- typhon.physics.zeeman_strength(ju, jl, mu, ml)[source]
Zeeman line strength
where C is either 3/2 or 3/4 depending on in mu-ml is 0 or not. In case the intent is to return many split lines, the size of either (jl, ju) or (ml, mu) must be the same. Regardless, these pairs have to be of the same type
- Parameters:
ju (scalar or 1darray) – Upper level J. Must be same size as jl
jl (scalar or 1darray) – Lower level J. Must be same size as ju
mu (scalar or ndarray) – Upper level M. Must be same size as ml unless
vector-type (J is)
ignored (then it is)
ml (scalar or ndarray) – Lower level M. Must be same size as mu unless
- Returns:
Relative line strength of component normalized to 1 or array(array(S+, Pi, S-))
- Return type:
scalar or ndarray