Minutes of the fourth International Radiative Transfer Workshop, July 2002

Monday   Tuesday   Wednesday   Thursday   Whole Week  
********************** RT WORKSHOP JULY 2002 **********************

-----===== MONDAY 2002-07-08 =====-----

1. Welcome Prof. K. Kuenzi

2. PE: 
   - structure of the workshop
   - think about the working groups
   - hand out of the agenda and the draft of the intercomparison
   - change of agenda:
     barbecue on Tuesday
   - Ute will give an additional talk about polarization in the UV/vis
     on Thursday
   - introduction of the workshop members
     PE, Chalmers Univ. of Tech., Goeteborg
     KK, IUP/sat Bremen - head of ife-microwave groups
     DF, IUP Bern - RT, spec. param. catalog data base
     SR, IUP/sat Bremen - ARTS scattering
     CM, IUP/sat Bremen - ARTS scattering
     YK, CRL, Tokyo - SMILES Team
     ED, OdB, Bordeaux - Moliere/Odin
     JL, OdB, Bordeaux - Moliere/Odin
     UR, Swedish Inst. of Space Phys., Kiruna, ground based radiometers
     HH, IUP/RAM Bremen - ground based radiometers
     AH, IUP/sat Bremen - HIRS data analysis with ARTS
     IW, IUP/RAM Bremen - ground based radiometers
     MK, IUP/sat Bremen - ARTS application for AMSU-A/B
     JM  IUP/sat Bremen - polarization and scattering
     CV, IUP/sat Bremen - SMILES team
     JM, DLR/Berlin - RT models of IR and vis 
     FS, DLR/Wessling -  IR RT models and different other applications
     UB, DLR/Berlin - POLDER/ADEOS-I data analysis, RT models in vis/UV
     NK, IUP/sat Bremen - spectroscopy, Zeeman effect
     HB, Inst of Astronomy, Sao Paulo, Brasil - ground based microwave radiometers
     GK, FZK/Karlsruhe - ground based radiometer
     CE, IUP/sat Bremen - ARTS scattering
     TK, IUP/sat Bremen - ARTS development (water vapor abs. models)
     VJ, IUP/sat Bremen - ARTS application for AMSU-A/B
     OL, IUP/sat Bremen - sys. administration

3. short presentations of RT models
   a) (CE) introduction into scattering in ARTS-1.1
      - 1D to 3D RT model
      - polarization included in RT equation (Stokes vector)
      - spherical geometry included (limb sounding) 
      - scattering is considered in boxes where clouds are present
   b) (UB) RT equation in the vis region
      - Fourier series of the azimuth direction to separate this
        dimension from the others in the phase function
      - matrix operator method
      - the ocean surface layer scattering is included into the RT model.
      - spherical particles with Mie theory is included
      - plane parallel model with 1D atmosphere

   c) (FS) MIRART developments 
      - efficient line-by-line RT model
      - switch from pure F77 to F77 with script language Python
      - weighting function with automatic differentiation
        (fast and more accurate than finite differences)
       "more accurate" ---> exact
       (at least automatic differentiation Jacobians are as "exact" as the
       original code)

   d) Spectroscopic Database (DF)
      - BEAMCAT - 
      - merge different databases
      - simulation of spectra 
      - JPL and HITRAN 
      - different catalogs has good database in different ranges, so
        merge data from different sources
      - merging problem - lost information, the better way is to merge
        data without losing any information
      - META CATALOG - contains information that identifies the same
        transitions in different catalogs
      - SQL database - fast sorting and searching - output format can
        be easily changed - new parameters can be added at anytime -
        easy web access		
      - Demonstration of BEAMCAT
      - meta catalog has to be made once by identifying the same lines
        in all the catalogs(comparing quantum numbers)
      - Robust line matching scheme 
      - web-site to access BEAMCAT data:
      - info from all catalogs, format independent, easy web
        interface, easy t update
      - the meta catalog is in the form of a matrix. No limit for
        input source. User can update data base or write private
        tables and so on. Partition functions also will be added.374
	rules to merge JPL and HITRAN. In JPL some places for quantum
	numbers are empty and some times letters instead of numbers are used
	and this is not documented anywhere. All the entries in
	BEAMCAT has a time stamp so that the new additions can be easily identified.    
   e) Water Vapor Continuum (TKS)
      - different models: sources, theory..
      - model validation: ARM, lab data
      - documentation of CKD model is available in GENLEN2??
      - comparison of CKD model, accurate
      - SHEBA AERI/LBLRTM radiance to show the effect of different
        CKD versions.
      - Use of CKD model: ACECHEM, HIRS, climatology UTHMOS
      - other continua bands: N2 collision broadening
      - Liebe and Rosenkranz may not be valid in FIR region
      - MonoRTM V2.01 is Rosenkranz in millimeter range and the normal
        CKDv2.4 model in the FIR range
      - CKD is the standard model in the FIR range. It contains only
        the continuum part and not the lines. 
      - This model is implemented in ARTS and now ARTS is able to do
        calculations in the infrared region

   f) Formation of working group

      1. Scattering from the Microwave up to the vis/UV
         Participants: Claudia, Sreerekha, Christian, Ute, Jana, 
                       Jana, Franz, Nikolay, Joachim  
      2. Model vs. Data - Comparison and Validation
         Participants: Thomas, Mashrab, Viju, Arash, Tim, Susanne
      3. JEM/SMILES
         Participants: Carmen, Yasuko, Eric, 
      4. ARTS User Group
         Participants: Patrick, Oliver, Ingo, Dietrich, Hermann, 
                       Uwe, Gerhard, Helmut

Monday   Tuesday   Wednesday   Thursday   Whole Week