Bredbeck Workshop - Program 2004
Monday, 21. 6.
10:00 Bus leaves from Bremen University
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Welcome (Stefan Bühler)
14:00 Introduction of participants
Afternoon talk session: Data evaluation
14:30 Peter Mills: Retrieval of water vapor isolines from AMSU-B
brightness temperatures
15:00 Arash Houshangpour: UTWV / UTH retrieval from AMSU radiances
15:30 Adrian Doicu: Iteratively regularized Gauss-Newton method for
atmospheric inverse problems
16:00 Coffee break
Formation of working groups
16:30 As last year we will do a brain-storming about topics for the
working groups. Everybody gets five cards to put ideas on. We
will collect the ideas and on these ideas we will form the
groups. Please think before the workshop about what you want to
do in the group work.
18:00 Dinner
Tuesday, 22. 6.
8:30 Breakfast
Morning talk session: RT Modeling
9:30 Franz Schreier: Spectral Grid Optimization Scheme for Line-by-Line
Cross Section Evaluation
10:00 Jana Mendrok: Radiative transfer modelling of solar and thermal
source in spherical atmospheres
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Cory Davis: Limb sounding simulations with the Monte Carlo scattering
method implemented in ARTS
11:30 Claudia Emde: Limb sounding simulations using DOIT method
12:00 Claas Teichmann: Polarization simulations with ARTS
12:30 Announcement of the group work time table
12:45 Lunch
14:00-18:00 Group work
18:00 Dinner (Barbecue Party)
Wednesday, 23. 6.
8:30 Breakfast
9:30-10:30 Reports of working groups from Tuesday
The whole day is free for group work!!!
Coffee , lunch and dinner at the usual time.
19:00 Excursion to lake, volleyball, table-tennis...
Thursday, 24. 6.
8:30 Breakfast
9:30 Reports of working groups
11:00 Feedback
11:30 Future plans
12:00 Close
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Bus leaves to Bremen
15:00 Arrival at Bremen University
Group work
As last year we will have four rooms for the group work. We have
altogether five work shop sessions, each takes two hours:
Tue: 14:00-16:00 16:00-18:00
Wed: 10:30-12:30 14:00-16:00 16:00-18:00
Ideas for the group work are so far:
* ARTS user guide
* GMT (General Mapping Tools)
* Scattering implementations in ARTS (Monte Carlo, DOIT)
* ARTS 1-0 users
* QPack users
* AMSULAB (our new project)
* Retrieval algorithms
* General radiative transfer methods (?)
* Spectroscopy
* Continuum model for IR
* Tracer Models
* Parametrization of surface emissivity
* Size parametrization of cloud particles
* Sensor polarization of AMSU-B