
typhon.geodesy.cartposlos2geocentric(x, y, z, dx, dy, dz, ppc=None, lat0=None, lon0=None, za0=None, aa0=None)[source]

Convert cartesian POS/LOS to spherical coordinates.

Position is given as (x,y,z), while line-of-sight is given as (dx,dy,dz). The corresponding quantities in polar coordinates are (r,lat,lon) and (za,aa), respectively.

See Contents for defintion of coordinate systems.

If the optional arguments are given, it is ensured that latitude and longitude are kept constant for zenith or nadir cases, and the longitude and azimuth angle for N-S cases. The optional input shall be interpreted as the [x,y,z] is obtained by moving from [r0,lat0,lon0] in the direction of [za0,aa0].

This version is different from the atmlab version by normalizing the los- vector and demanding all or nothing for the optional arguments to work.

  • x – Coordinate in x dimension.

  • y – Coordinate in y dimension.

  • z – Coordinate in z dimension.

  • dx – LOS component in x dimension.

  • dy – LOS component in y dimension.

  • dz – LOS component in z dimension.

  • ppc – Propagation path constant = r0*sin(za0).

  • lat0 – Original latitude.

  • lon0 – Original longitude.

  • za0 – Orignal zenith angle.

  • aa0 – Orignal azimuth angle.


Radius, Latitude, Longitude,

Zenith angle, Azimuth angle

Return type:
