Bredbeck Workshop - Preliminary Program 2003
Monday, 7. 7.
10:00 Bus leaves from Bremen University
12:30 Lunch
Afternoon session (chair: Stefan Buehler)
13:30 Welcome, introduction (K.Künzi)
13:45 Decision of final workshop program (Stefan Bühler)
14:00 Introduction of the participants
14:30 Overview of ARTS 1.1 and implementation of Scattering (Claudia Emde)
14:50 Sensor modelling (Mattias Ekström)
15:00 3D Ray traycing (Patrick Eriksson)
15:10 Atmlab - a new MATLAB tool (Patrick Eriksson)
15:30 Coffee break
(Informal introduction of the different institutions and short summary of the
16:00 David Pollard (Met Office)
16:20 Cory Davis (University of Edinburgh)
16:40 Yasuku Kasai (CRL)
17:00 Franz Schreier (DLR)
17:20 Elisa Castelli (ISAC CNR Bologna)
17:40 Close
18:00 Dinner
Tuesday, 8.7.
8:30 Breakfast
Morning session (chair: Carmen Verdes)
9:30 Summary of the Intercomparison Paper (Christian Melsheimer)
10:00 Final discussion about Intercomparison
10:30 Coffee break
10:50 Jörg Schulz - Multiple scattering effects by nonspherical
11:20 Jana Mendrok - Single scattering of direct solar beam in MIRART
11:40 Nicolay Koulev - Zeeman effect implementation in ARTS
12:00 Erik Meinkoehn - 3D resonance line transfer in moving media
12:20 Lunch
14:00 - 14:15 Formation of working groups
14:00 - 18:00 Group work (see below)
18:00 Dinner
19:00 Excursion to lake ??
Wednesday, 9.7.
8:30 Breakfast
Morning session (chair: Thomas Kuhn)
9:30 Axel von Engeln - Occurrence of Ducts in ECMWF atmospheric Fields
9:50 Gerhard Kopp - The potential of ground based millimeter wave solar
occultation measurements
10:10 Sreerekha T.R. - Effect of cirrus scattering in AMSU-B channels
10:30 Coffee break
10:50 Sho Tsujimaru - SMILES Retrieval
11:10 Chikako Takahashi, Yasuko Kasai - Estimation of SMILES model
parameter error
11:30 - 12:30 Short summaries of the Tuesday working groups.
12:30 Lunch
14:00 - 17:00 Group work (see below)
18:00 Dinner
Afternoons (8.7. and 9.7.): Working groups
Group work in the following areas. For each group we have selected a
resoponsable person to organize the working grous.
- Spectroscopy (Carmen Verdes) (only Tuesday)
- ARTS development (Claudia Emde)
Tuesday: Scattering implementation
Sensor modelling
Wednesday: Gas absorption
3D Geometry, ray tracing
mathematical functions
- Retrieval for AMSU and HIRS (Viju Oommen John)
- Limb sounding instruments (Sho Tsujimaru) (only Wednesday)
- ACE+/ Radio occultation (Thomas Kuhn) (only Tuesday)
-ACECLIM : ACE+ for OLR Study
ACE+ : ESA opportunity mission
-GPS/GNSS radio occultation
If you want to use ARTS we suggest that you bring your laptop.
During the workshop you can contact Oliver Lemke to get help with the
Thursday, 10.7.
8:30 Breakfast
Morning session (chair: Stefan Bühler)
9:30 Reports of the working groups
11:30 Plans for future activities
12:00 Close
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Bus leaves to Bremen
15:00 Arrival at Bremen University