
typhon.plots.maps.worldmap(lat, lon, var=None, fig=None, ax=None, projection=None, bg=False, draw_grid=False, draw_coastlines=False, interpolation=False, **kwargs)[source]

Plots the track of a variable on a worldmap.

  • lat – Array of latitudes.

  • lon – Array of longitudes.

  • var – Additional array for the variable to plot. If 1-dimensional, the variable is plotted as track changing the color according to a color map. If 2-dimensional, variable is plotted as contour plot.

  • fig – A matplotlib figure object. If not given, the current figure is used.

  • ax – A matplotlib axis object. If not given, a new axis object will be created in the current figure.

  • projection – If no axis is given, specify here the cartopy projection.

  • bg – If true, a background image will be drawn.

  • draw_grid

  • draw_coastlines

  • **kwargs


Scatter plot objects.