Various physics-related modules.
Calculates CIE color matching kernels for desired wavelengths between 380nm and 780nm. |
Convert specific humidity, pressure and temperature into column relative humidity. |
Convert image in xyz color system to image in rgb color system. |
Calculates gas density by ideal gas law. |
Calculate the equilibrium vapor pressure of water over ice. |
Calculate the equilibrium vapor pressure of water over liquid water. |
Return equilibrium pressure of water with respect to the mixed-phase. |
Convert frequency to wavelength. |
Convert frequency to wavenumber. |
Fresnel formulas for surface reflection. |
Calculate the integrated water vapor (IWV). |
Transforms spectral image to RGB image by integrating the spectrum of each pixel with the CIE color matching kernels. |
Convert mass mixing ratio to specific humidity. |
Convert mass mixing ratio to volume mixing ratio. |
Calculate the moist-adiabatic temperature lapse rate. |
Conversion between Frequency- and Wavelength-related Spectral Quantities. |
Conversion between Frequency- and Wavenumber-related Spectral Quantities. |
Conversion between Wavelength- and Frequency-related Spectral Quantities. |
Conversion between Wavenumber- and Frequency-related Spectral Quantities. |
Calculate black body radiation for given frequency and temperature. |
Calculate black body radiation for given wavelength and temperature. |
Calculate black body radiation for given wavenumber and temperature. |
Convert pressure to height based on the hydrostatic equilibrium. |
Convert spectral radiance to Planck brightness temperture. |
Convert spectral radiance to Rayleight-Jeans brightness temperture. |
Calculates the Rayleigh-Jeans approximation of the Planck function. |
Calculates the Rayleigh-Jeans approximation of the Planck function. |
Convert relative humidity into water vapor VMR. |
Calculates the angle of the transmitted wave, according to Snell's law. |
Convert specific humidity to mass mixing ratio. |
Convert specific humidity to volume mixing ratio. |
International Standard Atmosphere (ISA). |
Compute Stefan Boltzmann law for given temperature |
Convert volume mixing ratio to mass mixing ratio. |
Convert water vapor VMR into relative humidity. |
Convert volume mixing ratio to specific humidity. |
Convert water vapor pressure into specific humidity. |
Convert wavelength to frequency. |
Convert wavelength to wavenumber. |
Convert wavenumber to frequency. |
Convert wavenumber to wavelength. |
Create transformation matrix from xyz to RGB Values taken from reverse engineering open cv's cv2.cvtColor(I, cv2.COLOR_XYZ2RGB). |
Create transformation matrix from xyz to HDTV RGB according to |
Zeeman splitting |
Zeeman line strength |
Find possible mu and ml for valid ju and jl for a given transistion polarization |
Functions related to metrology
All functions in this module need sympy.
For a sympy expression, calculate uncertainty. |
Get arguments for expr, stopping at certain types |