425 const Agenda& ppath_step_agenda,
426 const Index& atmosphere_dim,
432 const Vector& refellipsoid,
434 const Index& cloudbox_on,
439 const Numeric& ppath_lraytrace,
440 const bool& ppath_inside_cloudbox_do,
474 const Index& atmosphere_dim,
541 const Index& atmosphere_dim,
548 const Index& cloudbox_on,
550 const bool& outside_cloudbox,
667 const Agenda& refr_index_agenda,
668 const String& rtrace_method,
707 const Agenda& refr_index_agenda,
708 const String& rtrace_method,
749 const Agenda& refr_index_agenda,
750 const String& rtrace_method,
The type to use for all integer numbers and indices.
void ppath_calc(Workspace &ws, Ppath &ppath, const Agenda &ppath_step_agenda, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const Vector &p_grid, const Vector &lat_grid, const Vector &lon_grid, const Tensor3 &z_field, const Vector &f_grid, const Vector &refellipsoid, const Matrix &z_surface, const Index &cloudbox_on, const ArrayOfIndex &cloudbox_limits, const Vector &rte_pos, const Vector &rte_los, const Numeric &ppath_lmax, const Numeric &ppath_lraytrace, const bool &ppath_inside_cloudbox_do, const Verbosity &verbosity)
This is the core for the WSM ppathStepByStep.
ArrayOfGridPos gp_lat
Index position with respect to the latitude grid.
void ppath_step_refr_3d(Workspace &ws, Ppath &ppath, ConstVectorView p_grid, ConstVectorView lat_grid, ConstVectorView lon_grid, ConstTensor3View z_field, ConstTensor3View t_field, ConstTensor4View vmr_field, ConstVectorView f_grid, ConstVectorView refellipsoid, ConstMatrixView z_surface, const Numeric &lmax, const Agenda &refr_index_agenda, const String &rtrace_method, const Numeric &lraytrace)
Calculates 3D propagation path steps, with refraction, using a simple and fast ray tracing scheme...
void plevel_slope_2d(Numeric &c1, ConstVectorView lat_grid, ConstVectorView refellipsoid, ConstVectorView z_surf, const GridPos &gp, const Numeric &za)
Calculates the radial slope of the surface or a pressure level for 2D.
Numeric constant
The propagation path constant (only used for 1D)
void error_if_limb_ppath(const Ppath &ppath)
Throws an error if ppath altitudes not are strictly increasing or decreasing.
void plevel_slope_3d(Numeric &c1, Numeric &c2, ConstVectorView lat_grid, ConstVectorView lon_grid, ConstVectorView refellipsoid, ConstMatrixView z_surf, const GridPos &gp_lat, const GridPos &gp_lon, const Numeric &aa)
Calculates the radial slope of the surface or a pressure level for 3D.
void resolve_lon(Numeric &lon, const Numeric &lon5, const Numeric &lon6)
Resolves which longitude angle that shall be used.
Index ppath_what_background(const Ppath &ppath)
Returns the case number for the radiative background.
Matrix los
Line-of-sight at each ppath point.
Array< Ppath > ArrayOfPpath
An array of propagation paths.
Vector end_pos
End position.
bool is_los_downwards(const Numeric &za, const Numeric &tilt)
Determines if a line-of-sight is downwards compared to the angular tilt of the surface or a pressure ...
Index dim
Atmospheric dimensionality.
void zaaa2cart(Numeric &dx, Numeric &dy, Numeric &dz, const Numeric &za, const Numeric &aa)
Converts zenith and azimuth angles to a cartesian unit vector.
Vector lstep
The length between ppath points.
void add_za_aa(Numeric &za, Numeric &aa, const Numeric &za0, const Numeric &aa0, const Numeric &dza, const Numeric &daa)
Adds up zenith and azimuth angles.
void ppath_step_refr_1d(Workspace &ws, Ppath &ppath, ConstVectorView p_grid, ConstTensor3View z_field, ConstTensor3View t_field, ConstTensor4View vmr_field, ConstVectorView f_grid, ConstVectorView refellipsoid, const Numeric &z_surface, const Numeric &lmax, const Agenda &refr_index_agenda, const String &rtrace_method, const Numeric &lraytrace)
Calculates 1D propagation path steps including effects of refraction.
Matrix pos
The distance between start pos and the last position in pos.
void ppath_step_geom_2d(Ppath &ppath, ConstVectorView lat_grid, ConstMatrixView z_field, ConstVectorView refellipsoid, ConstVectorView z_surface, const Numeric &lmax)
Calculates 2D geometrical propagation path steps.
Vector ngroup
The group index of refraction.
void ppath_step_geom_3d(Ppath &ppath, ConstVectorView lat_grid, ConstVectorView lon_grid, ConstTensor3View z_field, ConstVectorView refellipsoid, ConstMatrixView z_surface, const Numeric &lmax)
Calculates 3D geometrical propagation path steps.
Header file for interpolation.cc.
void cart2zaaa(Numeric &za, Numeric &aa, const Numeric &dx, const Numeric &dy, const Numeric &dz)
Converts a cartesian directional vector to zenith and azimuth.
Vector start_pos
Start position.
Vector r
Radius of each ppath point.
Numeric geompath_l_at_r(const Numeric &ppc, const Numeric &r)
Calculates the length from the tangent point for the given radius.
Structure to store a grid position.
A constant view of a Tensor4.
Numeric end_lstep
The distance between end pos and the first position in pos.
This file contains the definition of Array.
Vector end_los
End line-of-sight.
void ppath_step_geom_1d(Ppath &ppath, ConstVectorView z_field, ConstVectorView refellipsoid, const Numeric &z_surface, const Numeric &lmax)
Calculates 1D geometrical propagation path steps.
void find_tanpoint(Index &it, const Ppath &ppath)
Identifies the tangent point of a propagation path.
The global header file for ARTS.
String background
Radiative background.
Numeric plevel_angletilt(const Numeric &r, const Numeric &c)
Calculates the angular tilt of the surface or a pressure level.
const Numeric ANGTOL
Width of zenith and nadir directions.
Numeric geompath_za_at_r(const Numeric &ppc, const Numeric &a_za, const Numeric &r)
Calculates the zenith angle for a given radius along a geometrical propagation path.
Declarations for agendas.
Numeric start_lstep
Length between sensor and atmospheric boundary.
void ppath_set_background(Ppath &ppath, const Index &case_nr)
Sets the background field of a Ppath structure.
void ppath_init_structure(Ppath &ppath, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const Index &np)
Initiates a Ppath structure to hold the given number of points.
void ppath_step_refr_2d(Workspace &ws, Ppath &ppath, ConstVectorView p_grid, ConstVectorView lat_grid, ConstTensor3View z_field, ConstTensor3View t_field, ConstTensor4View vmr_field, ConstVectorView f_grid, ConstVectorView refellipsoid, ConstVectorView z_surface, const Numeric &lmax, const Agenda &refr_index_agenda, const String &rtrace_method, const Numeric &lraytrace)
Calculates 2D propagation path steps, with refraction, using a simple and fast ray tracing scheme...
The type to use for all floating point numbers.
Vector nreal
The real part of the refractive index at each path position.
Implementation of Matrix, Vector, and such stuff.
void ppath_copy(Ppath &ppath1, const Ppath &ppath2, const Index &ncopy)
Copy the content in ppath2 to ppath1.
A constant view of a Tensor3.
A constant view of a Vector.
Index np
Number of points describing the ppath.
ArrayOfGridPos gp_lon
Index position with respect to the longitude grid.
A constant view of a Matrix.
Vector start_los
Start line-of-sight.
void diff_za_aa(Numeric &dza, Numeric &daa, const Numeric &za0, const Numeric &aa0, const Numeric &za, const Numeric &aa)
Takes the difference of zenith and azimuth angles.
Index first_pos_before_altitude(const Ppath &p, const Numeric &alt)
Determines ppath position just below an altitude.
Numeric geometrical_ppc(const Numeric &r, const Numeric &za)
Calculates the propagation path constant for pure geometrical calculations.
void ppath_start_stepping(Ppath &ppath, const Index &atmosphere_dim, ConstVectorView p_grid, ConstVectorView lat_grid, ConstVectorView lon_grid, ConstTensor3View z_field, ConstVectorView refellipsoid, ConstMatrixView z_surface, const Index &cloudbox_on, const ArrayOfIndex &cloudbox_limits, const bool &outside_cloudbox, ConstVectorView rte_pos, ConstVectorView rte_los, const Verbosity &verbosity)
Initiates a Ppath structure for calculation of a path with ppath_step.
The structure to describe a propagation path and releated quantities.
const Numeric POLELAT
Size of north and south poles.
Numeric geompath_lat_at_za(const Numeric &za0, const Numeric &lat0, const Numeric &za)
Calculates the latitude for a given zenith angle along a geometrical propagation path.
ArrayOfGridPos gp_p
Index position with respect to the pressure grid.
This file contains the definition of String, the ARTS string class.