ARTS  2.3.1285(git:92a29ea9-dirty)
lineshapemodel.h File Reference

Contains the line shape namespace. More...

#include <numeric>
#include <algorithm>
#include "abs_species_tags.h"
#include "constants.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "jacobian.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  LineShape::ModelParameters
 Coefficients and temperature model for SingleSpeciesModel. More...
class  LineShape::SingleSpeciesModel
 Compute the line shape parameters for a single broadening species. More...
struct  LineShape::Output
 Main output of Model. More...
class  LineShape::Model
 Main line shape model class. More...


 Computations of line shape derived parameters.
 Legacy dealing with reading old LineFunctionData.
 Legacy dealing with reading old LineMixingData.
 Legacy dealing with reading old PressureBroadeningData.


#define STRING2VARIABLEDEF(X)   if (type == #X) return Variable::X
#define x0   X[Index(var)].X0
#define x1   X[Index(var)].X1
#define x2   X[Index(var)].X2
#define x3   X[Index(var)].X3
#define MODELPARAMCASEGETTER(X)   case Variable::X: out = X(); break;
#define LSPC(XVAR, PVAR)


typedef LineShape::Model LineShapeModel
typedef LineShape::SingleSpeciesModel LineShapeSingleSpeciesModel


enum  LineShape::TemperatureModel : Index {
  LineShape::TemperatureModel::None, LineShape::TemperatureModel::T0, LineShape::TemperatureModel::T1, LineShape::TemperatureModel::T2,
  LineShape::TemperatureModel::T3, LineShape::TemperatureModel::T4, LineShape::TemperatureModel::T5, LineShape::TemperatureModel::LM_AER,
  LineShape::TemperatureModel::None, LineShape::TemperatureModel::T0, LineShape::TemperatureModel::T1, LineShape::TemperatureModel::T2,
  LineShape::TemperatureModel::T3, LineShape::TemperatureModel::T4, LineShape::TemperatureModel::T5, LineShape::TemperatureModel::LM_AER,
 Temperature models. More...
enum  LineShape::Variable {
  LineShape::Variable::G0 =0, LineShape::Variable::D0 =1, LineShape::Variable::G2 =2, LineShape::Variable::D2 =3,
  LineShape::Variable::FVC =4, LineShape::Variable::ETA =5, LineShape::Variable::Y =6, LineShape::Variable::G =7,
  LineShape::Variable::DV =8, LineShape::Variable::G0 = 0, LineShape::Variable::D0 = 1, LineShape::Variable::G2 = 2,
  LineShape::Variable::D2 = 3, LineShape::Variable::FVC = 4, LineShape::Variable::ETA = 5, LineShape::Variable::Y = 6,
  LineShape::Variable::G = 7, LineShape::Variable::DV = 8
 List of possible shape variables. More...
enum  LineShape::Type : Index {
  LineShape::Type::DP, LineShape::Type::LP, LineShape::Type::VP, LineShape::Type::SDVP,
  LineShape::Type::HTP, LineShape::Type::DP, LineShape::Type::LP, LineShape::Type::VP,
  LineShape::Type::SDVP, LineShape::Type::HTP
 Type of line shape to compute. More...
enum  LineShape::LegacyLineMixingData::TypeLM {
  LineShape::LegacyLineMixingData::TypeLM::LM_NONE, LineShape::LegacyLineMixingData::TypeLM::LM_LBLRTM, LineShape::LegacyLineMixingData::TypeLM::LM_LBLRTM_O2NonResonant, LineShape::LegacyLineMixingData::TypeLM::LM_1STORDER,
  LineShape::LegacyLineMixingData::TypeLM::LM_2NDORDER, LineShape::LegacyLineMixingData::TypeLM::LM_BYBAND, LineShape::LegacyLineMixingData::TypeLM::LM_NONE, LineShape::LegacyLineMixingData::TypeLM::LM_LBLRTM,
  LineShape::LegacyLineMixingData::TypeLM::LM_LBLRTM_O2NonResonant, LineShape::LegacyLineMixingData::TypeLM::LM_1STORDER, LineShape::LegacyLineMixingData::TypeLM::LM_2NDORDER, LineShape::LegacyLineMixingData::TypeLM::LM_BYBAND
 Line mixing types that used to exist. More...
enum  LineShape::LegacyPressureBroadeningData::TypePB {
  LineShape::LegacyPressureBroadeningData::TypePB::PB_NONE, LineShape::LegacyPressureBroadeningData::TypePB::PB_AIR_BROADENING, LineShape::LegacyPressureBroadeningData::TypePB::PB_AIR_AND_WATER_BROADENING, LineShape::LegacyPressureBroadeningData::TypePB::PB_PLANETARY_BROADENING,
  LineShape::LegacyPressureBroadeningData::TypePB::PB_NONE, LineShape::LegacyPressureBroadeningData::TypePB::PB_AIR_BROADENING, LineShape::LegacyPressureBroadeningData::TypePB::PB_AIR_AND_WATER_BROADENING, LineShape::LegacyPressureBroadeningData::TypePB::PB_PLANETARY_BROADENING
 Pressure broadening types that used to exist. More...


JacPropMatType select_derivativeLineShape (const String &var, const String &coeff)
 Return the derivative type based on string input. More...
ArrayOfString AllLineShapeCoeffs ()
 All available line shape coefficients. More...
ArrayOfString AllLineShapeVars ()
 All available line shape variables. More...
String LineShape::temperaturemodel2string (TemperatureModel type) noexcept
 Turns selected TemperatureModel type into a string. More...
TemperatureModel LineShape::string2temperaturemodel (const String &type)
 Turns predefined strings into a TemperatureModel type. More...
std::ostream & LineShape::operator<< (std::ostream &os, Variable v)
 Output operator for Variable to be human-readable. More...
String LineShape::variable2string (Variable type) noexcept
 Turns selected Variable type into a string. More...
Variable LineShape::string2variable (const String &type)
 Turns predefined strings into a Variable type. More...
String LineShape::modelparameters2metadata (const ModelParameters mp, const Numeric T0)
NumericLineShape::SingleModelParameter (ModelParameters &mp, const String &type)
 Get a coefficient from ModelParameters by name. More...
bool LineShape::modelparameterEmpty (const ModelParameters mp) noexcept
std::ostream & LineShape::operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ModelParameters &mp)
 Output operator for ModelParameters. More...
std::istream & LineShape::operator>> (std::istream &is, ModelParameters &mp)
 Input operator for ModelParameters. More...
std::ostream & LineShape::operator<< (std::ostream &os, const SingleSpeciesModel &ssm)
 Output operator for SingleSpeciesModel. More...
std::istream & LineShape::operator>> (std::istream &is, SingleSpeciesModel &ssm)
 Input operator for SingleSpeciesModel. More...
String LineShape::shapetype2string (Type type) noexcept
 Turns selected Type into a string. More...
String LineShape::shapetype2metadatastring (Type type) noexcept
 Turns selected Type into a human readable string. More...
Type LineShape::string2shapetype (const String &type)
 Turns predefined strings into a Type. More...
std::ostream & LineShape::operator<< (std::ostream &os, Output x)
 Output operator for LineShape::Output. More...
constexpr Output LineShape::mirroredOutput (Output x) noexcept
 Output to be used by mirroring calls. More...
constexpr Output LineShape::negativeOutput (Output x) noexcept
 Output turned negative. More...
constexpr Output LineShape::si2cgs (Output x) noexcept
 Output turned from SI to CGS units. More...
constexpr Output LineShape::differenceOutput (Output y, Output x) noexcept
 Diff of two output. More...
Vector LineShape::vmrs (const ConstVectorView &atmospheric_vmrs, const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &atmospheric_species, const QuantumIdentifier &self, const ArrayOfSpeciesTag &lineshape_species, bool self_in_list, bool bath_in_list, Type type)
 Returns a VMR vector for this model's main calculations. More...
std::ostream & LineShape::operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Model &m)
std::istream & LineShape::operator>> (std::istream &is, Model &m)
String LineShape::ModelShape2MetaData (const Model &m)
Model LineShape::MetaData2ModelShape (const String &s)
ArrayOfString LineShape::ModelMetaDataArray (const Model &m, const bool self, const bool bath, const ArrayOfSpeciesTag &sts, const Numeric T0)
std::istream & LineShape::from_artscat4 (std::istream &is, Type &type, bool &self, bool &bath, Model &m, ArrayOfSpeciesTag &species, const QuantumIdentifier &qid)
std::istream & LineShape::from_linefunctiondata (std::istream &data, Type &type, bool &self, bool &bath, Model &m, ArrayOfSpeciesTag &species)
std::istream & LineShape::from_linemixingdata (std::istream &data, Model &lsc)
 Legacy reading of old deprecated LineMixingData class. More...
std::istream & LineShape::from_pressurebroadeningdata (std::istream &data, LineShape::Type &type, bool &self, bool &bath, Model &m, ArrayOfSpeciesTag &species, const QuantumIdentifier &qid)
 Legacy reading of old deprecated PressureBroadeningData class. More...
Index LineShape::LegacyLineFunctionData::temperaturemodel2legacynelem (TemperatureModel type) noexcept
 Length per variable. More...
std::vector< Variable > LineShape::LegacyLineFunctionData::lineshapetag2variablesvector (String type)
 Line shape models. More...
std::vector< Variable > LineShape::LegacyLineFunctionData::linemixingtag2variablesvector (String type)
 Line mixing models. More...
LegacyLineMixingData::TypeLM LineShape::LegacyLineMixingData::string2typelm (String type)
 Line mixing types from string. More...
Index LineShape::LegacyLineMixingData::typelm2nelem (LegacyLineMixingData::TypeLM type)
 Line mixing types to number. More...
Model LineShape::LegacyLineMixingData::vector2modellm (Vector x, LegacyLineMixingData::TypeLM type)
 LineShape::Model from legacy input vector. More...
LegacyPressureBroadeningData::TypePB LineShape::LegacyPressureBroadeningData::string2typepb (String type)
 Pressure broadening types from string. More...
bool LineShape::LegacyPressureBroadeningData::self_listed (const QuantumIdentifier &qid, LegacyPressureBroadeningData::TypePB t)
 Pressure broadening if self exist. More...
Index LineShape::LegacyPressureBroadeningData::typepb2nelem (LegacyPressureBroadeningData::TypePB type)
 Pressure broadening types to number of elements. More...
void LineShape::LegacyPressureBroadeningData::vector2modelpb (LineShape::Type &mtype, bool &self, bool &bath, Model &m, ArrayOfSpeciesTag &species, Vector x, LegacyPressureBroadeningData::TypePB type, bool self_in_list)
 LineShape::Model from legacy input vector. More...

Detailed Description

Contains the line shape namespace.

Richard Larsson

Contains the line shape namespace

This namespace computes all line shape parameters for any set of line shape we can use in ARTS. Should be extended for more use as seen fit.

Definition in file lineshapemodel.h.

Macro Definition Documentation


ModelParameters& VARPOS() noexcept { return X[Index(Variable::VARPOS)]; } \
constexpr ModelParameters VARPOS() const noexcept { return X[Index(Variable::VARPOS)]; }
The type to use for all integer numbers and indices.
Definition: matpack.h:39

Definition at line 679 of file lineshapemodel.h.


#define LSPC (   XVAR,
Numeric XVAR( \
Numeric T, Numeric T0, Numeric P [[maybe_unused]], ConstVectorView vmrs) \
const noexcept { \
return PVAR * \
std::inner_product( \
mdata.cbegin(), \
mdata.cend(), \
vmrs.begin(), \
0.0, \
std::plus<Numeric>(), \
[=](auto& x, auto vmr) -> Numeric { \
return vmr * x.compute(T, T0, Variable::XVAR); \
}); \
Vector vmrs(const ConstVectorView &atmospheric_vmrs, const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &atmospheric_species, const QuantumIdentifier &self, const ArrayOfSpeciesTag &lineshape_species, bool self_in_list, bool bath_in_list, Type type)
Returns a VMR vector for this model&#39;s main calculations.
The type to use for all floating point numbers.
Definition: matpack.h:33
A constant view of a Vector.
Definition: matpackI.h:476

Definition at line 1060 of file lineshapemodel.h.


#define LSPCT (   XVAR,
Numeric d##XVAR##_dT( \
Numeric T, Numeric T0, Numeric P [[maybe_unused]], ConstVectorView vmrs) \
const noexcept { \
return PVAR * \
std::inner_product( \
mdata.cbegin(), \
mdata.cend(), \
vmrs.begin(), \
0.0, \
std::plus<Numeric>(), \
[=](auto& x, auto vmr) -> Numeric { \
return vmr * x.compute_dT(T, T0, Variable::XVAR); \
}); \
Vector vmrs(const ConstVectorView &atmospheric_vmrs, const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &atmospheric_species, const QuantumIdentifier &self, const ArrayOfSpeciesTag &lineshape_species, bool self_in_list, bool bath_in_list, Type type)
Returns a VMR vector for this model&#39;s main calculations.
The type to use for all floating point numbers.
Definition: matpack.h:33
A constant view of a Vector.
Definition: matpackI.h:476

Definition at line 1107 of file lineshapemodel.h.


#define LSPCV (   XVAR,
Numeric d##XVAR##_dVMR(Numeric T, \
Numeric T0, \
Numeric P [[maybe_unused]], \
const Index deriv_pos) const noexcept { \
if (deriv_pos not_eq -1) \
return PVAR * mdata[deriv_pos].compute(T, T0, Variable::XVAR); \
else \
return 0; \
The type to use for all integer numbers and indices.
Definition: matpack.h:39
The type to use for all floating point numbers.
Definition: matpack.h:33

Definition at line 1086 of file lineshapemodel.h.


#define LSPDC (   XVAR,
Numeric d##XVAR##DERIV(Numeric T, \
Numeric T0, \
Numeric P [[maybe_unused]], \
Index deriv_pos, \
ConstVectorView vmrs) const noexcept { \
if (deriv_pos not_eq -1) \
return vmrs[deriv_pos] * PVAR * \
mdata[deriv_pos].compute##DERIV(T, T0, Variable::XVAR); \
else \
return 0; \
The type to use for all integer numbers and indices.
Definition: matpack.h:39
Vector vmrs(const ConstVectorView &atmospheric_vmrs, const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &atmospheric_species, const QuantumIdentifier &self, const ArrayOfSpeciesTag &lineshape_species, bool self_in_list, bool bath_in_list, Type type)
Returns a VMR vector for this model&#39;s main calculations.
The type to use for all floating point numbers.
Definition: matpack.h:33
A constant view of a Vector.
Definition: matpackI.h:476

Definition at line 1134 of file lineshapemodel.h.


#define MODELPARAMCASEGETTER (   X)    case Variable::X: out = X(); break;


case Variable::X: \
X() = x; \

Referenced by LineShape::SingleSpeciesModel::Set().


case JacPropMatType::LineShape##TYPE##X0: \
return d##TYPE##_dX0(T, T0, P, pos, vmrs); \
case JacPropMatType::LineShape##TYPE##X1: \
return d##TYPE##_dX1(T, T0, P, pos, vmrs); \
case JacPropMatType::LineShape##TYPE##X2: \
return d##TYPE##_dX2(T, T0, P, pos, vmrs); \
case JacPropMatType::LineShape##TYPE##X3: \
return d##TYPE##_dX3(T, T0, P, pos, vmrs)
Vector vmrs(const ConstVectorView &atmospheric_vmrs, const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &atmospheric_species, const QuantumIdentifier &self, const ArrayOfSpeciesTag &lineshape_species, bool self_in_list, bool bath_in_list, Type type)
Returns a VMR vector for this model&#39;s main calculations.

Referenced by LineShape::Model::GetInternalDeriv().


#define STRING2VARIABLEDEF (   X)    if (type == #X) return Variable::X


case Variable::X: \
return #X

◆ x0

◆ x1

◆ x2

◆ x3

Typedef Documentation

◆ LineShapeModel

Definition at line 1658 of file lineshapemodel.h.

◆ LineShapeSingleSpeciesModel

Function Documentation

◆ AllLineShapeCoeffs()

ArrayOfString AllLineShapeCoeffs ( )

All available line shape coefficients.

Definition at line 37 of file

Referenced by jacobianAddShapeCatalogParameters(), and select_derivativeLineShape().

◆ AllLineShapeVars()

ArrayOfString AllLineShapeVars ( )

◆ select_derivativeLineShape()

JacPropMatType select_derivativeLineShape ( const String var,
const String coeff 

Return the derivative type based on string input.

[in]varVariable in AllLineShapeVars()
[in]coeffCoefficient in AllLineShapeCoeffs()

Return the derivative type based on string input.

Definition at line 38 of file

References all_coefficientsLineFunctionData(), all_variablesLineFunctionData(), AllLineShapeCoeffs(), and AllLineShapeVars().

Referenced by jacobianAddShapeCatalogParameter().