >= 0 and z >= 0 and a >= 0) {
555 Index xmlreadArrayOfGridPosPoly(
void *,
char *) {
return 1;}
556 Index xmlsaveArrayOfGridPosPoly(
void *,
char *,
Index) {
return 1;}
561 void * createPpath() {
return new Ppath;}
562 void deletePpath(
void *
data) {
delete static_cast<Ppath *
563 void printPpath(
void *) {std::cout << std::endl;}
587 void printArrayOfPpath(
void *) {std::cout << std::endl;}
817 x -> set_agenda_verbosity(a);
818 x -> set_screen_verbosity(s);
819 x -> set_file_verbosity(f);
820 x -> set_main_agenda(m);
825 void * createTessemNN() {
return new TessemNN;}
827 void printTessemNN(
void *) {std::cout << std::endl;}
881 void * createTimer() {
return new Timer;}
882 void deleteTimer(
void *
data) {
delete static_cast<Timer *
883 void printTimer(
void *) {std::cout << std::endl;}
885 bool getrunningTimer(
void *
data) {
return static_cast<Timer *
data) -> running;}
890 return static_cast<Timer *
data) -> cputime_start.tms_utime;
898 return static_cast<Timer *
data) -> cputime_start.tms_stime;
906 return static_cast<Timer *
data) -> cputime_start.tms_cutime;
914 return static_cast<Timer *
data) -> cputime_start.tms_cstime;
922 return static_cast<Timer *
data) -> realtime_start;
930 return static_cast<Timer *
data) -> cputime_end.tms_utime;
938 return static_cast<Timer *
data) -> cputime_end.tms_stime;
946 return static_cast<Timer *
data) -> cputime_end.tms_cutime;
954 return static_cast<Timer *
data) -> cputime_end.tms_cstime;
962 return static_cast<Timer *
data) -> realtime_end;
972 static_cast<Timer *
data) -> cputime_start.tms_utime = clock_t(newdata);
978 static_cast<Timer *
data) -> cputime_start.tms_stime = clock_t(newdata);
984 static_cast<Timer *
data) -> cputime_start.tms_cutime = clock_t(newdata);
990 static_cast<Timer *
data) -> cputime_start.tms_cstime = clock_t(newdata);
996 static_cast<Timer *
data) -> realtime_start = clock_t(newdata);
1002 static_cast<Timer *
data) -> cputime_end.tms_utime = clock_t(newdata);
1008 static_cast<Timer *
data) -> cputime_end.tms_stime = clock_t(newdata);
1014 static_cast<Timer *
data) -> cputime_end.tms_cutime = clock_t(newdata);
1020 static_cast<Timer *
data) -> cputime_end.tms_cstime = clock_t(newdata);
1026 static_cast<Timer *
data) -> realtime_end = clock_t(newdata);
1040 return sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
1155 void * createAny() {
return new Any;}
1156 void deleteAny(
void *
data) {
delete static_cast<Any *
1157 void printAny(
void *) {std::cout << std::endl;}
1158 Index xmlreadAny(
void *,
char *) {
return 1;}
1189 Index getTypeRetrievalQuantity(
void *
data) {
return Index(static_cast<RetrievalQuantity *>(data) -> Proptype());}
1194 void * createRange() {
return new Range(
1195 void deleteRange(
void *
data) {
delete static_cast<Range *
1196 void printRange(
void *
data) {std::cout << (*static_cast<Range *>(
data)) << std::endl;}
1197 Index get_startRange(
void *
data) {
return static_cast<Range *
data) -> get_start();}
1211 void deleteBlock(
void *
data) {
delete static_cast<Block *
1212 void printBlock(
void *) {std::cout << std::endl;}
1217 Index get_matrix_typeBlock(
void *
data) {
return Index(static_cast<Block *>(data) -> get_matrix_type());}
1225 x -> operator=(
Block(x -> get_row_range(), x -> get_column_range(), x -> get_indices(), std::make_shared<Matrix>(*static_cast<Matrix *>(
1227 x -> operator=(
Block(x -> get_row_range(), x -> get_column_range(), x -> get_indices(), std::make_shared<Sparse>(*static_cast<Sparse *>(
1242 void setTime(
void *
void *
newdata) {*
static_cast<Time *
data) = *static_cast<Time *>(newdata);}
1243 bool equalTime(
void *
void * otherdata) {
return *
static_cast<Time *
data) == *static_cast<Time *>(otherdata);}
1244 bool lessTime(
void *
void * otherdata) {
return *
static_cast<Time *
data) < *static_cast<Time *>(otherdata);}
1274 #undef BasicInterfaceCAPI 1275 #undef GetterSetterCAPI 1276 #undef EnumGetterSetterCAPI 1277 #undef VoidGetterCAPI 1278 #undef VoidStructGetterCAPI 1279 #undef BasicInputOutputCAPI 1280 #undef VoidArrayCAPI 1281 #undef VoidArrayElemCAPI DLL_PUBLIC int * rowsptrSparse(void *)
The type to use for all integer numbers and indices.
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_extentRange(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getA1_EVEHTelsemAtlas(Index, void *)
saa aag G DLL_PUBLIC Index getTypeMCAntenna(void *)
void *DLL_PUBLIC Index vitrinesTensor6(void *)
QuantumIdentifier::QType Index LowerQuantumNumbers Index Numeric CIASecond
DLL_PUBLIC Index getcputime_start_cutimeTimer(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index colsTensor4(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC void setRadiationVector(void *, Index, Index)
DLL_PUBLIC Index shelvesTensor7(void *)
Class to keep track of Transmission Matrices for Stokes Dim 1-4.
DLL_PUBLIC char * get_nameGriddedField1(void *data)
TemperatureModel string2temperaturemodel(const String &type)
Turns predefined strings into a TemperatureModel type.
Computations and data for a single absorption line.
DLL_PUBLIC void set_grid_nameGriddedField1(Index i, void *data, char *newdata)
DLL_PUBLIC void setrealtime_endTimer(void *, Index)
DLL_PUBLIC Index setTypeFromIndexSpeciesAuxData(void *data, Index s, Index i, Index t)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getcputime_start_cstimeTimer(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC void setcputime_start_stimeTimer(void *, Index)
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_typeIndexGriddedField5(Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void setcputime_start_utimeTimer(void *, Index)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getSpecies2CIARecord(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index booksTensor5(void *)
Describes the type of mirroring line effects.
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getB1_EVEHTelsemAtlas(Index, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_nameGriddedField2(void *data, char *newdata)
QuantumIdentifier::QType Index LowerQuantumNumbers Species
Numeric void *DLL_PUBLIC bool equalTime(void *, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index azimuthsPropagationMatrix(void *)
void *DLL_PUBLIC Numeric * getVec2RadiationVector(Index, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index colsMatrix(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getA0_K2TelsemAtlas(Index, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric * getDataVector(void *)
Describes the type of normalization line effects.
G0 G2 FVC Y DV Numeric E0
#define VoidGetterCAPI(TYPE, VALUE)
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric * getDataMatrix(void *)
void printLineShapeModelParameters(void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void * get_string_gridGriddedField5(Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC bool checksizeGriddedField6(void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC char * get_grid_nameGriddedField1(Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_typeIndexGriddedField1(Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void setSpeciesCIARecord(void *, Index, Index)
DLL_PUBLIC void setrunningTimer(void *, bool)
DLL_PUBLIC void setVerbosity(void *, Index, Index, Index, bool)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getrealtime_startTimer(void *)
Array< Ppath > ArrayOfPpath
An array of propagation paths.
DLL_PUBLIC void setcputime_end_utimeTimer(void *, Index)
G0 G2 FVC Y DV Numeric Numeric g_upp
bool Absorption::CutoffType Mirroring
DLL_PUBLIC Index frequenciesPropagationMatrix(void *)
bool Absorption::CutoffType Absorption::MirroringType Normalization
Class to handle time in ARTS.
DLL_PUBLIC void * dataGriddedField3(void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Index booksTensor6(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_nameGriddedField6(void *data, char *newdata)
DLL_PUBLIC void setcputime_start_cutimeTimer(void *, Index)
Main line shape model class.
DLL_PUBLIC void * get_string_gridGriddedField3(Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Index vitrinesTensor7(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC bool getOKStokesVector(void *)
This file contains all declarations of the ARTS C API class interface.
DLL_PUBLIC void * get_string_gridGriddedField1(Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Index pagesTensor6(void *)
void *DLL_PUBLIC Index pagesTensor3(void *)
QuantumNumberType string2quantumnumbertype(const String &s)
DLL_PUBLIC void * get_numeric_gridGriddedField4(Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Index pagesTensor5(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC void * get_string_gridGriddedField2(Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Index rowsTensor6(void *)
#define BasicInputOutputCAPI(TYPE)
cmplx FADDEEVA() w(cmplx z, double relerr)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_gridGriddedField3(Index i, void *data, void *newdata, bool NumericType)
#define VoidArrayCAPI(TYPE)
DLL_PUBLIC bool checksizeGriddedField2(void *data)
This file contains private function declarations and template instantiation to handle XML data files...
This file contains basic functions to handle XML data files.
DLL_PUBLIC Index rowsTensor4(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric * getDataTensor6(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_typeIndexGriddedField6(Index i, void *data)
Contains the absorption namespace.
DLL_PUBLIC char * get_grid_nameGriddedField5(Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_grid_nameGriddedField5(Index i, void *data, char *newdata)
Stokes vector is as Propagation matrix but only has 4 possible values.
DLL_PUBLIC bool getfinishedTimer(void *)
Index string2quantumnumbersindex(char *str)
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric * getDataTensor5(void *)
G0 G2 FVC Y DV Numeric Numeric Numeric Zeeman LowerQuantumNumbers void * data
DLL_PUBLIC bool checksizeGriddedField3(void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_nameGriddedField4(void *data, char *newdata)
#define EnumGetterSetterCAPI(TYPE, VALUE, ENUM)
DLL_PUBLIC Index colsTensor6(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getA2_EVEHTelsemAtlas(Index, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getStokesDimRadiationVector(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC void setcputime_end_stimeTimer(void *, Index)
DLL_PUBLIC Index pagesTensor4(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC void setrealtime_startTimer(void *, Index)
QuantumIdentifier::QType Index LowerQuantumNumbers Index Numeric Index Index char *DLL_PUBLIC Index validSpecies(Index)
DLL_PUBLIC void setcputime_start_cstimeTimer(void *, Index)
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getB3_EVEHTelsemAtlas(Index, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_gridGriddedField5(Index i, void *data, void *newdata, bool NumericType)
void setNumeric(void *data, Numeric newval)
DLL_PUBLIC char * getString(void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Index pagesTensor7(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC void * dataGriddedField4(void *data)
void *DLL_PUBLIC Index rowsSparse(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_sizeGriddedField2(Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC char * get_grid_nameGriddedField3(Index i, void *data)
Describes the type of cutoff calculations.
DLL_PUBLIC Index booksTensor7(void *)
const Array< SpeciesRecord > species_data
Species Data.
Structure to store a grid position.
DLL_PUBLIC int * colsptrSparse(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getFileVerbosity(void *)
Deals with internal derivatives, Jacobian definition, and OEM calculations.
DLL_PUBLIC Index colsTensor5(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getA3_EVEHTelsemAtlas(Index, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric * getDataSparse(void *)
#define VoidStructGetterCAPI(TYPE, VALUE)
void setIndex(void *data, Index newval)
List of Jacobian properties for analytical line shape related derivatives.
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_typeIndexGriddedField3(Index i, void *data)
Implements Zeeman modeling.
DLL_PUBLIC Index zenithsStokesVector(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC char * get_nameGriddedField2(void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_sizeGriddedField4(Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void * get_numeric_gridGriddedField5(Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Index tickTimer()
Header files of CovarianceMatrix class.
DLL_PUBLIC void * get_list_of_all_workspace_classes()
Computations of line shape derived parameters.
DLL_PUBLIC Index isAbsorptionLinesOK(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_nameGriddedField5(void *data, char *newdata)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_nameGriddedField3(void *data, char *newdata)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getFrequenciesRadiationVector(void *)
bool Absorption::CutoffType Absorption::MirroringType Absorption::NormalizationType CutoffFreqValue
DLL_PUBLIC bool supportTimer()
DLL_PUBLIC void set_gridGriddedField4(Index i, void *data, void *newdata, bool NumericType)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getrealtime_endTimer(void *)
Implements rational numbers to work with other ARTS types.
DLL_PUBLIC Index setStokesVector(void *, Index, Index, Index, Index, Numeric)
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_sizeGriddedField1(Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_gridGriddedField2(Index i, void *data, void *newdata, bool NumericType)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_matrixBlock(void *, void *, bool)
QuantumIdentifier::QType Isotopologue
DLL_PUBLIC void * getDataSpeciesAuxData(void *data, Index s, Index i)
DLL_PUBLIC Index setTypeRetrievalQuantity(void *, Index)
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_sizeGriddedField6(Index i, void *data)
A tag group can consist of the sum of several of these.
DLL_PUBLIC void set_indicesBlock(void *, Index, Index)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getcputime_end_cstimeTimer(void *)
Index getLineShapeModelParametersType(char *data)
DLL_PUBLIC bool getOKPropagationMatrix(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC void * get_numeric_gridGriddedField6(Index i, void *data)
An absorption lookup table.
Class to identify and match lines by their quantum numbers.
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getB2_EVEHTelsemAtlas(Index, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getcputime_end_cutimeTimer(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index azimuthsStokesVector(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_grid_nameGriddedField2(Index i, void *data, char *newdata)
DLL_PUBLIC Index validAllIsotopologues(Index, Index)
DLL_PUBLIC bool checksizeGriddedField4(void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_typeIndexGriddedField4(Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Index rowsTensor5(void *)
void *DLL_PUBLIC Index booksTensor4(void *)
The type to use for all floating point numbers.
DLL_PUBLIC bool validindexSpeciesAuxData(void *data, Index s, Index i)
idx idx dim constant start_pos start_lstep los lstep end_los nreal gp_p gp_lon void *DLL_PUBLIC Numeric * getMat2TransmissionMatrix(Index, void *)
Contains the line shape namespace.
Declarations required for the calculation of absorption coefficients.
DLL_PUBLIC void * get_numeric_gridGriddedField3(Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_strideRange(void *)
Describes the type of population level counter.
An Antenna object used by MCGeneral.
DLL_PUBLIC Index getcputime_end_stimeTimer(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC void * getSpeciesNameAbsorptionLines(void *)
Declarations for supergeneric methods.
Radiation Vector for Stokes dimension 1-4.
DLL_PUBLIC void * get_numeric_gridGriddedField1(Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void setSpeciesXsecRecord(void *, Index)
DLL_PUBLIC char * get_grid_nameGriddedField6(Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Index colsSparse(void *)
Class to map energy levels.
DLL_PUBLIC Index sizeSparse(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric * getVec4RadiationVector(Index, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index colsTensor7(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getcputime_end_utimeTimer(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index zenithsPropagationMatrix(void *)
Container class for Quantum Numbers.
Headers and class definition of Zeeman modeling.
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_typeIndexGriddedField2(Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getcputime_start_utimeTimer(void *)
This can be used to make arrays out of anything.
get_blocks MainTag SubSubTag Analytical Grids TransformationFunc Transformation Integration
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric * getMat4TransmissionMatrix(Index, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index validContinuum(Index, Index)
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_index2Block(void *)
const ArrayOfString wsv_group_names
The names associated with Wsv groups as Strings.
DLL_PUBLIC void setcputime_end_cstimeTimer(void *, Index)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_nameGriddedField1(void *data, char *newdata)
DLL_PUBLIC void * dataGriddedField2(void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_sizeGriddedField3(Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getB0_EVEHTelsemAtlas(Index, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC char * get_nameGriddedField3(void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getScreenVerbosity(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getcputime_start_stimeTimer(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC void * get_string_gridGriddedField6(Index i, void *data)
#define GetterSetterCAPI(TYPE, VALUE, BASETYPE)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_grid_nameGriddedField4(Index i, void *data, char *newdata)
DLL_PUBLIC Index colsTensor3(void *)
Index nelem(const Lines &l)
Number of lines.
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric * getDataTensor3(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC void * dataGriddedField1(void *data)
#define VoidArrayElemCAPI(TYPE, ELEM)
constexpr Rational start(Rational Ju, Rational Jl, Polarization type) noexcept
Gives the lowest M for a polarization type of this transition.
DLL_PUBLIC void setcputime_end_cutimeTimer(void *, Index)
DLL_PUBLIC char * get_nameGriddedField4(void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getRAPPORT43_32TelsemAtlas(Index, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index rowsTensor7(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getStokesDimTransmissionMatrix(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_sizeGriddedField5(Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC char * get_nameGriddedField5(void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void setTransmissionMatrix(void *, Index, Index)
DLL_PUBLIC Index validIsotopologue(Index, Index)
CIA data for a single pair of molecules.
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric * getVec3RadiationVector(Index, void *)
Structure to store a grid position for higher order interpolation.
void *DLL_PUBLIC Index nelemVector(void *)
QuantumIdentifier::QType Index LowerQuantumNumbers Index Uf
DLL_PUBLIC void set_gridGriddedField1(Index i, void *data, void *newdata, bool NumericType)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_gridGriddedField6(Index i, void *data, void *newdata, bool NumericType)
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric * getDataTensor7(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC bool getMainVerbosity(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getFrequenciesTransmissionMatrix(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC void * get_numeric_gridGriddedField2(Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Index setTypeMCAntenna(void *, Index)
DLL_PUBLIC void * dataGriddedField6(void *data)
The structure to describe a propagation path and releated quantities.
DLL_PUBLIC bool checksizeGriddedField1(void *data)
Auxiliary data for isotopologues.
DLL_PUBLIC Index frequenciesStokesVector(void *)
#define BasicInterfaceCAPI(TYPE)
DLL_PUBLIC char * get_grid_nameGriddedField4(Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric * getDataTensor4(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_grid_nameGriddedField3(Index i, void *data, char *newdata)
DLL_PUBLIC void setRange(void *, Index, Index, Index)
void *DLL_PUBLIC Index rowsMatrix(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric * getMat3TransmissionMatrix(Index, void *)
void *DLL_PUBLIC Index shelvesTensor5(void *)
DataCount Name Lat FirstCells Emis_err Classes1 Cellnumber void *DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getA0_K1TelsemAtlas(Index, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getRAPPORT54_43TelsemAtlas(Index, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index rowsTensor3(void *)
invlib::Matrix< ArtsMatrix > Matrix
invlib wrapper type for ARTS matrices.
Compute the line shape parameters for a single broadening species.
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getA0_EVEHTelsemAtlas(Index, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC char * get_grid_nameGriddedField2(Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void setDataSparse(void *, Index, Index, Numeric)
Index sizeQuantumNumbers()
DLL_PUBLIC Index shelvesTensor6(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC char * get_nameGriddedField6(void *data)
A placeholder for any type.
DLL_PUBLIC void setfinishedTimer(void *, bool)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_grid_nameGriddedField6(Index i, void *data, char *newdata)
void *DLL_PUBLIC Index librariesTensor7(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_index1Block(void *)
my_basic_string< char > String
The String type for ARTS.
DLL_PUBLIC void * dataGriddedField5(void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Index setPropagationMatrix(void *, Index, Index, Index, Index, Numeric)
DLL_PUBLIC void * get_string_gridGriddedField4(Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC bool lessTime(void *, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC bool checksizeGriddedField5(void *data)
FileType string2filetype(const String &file_format)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getTypeSpeciesAuxData(void *data, Index s, Index i)