Minutes of the fifth International Radiative Transfer Workshop,
July 2003
Whole Week
Monday - 07-07-03
Minutes written by Viju Oommen John <vojohn@uni-bremen.de>
Mashrab Kuvatov <mashrab@sat.physik.uni-bremen.de>
1:30 - Welcome by Prof. K. Kuenzi
Announcements - Stefan
- B.B on Tuesday
- Inter-comparison draft will be distributed by Christian
- Introduction of the working group by the leaders
Introduction of participants
1. Stefan Bühler - UB
2. K. Künzi - UB
3. Oliver - UB
4. Viju Oommen - UB
5. Carmen - UB
6. Mashrab - UB
7. Nathalie - UB
8. Claudia - UB
9. Emmanuel - UB
10. Christian - UB
11. Herman - Uni. St. Paulo, Brazil, Ground based radiometer for H20
12. Gerhard Kopp - Karlsruhe, Ground based radiometers
13. Claas - UB
14. Sho - UB, ASUR retrievals
15. Axel - UB
16. Cory - Uni. Edinburg, microwave limb sounding, cirrus scattering
17. Elisa - Bolonia, Water vapor retrievals from airborne instruments
18. Franz - DLR
19. Heike - Kiel, AMSU
20. George Schulz - Uni. Bonn, Microwave remote sensing
21. Erric - Astrophysics inst. Heidelberg
22. Dietrich - Bern uni, stratospheric water vapor, spectroscopy
23. Jana - DLR, radiative transfer including scattering
24. Sreerekha - UB
25. Mattias - Chalmers, Sensor modeling in ARTS
26. Patrick - Chalmers, RT,
27. Yasuko - CRL, Japan, SMILES
28. Thomas - UB
29. David Pollard - MO, UK, Airborne measurements, Helping assimilation group
30. Chikkako - Japan, Smiles
31. Arash - UB
32. Nikolay - UB
ARTS-1.1 - Claudia
- Modeling of atmosphere and cloud box for a three dimensional RT model
- Dimensionality of the atmosphere can be chosen(1, 2, and 3)
- successive order of scattering approach
- 1D test calculation
- Partic le shape is not so important around 320GHz region
- GS: Is particle shape important for polarization signals?
This should be checked.
3D Ray tracing - Patrick
- A complete forward model in one program
- Erric: Is refractive index far away from one? If it is far away from
one, RT equation has some fundamental problems.
PE: It is around 3% above one.
SB: This should be kept in mind if we go for planetary atmosphere
- Is the movements of the scattering medium is included(macroscopic
velocity filed)?
PE: Very high frequency resolution is needed
- GS: Can distribution of clouds be handled?
PE: Only one cloud is allowed at the moment
SB: This will be a straight forward extension
Sensor Modeling - Mattias Ekström
Atmlab - Patrick
- Bunch of matlab functions
- maths, physics, XML, graphics,.. matlab routines.
- can be downloaded from ARTS web-site.
Met Research Flight - David Pollard
- instruments: Deimos and MARSS - like AMSU (1, 2, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20
- improvement of NWP models, implementation of scattering in fast RT models,
modeling of surface emissivity
- for land emissivity is 0.95; difficult to model for ice and snow
- determination: flying over different types of surfaces and measuring
EOS-MLS, clouds, and ARTS - Cory Davis
- implementation of scattering Monte Carlo method into ARTS
- validate against other ARTS scattering functions
- use ARTS to investigate possible shortfalls in existing EOS-MLS
cloudy-sky model
CLR - Yasuku Kasai
- JEM/SMILES: Band A, band B, band C; O3 and its isotopes, ClO, HCl,...
- Alaska project: tropospheric molecules and stratospheric molecules in IR range
- trajectory calculations from CO events
Forward model MIRART - Franz Schreier
- use of automatic differentiation (kind of preprocessor), it generates exact
derivative (ADIFOR for fortran)
ISAC CNR Bologna - Elisa Castelli
- development of algorithm to retrieve stratospheric chemical and
physical parameters using far infrared spectra
- data analysis of measurements recorded by SAFIRE and MARSCHALS instruments
- ENVISAT validation campaign
Whole Week