ARTS  2.3.1285(git:92a29ea9-dirty)
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 /* Copyright (C) 2000-2012
3  Stefan Buehler <>
4  Patrick Eriksson <>
5  Axel von Engeln <>
6  Thomas Kuhn <>
8  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
10  Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
11  later version.
13  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  GNU General Public License for more details.
18  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
21  USA. */
23 //
33 #include <algorithm>
34 #include <cmath>
35 #include "absorption.h"
36 #include "array.h"
37 #include "arts.h"
38 #include "auto_md.h"
39 #include "check_input.h"
40 #include "legacy_continua.h"
41 #include "file.h"
42 #include "global_data.h"
43 #include "jacobian.h"
44 #include "m_xml.h"
45 #include "math_funcs.h"
46 #include "matpackI.h"
47 #include "messages.h"
48 #include "montecarlo.h"
49 #include "optproperties.h"
50 #include "parameters.h"
51 #include "physics_funcs.h"
52 #include "rte.h"
53 #include "xml_io.h"
56 #include <netcdf.h>
57 #include "nc_io.h"
58 #endif
60 extern const Numeric ELECTRON_CHARGE;
61 extern const Numeric ELECTRON_MASS;
62 extern const Numeric PI;
63 extern const Numeric SPEED_OF_LIGHT;
64 extern const Numeric VACUUM_PERMITTIVITY;
66 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
67 void AbsInputFromRteScalars( // WS Output:
68  Vector& abs_p,
69  Vector& abs_t,
70  Matrix& abs_vmrs,
71  // WS Input:
72  const Numeric& rtp_pressure,
73  const Numeric& rtp_temperature,
74  const Vector& rtp_vmr,
75  const Verbosity&) {
76  // Prepare abs_p:
77  abs_p.resize(1);
78  abs_p = rtp_pressure;
80  // Prepare abs_t:
81  abs_t.resize(1);
82  abs_t = rtp_temperature;
84  // Prepare abs_vmrs:
85  abs_vmrs.resize(rtp_vmr.nelem(), 1);
86  abs_vmrs = rtp_vmr;
87 }
89 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
91  ArrayOfArrayOfAbsorptionLines& abs_lines_per_species,
92  // WS Input:
93  const ArrayOfAbsorptionLines& abs_lines,
94  const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag& tgs,
95  const Verbosity&) {
96  // Size is set but inner size will now change from the original definition of species tags...
97  abs_lines_per_species.resize(tgs.nelem());
99  // The inner arrays need to be emptied, because they may contain lines
100  // from a previous calculation
101  for (auto &tg : abs_lines_per_species)
102  tg.resize(0);
104  // Take copies because we have to support frequency ranges, so might have to delete
105  for (AbsorptionLines lines: abs_lines) {
107  // Skip empty lines
108  if (lines.NumLines() == 0) continue;
110  // Loop all the tags
111  for (Index i=0; i<tgs.nelem() and lines.NumLines(); i++) {
112  for (auto& this_tag: tgs[i]) {
113  // Test species first, we might leave as we leave
114  if (this_tag.Species() not_eq lines.Species()) break;
116  // Test isotopologue, we have to hit the end of the list for no isotopologue or the exact value
117  if (this_tag.Isotopologue() not_eq SpeciesDataOfBand(lines).Isotopologue().nelem() and
118  this_tag.Isotopologue() not_eq lines.Isotopologue())
119  continue;
121  // If there is a frequency range, we have to check so that only selected lines are included
122  if (this_tag.Lf() >= 0 or this_tag.Uf() >= 0) {
123  const Numeric low = (this_tag.Lf() >= 0) ? this_tag.Lf() : std::numeric_limits<Numeric>::lowest();
124  const Numeric upp = (this_tag.Uf() >= 0) ? this_tag.Uf() : std::numeric_limits<Numeric>::max();
126  // Fill up a copy of the line record to match with the wished frequency criteria
127  AbsorptionLines these_lines = createEmptyCopy(lines);
128  for (Index k=lines.NumLines()-1; k>=0; k--)
129  if (low <= lines.F0(k) and upp >= lines.F0(k))
130  these_lines.AppendSingleLine(lines.PopLine(k));
132  // Append these lines after sorting them if there are any of them
133  if (these_lines.NumLines()) {
134  these_lines.ReverseLines();
135  abs_lines_per_species[i].push_back(these_lines);
136  }
138  // If this means we have deleted all lines, then we leave
139  if (lines.NumLines() == 0)
140  goto leave_inner_loop;
141  }
142  else {
143  abs_lines_per_species[i].push_back(lines);
144  goto leave_inner_loop;
145  }
146  }
147  }
148  leave_inner_loop: {}
149  }
150 }
152 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
155  Index& propmat_clearsky_agenda_checked,
156  Index& abs_xsec_agenda_checked,
157  // Control Parameters:
158  const String& basename,
159  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
162  // Invalidate agenda check flags
163  propmat_clearsky_agenda_checked = false;
164  abs_xsec_agenda_checked = false;
166  // Species lookup data:
169  // We want to make lists of included and excluded species:
170  ArrayOfString included(0), excluded(0);
172  tgs.resize(0);
174  for (Index i = 0; i < species_data.nelem(); ++i) {
175  const String specname = species_data[i].Name();
177  String filename = basename;
178  if (basename.length() && basename[basename.length() - 1] != '/')
179  filename += ".";
180  filename += specname;
182  try {
183  find_xml_file(filename, verbosity);
184  // Add to included list:
185  included.push_back(specname);
187  // Convert name of species to a SpeciesTag object:
188  SpeciesTag this_tag(specname);
190  // Create Array of SpeciesTags with length 1
191  // (our tag group has only one tag):
192  ArrayOfSpeciesTag this_group(1);
193  this_group[0] = this_tag;
195  // Add this tag group to tgs:
196  tgs.push_back(this_group);
197  } catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
198  // The file for the species could not be found.
199  excluded.push_back(specname);
200  }
201  }
203  // Some nice output:
204  out2 << " Included Species (" << included.nelem() << "):\n";
205  for (Index i = 0; i < included.nelem(); ++i)
206  out2 << " " << included[i] << "\n";
208  out2 << " Excluded Species (" << excluded.nelem() << "):\n";
209  for (Index i = 0; i < excluded.nelem(); ++i)
210  out2 << " " << excluded[i] << "\n";
211 }
213 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
214 void abs_speciesDefineAll( // WS Output:
215  ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag& abs_species,
216  Index& propmat_clearsky_agenda_checked,
217  Index& abs_xsec_agenda_checked,
218  // Control Parameters:
219  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
220  // Species lookup data:
223  // We want to make lists of all species
224  ArrayOfString specs(0);
225  for (auto& spec: species_data) {
226  specs.push_back(spec.Name());
227  }
229  // Set the values
230  abs_speciesSet(abs_species, abs_xsec_agenda_checked, propmat_clearsky_agenda_checked, specs, verbosity);
231 }
233 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
234 void AbsInputFromAtmFields( // WS Output:
235  Vector& abs_p,
236  Vector& abs_t,
237  Matrix& abs_vmrs,
238  // WS Input:
239  const Index& atmosphere_dim,
240  const Vector& p_grid,
241  const Tensor3& t_field,
242  const Tensor4& vmr_field,
243  const Verbosity&) {
244  // First, make sure that we really have a 1D atmosphere:
245  if (1 != atmosphere_dim) {
246  ostringstream os;
247  os << "Atmospheric dimension must be 1D, but atmosphere_dim is "
248  << atmosphere_dim << ".";
249  throw runtime_error(os.str());
250  }
252  abs_p = p_grid;
253  abs_t = t_field(joker, 0, 0);
254  abs_vmrs = vmr_field(joker, joker, 0, 0);
255 }
257 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
258 void abs_coefCalcFromXsec( // WS Output:
259  Matrix& abs_coef,
260  Matrix& src_coef,
261  ArrayOfMatrix& dabs_coef_dx,
262  ArrayOfMatrix& dsrc_coef_dx,
263  ArrayOfMatrix& abs_coef_per_species,
264  ArrayOfMatrix& src_coef_per_species,
265  // WS Input:
266  const ArrayOfMatrix& abs_xsec_per_species,
267  const ArrayOfMatrix& src_xsec_per_species,
268  const ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix& dabs_xsec_per_species_dx,
269  const ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix& dsrc_xsec_per_species_dx,
270  const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag& abs_species,
271  const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity& jacobian_quantities,
272  const Matrix& abs_vmrs,
273  const Vector& abs_p,
274  const Vector& abs_t,
275  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
278  // Check that abs_vmrs and abs_xsec_per_species really have compatible
279  // dimensions. In abs_vmrs there should be one row for each tg:
280  if (abs_vmrs.nrows() != abs_xsec_per_species.nelem()) {
281  ostringstream os;
282  os << "Variable abs_vmrs must have compatible dimension to abs_xsec_per_species.\n"
283  << "abs_vmrs.nrows() = " << abs_vmrs.nrows() << "\n"
284  << "abs_xsec_per_species.nelem() = " << abs_xsec_per_species.nelem();
285  throw runtime_error(os.str());
286  }
288  // Check that number of altitudes are compatible. We only check the
289  // first element, this is possilble because within arts all elements
290  // are on the same altitude grid.
291  if (abs_vmrs.ncols() != abs_xsec_per_species[0].ncols()) {
292  ostringstream os;
293  os << "Variable abs_vmrs must have same numbers of altitudes as abs_xsec_per_species.\n"
294  << "abs_vmrs.ncols() = " << abs_vmrs.ncols() << "\n"
295  << "abs_xsec_per_species[0].ncols() = "
296  << abs_xsec_per_species[0].ncols();
297  throw runtime_error(os.str());
298  }
300  // Check dimensions of abs_p and abs_t:
301  chk_size("abs_p", abs_p, abs_vmrs.ncols());
302  chk_size("abs_t", abs_t, abs_vmrs.ncols());
304  // Will these calculations deal with nlte?
305  const bool do_src =
306  (src_xsec_per_species.nelem() == abs_xsec_per_species.nelem())
307  ? not src_xsec_per_species[0].empty() ? true : false
308  : false;
309  const Index src_rows = do_src ? src_xsec_per_species[0].nrows() : 0;
311  // Initialize abs_coef and abs_coef_per_species. The array dimension of abs_coef_per_species
312  // is the same as that of abs_xsec_per_species. The dimension of abs_coef should
313  // be equal to one of the abs_xsec_per_species enries.
315  abs_coef.resize(abs_xsec_per_species[0].nrows(),
316  abs_xsec_per_species[0].ncols());
317  abs_coef = 0;
318  src_coef.resize(src_rows, src_xsec_per_species[0].ncols());
319  src_coef = 0;
321  const ArrayOfIndex jacobian_quantities_position =
322  equivalent_propmattype_indexes(jacobian_quantities);
323  dabs_coef_dx.resize(jacobian_quantities_position.nelem());
324  dsrc_coef_dx.resize(do_src ? jacobian_quantities_position.nelem() : 0);
326  for (Index ii = 0; ii < jacobian_quantities_position.nelem(); ii++) {
327  if (jacobian_quantities[jacobian_quantities_position[ii]] not_eq
329  dabs_coef_dx[ii].resize(abs_xsec_per_species[0].nrows(),
330  abs_xsec_per_species[0].ncols());
331  dabs_coef_dx[ii] = 0.0;
332  if (do_src) {
333  dsrc_coef_dx[ii].resize(src_rows, src_xsec_per_species[0].ncols());
334  dsrc_coef_dx[ii] = 0.0;
335  }
336  }
337  }
339  abs_coef_per_species.resize(abs_xsec_per_species.nelem());
340  src_coef_per_species.resize(src_xsec_per_species.nelem());
342  out3
343  << " Computing abs_coef and abs_coef_per_species from abs_xsec_per_species.\n";
344  // Loop through all tag groups
345  for (Index i = 0; i < abs_xsec_per_species.nelem(); ++i) {
346  out3 << " Tag group " << i << "\n";
348  // Make this element of abs_xsec_per_species the right size:
349  abs_coef_per_species[i].resize(abs_xsec_per_species[i].nrows(),
350  abs_xsec_per_species[i].ncols());
351  abs_coef_per_species[i] = 0; // Initialize all elements to 0.
353  if (do_src) {
354  src_coef_per_species[i].resize(src_rows, src_xsec_per_species[i].ncols());
355  src_coef_per_species[i] = 0; // Initialize all elements to 0.
356  }
358  // Loop through all altitudes
359  for (Index j = 0; j < abs_xsec_per_species[i].ncols(); j++) {
360  // Calculate total number density from pressure and temperature.
361  const Numeric n = number_density(abs_p[j], abs_t[j]);
362  const Numeric dn_dT = dnumber_density_dt(abs_p[j], abs_t[j]);
363  // Wasted calculations when Jacobians are not calculated...
364  // Though this is called seldom enough that it this fine? value is -1/t*n
366  // Loop through all frequencies
367  for (Index k = 0; k < abs_xsec_per_species[i].nrows(); k++) {
368  abs_coef_per_species[i](k, j) =
369  abs_xsec_per_species[i](k, j) * n * abs_vmrs(i, j);
370  if (do_src)
371  src_coef_per_species[i](k, j) =
372  src_xsec_per_species[i](k, j) * n * abs_vmrs(i, j);
374  for (Index iq = 0; iq < jacobian_quantities_position.nelem(); iq++) {
375  if (jacobian_quantities[jacobian_quantities_position[iq]] ==
377  dabs_coef_dx[iq](k, j) +=
378  (dabs_xsec_per_species_dx[i][iq](k, j) * n +
379  abs_xsec_per_species[i](k, j) * dn_dT) *
380  abs_vmrs(i, j);
381  if (do_src)
382  dsrc_coef_dx[iq](k, j) +=
383  (dsrc_xsec_per_species_dx[i][iq](k, j) * n +
384  src_xsec_per_species[i](k, j) * dn_dT) *
385  abs_vmrs(i, j);
386  } else if (jacobian_quantities[jacobian_quantities_position[iq]] ==
388  bool seco = false, main = false;
389  for (const auto& s : abs_species[i]) {
390  if (species_match(
391  jacobian_quantities[jacobian_quantities_position[iq]],
392  s.BathSpecies()) or
393  s.Type() not_eq SpeciesTag::TYPE_CIA)
394  seco = true;
395  if (species_iso_match(
396  jacobian_quantities[jacobian_quantities_position[iq]],
397  s.Species(),
398  s.Isotopologue()))
399  main = true;
400  }
401  if (main and seco) {
402  dabs_coef_dx[iq](k, j) +=
403  (dabs_xsec_per_species_dx[i][iq](k, j) * abs_vmrs(i, j) +
404  abs_xsec_per_species[i](k, j)) *
405  n;
406  if (do_src)
407  dsrc_coef_dx[iq](k, j) +=
408  (dsrc_xsec_per_species_dx[i][iq](k, j) * abs_vmrs(i, j) +
409  src_xsec_per_species[i](k, j)) *
410  n;
411  } else if (main) {
412  dabs_coef_dx[iq](k, j) += abs_xsec_per_species[i](k, j) * n;
413  if (do_src)
414  dsrc_coef_dx[iq](k, j) += src_xsec_per_species[i](k, j) * n;
415  } else if (seco) {
416  dabs_coef_dx[iq](k, j) +=
417  dabs_xsec_per_species_dx[i][iq](k, j) * abs_vmrs(i, j) * n;
418  if (do_src)
419  dsrc_coef_dx[iq](k, j) +=
420  dsrc_xsec_per_species_dx[i][iq](k, j) * abs_vmrs(i, j) * n;
421  }
422  } else if (jacobian_quantities
423  [jacobian_quantities_position[iq]] not_eq
425  dabs_coef_dx[iq](k, j) +=
426  dabs_xsec_per_species_dx[i][iq](k, j) * n * abs_vmrs(i, j);
427  if (do_src)
428  dsrc_coef_dx[iq](k, j) +=
429  dsrc_xsec_per_species_dx[i][iq](k, j) * n * abs_vmrs(i, j);
430  }
431  }
432  }
433  }
435  // Add up to the total absorption:
436  abs_coef += abs_coef_per_species[i]; // In Matpack you can use the +=
437  // operator to do elementwise addition.
438  if (do_src) src_coef += src_coef_per_species[i];
439  }
440 }
442 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
443 void abs_xsec_per_speciesInit( // WS Output:
444  ArrayOfMatrix& abs_xsec_per_species,
445  ArrayOfMatrix& src_xsec_per_species,
446  ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix& dabs_xsec_per_species_dx,
447  ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix& dsrc_xsec_per_species_dx,
448  // WS Input:
449  const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag& tgs,
450  const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity& jacobian_quantities,
451  const ArrayOfIndex& abs_species_active,
452  const Vector& f_grid,
453  const Vector& abs_p,
454  const Index& abs_xsec_agenda_checked,
455  const Index& nlte_do,
456  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
459  if (!abs_xsec_agenda_checked)
460  throw runtime_error(
461  "You must call *abs_xsec_agenda_checkedCalc* before calling this method.");
463  // We need to check that abs_species_active doesn't have more elements than
464  // abs_species (abs_xsec_agenda_checkedCalc doesn't know abs_species_active.
465  // Usually we come here through an agenda call, where abs_species_active has
466  // been properly created somewhere internally. But we might get here by
467  // direct call, and then need to be safe!).
468  if (tgs.nelem() < abs_species_active.nelem()) {
469  ostringstream os;
470  os << "abs_species_active (n=" << abs_species_active.nelem()
471  << ") not allowed to have more elements than abs_species (n="
472  << tgs.nelem() << ")!\n";
473  throw runtime_error(os.str());
474  }
476  // Initialize abs_xsec_per_species. The array dimension of abs_xsec_per_species
477  // is the same as that of abs_lines_per_species.
478  abs_xsec_per_species.resize(tgs.nelem());
479  src_xsec_per_species.resize(tgs.nelem());
481  const bool do_jac = supports_propmat_clearsky(
482  jacobian_quantities); //minus one is a flag for a non-species...
483  const ArrayOfIndex jacobian_quantities_position =
484  equivalent_propmattype_indexes(jacobian_quantities);
486  dabs_xsec_per_species_dx.resize(do_jac ? tgs.nelem() : 0);
487  dsrc_xsec_per_species_dx.resize(do_jac ? tgs.nelem() : 0);
489  // Loop abs_xsec_per_species and make each matrix the right size,
490  // initializing to zero.
491  // But skip inactive species, loop only over the active ones.
492  for (Index ii = 0; ii < abs_species_active.nelem(); ++ii) {
493  const Index i = abs_species_active[ii];
494  // Check that abs_species_active index is not higher than the number
495  // of species
496  if (i >= tgs.nelem()) {
497  ostringstream os;
498  os << "*abs_species_active* contains an invalid species index.\n"
499  << "Species index must be between 0 and " << tgs.nelem() - 1;
500  throw std::runtime_error(os.str());
501  }
502  // Make this element of abs_xsec_per_species the right size:
503  abs_xsec_per_species[i].resize(f_grid.nelem(), abs_p.nelem());
504  abs_xsec_per_species[i] = 0; // Matpack can set all elements like this.
505  if (nlte_do) {
506  src_xsec_per_species[i].resize(f_grid.nelem(), abs_p.nelem());
507  src_xsec_per_species[i] = 0;
508  } else {
509  src_xsec_per_species[i].resize(0, 0);
510  }
512  if (do_jac) {
513  dabs_xsec_per_species_dx[ii] =
514  ArrayOfMatrix(jacobian_quantities_position.nelem(),
515  Matrix(f_grid.nelem(), abs_p.nelem(), 0.0));
516  if (nlte_do)
517  dsrc_xsec_per_species_dx[ii] =
518  ArrayOfMatrix(jacobian_quantities_position.nelem(),
519  Matrix(f_grid.nelem(), abs_p.nelem(), 0.0));
520  }
521  }
523  ostringstream os;
524  os << " Initialized abs_xsec_per_species.\n"
525  << " Number of frequencies : " << f_grid.nelem() << "\n"
526  << " Number of pressure levels : " << abs_p.nelem() << "\n";
527  out3 << os.str();
528 }
530 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
531 void abs_xsec_per_speciesAddConts( // WS Output:
532  ArrayOfMatrix& abs_xsec_per_species,
533  ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix& dabs_xsec_per_species_dx,
534  // WS Input:
535  const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag& tgs,
536  const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity& jacobian_quantities,
537  const ArrayOfIndex& abs_species_active,
538  const Vector& f_grid,
539  const Vector& abs_p,
540  const Vector& abs_t,
541  const Matrix& abs_vmrs,
542  const ArrayOfString& abs_cont_names,
543  const ArrayOfVector& abs_cont_parameters,
544  const ArrayOfString& abs_cont_models,
545  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
548  // Needed for some continua, and set here from abs_vmrs:
549  Vector abs_h2o, abs_n2, abs_o2;
551  // Check that all paramters that should have the number of tag
552  // groups as a dimension are consistent.
553  {
554  const Index n_tgs = tgs.nelem();
555  const Index n_xsec = abs_xsec_per_species.nelem();
556  const Index n_vmrs = abs_vmrs.nrows();
558  if (n_tgs != n_xsec || n_tgs != n_vmrs) {
559  ostringstream os;
560  os << "The following variables must all have the same dimension:\n"
561  << "tgs: " << tgs.nelem() << "\n"
562  << "abs_xsec_per_species: " << abs_xsec_per_species.nelem() << "\n"
563  << "abs_vmrs.nrows(): " << abs_vmrs.nrows();
564  throw runtime_error(os.str());
565  }
566  }
568  // Jacobian overhead START
569  /* NOTE: if any of the functions inside continuum tags could
570  be made to give partial derivatives, then that would
571  speed things up. Also be aware that line specific
572  parameters cannot be retrieved while using these
573  models. */
574  const bool do_jac = supports_continuum(
575  jacobian_quantities); // Throws runtime error if line parameters are wanted since we cannot know if the line is in the Continuum...
576  const bool do_freq_jac = do_frequency_jacobian(jacobian_quantities);
577  const bool do_temp_jac = do_temperature_jacobian(jacobian_quantities);
578  Vector dfreq, dabs_t;
579  const Numeric df = frequency_perturbation(jacobian_quantities);
580  const Numeric dt = temperature_perturbation(jacobian_quantities);
581  const ArrayOfIndex jacobian_quantities_position =
582  equivalent_propmattype_indexes(jacobian_quantities);
584  if (do_freq_jac) {
585  dfreq.resize(f_grid.nelem());
586  for (Index iv = 0; iv < f_grid.nelem(); iv++) dfreq[iv] = f_grid[iv] + df;
587  }
588  if (do_temp_jac) {
589  dabs_t.resize(abs_t.nelem());
590  for (Index it = 0; it < abs_t.nelem(); it++) dabs_t[it] = abs_t[it] + dt;
591  }
593  Matrix jacs_df, jacs_dt, normal;
594  if (do_jac) {
595  if (do_freq_jac) jacs_df.resize(f_grid.nelem(), abs_p.nelem());
596  if (do_temp_jac) jacs_dt.resize(f_grid.nelem(), abs_p.nelem());
597  normal.resize(f_grid.nelem(), abs_p.nelem());
598  }
599  // Jacobian overhead END
601  // Check, that dimensions of abs_cont_names and
602  // abs_cont_parameters are consistent...
603  if (abs_cont_names.nelem() != abs_cont_parameters.nelem()) {
604  ostringstream os;
606  for (Index i = 0; i < abs_cont_names.nelem(); ++i)
607  os << "abs_xsec_per_speciesAddConts: " << i
608  << " name : " << abs_cont_names[i] << "\n";
610  for (Index i = 0; i < abs_cont_parameters.nelem(); ++i)
611  os << "abs_xsec_per_speciesAddConts: " << i
612  << " param: " << abs_cont_parameters[i] << "\n";
614  for (Index i = 0; i < abs_cont_models.nelem(); ++i)
615  os << "abs_xsec_per_speciesAddConts: " << i
616  << " option: " << abs_cont_models[i] << "\n";
618  os << "The following variables must have the same dimension:\n"
619  << "abs_cont_names: " << abs_cont_names.nelem() << "\n"
620  << "abs_cont_parameters: " << abs_cont_parameters.nelem();
622  throw runtime_error(os.str());
623  }
625  // Check that abs_p, abs_t, and abs_vmrs have the same
626  // dimension. This could be a user error, so we throw a
627  // runtime_error.
629  if (abs_t.nelem() != abs_p.nelem()) {
630  ostringstream os;
631  os << "Variable abs_t must have the same dimension as abs_p.\n"
632  << "abs_t.nelem() = " << abs_t.nelem() << '\n'
633  << "abs_p.nelem() = " << abs_p.nelem();
634  throw runtime_error(os.str());
635  }
637  if (abs_vmrs.ncols() != abs_p.nelem()) {
638  ostringstream os;
639  os << "Variable dimension abs_vmrs.ncols() must\n"
640  << "be the same as abs_p.nelem().\n"
641  << "abs_vmrs.ncols() = " << abs_vmrs.ncols() << '\n'
642  << "abs_p.nelem() = " << abs_p.nelem();
643  throw runtime_error(os.str());
644  }
646  // We set abs_h2o, abs_n2, and abs_o2 later, because we only want to
647  // do it if the parameters are really needed.
649  out3 << " Calculating continuum spectra.\n";
651  // Loop tag groups:
652  for (Index ii = 0; ii < abs_species_active.nelem(); ++ii) {
653  const Index i = abs_species_active[ii];
657  // Go through the tags in the current tag group to see if they
658  // are continuum tags:
659  for (Index s = 0; s < tgs[i].nelem(); ++s) {
660  // Continuum tags in the sense that we talk about here
661  // (including complete absorption models) are marked by a special type.
662  if (tgs[i][s].Type() == SpeciesTag::TYPE_PREDEF) {
663  // We have identified a continuum tag!
665  // Get only the continuum name. The full tag name is something like:
666  // H2O-HITRAN96Self-*-*. We want only the `H2O-HITRAN96Self' part:
667  const String name = species_data[tgs[i][s].Species()].Name() + "-" +
668  species_data[tgs[i][s].Species()]
669  .Isotopologue()[tgs[i][s].Isotopologue()]
670  .Name();
672  if (name == "O2-MPM2020") continue;
674  // Check, if we have parameters for this model. For
675  // this, the model name must be listed in
676  // abs_cont_names.
677  const Index n =
678  find(abs_cont_names.begin(), abs_cont_names.end(), name) -
679  abs_cont_names.begin();
681  // n==abs_cont_names.nelem() indicates that
682  // the name was not found.
683  if (n == abs_cont_names.nelem()) {
684  ostringstream os;
685  os << "Cannot find model " << name << " in abs_cont_names.";
686  throw runtime_error(os.str());
687  }
689  // Ok, the tag specifies a valid continuum model and
690  // we have continuum parameters.
692  if (out3.sufficient_priority()) {
693  ostringstream os;
694  os << " Adding " << name << " to tag group " << i << ".\n";
695  out3 << os.str();
696  }
698  // find the options for this continuum tag from the input array
699  // of options. The actual field of the array is n:
700  const String ContOption = abs_cont_models[n];
702  // Set abs_h2o, abs_n2, and abs_o2 from the first matching species.
703  set_vmr_from_first_species(abs_h2o, "H2O", tgs, abs_vmrs);
704  set_vmr_from_first_species(abs_n2, "N2", tgs, abs_vmrs);
705  set_vmr_from_first_species(abs_o2, "O2", tgs, abs_vmrs);
707  // Add the continuum for this tag. The parameters in
708  // this call should be clear. The vmr is in
709  // abs_vmrs(i,Range(joker)). The other vmr variables,
710  // abs_h2o, abs_n2, and abs_o2 contains the real vmr of H2O,
711  // N2, nad O2, which are needed as additional information for
712  // certain continua:
713  // abs_h2o for
714  // O2-PWR88, O2-PWR93, O2-PWR98,
715  // O2-MPM85, O2-MPM87, O2-MPM89, O2-MPM92, O2-MPM93,
716  // O2-TRE05,
717  // O2-SelfContStandardType, O2-SelfContMPM93, O2-SelfContPWR93,
718  // N2-SelfContMPM93, N2-DryContATM01,
719  // N2-CIArotCKDMT252, N2-CIAfunCKDMT252
720  // abs_n2 for
721  // H2O-SelfContCKD24, H2O-ForeignContCKD24,
722  // O2-v0v0CKDMT100,
723  // CO2-ForeignContPWR93, CO2-ForeignContHo66
724  // abs_o2 for
725  // N2-CIArotCKDMT252, N2-CIAfunCKDMT252
726  if (!do_jac)
727  xsec_continuum_tag(abs_xsec_per_species[i],
728  name,
729  abs_cont_parameters[n],
730  abs_cont_models[n],
731  f_grid,
732  abs_p,
733  abs_t,
734  abs_n2,
735  abs_h2o,
736  abs_o2,
737  abs_vmrs(i, Range(joker)),
738  verbosity);
739  else // The Jacobian block
740  {
741  // Needs a reseted block here...
742  for (Index iv = 0; iv < f_grid.nelem(); iv++) {
743  for (Index ip = 0; ip < abs_p.nelem(); ip++) {
744  if (do_freq_jac) jacs_df(iv, ip) = 0.0;
745  if (do_temp_jac) jacs_dt(iv, ip) = 0.0;
746  normal(iv, ip) = 0.0;
747  }
748  }
750  // Normal calculations
751  xsec_continuum_tag(normal,
752  name,
753  abs_cont_parameters[n],
754  abs_cont_models[n],
755  f_grid,
756  abs_p,
757  abs_t,
758  abs_n2,
759  abs_h2o,
760  abs_o2,
761  abs_vmrs(i, Range(joker)),
762  verbosity);
764  // Frequency calculations
765  if (do_freq_jac)
766  xsec_continuum_tag(jacs_df,
767  name,
768  abs_cont_parameters[n],
769  abs_cont_models[n],
770  dfreq,
771  abs_p,
772  abs_t,
773  abs_n2,
774  abs_h2o,
775  abs_o2,
776  abs_vmrs(i, Range(joker)),
777  verbosity);
779  //Temperature calculations
780  if (do_temp_jac)
781  xsec_continuum_tag(jacs_dt,
782  name,
783  abs_cont_parameters[n],
784  abs_cont_models[n],
785  f_grid,
786  abs_p,
787  dabs_t,
788  abs_n2,
789  abs_h2o,
790  abs_o2,
791  abs_vmrs(i, Range(joker)),
792  verbosity);
793  for (Index iv = 0; iv < f_grid.nelem(); iv++) {
794  for (Index ip = 0; ip < abs_p.nelem(); ip++) {
795  abs_xsec_per_species[i](iv, ip) += normal(iv, ip);
796  for (Index iq = 0; iq < jacobian_quantities_position.nelem();
797  iq++) {
799  jacobian_quantities[jacobian_quantities_position[iq]]))
800  dabs_xsec_per_species_dx[i][iq](iv, ip) +=
801  (jacs_df(iv, ip) - normal(iv, ip)) * (1. / df);
802  else if (jacobian_quantities
803  [jacobian_quantities_position[iq]] ==
805  dabs_xsec_per_species_dx[i][iq](iv, ip) +=
806  (jacs_dt(iv, ip) - normal(iv, ip)) * (1. / dt);
807  }
808  }
809  }
810  }
811  // Calling this function with a row of Matrix abs_vmrs
812  // is possible because it uses Views.
813  }
814  }
815  }
816 }
818 //======================================================================
819 // Methods related to continua
820 //======================================================================
822 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
823 void abs_cont_descriptionInit( // WS Output:
824  ArrayOfString& abs_cont_names,
825  ArrayOfString& abs_cont_options,
826  ArrayOfVector& abs_cont_parameters,
827  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
830  abs_cont_names.resize(0);
831  abs_cont_options.resize(0);
832  abs_cont_parameters.resize(0);
833  out2 << " Initialized abs_cont_names \n"
834  " abs_cont_models\n"
835  " abs_cont_parameters.\n";
836 }
838 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
839 void abs_cont_descriptionAppend( // WS Output:
840  ArrayOfString& abs_cont_names,
841  ArrayOfString& abs_cont_models,
842  ArrayOfVector& abs_cont_parameters,
843  // Control Parameters:
844  const String& tagname,
845  const String& model,
846  const Vector& userparameters,
847  const Verbosity&) {
848  // First we have to check that name matches a continuum species tag.
849  check_continuum_model(tagname);
851  //cout << " + tagname: " << tagname << "\n";
852  //cout << " + model: " << model << "\n";
853  //cout << " + parameters: " << userparameters << "\n";
855  // Add name and parameters to the apropriate variables:
856  abs_cont_names.push_back(tagname);
857  abs_cont_models.push_back(model);
858  abs_cont_parameters.push_back(userparameters);
859 }
861 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
863  ArrayOfStokesVector& nlte_source,
864  ArrayOfStokesVector& dnlte_dx_source,
865  ArrayOfStokesVector& nlte_dsource_dx,
866  // WS Input:
867  const ArrayOfMatrix& src_coef_per_species,
868  const ArrayOfMatrix& dsrc_coef_dx,
869  const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity& jacobian_quantities,
870  const Vector& f_grid,
871  const Numeric& rtp_temperature,
872  const Verbosity&) {
873  // nlte_source has format
874  // [ abs_species, f_grid, stokes_dim ].
875  // src_coef_per_species has format ArrayOfMatrix (over species),
876  // where for each species the matrix has format [f_grid, abs_p].
878  Index n_species = src_coef_per_species.nelem(); // # species
880  if (not n_species) {
881  ostringstream os;
882  os << "Must have at least one species.";
883  throw runtime_error(os.str());
884  }
886  Index n_f = src_coef_per_species[0].nrows(); // # frequencies
888  // # pressures must be 1:
889  if (1 not_eq src_coef_per_species[0].ncols()) {
890  ostringstream os;
891  os << "Must have exactly one pressure.";
892  throw runtime_error(os.str());
893  }
895  // Check species dimension of propmat_clearsky
896  if (nlte_source.nelem() not_eq n_species) {
897  ostringstream os;
898  os << "Species dimension of propmat_clearsky does not\n"
899  << "match src_coef_per_species.";
900  throw std::runtime_error(os.str());
901  }
903  // Check frequency dimension of propmat_clearsky
904  if (nlte_source[0].NumberOfFrequencies() not_eq n_f) {
905  ostringstream os;
906  os << "Frequency dimension of propmat_clearsky does not\n"
907  << "match abs_coef_per_species.";
908  throw runtime_error(os.str());
909  }
911  const ArrayOfIndex jacobian_quantities_position =
912  equivalent_propmattype_indexes(jacobian_quantities);
913  Vector B(n_f);
915  for (Index iv = 0; iv < n_f; iv++)
916  B[iv] = planck(f_grid[iv], rtp_temperature);
918  StokesVector sv(n_f, nlte_source[0].StokesDimensions());
919  for (Index si = 0; si < n_species; ++si) {
920  sv.Kjj() = src_coef_per_species[si](joker, 0);
921  sv *= B;
922  nlte_source[si].Kjj() += sv.Kjj();
923  }
925  // Jacobian
926  for (Index ii = 0; ii < jacobian_quantities_position.nelem(); ii++) {
927  if (jacobian_quantities[jacobian_quantities_position[ii]] ==
929  Vector dB(n_f);
930  for (Index iv = 0; iv < n_f; iv++)
931  dB[iv] = dplanck_dt(f_grid[iv], rtp_temperature);
933  for (Index si = 0; si < n_species; ++si) {
934  sv.Kjj() = src_coef_per_species[si](joker, 0);
935  sv *= dB;
936  nlte_dsource_dx[ii].Kjj() += sv.Kjj();
937  }
939  sv.Kjj() = dsrc_coef_dx[ii](joker, 0);
940  sv *= B;
941  dnlte_dx_source[ii].Kjj() += sv.Kjj();
942  } else if (is_frequency_parameter(
943  jacobian_quantities[jacobian_quantities_position[ii]])) {
944  Vector dB(n_f);
945  for (Index iv = 0; iv < n_f; iv++)
946  dB[iv] = dplanck_df(f_grid[iv], rtp_temperature);
948  for (Index si = 0; si < n_species; ++si) {
949  sv.Kjj() = src_coef_per_species[si](joker, 0);
950  sv *= dB;
951  nlte_dsource_dx[ii].Kjj() += sv.Kjj();
952  }
954  sv.Kjj() = dsrc_coef_dx[ii](joker, 0);
955  sv *= B;
956  dnlte_dx_source[ii].Kjj() += sv.Kjj();
957  } else if (jacobian_quantities[jacobian_quantities_position[ii]] not_eq
959  sv.Kjj() = dsrc_coef_dx[ii](joker, 0);
960  sv *= B;
961  dnlte_dx_source[ii].Kjj() += sv.Kjj();
962  } else { /* All is fine! */
963  }
964  }
965 }
967 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
969  ArrayOfPropagationMatrix& propmat_clearsky,
970  ArrayOfPropagationMatrix& dpropmat_clearsky_dx,
971  // WS Input:
972  const ArrayOfMatrix& abs_coef_per_species,
973  const ArrayOfMatrix& dabs_coef_dx,
974  const Verbosity&) {
975  // propmat_clearsky has format
976  // [ abs_species, f_grid, stokes_dim, stokes_dim ].
977  // abs_coef_per_species has format ArrayOfMatrix (over species),
978  // where for each species the matrix has format [f_grid, abs_p].
980  Index n_species = abs_coef_per_species.nelem(); // # species
982  if (0 == n_species) {
983  ostringstream os;
984  os << "Must have at least one species.";
985  throw runtime_error(os.str());
986  }
988  Index n_f = abs_coef_per_species[0].nrows(); // # frequencies
990  // # pressures must be 1:
991  if (1 not_eq abs_coef_per_species[0].ncols()) {
992  ostringstream os;
993  os << "Must have exactly one pressure.";
994  throw runtime_error(os.str());
995  }
997  // Check species dimension of propmat_clearsky
998  if (propmat_clearsky.nelem() not_eq n_species) {
999  ostringstream os;
1000  os << "Species dimension of propmat_clearsky does not\n"
1001  << "match abs_coef_per_species.";
1002  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1003  }
1005  // Check frequency dimension of propmat_clearsky
1006  if (propmat_clearsky[0].NumberOfFrequencies() not_eq n_f) {
1007  ostringstream os;
1008  os << "Frequency dimension of propmat_clearsky does not\n"
1009  << "match abs_coef_per_species.";
1010  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1011  }
1013  // Loop species and stokes dimensions, and add to propmat_clearsky:
1014  for (Index si = 0; si < n_species; ++si)
1015  propmat_clearsky[si].Kjj() += abs_coef_per_species[si](joker, 0);
1017  for (Index iqn = 0; iqn < dabs_coef_dx.nelem(); iqn++) {
1018  if (dabs_coef_dx[iqn].nrows() == n_f) {
1019  if (dabs_coef_dx[iqn].ncols() == 1) {
1020  dpropmat_clearsky_dx[iqn].Kjj() += dabs_coef_dx[iqn](joker, 0);
1021  } else
1022  throw std::runtime_error("Must have exactly one pressure.");
1023  }
1024  }
1025 }
1027 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
1028 void propmat_clearskyInit( //WS Output
1029  ArrayOfPropagationMatrix& propmat_clearsky,
1030  ArrayOfStokesVector& nlte_source,
1031  ArrayOfPropagationMatrix& dpropmat_clearsky_dx,
1032  ArrayOfStokesVector& dnlte_dx_source,
1033  ArrayOfStokesVector& nlte_dsource_dx,
1034  //WS Input
1035  const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag& abs_species,
1036  const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity& jacobian_quantities,
1037  const Vector& f_grid,
1038  const Index& stokes_dim,
1039  const Index& propmat_clearsky_agenda_checked,
1040  const Index& nlte_do,
1041  const Verbosity&) {
1042  if (!propmat_clearsky_agenda_checked)
1043  throw runtime_error(
1044  "You must call *propmat_clearsky_agenda_checkedCalc* before calling this method.");
1046  Index nf = f_grid.nelem();
1048  if (not abs_species.nelem())
1049  throw std::runtime_error("abs_species.nelem() = 0");
1051  if (not nf) throw runtime_error("nf = 0");
1053  if (not stokes_dim) throw runtime_error("stokes_dim = 0");
1055  const Index nq = equivalent_propmattype_indexes(jacobian_quantities).nelem();
1057  propmat_clearsky = ArrayOfPropagationMatrix(
1058  abs_species.nelem(), PropagationMatrix(nf, stokes_dim));
1059  dpropmat_clearsky_dx =
1060  ArrayOfPropagationMatrix(nq, PropagationMatrix(nf, stokes_dim));
1062  nlte_source = nlte_do ? ArrayOfStokesVector(abs_species.nelem(),
1063  StokesVector(nf, stokes_dim))
1064  : ArrayOfStokesVector(0);
1065  dnlte_dx_source = nlte_do
1066  ? ArrayOfStokesVector(nq, StokesVector(nf, stokes_dim))
1067  : ArrayOfStokesVector(0);
1068  nlte_dsource_dx = nlte_do
1069  ? ArrayOfStokesVector(nq, StokesVector(nf, stokes_dim))
1070  : ArrayOfStokesVector(0);
1071 }
1073 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
1075  ArrayOfPropagationMatrix& propmat_clearsky,
1076  ArrayOfPropagationMatrix& dpropmat_clearsky_dx,
1077  const Index& stokes_dim,
1078  const Index& atmosphere_dim,
1079  const Vector& f_grid,
1080  const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag& abs_species,
1081  const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity& jacobian_quantities,
1082  const Vector& rtp_vmr,
1083  const Vector& rtp_los,
1084  const Vector& rtp_mag,
1085  const Verbosity&) {
1086  // All the physical constants joined into one static constant:
1087  // (abs as e defined as negative)
1088  static const Numeric FRconst =
1093  if (stokes_dim < 3)
1094  throw runtime_error(
1095  "To include Faraday rotation, stokes_dim >= 3 is required.");
1097  if (atmosphere_dim == 1 && rtp_los.nelem() < 1) {
1098  ostringstream os;
1099  os << "For applying propmat_clearskyAddFaraday, los needs to be specified\n"
1100  << "(at least zenith angle component for atmosphere_dim==1),\n"
1101  << "but it is not.\n";
1102  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1103  } else if (atmosphere_dim > 1 && rtp_los.nelem() < 2) {
1104  ostringstream os;
1105  os << "For applying propmat_clearskyAddFaraday, los needs to be specified\n"
1106  << "(both zenith and azimuth angle components for atmosphere_dim>1),\n"
1107  << "but it is not.\n";
1108  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1109  }
1111  const bool do_jac = supports_faraday(jacobian_quantities);
1112  const bool do_magn_jac = do_magnetic_jacobian(jacobian_quantities);
1113  const Numeric dmag = magnetic_field_perturbation(jacobian_quantities);
1114  const ArrayOfIndex jacobian_quantities_position =
1115  equivalent_propmattype_indexes(jacobian_quantities);
1117  Index ife = -1;
1118  for (Index sp = 0; sp < abs_species.nelem() && ife < 0; sp++) {
1119  if (abs_species[sp][0].Type() == SpeciesTag::TYPE_FREE_ELECTRONS) {
1120  ife = sp;
1121  }
1122  }
1124  if (ife < 0) {
1125  throw runtime_error(
1126  "Free electrons not found in *abs_species* and "
1127  "Faraday rotation can not be calculated.");
1128  } else {
1129  const Numeric ne = rtp_vmr[ife];
1131  if (ne != 0 && (rtp_mag[0] != 0 || rtp_mag[1] != 0 || rtp_mag[2] != 0)) {
1132  // Include remaining terms, beside /f^2
1133  const Numeric c1 =
1134  2 * FRconst * ne *
1136  rtp_los, rtp_mag[0], rtp_mag[1], rtp_mag[2], atmosphere_dim);
1138  Numeric dc1_u = 0.0, dc1_v = 0.0, dc1_w = 0.0;
1139  if (do_magn_jac) {
1140  dc1_u = (2 * FRconst * ne *
1141  dotprod_with_los(rtp_los,
1142  rtp_mag[0] + dmag,
1143  rtp_mag[1],
1144  rtp_mag[2],
1145  atmosphere_dim) -
1146  c1) /
1147  dmag;
1148  dc1_v = (2 * FRconst * ne *
1149  dotprod_with_los(rtp_los,
1150  rtp_mag[0],
1151  rtp_mag[1] + dmag,
1152  rtp_mag[2],
1153  atmosphere_dim) -
1154  c1) /
1155  dmag;
1156  dc1_w = (2 * FRconst * ne *
1157  dotprod_with_los(rtp_los,
1158  rtp_mag[0],
1159  rtp_mag[1],
1160  rtp_mag[2] + dmag,
1161  atmosphere_dim) -
1162  c1) /
1163  dmag;
1164  }
1166  if (not do_jac) {
1167  for (Index iv = 0; iv < f_grid.nelem(); iv++) {
1168  const Numeric r = c1 / (f_grid[iv] * f_grid[iv]);
1169  propmat_clearsky[ife].SetFaraday(r, iv);
1170  }
1171  } else {
1172  for (Index iv = 0; iv < f_grid.nelem(); iv++) {
1173  const Numeric f2 = f_grid[iv] * f_grid[iv];
1174  const Numeric r = c1 / f2;
1175  propmat_clearsky[ife].SetFaraday(r, iv);
1177  // The Jacobian loop
1178  for (Index iq = 0; iq < jacobian_quantities_position.nelem(); iq++) {
1180  jacobian_quantities[jacobian_quantities_position[iq]]))
1181  dpropmat_clearsky_dx[iq].AddFaraday(-2.0 * r / f_grid[iv], iv);
1182  else if (jacobian_quantities[jacobian_quantities_position[iq]] ==
1184  dpropmat_clearsky_dx[iq].AddFaraday(dc1_u / f2, iv);
1185  else if (jacobian_quantities[jacobian_quantities_position[iq]] ==
1187  dpropmat_clearsky_dx[iq].AddFaraday(dc1_v / f2, iv);
1188  else if (jacobian_quantities[jacobian_quantities_position[iq]] ==
1190  dpropmat_clearsky_dx[iq].AddFaraday(dc1_w / f2, iv);
1191  else if (jacobian_quantities[jacobian_quantities_position[iq]] ==
1193  dpropmat_clearsky_dx[iq].AddFaraday(r / ne, iv);
1194  }
1195  }
1196  }
1197  }
1198  }
1199 }
1201 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
1203  // WS Output:
1204  ArrayOfPropagationMatrix& propmat_clearsky,
1205  ArrayOfPropagationMatrix& dpropmat_clearsky_dx,
1206  // WS Input:
1207  const Index& stokes_dim,
1208  const Index& atmosphere_dim,
1209  const Vector& f_grid,
1210  const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag& abs_species,
1211  const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity& jacobian_quantities,
1212  const Vector& rtp_vmr,
1213  const Vector& rtp_los,
1214  const Numeric& rtp_temperature,
1215  const ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData& scat_data,
1216  const Index& scat_data_checked,
1217  const Index& use_abs_as_ext,
1218  // Verbosity object:
1219  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
1220  CREATE_OUT1;
1222  // (i)yCalc only checks scat_data_checked if cloudbox is on. It is off here,
1223  // though, i.e. we need to check it here explicitly. (Also, cloudboxOff sets
1224  // scat_data_checked=0 as it does not check it and as we ususally don't need
1225  // scat_data for clearsky cases, hence don't want to check them by
1226  // scat_data_checkedCalc in that case. This approach seems to be the more
1227  // handy compared to cloudboxOff setting scat_data_checked=1 without checking
1228  // it assuming we won't use it anyways.)
1229  if (scat_data_checked != 1)
1230  throw runtime_error(
1231  "The scat_data must be flagged to have "
1232  "passed a consistency check (scat_data_checked=1).");
1234  const Index ns = TotalNumberOfElements(scat_data);
1235  Index np = 0;
1236  for (Index sp = 0; sp < abs_species.nelem(); sp++) {
1237  if (abs_species[sp][0].Type() == SpeciesTag::TYPE_PARTICLES) {
1238  np++;
1239  }
1240  }
1242  if (np == 0) {
1243  ostringstream os;
1244  os << "For applying propmat_clearskyAddParticles, *abs_species* needs to"
1245  << "contain species 'particles', but it does not.\n";
1246  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1247  }
1249  if (ns != np) {
1250  ostringstream os;
1251  os << "Number of 'particles' entries in abs_species and of elements in\n"
1252  << "*scat_data* needs to be identical. But you have " << np
1253  << " 'particles' entries\n"
1254  << "and " << ns << " *scat_data* elements.\n";
1255  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1256  }
1258  if (atmosphere_dim == 1 && rtp_los.nelem() < 1) {
1259  ostringstream os;
1260  os << "For applying *propmat_clearskyAddParticles*, *rtp_los* needs to be specified\n"
1261  << "(at least zenith angle component for atmosphere_dim==1),\n"
1262  << "but it is not.\n";
1263  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1264  } else if (atmosphere_dim > 1 && rtp_los.nelem() < 2) {
1265  ostringstream os;
1266  os << "For applying *propmat_clearskyAddParticles*, *rtp_los* needs to be specified\n"
1267  << "(both zenith and azimuth angle components for atmosphere_dim>1),\n"
1268  << "but it is not.\n";
1269  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1270  }
1272  // Use for rescaling vmr of particulates
1273  Numeric rtp_vmr_sum = 0.0;
1275  // Tests and setup partial derivatives
1276  const bool do_jac = supports_particles(jacobian_quantities);
1277  const bool do_jac_temperature = do_temperature_jacobian(jacobian_quantities);
1278  const bool do_jac_frequencies = do_frequency_jacobian(jacobian_quantities);
1279  const ArrayOfIndex jacobian_quantities_position =
1280  equivalent_propmattype_indexes(jacobian_quantities);
1281  const Numeric dT = temperature_perturbation(jacobian_quantities);
1283  const Index na = abs_species.nelem();
1284  Vector rtp_los_back;
1285  mirror_los(rtp_los_back, rtp_los, atmosphere_dim);
1287  // 170918 JM: along with transition to use of new-type (aka
1288  // pre-f_grid-interpolated) scat_data, freq perturbation switched off. Typical
1289  // clear-sky freq perturbations yield insignificant effects in particle
1290  // properties. Hence, this feature is neglected here.
1291  if (do_jac_frequencies) {
1292  out1 << "WARNING:\n"
1293  << "Frequency perturbation not available for absorbing particles.\n";
1294  }
1296  // creating temporary output containers
1297  ArrayOfArrayOfTensor5 ext_mat_Nse;
1298  ArrayOfArrayOfTensor4 abs_vec_Nse;
1299  ArrayOfArrayOfIndex ptypes_Nse;
1300  Matrix t_ok;
1302  // preparing input in format needed
1303  Vector T_array;
1304  if (do_jac_temperature) {
1305  T_array.resize(2);
1306  T_array = rtp_temperature;
1307  T_array[1] += dT;
1308  } else {
1309  T_array.resize(1);
1310  T_array = rtp_temperature;
1311  }
1312  Matrix dir_array(1, 2);
1313  dir_array(0, joker) = rtp_los_back;
1315  // ext/abs per scat element for all freqs at once
1316  opt_prop_NScatElems(ext_mat_Nse,
1317  abs_vec_Nse,
1318  ptypes_Nse,
1319  t_ok,
1320  scat_data,
1321  stokes_dim,
1322  T_array,
1323  dir_array,
1324  -1);
1326  const Index nf = abs_vec_Nse[0][0].nbooks();
1327  Tensor3 tmp(nf, stokes_dim, stokes_dim);
1329  // loop over the scat_data and link them with correct vmr_field entry according
1330  // to the position of the particle type entries in abs_species.
1331  Index sp = 0;
1332  Index i_se_flat = 0;
1333  for (Index i_ss = 0; i_ss < scat_data.nelem(); i_ss++) {
1334  for (Index i_se = 0; i_se < scat_data[i_ss].nelem(); i_se++) {
1335  // forward to next particle entry in abs_species
1336  while (sp < na && abs_species[sp][0].Type() != SpeciesTag::TYPE_PARTICLES)
1337  sp++;
1339  // running beyond number of abs_species entries when looking for next
1340  // particle entry. shouldn't happen, though.
1341  assert(sp < na);
1342  if (rtp_vmr[sp] < 0.) {
1343  ostringstream os;
1344  os << "Negative absorbing particle 'vmr' (aka number density)"
1345  << " encountered:\n"
1346  << "scat species #" << i_ss << ", scat elem #" << i_se
1347  << " (vmr_field entry #" << sp << ")\n";
1348  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1349  } else if (rtp_vmr[sp] > 0.) {
1350  if (t_ok(i_se_flat, 0) < 0.) {
1351  ostringstream os;
1352  os << "Temperature interpolation error:\n"
1353  << "scat species #" << i_ss << ", scat elem #" << i_se << "\n";
1354  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1355  } else {
1356  if (use_abs_as_ext) {
1357  if (nf > 1)
1358  for (Index iv = 0; iv < f_grid.nelem(); iv++)
1359  propmat_clearsky[sp].AddAbsorptionVectorAtPosition(
1360  abs_vec_Nse[i_ss][i_se](iv, 0, 0, joker), iv);
1361  else
1362  for (Index iv = 0; iv < f_grid.nelem(); iv++)
1363  propmat_clearsky[sp].AddAbsorptionVectorAtPosition(
1364  abs_vec_Nse[i_ss][i_se](0, 0, 0, joker), iv);
1365  } else {
1366  if (nf > 1)
1367  for (Index iv = 0; iv < f_grid.nelem(); iv++)
1368  propmat_clearsky[sp].SetAtPosition(
1369  ext_mat_Nse[i_ss][i_se](iv, 0, 0, joker, joker), iv);
1370  else
1371  for (Index iv = 0; iv < f_grid.nelem(); iv++)
1372  propmat_clearsky[sp].SetAtPosition(
1373  ext_mat_Nse[i_ss][i_se](0, 0, 0, joker, joker), iv);
1374  }
1375  propmat_clearsky[sp] *= rtp_vmr[sp];
1376  }
1378  // For temperature derivatives (so we don't need to check it in jac loop)
1379  if (do_jac_temperature) {
1380  if (t_ok(i_se_flat, 1) < 0.) {
1381  ostringstream os;
1382  os << "Temperature interpolation error (in perturbation):\n"
1383  << "scat species #" << i_ss << ", scat elem #" << i_se << "\n";
1384  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1385  }
1386  }
1388  // For number density derivatives
1389  if (do_jac) rtp_vmr_sum += rtp_vmr[sp];
1391  for (Index iq = 0; iq < jacobian_quantities_position.nelem(); iq++) {
1392  // we don't do freq perturbations here, i.e. nothing to do.
1393  /*
1394  if( ppd(iq)==JQT_frequency || ppd(iq)==JQT_wind_magnitude ||
1395  ppd(iq)==JQT_wind_u || ppd(iq)==JQT_wind_v || ppd(iq)==JQT_wind_w )
1396  {
1397  dpropmat_clearsky_dx[iq] = 0.;
1398  }
1400  else if( ppd(iq) == JQT_temperature )
1401  */
1402  if (jacobian_quantities[jacobian_quantities_position[iq]] ==
1404  if (use_abs_as_ext) {
1405  tmp(joker, joker, 0) =
1406  abs_vec_Nse[i_ss][i_se](joker, 1, 0, joker);
1407  tmp(joker, joker, 0) -=
1408  abs_vec_Nse[i_ss][i_se](joker, 0, 0, joker);
1409  } else {
1410  tmp = ext_mat_Nse[i_ss][i_se](joker, 1, 0, joker, joker);
1411  tmp -= ext_mat_Nse[i_ss][i_se](joker, 0, 0, joker, joker);
1412  }
1414  tmp *= rtp_vmr[sp];
1415  tmp /= dT;
1417  if (nf > 1)
1418  for (Index iv = 0; iv < f_grid.nelem(); iv++)
1419  if (use_abs_as_ext)
1420  dpropmat_clearsky_dx[iq].AddAbsorptionVectorAtPosition(
1421  tmp(iv, joker, 0), iv);
1422  else
1423  dpropmat_clearsky_dx[iq].AddAtPosition(tmp(iv, joker, joker),
1424  iv);
1425  else
1426  for (Index iv = 0; iv < f_grid.nelem(); iv++)
1427  if (use_abs_as_ext)
1428  dpropmat_clearsky_dx[iq].AddAbsorptionVectorAtPosition(
1429  tmp(0, joker, 0), iv);
1430  else
1431  dpropmat_clearsky_dx[iq].AddAtPosition(tmp(0, joker, joker),
1432  iv);
1433  }
1434  /* // alternative version
1435  else if( ppd(iq) == JQT_temperature )
1436  {
1437  if( nf > 1 )
1438  for( Index iv=0; iv<f_grid.nelem(); iv++ )
1439  if( use_abs_as_ext )
1440  {
1441  atmp = abs_vec_Nse[i_ss][i_se](iv,1,0,joker);
1442  atmp -= abs_vec_Nse[i_ss][i_se](iv,0,0,joker);
1443  atmp *= (rtp_vmr[sp] / ppd.Temperature_Perturbation());
1444  dpropmat_clearsky_dx[iq].AddAbsorptionVectorAtPosition(atmp, iv);
1445  }
1446  else
1447  {
1448  etmp = ext_mat_Nse[i_ss][i_se](iv,1,0,joker,joker) -
1449  ext_mat_Nse[i_ss][i_se](iv,0,0,joker,joker);
1450  etmp *= (rtp_vmr[sp] / ppd.Temperature_Perturbation());
1451  dpropmat_clearsky_dx[iq].AddAtPosition(etmp, iv);
1452  }
1453  else
1454  if( use_abs_as_ext )
1455  {
1456  atmp = (abs_vec_Nse[i_ss][i_se](0,1,0,joker) -
1457  abs_vec_Nse[i_ss][i_se](0,0,0,joker));
1458  atmp *= (rtp_vmr[sp] / ppd.Temperature_Perturbation());
1459  for( Index iv=0; iv<f_grid.nelem(); iv++ )
1460  dpropmat_clearsky_dx[iq].AddAbsorptionVectorAtPosition(atmp, iv);
1461  }
1462  else
1463  {
1464  etmp = ext_mat_Nse[i_ss][i_se](0,1,0,joker,joker) -
1465  ext_mat_Nse[i_ss][i_se](0,0,0,joker,joker);
1466  etmp *= (rtp_vmr[sp] / ppd.Temperature_Perturbation());
1467  for( Index iv=0; iv<f_grid.nelem(); iv++ )
1468  dpropmat_clearsky_dx[iq].AddAtPosition(etmp, iv);
1469  }
1470  }
1471  */
1473  else if (jacobian_quantities[jacobian_quantities_position[iq]] ==
1475  for (Index iv = 0; iv < f_grid.nelem(); iv++)
1476  dpropmat_clearsky_dx[iq].AddAtPosition(propmat_clearsky[sp], iv);
1477  }
1478  }
1479  }
1480  sp++;
1481  i_se_flat++;
1482  }
1483  }
1485  //checking that no further 'particle' entry left after all scat_data entries
1486  //are processes. this is basically not necessary. but checking it anyway to
1487  //really be safe. remove later, when more extensively tested.
1488  while (sp < na) {
1489  assert(abs_species[sp][0].Type() != SpeciesTag::TYPE_PARTICLES);
1490  sp++;
1491  }
1493  if (rtp_vmr_sum != 0.0) {
1494  for (Index iq = 0; iq < jacobian_quantities_position.nelem(); iq++) {
1495  if (jacobian_quantities[jacobian_quantities_position[iq]] ==
1497  dpropmat_clearsky_dx[iq] /= rtp_vmr_sum;
1498  }
1499  }
1500  }
1501 }
1503 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
1504 void propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly( // Workspace reference:
1505  Workspace& ws,
1506  // WS Output:
1507  ArrayOfPropagationMatrix& propmat_clearsky,
1508  ArrayOfStokesVector& nlte_source,
1509  ArrayOfPropagationMatrix& dpropmat_clearsky_dx,
1510  ArrayOfStokesVector& dnlte_dx_source,
1511  ArrayOfStokesVector& nlte_dsource_dx,
1512  // WS Input:
1513  const Vector& f_grid,
1514  const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag& abs_species,
1515  const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity& jacobian_quantities,
1516  const Numeric& rtp_pressure,
1517  const Numeric& rtp_temperature,
1518  const EnergyLevelMap& rtp_nlte,
1519  const Vector& rtp_vmr,
1520  const Agenda& abs_xsec_agenda,
1521  // Verbosity object:
1522  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
1524  // Output of AbsInputFromRteScalars:
1525  Vector abs_p;
1526  Vector abs_t;
1527  Matrix abs_vmrs;
1528  // Output of abs_h2oSet:
1529  Vector abs_h2o;
1530  // Output of abs_coefCalc:
1531  Matrix abs_coef, src_coef;
1532  ArrayOfMatrix abs_coef_per_species, src_coef_per_species, dabs_coef_dx,
1533  dsrc_coef_dx;
1535  AbsInputFromRteScalars(abs_p,
1536  abs_t,
1537  abs_vmrs,
1538  rtp_pressure,
1539  rtp_temperature,
1540  rtp_vmr,
1541  verbosity);
1543  // Absorption cross sections per tag group.
1544  ArrayOfMatrix abs_xsec_per_species;
1545  ArrayOfMatrix src_xsec_per_species;
1546  ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix dabs_xsec_per_species_dx, dsrc_xsec_per_species_dx;
1548  // Make all species active:
1549  ArrayOfIndex abs_species_active(abs_species.nelem());
1550  for (Index i = 0; i < abs_species.nelem(); ++i) abs_species_active[i] = i;
1552  // Call agenda to calculate absorption:
1554  abs_xsec_per_species,
1555  src_xsec_per_species,
1556  dabs_xsec_per_species_dx,
1557  dsrc_xsec_per_species_dx,
1558  abs_species,
1559  jacobian_quantities,
1560  abs_species_active,
1561  f_grid,
1562  abs_p,
1563  abs_t,
1564  rtp_nlte,
1565  abs_vmrs,
1566  abs_xsec_agenda);
1568  // Calculate absorption coefficients from cross sections:
1569  abs_coefCalcFromXsec(abs_coef,
1570  src_coef,
1571  dabs_coef_dx,
1572  dsrc_coef_dx,
1573  abs_coef_per_species,
1574  src_coef_per_species,
1575  abs_xsec_per_species,
1576  src_xsec_per_species,
1577  dabs_xsec_per_species_dx,
1578  dsrc_xsec_per_species_dx,
1579  abs_species,
1580  jacobian_quantities,
1581  abs_vmrs,
1582  abs_p,
1583  abs_t,
1584  verbosity);
1586  // Now add abs_coef_per_species to propmat_clearsky:
1588  dpropmat_clearsky_dx,
1589  abs_coef_per_species,
1590  dabs_coef_dx,
1591  verbosity);
1593  // Now turn nlte_source from absorption into a proper source function
1594  if (not nlte_source.empty())
1596  dnlte_dx_source,
1597  nlte_dsource_dx,
1598  src_coef_per_species,
1599  dsrc_coef_dx,
1600  jacobian_quantities,
1601  f_grid,
1602  rtp_temperature,
1603  verbosity);
1604 }
1606 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
1608  const Vector& f_grid,
1609  const Index& stokes_dim,
1610  const Verbosity&) {
1611  propmat_clearsky.resize(1);
1612  propmat_clearsky[0] = PropagationMatrix(f_grid.nelem(), stokes_dim);
1613  propmat_clearsky[0].SetZero();
1614 }
1616 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
1618  ArrayOfPropagationMatrix& propmat_clearsky, const Verbosity&) {
1619  for (auto& pm : propmat_clearsky)
1620  for (Index i = 0; i < pm.NumberOfFrequencies(); i++)
1621  if (pm.Kjj()[i] < 0.0) pm.SetAtPosition(0.0, i);
1622 }
1624 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
1626  const Verbosity&) {
1628 }
1630 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
1632  const Verbosity&) {
1634 }
1636 #ifdef ENABLE_NETCDF
1637 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
1638 /* Included by Claudia Emde, 20100707 */
1639 void WriteMolTau( //WS Input
1640  const Vector& f_grid,
1641  const Tensor3& z_field,
1642  const Tensor7& propmat_clearsky_field,
1643  const Index& atmosphere_dim,
1644  //Keyword
1645  const String& filename,
1646  const Verbosity&) {
1647  int retval, ncid;
1648  int nlev_dimid, nlyr_dimid, nwvl_dimid, stokes_dimid, none_dimid;
1649  int dimids[4];
1650  int wvlmin_varid, wvlmax_varid, z_varid, wvl_varid, tau_varid;
1652  if (atmosphere_dim != 1)
1653  throw runtime_error("WriteMolTau can only be used for atmosphere_dim=1");
1655 #pragma omp critical(netcdf__critical_region)
1656  {
1657  // Open file
1658  if ((retval = nc_create(filename.c_str(), NC_CLOBBER, &ncid)))
1659  nca_error(retval, "nc_create");
1661  // Define dimensions
1662  if ((retval = nc_def_dim(ncid, "nlev", (int)z_field.npages(), &nlev_dimid)))
1663  nca_error(retval, "nc_def_dim");
1665  if ((retval =
1666  nc_def_dim(ncid, "nlyr", (int)z_field.npages() - 1, &nlyr_dimid)))
1667  nca_error(retval, "nc_def_dim");
1669  if ((retval = nc_def_dim(ncid, "nwvl", (int)f_grid.nelem(), &nwvl_dimid)))
1670  nca_error(retval, "nc_def_dim");
1672  if ((retval = nc_def_dim(ncid, "none", 1, &none_dimid)))
1673  nca_error(retval, "nc_def_dim");
1675  if ((retval = nc_def_dim(ncid,
1676  "nstk",
1677  (int)propmat_clearsky_field.nbooks(),
1678  &stokes_dimid)))
1679  nca_error(retval, "nc_def_dim");
1681  // Define variables
1682  if ((retval = nc_def_var(
1683  ncid, "wvlmin", NC_DOUBLE, 1, &none_dimid, &wvlmin_varid)))
1684  nca_error(retval, "nc_def_var wvlmin");
1686  if ((retval = nc_def_var(
1687  ncid, "wvlmax", NC_DOUBLE, 1, &none_dimid, &wvlmax_varid)))
1688  nca_error(retval, "nc_def_var wvlmax");
1690  if ((retval = nc_def_var(ncid, "z", NC_DOUBLE, 1, &nlev_dimid, &z_varid)))
1691  nca_error(retval, "nc_def_var z");
1693  if ((retval =
1694  nc_def_var(ncid, "wvl", NC_DOUBLE, 1, &nwvl_dimid, &wvl_varid)))
1695  nca_error(retval, "nc_def_var wvl");
1697  dimids[0] = nlyr_dimid;
1698  dimids[1] = nwvl_dimid;
1699  dimids[2] = stokes_dimid;
1700  dimids[3] = stokes_dimid;
1702  if ((retval =
1703  nc_def_var(ncid, "tau", NC_DOUBLE, 4, &dimids[0], &tau_varid)))
1704  nca_error(retval, "nc_def_var tau");
1706  // Units
1707  if ((retval = nc_put_att_text(ncid, wvlmin_varid, "units", 2, "nm")))
1708  nca_error(retval, "nc_put_att_text");
1710  if ((retval = nc_put_att_text(ncid, wvlmax_varid, "units", 2, "nm")))
1711  nca_error(retval, "nc_put_att_text");
1713  if ((retval = nc_put_att_text(ncid, z_varid, "units", 2, "km")))
1714  nca_error(retval, "nc_put_att_text");
1716  if ((retval = nc_put_att_text(ncid, wvl_varid, "units", 2, "nm")))
1717  nca_error(retval, "nc_put_att_text");
1719  if ((retval = nc_put_att_text(ncid, tau_varid, "units", 1, "-")))
1720  nca_error(retval, "nc_put_att_text");
1722  // End define mode. This tells netCDF we are done defining
1723  // metadata.
1724  if ((retval = nc_enddef(ncid))) nca_error(retval, "nc_enddef");
1726  // Assign data
1727  double wvlmin[1];
1728  wvlmin[0] = SPEED_OF_LIGHT / f_grid[f_grid.nelem() - 1] * 1e9;
1729  if ((retval = nc_put_var_double(ncid, wvlmin_varid, &wvlmin[0])))
1730  nca_error(retval, "nc_put_var");
1732  double wvlmax[1];
1733  wvlmax[0] = SPEED_OF_LIGHT / f_grid[0] * 1e9;
1734  if ((retval = nc_put_var_double(ncid, wvlmax_varid, &wvlmax[0])))
1735  nca_error(retval, "nc_put_var");
1737  double z[z_field.npages()];
1738  for (int iz = 0; iz < z_field.npages(); iz++)
1739  z[iz] = z_field(z_field.npages() - 1 - iz, 0, 0) * 1e-3;
1741  if ((retval = nc_put_var_double(ncid, z_varid, &z[0])))
1742  nca_error(retval, "nc_put_var");
1744  double wvl[f_grid.nelem()];
1745  for (int iv = 0; iv < f_grid.nelem(); iv++)
1746  wvl[iv] = SPEED_OF_LIGHT / f_grid[f_grid.nelem() - 1 - iv] * 1e9;
1748  if ((retval = nc_put_var_double(ncid, wvl_varid, &wvl[0])))
1749  nca_error(retval, "nc_put_var");
1751  const Index zfnp = z_field.npages() - 1;
1752  const Index fgne = f_grid.nelem();
1753  const Index amfnb = propmat_clearsky_field.nbooks();
1755  Tensor4 tau(zfnp, fgne, amfnb, amfnb, 0.);
1757  // Calculate average tau for layers
1758  for (int is = 0; is < propmat_clearsky_field.nlibraries(); is++)
1759  for (int iz = 0; iz < zfnp; iz++)
1760  for (int iv = 0; iv < fgne; iv++)
1761  for (int is1 = 0; is1 < amfnb; is1++)
1762  for (int is2 = 0; is2 < amfnb; is2++)
1763  // sum up all species
1764  tau(iz, iv, is1, is2) +=
1765  0.5 *
1766  (propmat_clearsky_field(is,
1767  f_grid.nelem() - 1 - iv,
1768  is1,
1769  is2,
1770  z_field.npages() - 1 - iz,
1771  0,
1772  0) +
1773  propmat_clearsky_field(is,
1774  f_grid.nelem() - 1 - iv,
1775  is1,
1776  is2,
1777  z_field.npages() - 2 - iz,
1778  0,
1779  0)) *
1780  (z_field(z_field.npages() - 1 - iz, 0, 0) -
1781  z_field(z_field.npages() - 2 - iz, 0, 0));
1783  if ((retval = nc_put_var_double(ncid, tau_varid, tau.get_c_array())))
1784  nca_error(retval, "nc_put_var");
1786  // Close the file
1787  if ((retval = nc_close(ncid))) nca_error(retval, "nc_close");
1788  }
1789 }
1791 #else
1793 void WriteMolTau( //WS Input
1794  const Vector& f_grid _U_,
1795  const Tensor3& z_field _U_,
1796  const Tensor7& propmat_clearsky_field _U_,
1797  const Index& atmosphere_dim _U_,
1798  //Keyword
1799  const String& filename _U_,
1800  const Verbosity&) {
1801  throw runtime_error(
1802  "The workspace method WriteMolTau is not available"
1803  "because ARTS was compiled without NetCDF support.");
1804 }
1806 #endif /* ENABLE_NETCDF */
1808 /* Workspace method: Doxygen documentation will be auto-generated */
1810  // WS Output:
1811  ArrayOfMatrix& abs_xsec_per_species,
1812  ArrayOfMatrix& src_xsec_per_species,
1813  ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix& dabs_xsec_per_species_dx,
1814  ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix& dsrc_xsec_per_species_dx,
1815  // WS Input:
1816  const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag& abs_species,
1817  const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity& jacobian_quantities,
1818  const ArrayOfIndex& abs_species_active,
1819  const Vector& f_grid,
1820  const Vector& abs_p,
1821  const Vector& abs_t,
1822  const EnergyLevelMap& abs_nlte,
1823  const Matrix& abs_vmrs,
1824  const ArrayOfArrayOfAbsorptionLines& abs_lines_per_species,
1825  const SpeciesAuxData& isotopologue_ratios,
1826  const SpeciesAuxData& partition_functions,
1827  const Index& lbl_checked,
1828  const Verbosity&) {
1829  if (not abs_lines_per_species.nelem()) return;
1831  if (not lbl_checked)
1832  throw std::runtime_error("Please set lbl_checked true to use this function");
1834  // Check that all temperatures are above 0 K
1835  if (min(abs_t) < 0) {
1836  std::ostringstream os;
1837  os << "Temperature must be at least 0 K. But you request an absorption\n"
1838  << "calculation at " << min(abs_t) << " K!";
1839  throw std::runtime_error(os.str());
1840  }
1842  // Check that all parameters that should have the number of tag
1843  // groups as a dimension are consistent.
1844  {
1845  const Index n_tgs = abs_species.nelem();
1846  const Index n_xsec = abs_xsec_per_species.nelem();
1847  const Index n_vmrs = abs_vmrs.nrows();
1848  const Index n_lines = abs_lines_per_species.nelem();
1850  if (n_tgs not_eq n_xsec or n_tgs not_eq n_vmrs or n_tgs not_eq n_lines) {
1851  std::ostringstream os;
1852  os << "The following variables must all have the same dimension:\n"
1853  << "abs_species: " << abs_species.nelem() << '\n'
1854  << "abs_xsec_per_species: " << abs_xsec_per_species.nelem() << '\n'
1855  << "abs_vmrs: " << abs_vmrs.nrows() << '\n'
1856  << "abs_lines_per_species: " << abs_lines_per_species.nelem() << '\n';
1857  throw std::runtime_error(os.str());
1858  }
1859  }
1861  // Meta variables that explain the calculations required
1862  const bool do_jac = supports_propmat_clearsky(jacobian_quantities);
1863  const bool do_lte = abs_nlte.Data().empty();
1864  const ArrayOfIndex jac_pos = equivalent_propmattype_indexes(jacobian_quantities);
1866  // Skipping uninteresting data
1867  static Matrix dummy1(0, 0);
1868  static ArrayOfMatrix dummy2(0);
1870  // Call xsec_species for each tag group.
1871  for (Index ii = 0; ii < abs_species_active.nelem(); ++ii) {
1872  const Index i = abs_species_active[ii];
1874  if (not abs_species[i].nelem() or is_zeeman(abs_species[i]))
1875  continue;
1877  for (auto& lines: abs_lines_per_species[i]) {
1878  xsec_species(
1879  abs_xsec_per_species[i],
1880  src_xsec_per_species[i],
1881  dummy1,
1882  do_jac ? dabs_xsec_per_species_dx[i] : dummy2,
1883  (do_jac and not do_lte) ? dsrc_xsec_per_species_dx[i] : dummy2,
1884  dummy2,
1885  jacobian_quantities,
1886  jac_pos,
1887  f_grid,
1888  abs_p,
1889  abs_t,
1890  abs_nlte,
1891  abs_vmrs,
1892  abs_species,
1893  lines,
1894  isotopologue_ratios.getIsotopologueRatio(lines.QuantumIdentity()),
1895  partition_functions.getParamType(lines.QuantumIdentity()),
1896  partition_functions.getParam(lines.QuantumIdentity()));
1897  }
1898  } // End of species for loop.
1899 }
Numeric dotprod_with_los(ConstVectorView los, const Numeric &u, const Numeric &v, const Numeric &w, const Index &atmosphere_dim)
Calculates the dot product between a field and a LOS.
The type to use for all integer numbers and indices.
Definition: matpack.h:39
ArrayOfIndex equivalent_propmattype_indexes(const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &js)
Returns a list of positions for the derivatives in Propagation Matrix calculations.
Array< PropagationMatrix > ArrayOfPropagationMatrix
void abs_speciesDefineAll(ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_species, Index &propmat_clearsky_agenda_checked, Index &abs_xsec_agenda_checked, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: abs_speciesDefineAll.
#define ns
void isotopologue_ratiosInitFromBuiltin(SpeciesAuxData &isotopologue_ratios, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: isotopologue_ratiosInitFromBuiltin.
This file contains basic functions to handle NetCDF data files.
The Agenda class.
Definition: agenda_class.h:44
Index nelem() const
Number of elements.
Definition: array.h:195
void propmat_clearskyAddFaraday(ArrayOfPropagationMatrix &propmat_clearsky, ArrayOfPropagationMatrix &dpropmat_clearsky_dx, const Index &stokes_dim, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const Vector &f_grid, const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_species, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, const Vector &rtp_vmr, const Vector &rtp_los, const Vector &rtp_mag, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: propmat_clearskyAddFaraday.
bool do_magnetic_jacobian(const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &js) noexcept
Returns if the array wants a magnetic derivative.
Declarations having to do with the four output streams.
void propmat_clearskyAddFromAbsCoefPerSpecies(ArrayOfPropagationMatrix &propmat_clearsky, ArrayOfPropagationMatrix &dpropmat_clearsky_dx, const ArrayOfMatrix &abs_coef_per_species, const ArrayOfMatrix &dabs_coef_dx, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: propmat_clearskyAddFromAbsCoefPerSpecies.
void abs_speciesSet(ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_species, Index &abs_xsec_agenda_checked, Index &propmat_clearsky_agenda_checked, const ArrayOfString &names, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: abs_speciesSet.
Routines for setting up the jacobian.
The Vector class.
Definition: matpackI.h:860
void ReverseLines() noexcept
Reverses the order of the internal lines.
#define abs(x)
void nca_error(const int e, const String s)
Throws a runtime error for the given NetCDF error code.
void propmat_clearskyForceNegativeToZero(ArrayOfPropagationMatrix &propmat_clearsky, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: propmat_clearskyForceNegativeToZero.
const Tensor4 & Data() const noexcept
Energy level type.
Numeric frequency_perturbation(const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &js) noexcept
Returns the frequency perturbation if it exists.
void propmat_clearskyAddParticles(ArrayOfPropagationMatrix &propmat_clearsky, ArrayOfPropagationMatrix &dpropmat_clearsky_dx, const Index &stokes_dim, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const Vector &f_grid, const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_species, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, const Vector &rtp_vmr, const Vector &rtp_los, const Numeric &rtp_temperature, const ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData &scat_data, const Index &scat_data_checked, const Index &use_abs_as_ext, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: propmat_clearskyAddParticles.
Array< StokesVector > ArrayOfStokesVector
The Tensor4 class.
Definition: matpackIV.h:421
The range class.
Definition: matpackI.h:160
void fillSpeciesAuxDataWithPartitionFunctionsFromSpeciesData(SpeciesAuxData &sad)
Fill SpeciesAuxData with default partition functions from species data.
void abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines(ArrayOfMatrix &abs_xsec_per_species, ArrayOfMatrix &src_xsec_per_species, ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix &dabs_xsec_per_species_dx, ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix &dsrc_xsec_per_species_dx, const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_species, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, const ArrayOfIndex &abs_species_active, const Vector &f_grid, const Vector &abs_p, const Vector &abs_t, const EnergyLevelMap &abs_nlte, const Matrix &abs_vmrs, const ArrayOfArrayOfAbsorptionLines &abs_lines_per_species, const SpeciesAuxData &isotopologue_ratios, const SpeciesAuxData &partition_functions, const Index &lbl_checked, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines.
Index NumLines() const noexcept
Number of lines.
bool is_zeeman(const ArrayOfSpeciesTag &tg)
Is this a Zeeman tag group?
This file contains basic functions to handle XML data files.
The Tensor7 class.
Definition: matpackVII.h:2382
This file contains basic functions to handle ASCII files.
void find_xml_file(String &filename, const Verbosity &verbosity)
Find an xml file.
#define min(a, b)
Stokes vector is as Propagation matrix but only has 4 possible values.
Numeric number_density(const Numeric &p, const Numeric &t)
bool supports_continuum(const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &js)
Returns if the array supports continuum derivatives.
Index nelem() const
Returns the number of elements.
const Array< SpeciesRecord > species_data
Species Data.
const Numeric SPEED_OF_LIGHT
Numeric magnetic_field_perturbation(const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &js) noexcept
Returns the magnetic field perturbation if it exists.
This file contains the definition of Array.
bool is_frequency_parameter(const RetrievalQuantity &t) noexcept
Returns if the Retrieval quantity is a frequency parameter in propagation matrix calculations.
const SpeciesRecord & SpeciesDataOfBand(const AbsorptionLines &band)
Returns the species data.
const Array< IsotopologueRecord > & Isotopologue() const
Definition: absorption.h:199
Index ncols() const
Returns the number of columns.
const AuxType & getParamType(const Index species, const Index isotopologue) const
Return a constant reference to the parameter types.
Definition: absorption.h:276
Numeric dplanck_dt(const Numeric &f, const Numeric &t)
The Tensor3 class.
Definition: matpackIII.h:339
bool supports_propmat_clearsky(const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &js)
Returns if the array supports propagation matrix derivatives.
Index TotalNumberOfElements(const Array< Array< base > > &aa)
Determine total number of elements in an ArrayOfArray.
Definition: array.h:343
The global header file for ARTS.
_CS_string_type str() const
Definition: sstream.h:491
void partition_functionsInitFromBuiltin(SpeciesAuxData &partition_functions, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: partition_functionsInitFromBuiltin.
void AbsInputFromRteScalars(Vector &abs_p, Vector &abs_t, Matrix &abs_vmrs, const Numeric &rtp_pressure, const Numeric &rtp_temperature, const Vector &rtp_vmr, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: AbsInputFromRteScalars.
Numeric getIsotopologueRatio(const SpeciesTag &st) const
Returns mparams[st.Species()][st.Isotopologue()][0].data[0] if st.Isotopologue() > 0...
Numeric dplanck_df(const Numeric &f, const Numeric &t)
void abs_cont_descriptionInit(ArrayOfString &abs_cont_names, ArrayOfString &abs_cont_options, ArrayOfVector &abs_cont_parameters, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: abs_cont_descriptionInit.
void propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly(Workspace &ws, ArrayOfPropagationMatrix &propmat_clearsky, ArrayOfStokesVector &nlte_source, ArrayOfPropagationMatrix &dpropmat_clearsky_dx, ArrayOfStokesVector &dnlte_dx_source, ArrayOfStokesVector &nlte_dsource_dx, const Vector &f_grid, const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_species, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, const Numeric &rtp_pressure, const Numeric &rtp_temperature, const EnergyLevelMap &rtp_nlte, const Vector &rtp_vmr, const Agenda &abs_xsec_agenda, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly.
void xsec_species(Matrix &xsec, Matrix &source, Matrix &phase, ArrayOfMatrix &dxsec_dx, ArrayOfMatrix &dsource_dx, ArrayOfMatrix &dphase_dx, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, const ArrayOfIndex &jacobian_propmat_positions, const Vector &f_grid, const Vector &abs_p, const Vector &abs_t, const EnergyLevelMap &abs_nlte, const Matrix &abs_vmrs, const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_species, const AbsorptionLines &band, const Numeric &isot_ratio, const SpeciesAuxData::AuxType &partfun_type, const ArrayOfGriddedField1 &partfun_data)
Cross-section algorithm.
A tag group can consist of the sum of several of these.
#define CREATE_OUT1
Definition: messages.h:205
void AbsInputFromAtmFields(Vector &abs_p, Vector &abs_t, Matrix &abs_vmrs, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const Vector &p_grid, const Tensor3 &t_field, const Tensor4 &vmr_field, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: AbsInputFromAtmFields.
void abs_coefCalcFromXsec(Matrix &abs_coef, Matrix &src_coef, ArrayOfMatrix &dabs_coef_dx, ArrayOfMatrix &dsrc_coef_dx, ArrayOfMatrix &abs_coef_per_species, ArrayOfMatrix &src_coef_per_species, const ArrayOfMatrix &abs_xsec_per_species, const ArrayOfMatrix &src_xsec_per_species, const ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix &dabs_xsec_per_species_dx, const ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix &dsrc_xsec_per_species_dx, const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_species, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, const Matrix &abs_vmrs, const Vector &abs_p, const Vector &abs_t, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: abs_coefCalcFromXsec.
const Numeric PI
void AppendSingleLine(SingleLine &&sl)
Appends a single line to the absorption lines.
void WriteMolTau(const Vector &f_grid, const Tensor3 &z_field, const Tensor7 &propmat_clearsky_field, const Index &atmosphere_dim, const String &filename, const Verbosity &)
void abs_speciesDefineAllInScenario(ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &tgs, Index &propmat_clearsky_agenda_checked, Index &abs_xsec_agenda_checked, const String &basename, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: abs_speciesDefineAllInScenario.
Numeric temperature_perturbation(const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &js) noexcept
Returns the temperature perturbation if it exists.
const Joker joker
const ArrayOfGriddedField1 & getParam(const Index species, const Index isotopologue) const
Return a constant reference to the parameters.
Numeric dnumber_density_dt(const Numeric &p, const Numeric &t)
The type to use for all floating point numbers.
Definition: matpack.h:33
The Matrix class.
Definition: matpackI.h:1193
Index nlibraries() const
Returns the number of libraries.
Declarations required for the calculation of absorption coefficients.
Array< Matrix > ArrayOfMatrix
An array of matrices.
Definition: array.h:66
void xsec_continuum_tag(MatrixView xsec, const String &name, ConstVectorView parameters, const String &model, ConstVectorView f_grid, ConstVectorView abs_p, ConstVectorView abs_t, ConstVectorView abs_n2, ConstVectorView abs_h2o, ConstVectorView abs_o2, ConstVectorView vmr, const Verbosity &verbosity)
Calculates model absorption for one continuum or full model tag.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
This is the main function of ARTS.
void abs_xsec_per_speciesAddConts(ArrayOfMatrix &abs_xsec_per_species, ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix &dabs_xsec_per_species_dx, const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &tgs, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, const ArrayOfIndex &abs_species_active, const Vector &f_grid, const Vector &abs_p, const Vector &abs_t, const Matrix &abs_vmrs, const ArrayOfString &abs_cont_names, const ArrayOfVector &abs_cont_parameters, const ArrayOfString &abs_cont_models, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: abs_xsec_per_speciesAddConts.
Implementation of Matrix, Vector, and such stuff.
bool do_temperature_jacobian(const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &js) noexcept
Returns if the array wants the temperature derivative.
void abs_xsec_per_speciesInit(ArrayOfMatrix &abs_xsec_per_species, ArrayOfMatrix &src_xsec_per_species, ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix &dabs_xsec_per_species_dx, ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix &dsrc_xsec_per_species_dx, const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &tgs, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, const ArrayOfIndex &abs_species_active, const Vector &f_grid, const Vector &abs_p, const Index &abs_xsec_agenda_checked, const Index &nlte_do, const Verbosity &verbosity)
WORKSPACE METHOD: abs_xsec_per_speciesInit.
bool species_match(const RetrievalQuantity &rq, const ArrayOfSpeciesTag &ast)
Returns if the Retrieval quantity is VMR derivative for all the species in the species tags...
basic_ostringstream< char, string_char_traits< char >, alloc > ostringstream
Definition: sstream.h:204
Index npages() const
Returns the number of pages.
Definition: matpackIII.h:144
This can be used to make arrays out of anything.
Definition: array.h:40
void chk_size(const String &x_name, ConstVectorView x, const Index &c)
Runtime check for size of Vector.
VectorView Kjj(const Index iz=0, const Index ia=0)
Vector view to diagonal elements.
void nlte_sourceFromTemperatureAndSrcCoefPerSpecies(ArrayOfStokesVector &nlte_source, ArrayOfStokesVector &dnlte_dx_source, ArrayOfStokesVector &nlte_dsource_dx, const ArrayOfMatrix &src_coef_per_species, const ArrayOfMatrix &dsrc_coef_dx, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, const Vector &f_grid, const Numeric &rtp_temperature, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: nlte_sourceFromTemperatureAndSrcCoefPerSpecies.
void resize(Index n)
Resize function.
bool empty() const
Check if variable is empty.
#define max(a, b)
void abs_cont_descriptionAppend(ArrayOfString &abs_cont_names, ArrayOfString &abs_cont_models, ArrayOfVector &abs_cont_parameters, const String &tagname, const String &model, const Vector &userparameters, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: abs_cont_descriptionAppend.
void abs_xsec_agendaExecute(Workspace &ws, ArrayOfMatrix &abs_xsec_per_species, ArrayOfMatrix &src_xsec_per_species, ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix &dabs_xsec_per_species_dx, ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix &dsrc_xsec_per_species_dx, const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_species, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, const ArrayOfIndex &abs_species_active, const Vector &f_grid, const Vector &abs_p, const Vector &abs_t, const EnergyLevelMap &abs_nlte, const Matrix &abs_vmrs, const Agenda &input_agenda)
Index nelem(const Lines &l)
Number of lines.
Workspace methods and template functions for supergeneric XML IO.
Lines createEmptyCopy(const Lines &al) noexcept
Creates a copy of the input lines structure.
bool supports_faraday(const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &js)
Returns if the array supports Faraday derivatives.
Numeric planck(const Numeric &f, const Numeric &t)
Workspace class.
Definition: workspace_ng.h:40
#define _U_
Definition: config.h:183
const Numeric ELECTRON_MASS
void opt_prop_NScatElems(ArrayOfArrayOfTensor5 &ext_mat, ArrayOfArrayOfTensor4 &abs_vec, ArrayOfArrayOfIndex &ptypes, Matrix &t_ok, const ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData &scat_data, const Index &stokes_dim, const Vector &T_array, const Matrix &dir_array, const Index &f_index, const Index &t_interp_order)
Extinction and absorption from all scattering elements.
void abs_lines_per_speciesCreateFromLines(ArrayOfArrayOfAbsorptionLines &abs_lines_per_species, const ArrayOfAbsorptionLines &abs_lines, const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &tgs, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: abs_lines_per_speciesCreateFromLines.
void fillSpeciesAuxDataWithIsotopologueRatiosFromSpeciesData(SpeciesAuxData &sad)
Fill SpeciesAuxData with default isotopologue ratios from species data.
bool species_iso_match(const RetrievalQuantity &rq, const Index species, const Index iso)
Returns if the Retrieval quantity is VMR derivative for all the species in the species tags...
#define CREATE_OUT3
Definition: messages.h:207
void mirror_los(Vector &los_mirrored, ConstVectorView los, const Index &atmosphere_dim)
Determines the backward direction for a given line-of-sight.
void propmat_clearskyZero(ArrayOfPropagationMatrix &propmat_clearsky, const Vector &f_grid, const Index &stokes_dim, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: propmat_clearskyZero.
Auxiliary data for isotopologues.
Definition: absorption.h:217
This file contains header information for the dealing with command line parameters.
bool supports_particles(const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &js)
Returns if the array supports particulate derivatives.
void propmat_clearskyInit(ArrayOfPropagationMatrix &propmat_clearsky, ArrayOfStokesVector &nlte_source, ArrayOfPropagationMatrix &dpropmat_clearsky_dx, ArrayOfStokesVector &dnlte_dx_source, ArrayOfStokesVector &nlte_dsource_dx, const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_species, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, const Vector &f_grid, const Index &stokes_dim, const Index &propmat_clearsky_agenda_checked, const Index &nlte_do, const Verbosity &)
WORKSPACE METHOD: propmat_clearskyInit.
#define CREATE_OUT2
Definition: messages.h:206
void set_vmr_from_first_species(Vector &vmr, const String &species_name, const ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &abs_species, const Matrix &abs_vmrs)
invlib::Matrix< ArtsMatrix > Matrix
invlib wrapper type for ARTS matrices.
Definition: oem.h:34
Scattering database structure and functions.
bool do_frequency_jacobian(const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &js) noexcept
Returns if the array wants a frequency derivative.
This file contains declerations of functions of physical character.
Index nrows() const
Returns the number of rows.
Index nbooks() const
Returns the number of books.
void check_continuum_model(const String &name)
An auxiliary functions that checks if a given continuum model is listed in
Declaration of functions in
void resize(Index r, Index c)
Resize function.
const Numeric * get_c_array() const
Conversion to plain C-array.