Minutes of the fifth International Radiative Transfer Workshop, July 2003

Monday   Tuesday   Wednesday   Thursday   Whole Week  
Thursday, 10-07-03
Minutes written by Axel von Engeln <engeln@uni-bremen.de>

9:30 Working Group Summaries:
     - Installation of ARTS Group (12:Oliver):
         - Participants: O. Lemke, C. Takahashi
         - Successful install
     - Use of Views (7:Stefan):
         - Participants: S. Bühler, O. Lemke, M. Ekström, H. Berg,
           G. Kopp, N. Koulev
         - Tutorial on Matrix Views, etc. See User Guide
         - Sparse Matrix, make views sense with sparse matrix?
           Stefan: no
         - Dietrich: Matlab Clone Octav? Might be capable to 
                   handle sparse matrix. 
---->    Action Item: Check Octav/other matlab clones for this
     - Scattering Group (1:Claudia):
         - Participants: C. Emde, C. Davis, E. Meinköhn, J. Mendrok,
           C. Teichmann
         - Setup for comparison between Monte Carlo and successive 
           order of scattering:
           - 2 Cloud scenarios: weak, strong, cloudbox 1Deg x 1Deg,
             6-12km, cloud from 9-11km, stokes dim=2
         - Discussion about Monte Carlo
         - Use of Agenda in connection with optical properties
     - Grid optimization (8:Erik):
         - Participants: E. Meinköhn, F. Schreier, P. Eriksson, C. Emde,
           C. Teichmann, J. Mendrok, C. Verdes, D. Feist, E. Brocard
         - freq opt:
           - Patrick: some suggestions
           - Dietrich: 99% reduction possible
           both message use a priori knowledge on line center, problem
           with macroscopic velocity field
         - Spatial Grid:
           - Erik: Finite element discretization
---->      Action Item: Erik-Mail homepage on library
         - Ordinate Grid:
           - a priori knowledge
           - other methods
         - Workshop in Heidelberg on Multidimensional RT problems
           24-26 of September 2003
     - Retrieval (3:Sho):
         - Participants: S. Tsujimaru, C. Verdes, F. Schreier, E. Castelli,
           P. Eriksson, G. Kopp, H. Berg
         - Baseline problem: baseline ripples, Qpack (polynomial),
                             Karlsruhe (sin curves)
         - Regularization: 
           - Formal relation between OEM and Twomey-Tikonov by correlation
           - L-curve method
           - Comparison of different regularization
           - positivity constraint on x
---->      Action Item: Franz-mail paper on this
         - Selection of retrieval grid
           - finer grid require correlations to get same results
             as coarse grid
         - Choice of a priori and covariance
         - Frequency offset retrieval
     - Sensor Matrix modeling in ARTS (2:Christian):
         - Participants: P. Eriksson, M. Ekström, S. Buehler, C. Melsheimer
         - how model full Stokes vector with antenna pattern:
            - rotate Stokes vectors by angle to match antenna pattern
         - how to handle in ARTS (Patrick):
            - not possible in H matrix
            - first transform to sensor frame
            - then apply additional matrix multiplication
     - Cloud resolving models (4:Sreerehka):
         - Participants: Sreerekha T.R., C. Davis, J. Schulz, H. Hauschildt,
           C. Melsheimer, D. Pollard, T. Kuhn
         - KNMI, Wisconsin, MeteoFrance
         - Measurement campaigns: Emerald I, II, Crystal..., ARM, 
           TOGA. COARSE, ...
     - Van der Wals Complexes/Continuum (7:Thomas):
         - Participants: T. Kuhn, Y. Kasai, N. Koulev, E. Brocard
         - S. Solomon calculated the impact
         - Yasuko measured O2-O2 in lab, publication?
         - Continuum:
           - Lab fit not in agreement with atm measurements
     - Surface Emissivity/AMSU Validation (9:David):
         - Participants: D. Pollard, Sreerekha T.R., H. Hauschildt, Viju O.-J.,
           M. Kuvatov, J. Schulz, C. Melsheimer, A. von Engeln, A. Houshangpour,
           N. Courcoux
         - Surface Emissivity:
           - Ocean: good models, except for high wind speed
           - Land: 0.95?, some models for f < 50GHz, NOAA have maps
                   with low temporal resolution at 85GHz
           - Ice/Snow: no reliable models
         - AMSU Validation:
           - Cloud clearing of clear sky: Use super saturation
             wrt to ice
           - Discrepancies between UK/Germany: different cloud
           - Future work: validation at mores sites, emissivity 
           - ESA proposal (Joerg)...
     - Intercomparison (10:Franz):
         - Participants: F. Schreier, C. Melsheimer, D. Feist, G. Kopp,
           C. Verdes
         - the never-ending story of the paper
         - continue this study, e.g. weighting fcts, atmospheric data
         - Dietrich: Lautlos field Campaign (H2O, 0-35km), use these 
                     data for further comparison? e.g. with ODIN
---->    Action Item: Look at Lautlos data once it is available

11:30 Feedback of the Participants
     - Positiv: small, informal, working groups, good overview in talks,
                lot of off-line talks
     - Suggestions: smaller working groups, better organized, 
                    less code oriented ARTS discussion (maybe add 1 
                    extra ARTS day), extend intro of participants (1-2 slides)
     - Negativ: Initial working groups were too large, internet access,
                code oriented ARTS discussions, food and drinks

12:00 Future Plans
     - Web collection of workshop material (minutes, presentations, paper
       suggestions, web page info, working group minutes and participants)
--->   Action Item: Oliver - Email alias with participants
     - Proceedings with talk material?

12:10 Close
Monday   Tuesday   Wednesday   Thursday   Whole Week