IRTMW03 - Workgroup related material

Partition Functions:

Vibrational partition function data of the 50 "ATMOS molecules" is listed in the Norton and Rinsland paper.
Data of other molecules can be found in the articles by MaryAnn Smith et al. in the two Rao books.
Furthermore I found some vib states listed in paper H, Table 2 in Patrick's PhD thesis.
(Most data listed in the attached molecules file are from the ATMOS paper).

Line Mixing:

Line mixing parameters in Hitran?
According to table I of the Hitran86 paper the 10. column is "y or delta" In the corresponding tables of the Hitran 91/92 and Hitran 96 papers the column header says just "delta", i.e. pressure shift.

The file co2mix.dat is from the GENLN2 distribution (approximately 1991)

Maybe Anu Dudhia has some more information on line mixing available on his RFM web page (RFM is a GENLN2-based line-by-line radiative transfer model developed at AOPP)

(When compiling these notes I also found an article in the Rao-Weber book on the theory of line mixing. Obviously I never read it, but maybe it might be useful)


The attached file continua contains data for H2O (CKD, probably version 2.2) CO2 (Ridgway, extracted from Fascode), N2 (Liebe mm and fascode mir) and O2 (Echle) The Echle report is part of an ESA report (send me an email if you want a copy, or maybe Gerhard Kopp can organize some kind of "reprint"?)


PDF files of Adrian Doicu's recent papers on iteratively regularized Gauss Newton,    Iterative Regularization, and bound constraint inversions are in the attachment.

Sparse Matrices:

Volume II of Ueberhuber has an extensive discussion of software (pub domain and $$$) available for sparse matrix computation. (Actually each chapter/section/... has these software survey)

See also: Guide to Available Math Software

@article{Norton91, AUTHOR = {R.H. Norton and C.P. Rinsland}, TITLE = {{ATMOS} data processing and science analysis methods}, JOURNAL = AO, VOLUME = 30, PAGES = {389--400}, YEAR = 1991} @incollection{Smith85, AUTHOR = {M.A.H. Smith and C.P. Rinsland and B. Fridovich and K.N. Rao}, TITLE = {Intensities and Collision Broadening Parameters from Infrared Spectra}, BOOKTITLE = {Molecular Spectroscopy: Modern Research}, EDITOR = {K.N. Rao}, VOLUME = {III}, PAGES = {111-248}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, YEAR = 1985} @incollection{Smith92, AUTHOR = {M.A.H. Smith and C.P. Rinsland and V. Malathy--Devi and L.S. Rothman and K. Narahari Rao}, TITLE = {Intensities and Collision--Broadening Parameters from Infrared Spectra: an Update}, BOOKTITLE = {Spectroscopy of the Earth's atmosphere and interstellar medium}, EDITOR = {K.N. Rao and A. Weber}, PAGES = {153 -- 260}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, YEAR = 1992} @phdthesis{Eriksson99, AUTHOR = {P. Eriksson}, TITLE = {Microwave Radiometric Observations of the Middle Atmosphere: Simulations and Inversions}, SCHOOL = {Department of Radio and Space Science --- Chalmers University of Technology}, address = {G\"oteborg, Sweden}, YEAR = 1999} @book{Ueberhuber97, AUTHOR = {C.W. Ueberhuber}, TITLE = {Numerical Computation}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, YEAR = 1997} @techreport{Echle97, AUTHOR = {G. Echle}, TITLE = {Study of the Retrieval of Atmospheric Trace Gas Profiles from Infrared Spectra}, INSTITUTION = {ESA Contract 12055/96/NL/CN}, type = {Draft Report on Task 1: Continuum}, YEAR = 1997} @article{Rothman87, AUTHOR = {L.S. Rothman and R.R. Gamache and A. Goldman and L.R. Brown and R.A. Toth and H.M. Pickett and P.L. Poynter and J.--M. Flaud and C. Camy--Peyret and A. Barbe and N. Husson and C.P. Rinsland and M.A.H. Smith}, TITLE = {The {HITRAN} database: 1986 edition}, JOURNAL = AO, VOLUME = 26, YEAR = 1987, PAGES = 4058}