
FullyConnected.compile(optimizer='rmsprop', loss=None, loss_weights=None, metrics=None, weighted_metrics=None, run_eagerly=False, steps_per_execution=1, jit_compile='auto', auto_scale_loss=True)

Configures the model for training.


```python model.compile(

optimizer=keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=1e-3), loss=keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(), metrics=[

keras.metrics.BinaryAccuracy(), keras.metrics.FalseNegatives(),



param optimizer:

String (name of optimizer) or optimizer instance. See keras.optimizers.

param loss:

Loss function. May be a string (name of loss function), or a keras.losses.Loss instance. See keras.losses. A loss function is any callable with the signature loss = fn(y_true, y_pred), where y_true are the ground truth values, and y_pred are the model’s predictions. y_true should have shape (batch_size, d0, .. dN) (except in the case of sparse loss functions such as sparse categorical crossentropy which expects integer arrays of shape (batch_size, d0, .. dN-1)). y_pred should have shape (batch_size, d0, .. dN). The loss function should return a float tensor.

param loss_weights:

Optional list or dictionary specifying scalar coefficients (Python floats) to weight the loss contributions of different model outputs. The loss value that will be minimized by the model will then be the weighted sum of all individual losses, weighted by the loss_weights coefficients. If a list, it is expected to have a 1:1 mapping to the model’s outputs. If a dict, it is expected to map output names (strings) to scalar coefficients.

param metrics:

List of metrics to be evaluated by the model during training and testing. Each of this can be a string (name of a built-in function), function or a keras.metrics.Metric instance. See keras.metrics. Typically you will use metrics=[‘accuracy’]. A function is any callable with the signature result = fn(y_true, _pred). To specify different metrics for different outputs of a multi-output model, you could also pass a dictionary, such as metrics={‘a’:’accuracy’, ‘b’:[‘accuracy’, ‘mse’]}. You can also pass a list to specify a metric or a list of metrics for each output, such as metrics=[[‘accuracy’], [‘accuracy’, ‘mse’]] or metrics=[‘accuracy’, [‘accuracy’, ‘mse’]]. When you pass the strings ‘accuracy’ or ‘acc’, we convert this to one of keras.metrics.BinaryAccuracy, keras.metrics.CategoricalAccuracy, keras.metrics.SparseCategoricalAccuracy based on the shapes of the targets and of the model output. A similar conversion is done for the strings “crossentropy” and “ce” as well. The metrics passed here are evaluated without sample weighting; if you would like sample weighting to apply, you can specify your metrics via the weighted_metrics argument instead.

param weighted_metrics:

List of metrics to be evaluated and weighted by sample_weight or class_weight during training and testing.

param run_eagerly:

Bool. If True, this model’s forward pass will never be compiled. It is recommended to leave this as False when training (for best performance), and to set it to True when debugging.

param steps_per_execution:

Int. The number of batches to run during each a single compiled function call. Running multiple batches inside a single compiled function call can greatly improve performance on TPUs or small models with a large Python overhead. At most, one full epoch will be run each execution. If a number larger than the size of the epoch is passed, the execution will be truncated to the size of the epoch. Note that if steps_per_execution is set to N, Callback.on_batch_begin and Callback.on_batch_end methods will only be called every N batches (i.e. before/after each compiled function execution). Not supported with the PyTorch backend.

param jit_compile:

Bool or “auto”. Whether to use XLA compilation when compiling a model. For jax and tensorflow backends, jit_compile=”auto” enables XLA compilation if the model supports it, and disabled otherwise. For torch backend, “auto” will default to eager execution and jit_compile=True will run with torch.compile with the “inductor” backend.

param auto_scale_loss:

Bool. If True and the model dtype policy is “mixed_float16”, the passed optimizer will be automatically wrapped in a LossScaleOptimizer, which will dynamically scale the loss to prevent underflow.