ARTS  2.3.1285(git:92a29ea9-dirty)
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* Copyright (C) 2011-2017
2  Jana Mendrok <>
3  Daniel Kreyling <>
4  Manfred Brath <>
5  Patrick Eriksson <>
7  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
9  Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
10  later version.
12  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  GNU General Public License for more details.
17  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
20  USA. */
22 /*===========================================================================
23  === File description
24  ===========================================================================*/
37 /*===========================================================================
38  === External declarations
39  ===========================================================================*/
40 #include <cmath>
41 #include <cstdlib>
42 #include <stdexcept>
44 #include "array.h"
45 #include "arts.h"
46 #include "auto_md.h"
47 #include "check_input.h"
48 #include "cloudbox.h"
49 #include "file.h"
50 #include "interpolation.h"
51 #include "lin_alg.h"
52 #include "logic.h"
53 #include "math_funcs.h"
54 #include "messages.h"
55 #include "microphysics.h"
56 #include "optproperties.h"
57 #include "parameters.h"
58 #include "physics_funcs.h"
59 #include "psd.h"
60 #include "rte.h"
61 #include "sorting.h"
62 #include "special_interp.h"
63 #include "xml_io.h"
65 extern const String SCATSPECIES_MAINTAG;
67 /*===========================================================================
68  === The functions (in alphabetical order)
69  ===========================================================================*/
71 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
73  Matrix& particle_masses,
74  const ArrayOfArrayOfScatteringMetaData& scat_meta,
75  const Verbosity&) {
76  const Index np_total = TotalNumberOfElements(scat_meta);
78  particle_masses.resize(np_total, 1);
80  Index i_se_flat = 0;
81  for (Index i_ss = 0; i_ss < scat_meta.nelem(); i_ss++) {
82  for (Index i_se = 0; i_se < scat_meta[i_ss].nelem(); i_se++) {
83  if (std::isnan(scat_meta[i_ss][i_se].mass) ||
84  scat_meta[i_ss][i_se].mass <= 0 || scat_meta[i_ss][i_se].mass > 1.) {
85  ostringstream os;
86  os << "A presumably incorrect value found for "
87  << "scat_meta[" << i_ss << "][" << i_se << "].mass.\n"
88  << "The value is " << scat_meta[i_ss][i_se].mass;
89  throw std::runtime_error(os.str());
90  }
92  if (scat_meta[i_ss][i_se].diameter_volume_equ <= 0 ||
93  scat_meta[i_ss][i_se].diameter_volume_equ > 0.5) {
94  ostringstream os;
95  os << "A presumably incorrect value found for "
96  << "scat_meta[" << i_ss << "][" << i_se << "].diameter_volume_equ.\n"
97  << "The value is " << scat_meta[i_ss][i_se].diameter_volume_equ;
98  throw std::runtime_error(os.str());
99  }
101  particle_masses(i_se_flat, 0) = scat_meta[i_ss][i_se].diameter_volume_equ;
103  i_se_flat++;
104  }
105  }
106 }
108 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
109 void particle_massesFromMetaData( //WS Output:
110  Matrix& particle_masses,
111  // WS Input:
112  const ArrayOfArrayOfScatteringMetaData& scat_meta,
113  const Verbosity&) {
114  // resize particle_masses to required diemsions and properly initialize values
115  particle_masses.resize(TotalNumberOfElements(scat_meta), scat_meta.nelem());
116  particle_masses = 0.;
118  // calculate and set particle_masses
119  Index i_se_flat = 0;
120  for (Index i_ss = 0; i_ss < scat_meta.nelem(); i_ss++) {
121  for (Index i_se = 0; i_se < scat_meta[i_ss].nelem(); i_se++) {
122  particle_masses(i_se_flat, i_ss) =
123  scat_meta[i_ss][i_se].diameter_volume_equ;
124  i_se_flat++;
125  }
126  }
127 }
129 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
130 void pndFromPsdBasic(Matrix& pnd_data,
131  Tensor3& dpnd_data_dx,
132  const Vector& pnd_size_grid,
133  const Matrix& psd_data,
134  const Vector& psd_size_grid,
135  const Tensor3& dpsd_data_dx,
136  const Index& quad_order,
137  const Verbosity&) {
138  // Some sizes
139  const Index np = psd_data.nrows();
140  const Index ng = psd_size_grid.nelem();
141  Index ndx = 0;
142  const bool do_dx = !dpsd_data_dx.empty();
144  // Checks
145  if (ng < 2)
146  throw runtime_error(
147  "The method requires that length of *psd_size_grid* is >= 2.");
148  if (ng != pnd_size_grid.nelem())
149  throw runtime_error(
150  "So far, the method requires that *psd_size_grid* and "
151  "*pnd_size_grid* have same length.");
152  for (Index i = 0; i < ng; i++) {
153  if (psd_size_grid[i] != pnd_size_grid[i])
154  throw runtime_error(
155  "So far, the method requires that *psd_size_grid* and "
156  "*pnd_size_grid* are identical.");
157  }
158  if (psd_data.ncols() != ng)
159  throw runtime_error(
160  "Number of columns in *psd_data* and length of "
161  "*psd_size_grid* must match.");
163  pnd_data.resize(np, ng);
164  if (do_dx) {
165  if (dpsd_data_dx.ncols() != ng)
166  throw runtime_error(
167  "Number of columns in *dpsd_data_dx* and length of "
168  "*psd_size_grid* must match.");
169  ndx = dpsd_data_dx.npages();
170  dpnd_data_dx.resize(ndx, np, ng);
171  } else {
172  dpnd_data_dx.resize(0, 0, 0);
173  }
175  // Get sorted version of psd_size_grid (and, since pnd_size_grid so far is
176  // identical, of this as well implicitly)
177  ArrayOfIndex intarr;
178  Vector psd_size_grid_sorted(ng);
179  get_sorted_indexes(intarr, psd_size_grid);
180  for (Index i = 0; i < ng; i++)
181  psd_size_grid_sorted[i] = psd_size_grid[intarr[i]];
183  if (!is_increasing(psd_size_grid_sorted))
184  throw std::runtime_error(
185  "*psd_size_grid* is not allowed to contain "
186  "duplicate values.");
188  // Calculate pnd by intrgation of psd for given nodes/bins
189  Vector quadweights(ng);
190  bin_quadweights(quadweights, psd_size_grid_sorted, quad_order);
192  for (Index i = 0; i < ng; i++) {
193  for (Index ip = 0; ip < np; ip++) {
194  pnd_data(ip, intarr[i]) = quadweights[i] * psd_data(ip, intarr[i]);
195  }
197  if (do_dx) {
198  for (Index ip = 0; ip < np; ip++) {
199  for (Index ix = 0; ix < ndx; ix++) {
200  dpnd_data_dx(ix, ip, intarr[i]) =
201  quadweights[i] * dpsd_data_dx(ix, ip, intarr[i]);
202  }
203  }
204  }
205  }
206 }
208 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
209 void pndFromPsd(Matrix& pnd_data,
210  Tensor3& dpnd_data_dx,
211  const Vector& pnd_size_grid,
212  const Matrix& psd_data,
213  const Vector& psd_size_grid,
214  const Tensor3& dpsd_data_dx,
215  const ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData& scat_data,
216  const Vector& f_grid,
217  const Index& scat_data_checked,
218  const Index& quad_order,
219  const Index& scat_index,
220  const Numeric& threshold_rsec,
221  const Numeric& threshold_bext,
222  const Numeric& threshold_rpnd,
223  const Verbosity&) {
224  // Some sizes
225  const Index np = psd_data.nrows();
226  const Index ng = psd_size_grid.nelem();
227  Index ndx = 0;
228  const bool do_dx = !dpsd_data_dx.empty();
230  // Checks
231  if (ng < 3)
232  throw runtime_error(
233  "The method requires that length of *psd_size_grid* is >= 3.");
234  if (ng != pnd_size_grid.nelem())
235  throw runtime_error(
236  "So far, the method requires that *psd_size_grid* and"
237  " *pnd_size_grid* have the same length.");
238  for (Index i = 0; i < ng; i++) {
239  if (psd_size_grid[i] != pnd_size_grid[i])
240  throw runtime_error(
241  "So far, the method requires that *psd_size_grid* and"
242  " *pnd_size_grid* are identical.");
243  }
244  if (psd_data.ncols() != ng)
245  throw runtime_error(
246  "Number of columns in *psd_data* and length of"
247  " *psd_size_grid* must match.");
249  pnd_data.resize(np, ng);
250  if (do_dx) {
251  if (dpsd_data_dx.ncols() != ng)
252  throw runtime_error(
253  "Number of columns in *dpsd_data_dx* and length of"
254  " *psd_size_grid* must match.");
255  ndx = dpsd_data_dx.npages();
256  dpnd_data_dx.resize(ndx, np, ng);
257  } else {
258  dpnd_data_dx.resize(0, 0, 0);
259  }
261  if (!scat_data_checked)
262  throw runtime_error(
263  "*scat_data* must have passed a consistency check"
264  " (scat_data_checked=1).\n"
265  "Alternatively, use *pndFromPsdBasic*.");
266  if (scat_index >= scat_data.nelem())
267  throw runtime_error(
268  "*scat_index* exceeds the number of available"
269  " scattering species.");
270  if (scat_data[scat_index].nelem() != ng)
271  throw runtime_error(
272  "Number of scattering elements in this scattering"
273  " species (*scat_index*) inconsistent with length of"
274  " *pnd_size_grid*.");
276  // Get sorted version of psd_size_grid (and, since pnd_size_grid so far is
277  // identical, of this as well implicitly)
278  ArrayOfIndex intarr;
279  Vector psd_size_grid_sorted(ng);
280  get_sorted_indexes(intarr, psd_size_grid);
281  for (Index i = 0; i < ng; i++)
282  psd_size_grid_sorted[i] = psd_size_grid[intarr[i]];
284  if (!is_increasing(psd_size_grid_sorted))
285  throw std::runtime_error(
286  "*psd_size_grid* is not allowed to contain "
287  "duplicate values.");
289  // Calculate pnd by integration of psd for given nodes/bins
290  Vector quadweights(ng);
291  bin_quadweights(quadweights, psd_size_grid_sorted, quad_order);
293  for (Index i = 0; i < ng;
294  i++) //loop over pnd_size_grid aka scattering elements
295  {
296  for (Index ip = 0; ip < np; ip++) //loop over pressure levels
297  {
298  pnd_data(ip, intarr[i]) = quadweights[i] * psd_data(ip, intarr[i]);
299  }
301  if (do_dx) {
302  for (Index ip = 0; ip < np; ip++) {
303  for (Index ix = 0; ix < ndx; ix++) {
304  dpnd_data_dx(ix, ip, intarr[i]) =
305  quadweights[i] * dpsd_data_dx(ix, ip, intarr[i]);
306  }
307  }
308  }
309  }
311  ArrayOfSingleScatteringData sds = scat_data[scat_index];
312  Index fstart = 0;
313  Index nf = f_grid.nelem();
314  Matrix bulkext(np, nf, 0.);
315  Vector ext(nf), ext_s0(nf), ext_s1(nf), ext_l0(nf), ext_l1(nf);
317  // check that pnd_size_grid and scat_data cover (scalar) bulk extinction properly.
318  // (formerly we used mass. but heavy particles might not necessarily
319  // contribute much to optprops. same is valid for total particle number.)
320  //
321  // We do that by
322  // (a) checking that psd*ext decreases at the edges, i.e. to increase the
323  // probability that the main extinction peak is covered and in order to
324  // avoid passing check (b) through making the edge bins tiny
325  // (b) checking that the extinction contributions of the edge bins is small
326  // compared to the total bulk bin.
327  // The tests are somewhat over-sensitive on the small particle side in the
328  // sense that the checks are triggered easily by low mass density cases - which
329  // have their main extinction contributed by small particles, but for which
330  // the total extinction is quite low. Hence, there is also a total extinction
331  // threshold, below which the checks are not applied. Furthermore, such low
332  // densities do typically not occur throughout the whole atmospheric profile,
333  // but higher density layers might exists, meaning the low density layers
334  // contribute very little to the total optical properties, hence should not
335  // dominate the check criteria (no need to be very strict with them if they
336  // hardly contribute anyways). Therefore, checks are also not applied if the
337  // edge bin number density at a given atmospheric level is low compared to the
338  // maximum number of this scattering element in the profile.
339  //
340  // Technically, we need to cover all freqs separately (as optprops vary
341  // strongly with freq). We indeed do that here.
342  // FIXME: Shall a single freq or reduced freq-number option be implemented?
343  // If so, the don't-apply-test criteria need to be checked again though (so it
344  // does not happen that effectively all of the reduced-freq testing is skipped
345  // due to them).
346  //
347  // Technically, we also need to use identical temperatures (and preferably the
348  // ones used for deriving psd). But all scat elements can be on different
349  // T-grids, ie we would need to interpolate. Instead we just use the first in
350  // line.
351  // FIXME: Maybe refine in future allowing to select between low, high, median
352  // grid point or even specify one temp to use.
353  //
354  // And, technically ext might be directional dependent (for oriented
355  // particles). Also this might be different for each scat element. However, at
356  // least for now, we only check the 0-direction.
357  // FIXME: Check further directions?
359  for (Index ise = 0; ise < ng;
360  ise++) //loop over pnd_size_grid aka scattering elements
361  {
362  if (sds[intarr[ise]].ext_mat_data.nshelves() > 1)
363  ext = sds[intarr[ise]].ext_mat_data(joker, 0, 0, 0, 0);
364  else
365  ext = sds[intarr[ise]].ext_mat_data(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
367  // keep the ext data of the edge bins
368  if (ise == 0)
369  ext_s0 = ext;
370  else if (ise == 1)
371  ext_s1 = ext;
372  else if (ise == ng - 2)
373  ext_l1 = ext;
374  else if (ise == ng - 1)
375  ext_l0 = ext;
377  for (Index ip = 0; ip < np; ip++) //loop over pressure levels
378  if (abs(pnd_data(ip, joker).sum()) > 0.)
379  for (Index f = fstart; f < (fstart + nf); f++)
380  bulkext(ip, f) += pnd_data(ip, intarr[ise]) * ext[f];
381  }
383  Numeric max0 = 0, max1 = 0;
384  for (Index ip = 0; ip < np; ip++) //loop over pressure levels
385  {
386  max0 = max(abs(pnd_data(ip, intarr[0])), max0);
387  max1 = max(abs(pnd_data(ip, intarr[ng - 1])), max1);
388  }
390  Numeric contrib;
391  for (Index ip = 0; ip < np; ip++) //loop over pressure levels
392  {
393  if (abs(pnd_data(ip, joker).sum()) > 0.) {
394  for (Index f = fstart; f < (fstart + nf); f++) {
395  /* for( Index ise=0; ise<ng; ise++ )
396  {
397  if( sds[ise].ext_mat_data.nshelves()>1 )
398  ext = sds[ise].ext_mat_data(joker,0,0,0,0);
399  else
400  ext = sds[ise].ext_mat_data(0,0,0,0,0);
401  cout << " se #" << ise << ": contrib = pnd*ext/bext = "
402  << abs(pnd_data(ip,ise)) << "*" << ext[f] << "/"
403  << abs(bulkext(ip,f)) << " = "
404  << 1e2*abs(pnd_data(ip,ise))*ext[f]/abs(bulkext(ip,f))
405  << "%\n";
406  }*/
408  // check that bin-width normalized extinction (or ext*psd) is
409  // decreasing.
410  if (abs(bulkext(ip, f)) > 1e-2 * threshold_bext) {
411  if (abs(psd_data(ip, intarr[0])) > 0. and
412  ext_s0[f] * abs(psd_data(ip, intarr[0])) >=
413  ext_s1[f] * abs(psd_data(ip, intarr[1]))) {
414  ostringstream os;
415  os << " Bin-width normalized extinction (ext*psd) not decreasing"
416  << " at small size edge\n"
417  << " at atm level #" << ip << " and freq point #" << f << ".\n"
418  << " ext_s0=" << ext_s0[f]
419  << ", psd_s0=" << abs(psd_data(ip, intarr[0]))
420  << ", ext_s0*psd_s0=" << ext_s0[f] * abs(psd_data(ip, intarr[0]))
421  << "\n LARGER EQUAL\n"
422  << " ext_s1=" << ext_s1[f]
423  << ", psd_s1=" << abs(psd_data(ip, intarr[1]))
424  << ", ext_s1*psd_s1=" << ext_s1[f] * abs(psd_data(ip, intarr[1]))
425  << "\n"
426  << " Total bulk ext = " << abs(bulkext(ip, f)) << "\n"
427  << " Need to add smaller sized particles!\n";
428  throw runtime_error(os.str());
429  }
431  if (abs(psd_data(ip, intarr[ng - 1])) > 0. and
432  ext_l0[f] * abs(psd_data(ip, intarr[ng - 1])) >=
433  ext_l1[f] * abs(psd_data(ip, intarr[ng - 2]))) {
434  ostringstream os;
435  os << "Bin-width normalized extinction (ext*psd) not decreasing"
436  << " at large size edge\n"
437  << "at atm level #" << ip << " and freq point #" << f << ".\n"
438  << " ext_l0=" << ext_l0[f]
439  << ", psd_l0=" << abs(psd_data(ip, intarr[ng - 1]))
440  << ", ext_l0*psd_l0="
441  << ext_l0[f] * abs(psd_data(ip, intarr[ng - 1]))
442  << "\n LARGER EQUAL\n"
443  << " ext_l1=" << ext_l1[f]
444  << ", psd_l1=" << abs(psd_data(ip, intarr[ng - 2]))
445  << ", ext_l1*psd_l1="
446  << ext_l1[f] * abs(psd_data(ip, intarr[ng - 2])) << "\n"
447  << " Total bulk ext = " << abs(bulkext(ip, f)) << "\n"
448  << " Need to add larger sized particles!\n";
449  throw runtime_error(os.str());
450  }
451  }
453  // check that contribution of edge bins to total extinction is
454  // sufficiently small
455  if (abs(bulkext(ip, f)) > threshold_bext) {
456  if (abs(pnd_data(ip, intarr[0])) > threshold_rpnd * max0) {
457  contrib =
458  abs(pnd_data(ip, intarr[0])) * ext_s0[f] / abs(bulkext(ip, f));
459  //cout << " small edge contrib = pnd*ext/bext = "
460  // << abs(pnd_data(ip,intarr[0])) << "*" << ext_s0[f] << "/"
461  // << abs(bulkext(ip,f)) << " = " << contrib << "\n";
462  if (abs(pnd_data(ip, intarr[0])) * ext_s0[f] >
463  threshold_rsec * abs(bulkext(ip, f))) {
464  ostringstream os;
465  os << "Contribution of edge bin to total extinction too high"
466  << " (" << contrib * 1e2 << "% of " << abs(bulkext(ip, f))
467  << ") at small size edge\n"
468  << "at atm level #" << ip << " and freq point #" << f << ".\n"
469  << " Need to add smaller sized particles or refine the size"
470  << " grid on the small size edge!\n";
471  throw runtime_error(os.str());
472  }
473  }
474  if (abs(pnd_data(ip, intarr[ng - 1])) > threshold_rpnd * max1) {
475  contrib = abs(pnd_data(ip, intarr[ng - 1])) * ext_l0[f] /
476  abs(bulkext(ip, f));
477  //cout << " large edge contrib = pnd*ext/bext = "
478  // << abs(pnd_data(ip,ng-1)) << "*" << ext_l0[f] << "/"
479  // << abs(bulkext(ip,f)) << " = " << contrib << "\n";
480  if (abs(pnd_data(ip, intarr[ng - 1])) * ext_l0[f] >
481  threshold_rsec * abs(bulkext(ip, f))) {
482  ostringstream os;
483  os << "Contribution of edge bin to total extinction too high"
484  << " (" << contrib * 1e2 << "% of " << abs(bulkext(ip, f))
485  << ") at large size edge\n"
486  << "at atm level #" << ip << " and freq point #" << f << ".\n"
487  << " Need to add larger sized particles or refine the size"
488  << " grid on the large size edge!\n";
489  throw runtime_error(os.str());
490  }
491  }
492  }
493  }
494  }
495  }
496 }
498 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
500  Workspace& ws,
501  Tensor4& pnd_field,
502  ArrayOfTensor4& dpnd_field_dx,
503  const Index& atmosphere_dim,
504  const Vector& p_grid,
505  const Vector& lat_grid,
506  const Vector& lon_grid,
507  const Tensor3& t_field,
508  const Index& cloudbox_on,
509  const ArrayOfIndex& cloudbox_limits,
510  const ArrayOfString& scat_species,
511  const ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData& scat_data,
512  const ArrayOfArrayOfScatteringMetaData& scat_meta,
513  const Tensor4& particle_bulkprop_field,
514  const ArrayOfString& particle_bulkprop_names,
515  const ArrayOfAgenda& pnd_agenda_array,
516  const ArrayOfArrayOfString& pnd_agenda_array_input_names,
517  const Index& jacobian_do,
518  const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity& jacobian_quantities,
519  const Verbosity&) {
520  // Do nothing if cloudbix ix inactive
521  if (!cloudbox_on) {
522  return;
523  }
525  if (particle_bulkprop_field.empty())
526  throw runtime_error("*particle_bulkprop_field* is empty.");
528  // Checks (not totally complete, but should cover most mistakes)
529  chk_if_in_range("atmosphere_dim", atmosphere_dim, 1, 3);
530  chk_atm_grids(atmosphere_dim, p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid);
531  chk_atm_field("t_field", t_field, atmosphere_dim, p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid);
532  chk_atm_field("particle_bulkprop_field",
533  particle_bulkprop_field,
534  atmosphere_dim,
535  particle_bulkprop_names.nelem(),
536  p_grid,
537  lat_grid,
538  lon_grid);
540  // Number of scattering species
541  const Index nss = scat_data.nelem();
543  if (particle_bulkprop_names.nelem() == 0 ||
544  particle_bulkprop_names.nelem() != particle_bulkprop_field.nbooks()) {
545  throw runtime_error(
546  "Number of fields in *particle_bulkprop_field*"
547  " inconsistent with number of names in"
548  " *particle_bulkprop_names*.");
549  }
550  if (particle_bulkprop_field.nbooks() < nss) {
551  throw runtime_error(
552  "At least one field per scattering species required"
553  " in *particle_bulkprop_field*.");
554  }
556  if (cloudbox_limits.nelem() != 2 * atmosphere_dim)
557  throw runtime_error(
558  "Length of *cloudbox_limits* incorrect with respect "
559  "to *atmosphere_dim*.");
560  if (cloudbox_limits[1] <= cloudbox_limits[0] || cloudbox_limits[0] < 0 ||
561  cloudbox_limits[1] >= p_grid.nelem())
562  throw runtime_error("Invalid data in pressure part of *cloudbox_limits*.");
563  if (atmosphere_dim > 1) {
564  if (cloudbox_limits[3] <= cloudbox_limits[2] || cloudbox_limits[2] < 0 ||
565  cloudbox_limits[3] >= lat_grid.nelem())
566  throw runtime_error(
567  "Invalid data in latitude part of *cloudbox_limits*.");
568  if (atmosphere_dim > 2) {
569  if (cloudbox_limits[5] <= cloudbox_limits[4] || cloudbox_limits[4] < 0 ||
570  cloudbox_limits[5] >= lon_grid.nelem())
571  throw runtime_error(
572  "Invalid data in longitude part of *cloudbox_limits*.");
573  }
574  }
576  if (nss < 1) throw runtime_error("*scat_data* is empty!.");
577  if (scat_species.nelem() != nss)
578  throw runtime_error(
579  "*scat_data* and *scat_species* are inconsistent in size.");
580  if (scat_meta.nelem() != nss)
581  throw runtime_error(
582  "*scat_data* and *scat_meta* are inconsistent in size.");
583  if (pnd_agenda_array.nelem() != nss)
584  throw runtime_error(
585  "*scat_data* and *pnd_agenda_array* are inconsistent "
586  "in size.");
587  if (pnd_agenda_array_input_names.nelem() != nss)
588  throw runtime_error(
589  "*scat_data* and *pnd_agenda_array_input_names* are "
590  "inconsistent in size.");
591  // Further checks of scat_data vs. scat_meta below
593  // Effective lengths of cloudbox
594  const Index np = cloudbox_limits[1] - cloudbox_limits[0] + 1;
595  const Index ip_offset = cloudbox_limits[0];
596  Index nlat = 1;
597  Index ilat_offset = 0;
598  if (atmosphere_dim > 1) {
599  nlat = cloudbox_limits[3] - cloudbox_limits[2] + 1;
600  ilat_offset = cloudbox_limits[2];
601  }
602  Index nlon = 1;
603  Index ilon_offset = 0;
604  if (atmosphere_dim > 2) {
605  nlon = cloudbox_limits[5] - cloudbox_limits[4] + 1;
606  ilon_offset = cloudbox_limits[4];
607  }
609  // Check that *particle_bulkprop_field* contains zeros outside and at
610  // cloudbox boundaries
611  const String estring =
612  "*particle_bulkprop_field* allowed to contain"
613  " non-zero values only inside the cloudbox.";
614  // Pressure end ranges
615  Index dp_start, dp_end;
616  if (cloudbox_limits[0] != 0) {
617  if (max(particle_bulkprop_field(
618  joker, Range(0, ip_offset + 1), joker, joker)) > 0 ||
619  min(particle_bulkprop_field(
620  joker, Range(0, ip_offset + 1), joker, joker)) < 0)
621  throw runtime_error(estring);
622  dp_start = 1;
623  } else
624  dp_start = 0;
625  if (cloudbox_limits[1] != p_grid.nelem() - 1) {
626  const Index np_above = p_grid.nelem() + 1 - (np + ip_offset);
627  if (max(particle_bulkprop_field(
628  joker, Range(cloudbox_limits[1], np_above), joker, joker)) > 0 ||
629  min(particle_bulkprop_field(
630  joker, Range(cloudbox_limits[1], np_above), joker, joker)) < 0)
631  throw runtime_error(estring);
632  dp_end = np - 1;
633  } else
634  dp_end = np;
636  // Cumulative number of scattering elements
637  ArrayOfIndex ncumse(nss + 1);
638  ncumse[0] = 0;
639  for (Index i = 0; i < nss; i++) {
640  if (scat_data[i].nelem() != scat_meta[i].nelem())
641  throw runtime_error(
642  "*scat_data* and *scat_meta* have inconsistent sizes.");
643  ncumse[i + 1] = ncumse[i] + scat_data[i].nelem();
644  }
646  // Allocate output variables
647  //
648  pnd_field.resize(ncumse[nss], np, nlat, nlon);
649  pnd_field = 0.0; // To set all end values to zero
650  //
651  // Help variables for partial derivatives
652  Index nq = 0;
653  ArrayOfArrayOfIndex scatspecies_to_jq;
654  //
655  if (!jacobian_do) {
656  dpnd_field_dx.resize(0);
657  } else {
658  nq = jacobian_quantities.nelem();
659  dpnd_field_dx.resize(nq);
660  scatspecies_to_jq.resize(nss);
661  //
662  for (Index iq = 0; iq < nq; iq++) {
663  if (jacobian_quantities[iq].MainTag() == SCATSPECIES_MAINTAG) {
664  const Index ihit =
665  find_first(scat_species, jacobian_quantities[iq].Subtag());
666  if (ihit < 0) {
667  ostringstream os;
668  os << "Jacobian quantity with index " << iq << " refers to\n"
669  << " " << jacobian_quantities[iq].Subtag()
670  << "\nbut this species could not be found in *scat_species*.";
671  throw runtime_error(os.str());
672  }
673  scatspecies_to_jq[ihit].push_back(iq);
674  dpnd_field_dx[iq].resize(ncumse[nss], np, nlat, nlon);
675  dpnd_field_dx[iq] = 0.0; // To set all end values to zero
676  }
677  }
678  }
680  // Extract data from pnd-agenda array
681  for (Index is = 0; is < nss; is++) {
682  // Index range with respect to pnd_field
683  Range se_range(ncumse[is], ncumse[is + 1] - ncumse[is]);
685  // Determine how pnd_agenda_array_input_names are related to input fields
686  //
687  const Index nin = pnd_agenda_array_input_names[is].nelem();
688  ArrayOfIndex i_pbulkprop(nin);
689  //
690  for (Index i = 0; i < nin; i++) {
691  i_pbulkprop[i] = find_first(particle_bulkprop_names,
692  pnd_agenda_array_input_names[is][i]);
693  if (i_pbulkprop[i] < 0) {
694  ostringstream os;
695  os << "Pnd-agenda with index " << is << " is set to require \""
696  << pnd_agenda_array_input_names[is][i] << "\",\nbut this quantity "
697  << "could not found in *particle_bulkprop_names*.\n"
698  << "(Note that temperature must be written as \"Temperature\")";
699  throw runtime_error(os.str());
700  }
701  }
703  // Set *dpnd_data_dx_names*
704  //
705  Index ndx = 0;
706  ArrayOfString dpnd_data_dx_names(0);
707  //
708  if (jacobian_do) {
709  ndx = scatspecies_to_jq[is].nelem();
710  dpnd_data_dx_names.resize(ndx);
711  for (Index ix = 0; ix < ndx; ix++) {
712  dpnd_data_dx_names[ix] =
713  jacobian_quantities[scatspecies_to_jq[is][ix]].SubSubtag();
714  }
715  }
717  // Loop lat/lon positions and call *pnd_agenda*
718  for (Index ilon = 0; ilon < nlon; ilon++) {
719  for (Index ilat = 0; ilat < nlat; ilat++) {
720  // Note that we don't need any calculations for end points
722  // Here we consider this for lat and lon
723  if ((nlat > 1 && (ilat == 0 || ilat == nlat - 1)) ||
724  (nlon > 1 && (ilon == 0 || ilon == nlon - 1))) {
725  continue;
726  }
728  // Pressure handled here, by not including end points in loops
730  Matrix pnd_agenda_input(np, nin);
731  //
732  for (Index i = 0; i < nin; i++) {
733  for (Index ip = 0; ip < np; ip++) {
734  pnd_agenda_input(ip, i) =
735  particle_bulkprop_field(i_pbulkprop[i],
736  ip_offset + ip,
737  ilat_offset + ilat,
738  ilon_offset + ilon);
739  }
740  }
742  Vector pnd_agenda_input_t(np);
743  //
744  for (Index ip = 0; ip < np; ip++) {
745  pnd_agenda_input_t[ip] =
746  t_field(ip_offset + ip, ilat_offset + ilat, ilon_offset + ilon);
747  }
749  // Call pnd-agenda array
750  Matrix pnd_data;
751  Tensor3 dpnd_data_dx;
752  //
754  pnd_data,
755  dpnd_data_dx,
756  is,
757  pnd_agenda_input_t,
758  pnd_agenda_input,
759  pnd_agenda_array_input_names[is],
760  dpnd_data_dx_names,
761  pnd_agenda_array);
763  // Copy to output variables
764  for (Index ip = 0; ip < np; ip++) {
765  pnd_field(se_range, ip, ilat, ilon) = pnd_data(ip, joker);
766  }
767  for (Index ix = 0; ix < ndx; ix++) {
768  for (Index ip = dp_start; ip < dp_end; ip++) {
769  dpnd_field_dx[scatspecies_to_jq[is][ix]](se_range, ip, ilat, ilon) =
770  dpnd_data_dx(ix, ip, joker);
771  }
772  }
773  }
774  }
775  }
776 }
778 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
779 void ScatSpeciesSizeMassInfo(Vector& scat_species_x,
780  Numeric& scat_species_a,
781  Numeric& scat_species_b,
782  const ArrayOfArrayOfScatteringMetaData& scat_meta,
783  const Index& species_index,
784  const String& x_unit,
785  const Numeric& x_fit_start,
786  const Numeric& x_fit_end,
787  const Index& do_only_x,
788  const Verbosity&) {
789  // Checks
790  const Index nss = scat_meta.nelem();
791  if (nss == 0) throw runtime_error("*scat_meta* is empty!");
792  if (nss < species_index + 1) {
793  ostringstream os;
794  os << "Selected scattering species index is " << species_index
795  << " but this "
796  << "is not allowed since *scat_meta* has only " << nss << " elements.";
797  throw runtime_error(os.str());
798  }
799  //
800  const Index nse = scat_meta[species_index].nelem();
801  if (nse < 2)
802  throw runtime_error(
803  "The scattering species must have at least two "
804  "elements to use this method.");
806  // Extract particle masses
807  //
808  Vector mass(nse);
809  //
810  for (Index i = 0; i < nse; i++) {
811  mass[i] = scat_meta[species_index][i].mass;
812  }
814  // Create size grid
815  //
816  scat_species_x.resize(nse);
817  //
818  if (x_unit == "dveq") {
819  for (Index i = 0; i < nse; i++) {
820  scat_species_x[i] = scat_meta[species_index][i].diameter_volume_equ;
821  }
822  //
823  if (do_only_x) {
824  scat_species_a = -1;
825  scat_species_b = -1;
826  } else
827  derive_scat_species_a_and_b(scat_species_a,
828  scat_species_b,
829  scat_species_x,
830  mass,
831  x_fit_start,
832  x_fit_end);
833  }
835  else if (x_unit == "dmax") {
836  for (Index i = 0; i < nse; i++) {
837  scat_species_x[i] = scat_meta[species_index][i].diameter_max;
838  }
839  //
840  if (do_only_x) {
841  scat_species_a = -1;
842  scat_species_b = -1;
843  } else
844  derive_scat_species_a_and_b(scat_species_a,
845  scat_species_b,
846  scat_species_x,
847  mass,
848  x_fit_start,
849  x_fit_end);
850  }
852  else if (x_unit == "area") {
853  for (Index i = 0; i < nse; i++) {
854  scat_species_x[i] =
855  scat_meta[species_index][i].diameter_area_equ_aerodynamical;
856  }
857  //
858  if (do_only_x) {
859  scat_species_a = -1;
860  scat_species_b = -1;
861  } else
862  derive_scat_species_a_and_b(scat_species_a,
863  scat_species_b,
864  scat_species_x,
865  mass,
866  x_fit_start,
867  x_fit_end);
868  }
870  else if (x_unit == "mass") {
871  scat_species_x = mass;
872  //
873  scat_species_a = 1;
874  scat_species_b = 1;
875  }
877  else {
878  ostringstream os;
879  os << "You have selected the x_unit: " << x_unit
880  << "while accepted choices are: \"dveq\", \"dmax\", \"mass\" and \"area\"";
881  throw runtime_error(os.str());
882  }
883 }
The type to use for all integer numbers and indices.
Definition: matpack.h:39
Index find_first(const Array< base > &x, const base &w)
Find first occurance.
Definition: array.h:292
void pndFromPsd(Matrix &pnd_data, Tensor3 &dpnd_data_dx, const Vector &pnd_size_grid, const Matrix &psd_data, const Vector &psd_size_grid, const Tensor3 &dpsd_data_dx, const ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData &scat_data, const Vector &f_grid, const Index &scat_data_checked, const Index &quad_order, const Index &scat_index, const Numeric &threshold_rsec, const Numeric &threshold_bext, const Numeric &threshold_rpnd, const Verbosity &)
Index nelem() const
Number of elements.
Definition: array.h:195
Declarations having to do with the four output streams.
void pnd_agenda_arrayExecute(Workspace &ws, Matrix &pnd_data, Tensor3 &dpnd_data_dx, const Index agenda_array_index, const Vector &pnd_agenda_input_t, const Matrix &pnd_agenda_input, const ArrayOfString &pnd_agenda_input_names, const ArrayOfString &dpnd_data_dx_names, const ArrayOfAgenda &input_agenda_array)
The Vector class.
Definition: matpackI.h:860
#define abs(x)
bool is_increasing(ConstVectorView x)
Checks if a vector is sorted and strictly increasing.
void derive_scat_species_a_and_b(Numeric &a, Numeric &b, const Vector &x, const Vector &mass, const Numeric &x_fit_start, const Numeric &x_fit_end)
The Tensor4 class.
Definition: matpackIV.h:421
void particle_massesFromMetaDataSingleCategory(Matrix &particle_masses, const ArrayOfArrayOfScatteringMetaData &scat_meta, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: particle_massesFromMetaDataSingleCategory.
The range class.
Definition: matpackI.h:160
Linear algebra functions.
Internal functions for microphysics calculations (size distributions etc.)
bool empty() const
Check if variable is empty.
This file contains basic functions to handle XML data files.
This file contains basic functions to handle ASCII files.
Header file for
#define min(a, b)
Index nelem() const
Returns the number of elements.
Contains sorting routines.
void pndFromPsdBasic(Matrix &pnd_data, Tensor3 &dpnd_data_dx, const Vector &pnd_size_grid, const Matrix &psd_data, const Vector &psd_size_grid, const Tensor3 &dpsd_data_dx, const Index &quad_order, const Verbosity &)
void pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(Workspace &ws, Tensor4 &pnd_field, ArrayOfTensor4 &dpnd_field_dx, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const Vector &p_grid, const Vector &lat_grid, const Vector &lon_grid, const Tensor3 &t_field, const Index &cloudbox_on, const ArrayOfIndex &cloudbox_limits, const ArrayOfString &scat_species, const ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData &scat_data, const ArrayOfArrayOfScatteringMetaData &scat_meta, const Tensor4 &particle_bulkprop_field, const ArrayOfString &particle_bulkprop_names, const ArrayOfAgenda &pnd_agenda_array, const ArrayOfArrayOfString &pnd_agenda_array_input_names, const Index &jacobian_do, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps.
This file contains the definition of Array.
Index ncols() const
Returns the number of columns.
The Tensor3 class.
Definition: matpackIII.h:339
Index TotalNumberOfElements(const Array< Array< base > > &aa)
Determine total number of elements in an ArrayOfArray.
Definition: array.h:343
The global header file for ARTS.
_CS_string_type str() const
Definition: sstream.h:491
Index ncols() const
Returns the number of columns.
Definition: matpackIII.h:150
const Joker joker
The type to use for all floating point numbers.
Definition: matpack.h:33
The Matrix class.
Definition: matpackI.h:1193
Header file for
void resize(Index p, Index r, Index c)
Resize function.
void get_sorted_indexes(ArrayOfIndex &sorted, const T &data)
Definition: sorting.h:73
Header file for
Index npages() const
Returns the number of pages.
Definition: matpackIII.h:144
This can be used to make arrays out of anything.
Definition: array.h:40
void chk_if_in_range(const String &x_name, const Index &x, const Index &x_low, const Index &x_high)
void resize(Index n)
Resize function.
bool empty() const
Check if variable is empty.
#define max(a, b)
void chk_atm_field(const String &x_name, ConstTensor3View x, const Index &dim, ConstVectorView p_grid, ConstVectorView lat_grid, ConstVectorView lon_grid, const bool &chk_lat90)
chk_atm_field (simple fields)
Index nelem(const Lines &l)
Number of lines.
void particle_massesFromMetaData(Matrix &particle_masses, const ArrayOfArrayOfScatteringMetaData &scat_meta, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: particle_massesFromMetaData.
Workspace class.
Definition: workspace_ng.h:40
Index nbooks() const
Returns the number of books.
Internal functions associated with size distributions.
void bin_quadweights(Vector &w, const Vector &x, const Index &order)
Internal cloudbox functions.
This file contains header information for the dealing with command line parameters.
void chk_atm_grids(const Index &dim, ConstVectorView p_grid, ConstVectorView lat_grid, ConstVectorView lon_grid)
Scattering database structure and functions.
This file contains declerations of functions of physical character.
Index nrows() const
Returns the number of rows.
void resize(Index b, Index p, Index r, Index c)
Resize function.
void ScatSpeciesSizeMassInfo(Vector &scat_species_x, Numeric &scat_species_a, Numeric &scat_species_b, const ArrayOfArrayOfScatteringMetaData &scat_meta, const Index &species_index, const String &x_unit, const Numeric &x_fit_start, const Numeric &x_fit_end, const Index &do_only_x, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: ScatSpeciesSizeMassInfo.
Declaration of functions in
void resize(Index r, Index c)
Resize function.