10 #ifndef agenda_wrappers_mpi_h 11 #define agenda_wrappers_mpi_h 31 const unsigned int m,
35 const Agenda *inversion_iterate_agenda_,
37 ws(ws_), local_jacobian(),
38 inversion_iterate_agenda(inversion_iterate_agenda_),
39 m(static_cast<unsigned int>(m_)),
40 n(static_cast<unsigned int>(n_))
47 1, *inversion_iterate_agenda );
60 OEMVector yi; yi.resize(m);
62 *inversion_iterate_agenda );
72 #endif // agenda_wrapper_mpi_h INDEX Index
The type to use for all integer numbers and indices.
void inversion_iterate_agendaExecute(Workspace &ws, Vector &yf, Matrix &jacobian, const Vector &x, const Index jacobian_do, const Index inversion_iteration_counter, const Agenda &input_agenda)
OEMVector evaluate(const OEMVector &xi)
Wrapper class for forward model using a distributed Jacobian with MPI.
MPIMatrix Jacobian(const OEMVector &xi, OEMVector &yi)
AgendaWrapperMPI(Workspace *ws_, const Agenda *inversion_iterate_agenda_, Index m_, Index n_)
Defines the ARTS interface to the invlib library.
const Agenda * inversion_iterate_agenda
Optimal estimation method for MPI-distributed retrieval.
invlib::Matrix< invlib::MPIMatrix< invlib::Timer< ArtsMatrix > >> MPIMatrix
MPI-distributed matrix type based on ARTS built-in dense matrices.
invlib::Vector< invlib::MPIVector< invlib::Timer< ArtsVector > >> MPIVector
MPI-distributed vector type.