
Various physics-related modules.


Calculates CIE color matching kernels for desired wavelengths between 380nm and 780nm.

column_relative_humidity(q, p, t[, axis])

Convert specific humidity, pressure and temperature into column relative humidity.

convert_xyz2rgb(xyz[, xyz2rgb])

Convert image in xyz color system to image in rgb color system.

density(p, T[, R])

Calculates gas density by ideal gas law.


Calculate the equilibrium vapor pressure of water over ice.


Calculate the equilibrium vapor pressure of water over liquid water.


Return equilibrium pressure of water with respect to the mixed-phase.


Convert frequency to wavelength.


Convert frequency to wavenumber.

fresnel(n1, n2, theta1)

Fresnel formulas for surface reflection.

integrate_water_vapor(vmr, p[, T, z, axis])

Calculate the integrated water vapor (IWV).

match_color(spc_image, f_grid[, ...])

Transforms spectral image to RGB image by integrating the spectrum of each pixel with the CIE color matching kernels.


Convert mass mixing ratio to specific humidity.


Convert mass mixing ratio to volume mixing ratio.

moist_lapse_rate(p, T[, e_eq])

Calculate the moist-adiabatic temperature lapse rate.

perfrequency2perwavelength(perhz, f_grid)

Conversion between Frequency- and Wavelength-related Spectral Quantities.

perfrequency2perwavenumber(perhz, f_grid)

Conversion between Frequency- and Wavenumber-related Spectral Quantities.

perwavelength2perfrequency(perm, lam_grid)

Conversion between Wavelength- and Frequency-related Spectral Quantities.

perwavenumber2perfrequency(perwn, wn_grid)

Conversion between Wavenumber- and Frequency-related Spectral Quantities.

planck(f, T)

Calculate black body radiation for given frequency and temperature.

planck_wavelength(l, T)

Calculate black body radiation for given wavelength and temperature.

planck_wavenumber(n, T)

Calculate black body radiation for given wavenumber and temperature.

pressure2height(p[, T])

Convert pressure to height based on the hydrostatic equilibrium.

radiance2planckTb(f, r)

Convert spectral radiance to Planck brightness temperture.

radiance2rayleighjeansTb(f, r)

Convert spectral radiance to Rayleight-Jeans brightness temperture.

rayleighjeans(f, T)

Calculates the Rayleigh-Jeans approximation of the Planck function.

rayleighjeans_wavelength(l, T)

Calculates the Rayleigh-Jeans approximation of the Planck function.

relative_humidity2vmr(RH, p, T[, e_eq])

Convert relative humidity into water vapor VMR.

snell(n1, n2, theta1)

Calculates the angle of the transmitted wave, according to Snell's law.


Convert specific humidity to mass mixing ratio.


Convert specific humidity to volume mixing ratio.

standard_atmosphere(z[, coordinates])

International Standard Atmosphere (ISA).


Compute Stefan Boltzmann law for given temperature


Convert volume mixing ratio to mass mixing ratio.

vmr2relative_humidity(vmr, p, T[, e_eq])

Convert water vapor VMR into relative humidity.


Convert volume mixing ratio to specific humidity.

water_vapor_pressure2specific_humidity(e, p)

Convert water vapor pressure into specific humidity.


Convert wavelength to frequency.


Convert wavelength to wavenumber.


Convert wavenumber to frequency.


Convert wavenumber to wavelength.


Create transformation matrix from xyz to RGB Values taken from reverse engineering open cv's cv2.cvtColor(I, cv2.COLOR_XYZ2RGB).


Create transformation matrix from xyz to HDTV RGB according to

zeeman_splitting(gu, gl, mu, ml[, H])

Zeeman splitting

zeeman_strength(ju, jl, mu, ml)

Zeeman line strength

zeeman_transitions(ju, jl, type)

Find possible mu and ml for valid ju and jl for a given transistion polarization


Functions related to metrology

All functions in this module need sympy.

express_uncertainty(expr[, aliases, ...])

For a sympy expression, calculate uncertainty.

recursive_args(expr[, stop_at, partial_at])

Get arguments for expr, stopping at certain types