87 const Numeric& ppath_temperature,
92 const Index& atmosphere_dim,
93 const bool& jacobian_do);
214 const Agenda& ppath_step_agenda,
215 const Index& atmosphere_dim,
225 const Numeric& ppath_lraytrace,
261 const Agenda& ppath_step_agenda,
262 const Index& atmosphere_dim,
272 const Numeric& ppath_lraytrace,
300 const Index& atmosphere_dim);
353 const Index& cloudbox_on,
360 const Agenda& iy_main_agenda);
397 const Index& jacobian_do,
401 const Index& atmosphere_dim,
403 const Index& cloudbox_on,
404 const Index& stokes_dim,
408 const Agenda& iy_main_agenda,
409 const Agenda& iy_space_agenda,
410 const Agenda& iy_surface_agenda,
411 const Agenda& iy_cloudbox_agenda,
412 const Index& iy_agenda_call1,
450 const Index& atmosphere_dim,
481 const Index& atmosphere_dim,
503 const Index& atmosphere_dim,
518 const Index& imblock);
534 const Numeric& ppath_temperature,
535 const bool& do_temperature_derivative);
569 const Agenda& propmat_clearsky_agenda,
576 const Numeric& ppath_temperature,
579 const bool& jacobian_do);
623 const bool& jacobian_do);
644 const Index& atmosphere_dim);
659 const Index& component,
662 const Index& atmosphere_dim);
690 const Index ppath_1p_id,
694 const Index& atmosphere_dim,
695 const bool& jacobian_do);
715 const Index ppath_1p_id,
722 const Vector& temperature,
723 const Index& atmosphere_dim,
724 const bool& jacobian_do,
725 const Index& t_interp_order = 1);
760 const bool& first_level,
761 const Numeric& dr_dT_close = 0,
763 const Index& it = -1);
776 const Index& imblock,
777 const Index& atmosphere_dim,
779 const Index& cloudbox_on,
780 const Index& stokes_dim,
787 const Agenda& iy_main_agenda,
788 const Agenda& geo_pos_agenda,
789 const Index& j_analytical_do,
861 const Index& atmosphere_dim);
881 const Index& atmosphere_dim,
909 const Index& cloudbox_on,
913 const Index& iy_agenda_call1,
914 const bool is_active =
932 const Index& atmosphere_dim,
937 const Index& iy_agenda_call1,
938 const Tensor3& iy_transmission,
939 const Agenda& water_p_eq_agenda,
963 const Index& j_analytical_do,
981 const Index& atmosphere_dim,
983 const Index& cloudbox_on,
984 const Index& stokes_dim,
988 const Matrix& transmitter_pos,
989 const Matrix& mblock_dlos_grid,
990 const Sparse& sensor_response,
991 const Vector& sensor_response_f,
993 const Matrix& sensor_response_dlos,
995 const Agenda& iy_main_agenda,
996 const Agenda& geo_pos_agenda,
997 const Agenda& jacobian_agenda,
998 const Index& jacobian_do,
1003 const Index& mblock_index,
1005 const Index& j_analytical_do);
void get_stepwise_clearsky_propmat(Workspace &ws, PropagationMatrix &K, StokesVector &S, Index <e, ArrayOfPropagationMatrix &dK_dx, ArrayOfStokesVector &dS_dx, const Agenda &propmat_clearsky_agenda, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, ConstVectorView ppath_f_grid, ConstVectorView ppath_magnetic_field, ConstVectorView ppath_line_of_sight, const EnergyLevelMap &ppath_nlte, ConstVectorView ppath_vmrs, const Numeric &ppath_temperature, const Numeric &ppath_pressure, const ArrayOfIndex &jacobian_species, const bool &jacobian_do)
Gets the clearsky propgation matrix and NLTE contributions.
The type to use for all integer numbers and indices.
void get_ppath_atmvars(Vector &ppath_p, Vector &ppath_t, EnergyLevelMap &ppath_nlte, Matrix &ppath_vmr, Matrix &ppath_wind, Matrix &ppath_mag, const Ppath &ppath, const Index &atmosphere_dim, ConstVectorView p_grid, ConstTensor3View t_field, const EnergyLevelMap &nlte_field, ConstTensor4View vmr_field, ConstTensor3View wind_u_field, ConstTensor3View wind_v_field, ConstTensor3View wind_w_field, ConstTensor3View mag_u_field, ConstTensor3View mag_v_field, ConstTensor3View mag_w_field)
Determines pressure, temperature, VMR, winds and magnetic field for each propgataion path point...
A class implementing complex numbers for ARTS.
void get_stepwise_f_partials(Vector &f_partials, const Index &component, ConstVectorView &ppath_line_of_sight, ConstVectorView f_grid, const Index &atmosphere_dim)
Computes the ratio that a partial derivative with regards to frequency relates to the wind of come co...
void get_stepwise_frequency_grid(VectorView ppath_f_grid, ConstVectorView f_grid, ConstVectorView ppath_wind, ConstVectorView ppath_line_of_sight, const Numeric &rte_alonglos_v, const Index &atmosphere_dim)
Inverse of get_stepwise_f_partials.
A constant view of a Tensor7.
void bending_angle1d(Numeric &alpha, const Ppath &ppath)
Calculates the bending angle for a 1D atmosphere.
Routines for setting up the jacobian.
void rtmethods_unit_conversion(Matrix &iy, ArrayOfTensor3 &diy_dx, Tensor3 &ppvar_iy, const Index &ns, const Index &np, const Vector &f_grid, const Ppath &ppath, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, const Index &j_analytical_do, const String &iy_unit)
This function handles the unit conversion to be done at the end of some radiative transfer WSMs...
Numeric fac(const Index n)
void mirror_los(Vector &los_mirrored, ConstVectorView los, const Index &atmosphere_dim)
Determines the backward direction for a given line-of-sight.
void adjust_los(VectorView los, const Index &atmosphere_dim)
Ensures that the zenith and azimuth angles of a line-of-sight vector are inside defined ranges...
void yCalc_mblock_loop_body(bool &failed, String &fail_msg, ArrayOfArrayOfVector &iyb_aux_array, Workspace &ws, Vector &y, Vector &y_f, ArrayOfIndex &y_pol, Matrix &y_pos, Matrix &y_los, Matrix &y_geo, Matrix &jacobian, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const EnergyLevelMap &nlte_field, const Index &cloudbox_on, const Index &stokes_dim, const Vector &f_grid, const Matrix &sensor_pos, const Matrix &sensor_los, const Matrix &transmitter_pos, const Matrix &mblock_dlos_grid, const Sparse &sensor_response, const Vector &sensor_response_f, const ArrayOfIndex &sensor_response_pol, const Matrix &sensor_response_dlos, const String &iy_unit, const Agenda &iy_main_agenda, const Agenda &geo_pos_agenda, const Agenda &jacobian_agenda, const Index &jacobian_do, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, const ArrayOfArrayOfIndex &jacobian_indices, const ArrayOfString &iy_aux_vars, const Verbosity &verbosity, const Index &mblock_index, const Index &n1y, const Index &j_analytical_do)
Performs calculations for one measurement block, on y-level.
cmplx FADDEEVA() w(cmplx z, double relerr)
void ext2trans(MatrixView trans_mat, Index &icase, ConstMatrixView ext_mat_av, const Numeric &l_step)
Converts an extinction matrix to a transmission matrix.
void defocusing_sat2sat(Workspace &ws, Numeric &dlf, const Agenda &ppath_step_agenda, const Index &atmosphere_dim, ConstVectorView p_grid, ConstVectorView lat_grid, ConstVectorView lon_grid, ConstTensor3View z_field, ConstVectorView f_grid, ConstVectorView refellipsoid, ConstMatrixView z_surface, const Ppath &ppath, const Numeric &ppath_lmax, const Numeric &ppath_lraytrace, const Numeric &dza, const Verbosity &verbosity)
Calculates defocusing for limb measurements between two satellites.
void rtmethods_jacobian_finalisation(Workspace &ws, ArrayOfTensor3 &diy_dx, ArrayOfTensor3 &diy_dpath, const Index &ns, const Index &nf, const Index &np, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const Ppath &ppath, const Vector &ppvar_p, const Vector &ppvar_t, const Matrix &ppvar_vmr, const Index &iy_agenda_call1, const Tensor3 &iy_transmission, const Agenda &water_p_eq_agenda, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, const ArrayOfIndex jac_species_i, const ArrayOfIndex jac_is_t)
This function fixes the last steps to made on the Jacobian in some radiative transfer WSMs...
Stokes vector is as Propagation matrix but only has 4 possible values.
void iyb_calc(Workspace &ws, Vector &iyb, ArrayOfVector &iyb_aux, ArrayOfMatrix &diyb_dx, Matrix &geo_pos_matrix, const Index &imblock, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const EnergyLevelMap &nlte_field, const Index &cloudbox_on, const Index &stokes_dim, ConstVectorView f_grid, ConstMatrixView sensor_pos, ConstMatrixView sensor_los, ConstMatrixView transmitter_pos, ConstMatrixView mblock_dlos_grid, const String &iy_unit, const Agenda &iy_main_agenda, const Agenda &geo_pos_agenda, const Index &j_analytical_do, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, const ArrayOfArrayOfIndex &jacobian_indices, const ArrayOfString &iy_aux_vars, const Verbosity &verbosity)
Performs calculations for one measurement block, on iy-level.
Structure to store a grid position.
A constant view of a Tensor4.
void adapt_stepwise_partial_derivatives(ArrayOfPropagationMatrix &dK_dx, ArrayOfStokesVector &dS_dx, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, ConstVectorView ppath_f_grid, ConstVectorView ppath_line_of_sight, ConstVectorView ppath_vmrs, const Numeric &ppath_temperature, const Numeric &ppath_pressure, const ArrayOfIndex &jacobian_species, const ArrayOfIndex &jacobian_wind, const Index <e, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const bool &jacobian_do)
Adapts clearsky partial derivatives.
void defocusing_general(Workspace &ws, Numeric &dlf, const Agenda &ppath_step_agenda, const Index &atmosphere_dim, ConstVectorView p_grid, ConstVectorView lat_grid, ConstVectorView lon_grid, ConstTensor3View z_field, ConstVectorView f_grid, ConstVectorView refellipsoid, ConstMatrixView z_surface, const Ppath &ppath, const Numeric &ppath_lmax, const Numeric &ppath_lraytrace, const Numeric &dza, const Verbosity &verbosity)
Defocusing for arbitrary geometry (zenith angle part only)
void get_stepwise_scattersky_propmat(StokesVector &ap, PropagationMatrix &Kp, ArrayOfStokesVector &dap_dx, ArrayOfPropagationMatrix &dKp_dx, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, ConstMatrixView ppath_1p_pnd, const ArrayOfMatrix &ppath_dpnd_dx, const Index ppath_1p_id, const ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData &scat_data, ConstVectorView ppath_line_of_sight, ConstVectorView ppath_temperature, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const bool &jacobian_do)
Computes the contribution by scattering at propagation path point.
The global header file for ARTS.
void apply_iy_unit(MatrixView iy, const String &iy_unit, ConstVectorView f_grid, const Numeric &n, const ArrayOfIndex &i_pol)
Performs conversion from radiance to other units, as well as applies refractive index to fulfill the ...
void get_ppath_cloudvars(ArrayOfIndex &clear2cloudy, Matrix &ppath_pnd, ArrayOfMatrix &ppath_dpnd_dx, const Ppath &ppath, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const ArrayOfIndex &cloudbox_limits, const Tensor4 &pnd_field, const ArrayOfTensor4 &dpnd_field_dx)
Determines the particle fields along a propagation path.
Header file for sparse matrices.
Range get_rowindex_for_mblock(const Sparse &sensor_response, const Index &imblock)
Returns the "range" of y corresponding to a measurement block.
void iy_transmission_mult(Tensor3 &iy_trans_total, ConstTensor3View iy_trans_old, ConstTensor3View iy_trans_new)
Multiplicates iy_transmission with transmissions.
void get_iy_of_background(Workspace &ws, Matrix &iy, ArrayOfTensor3 &diy_dx, ConstTensor3View iy_transmission, const Index &iy_id, const Index &jacobian_do, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, const Ppath &ppath, ConstVectorView rte_pos2, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const EnergyLevelMap &nlte_field, const Index &cloudbox_on, const Index &stokes_dim, ConstVectorView f_grid, const String &iy_unit, ConstTensor3View surface_props_data, const Agenda &iy_main_agenda, const Agenda &iy_space_agenda, const Agenda &iy_surface_agenda, const Agenda &iy_cloudbox_agenda, const Index &iy_agenda_call1, const Verbosity &verbosity)
Determines iy of the "background" of a propgation path.
void apply_iy_unit2(Tensor3View J, ConstMatrixView iy, const String &iy_unit, ConstVectorView f_grid, const Numeric &n, const ArrayOfIndex &i_pol)
Largely as apply_iy_unit but operates on jacobian data.
ArrayOfTransmissionMatrix cumulative_transmission(const ArrayOfTransmissionMatrix &T, const CumulativeTransmission type)
Accumulate the transmission matrix over all layers.
Declarations for agendas.
void rtmethods_jacobian_init(ArrayOfIndex &jac_species_i, ArrayOfIndex &jac_scat_i, ArrayOfIndex &jac_is_t, ArrayOfIndex &jac_wind_i, ArrayOfIndex &jac_mag_i, ArrayOfIndex &jac_other, ArrayOfTensor3 &diy_dx, ArrayOfTensor3 &diy_dpath, const Index &ns, const Index &nf, const Index &np, const Index &nq, const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_species, const Index &cloudbox_on, const ArrayOfString &scat_species, const ArrayOfTensor4 &dpnd_field_dx, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, const Index &iy_agenda_call1, const bool is_active=false)
This function fixes the initial steps around Jacobian calculations, to be done inside radiative trans...
Numeric dotprod_with_los(ConstVectorView los, const Numeric &u, const Numeric &v, const Numeric &w, const Index &atmosphere_dim)
Calculates the dot product between a field and a LOS.
The type to use for all floating point numbers.
void get_stepwise_scattersky_source(StokesVector &Sp, ArrayOfStokesVector &dSp_dx, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, ConstVectorView ppath_1p_pnd, const ArrayOfMatrix &ppath_dpnd_dx, const Index ppath_1p_id, const ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData &scat_data, ConstTensor7View cloudbox_field, ConstVectorView za_grid, ConstVectorView aa_grid, ConstMatrixView ppath_line_of_sight, const GridPos &ppath_pressure, const Vector &temperature, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const bool &jacobian_do, const Index &t_interp_order=1)
Calculates the stepwise scattering source terms.
void get_stepwise_blackbody_radiation(VectorView B, VectorView dB_dT, ConstVectorView ppath_f_grid, const Numeric &ppath_temperature, const bool &do_temperature_derivative)
Get the blackbody radiation at propagation path point.
void get_iy(Workspace &ws, Matrix &iy, const Index &cloudbox_on, ConstVectorView f_grid, const EnergyLevelMap &nlte_field, ConstVectorView rte_pos, ConstVectorView rte_los, ConstVectorView rte_pos2, const String &iy_unit, const Agenda &iy_main_agenda)
Basic call of iy_main_agenda.
Implementation of Matrix, Vector, and such stuff.
Propagation path structure and functions.
This can be used to make arrays out of anything.
void get_ppath_f(Matrix &ppath_f, const Ppath &ppath, ConstVectorView f_grid, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const Numeric &rte_alonglos_v, ConstMatrixView ppath_wind)
Determines the Doppler shifted frequencies along the propagation path.
void get_stepwise_effective_source(MatrixView J, Tensor3View dJ_dx, const PropagationMatrix &K, const StokesVector &a, const StokesVector &S, const ArrayOfPropagationMatrix &dK_dx, const ArrayOfStokesVector &da_dx, const ArrayOfStokesVector &dS_dx, ConstVectorView B, ConstVectorView dB_dT, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, const bool &jacobian_do)
Gets the effective source at propagation path point.
A constant view of a Tensor3.
A constant view of a Vector.
A constant view of a Matrix.
void ze_cfac(Vector &fac, const Vector &f_grid, const Numeric &ze_tref, const Numeric &k2)
Calculates factor to convert back-scattering to Ze.
The structure to describe a propagation path and releated quantities.
void pos2true_latlon(Numeric &lat, Numeric &lon, const Index &atmosphere_dim, ConstVectorView lat_grid, ConstVectorView lat_true, ConstVectorView lon_true, ConstVectorView pos)
Determines the true alt and lon for an "ARTS position".
Scattering database structure and functions.
void get_stepwise_transmission_matrix(Tensor3View cumulative_transmission, Tensor3View T, Tensor4View dT_dx_close, Tensor4View dT_dx_far, ConstTensor3View cumulative_transmission_close, const PropagationMatrix &K_close, const PropagationMatrix &K_far, const ArrayOfPropagationMatrix &dK_close_dx, const ArrayOfPropagationMatrix &dK_far_dx, const Numeric &ppath_distance, const bool &first_level, const Numeric &dr_dT_close=0, const Numeric &dr_dT_far=0, const Index &it=-1)
Computes layer transmission matrix and cumulative transmission.