Open ARTS Community Workshop 2014
Background and Scope
A workshop series in mm and sub-mm radiative transfer was started in 1999. These workshops were held in the Bremen area, primarily at Bredbeck. The discussion and work at those workshops had a central role in the initiation and development of the freely available radiative transfer model, ARTS. The recently released version 2.2 of the ARTS model and the accompanying Atmlab/Qpack tools were a main topic of the workshop. The second, more general, objective of the workshop is to enhance information exchange and collaboration regarding radiative transfer modelling in the mm and sub-mm frequency ranges. The content of this part depends on active input from the workshop participants.
Date and Place
The workshop was held on June 9-11, 2014 at the Kristineberg Marine Research Station.
The research station is located about 100 km north of Gothenburg.

2014_arts_workshop_program.pdfWorkshop material
- The slides of the presentations held at the workshop are available for download
- Patrick Eriksson: Workshop Welcome
- Patrick Eriksson: ARTS 2.2 Overview
- Jana Mendrok: ARTS 2.2 new features
- Kaley Walker, Niall Ryan: Microwave radiometry work at University of Toronto
- Peter Forkman: New CO and O3 radiometer at Onsala
- Jung Jin Oh: Soras (110 GHz ozone) and SWARA (22 GHz water)
- Eliane Maillard-Barras: Site atmospheric state best estimate (SASBE) of ozone profile above Payerne, Switzerland
- Christian Melsheimer: Sea ice emissivity
- Ian Adams: Three-dimensional simulation of WindSat brightness temperature using TRMM retrievals
- Franz Schreier: ARTS - GARLIC - KOPRA intercomparison
- Takayoshi Yamada: Estimation of HO2 abundance in the small sprite events from SMILES limb observation by using ARTS
- Ole Martin Christensen: First tomographic inversions based on ARTS
- Mathias Milz: Results from the ESA hyperspectral study
- Jana Mendrok: ARTS-2.2, treatment of other planets
- Richard Larsson: ARTS-2.2, Zeeman effect and line mixing
- Patrick Eriksson: ARTS-2.2, Radio link budget calculations