ARTS  2.3.1285(git:92a29ea9-dirty)
Ppath Struct Reference

The structure to describe a propagation path and releated quantities. More...

#include <ppath.h>

Public Attributes

Index dim
 Atmospheric dimensionality. More...
Index np
 Number of points describing the ppath. More...
Numeric constant
 The propagation path constant (only used for 1D) More...
String background
 Radiative background. More...
Vector start_pos
 Start position. More...
Vector start_los
 Start line-of-sight. More...
Numeric start_lstep
 Length between sensor and atmospheric boundary. More...
Matrix pos
 The distance between start pos and the last position in pos. More...
Matrix los
 Line-of-sight at each ppath point. More...
Vector r
 Radius of each ppath point. More...
Vector lstep
 The length between ppath points. More...
Vector end_pos
 End position. More...
Vector end_los
 End line-of-sight. More...
Numeric end_lstep
 The distance between end pos and the first position in pos. More...
Vector nreal
 The real part of the refractive index at each path position. More...
Vector ngroup
 The group index of refraction. More...
ArrayOfGridPos gp_p
 Index position with respect to the pressure grid. More...
ArrayOfGridPos gp_lat
 Index position with respect to the latitude grid. More...
ArrayOfGridPos gp_lon
 Index position with respect to the longitude grid. More...

Detailed Description

The structure to describe a propagation path and releated quantities.

The fields of the structure are described more in detail inside the ARTS user guide (AUG).

Definition at line 48 of file ppath.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ background

◆ constant

◆ dim

◆ end_los

◆ end_lstep

◆ end_pos

◆ gp_lat

◆ gp_lon

◆ gp_p

◆ los

◆ lstep

◆ ngroup

◆ np

◆ nreal

◆ pos

◆ r

◆ start_los

◆ start_lstep

Numeric Ppath::start_lstep

◆ start_pos

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: