Source code for

"""Miscellaneous unit-aware tools

# Any commits made to this module between 2015-05-01 and 2017-03-01
# by Gerrit Holl are developed for the EC project “Fidelity and
# Uncertainty in Climate Data Records from Earth Observations (FIDUCEO)”.
# Grant agreement: 638822
# All those contributions are dual-licensed under the MIT license for use
# in typhon, and the GNU General Public License version 3.

from .common import ureg

import operator
import numpy
import xarray
[docs] class UnitsAwareDataArray(xarray.DataArray): """Like xarray.DataArray, but transfers units """ # need to keep both __array_wrap__ and __array_ufunc__. Although the # former supersedes the latter, xarrays methods explicitly call the # former sometimes. def __array_wrap__(self, obj, context=None): new_var = super().__array_wrap__(obj, context) if self.attrs.get("units"): if context: # some ufuncs like exp return regular numpy floats rather # than (dimensionless) quantities, see # q = context[0](ureg.Quantity(1, self.attrs.get("units"))) try: u = q.u except AttributeError: if (ureg(self.attrs["units"]).dimensionless or new_var.dtype.kind == "b"): # expected, see # u = ureg.dimensionless else: raise # for exp and log, values are not set correctly. I'm # not sure why. Perhaps related to # new_var.values = context[0](ureg.Quantity(self.values, self.units)) new_var.attrs["units"] = str(u) else: # unary operators always retain units? new_var.attrs["units"] = str(self.attrs.get("units")) return new_var def _apply_binary_op_to_units(self, func, other, x): if self.attrs.get("units"): x.attrs["units"] = str(func(ureg.Quantity(1, self.attrs["units"]), ureg.Quantity(1, getattr(other, "units", "1"))).u) return x def _apply_rbinary_op_to_units(self, func, other, x): if self.attrs.get("units"): x.attrs["units"] = str(func(ureg.Quantity(1, getattr(other, "units", "1")), ureg.Quantity(1, self.attrs["units"]),).u) return x def __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *args, **kwargs): new_var = super().__array_ufunc__(ufunc, method, *args, **kwargs) # make sure we're still UADA new_var = self.__class__(new_var) if self.attrs.get("units"): if method == "__call__": q = ufunc(ureg.Quantity(1, self.attrs.get("units"))) try: u = q.u except AttributeError: if (ureg(self.attrs["units"]).dimensionless or new_var.dtype.kind == "b"): # expected, see u = ureg.dimensionless else: raise # for exp and log, values are not set correctly. I'm # not sure why. Perhaps related to # new_var.values = ufunc(ureg.Quantity(self.values, self.units)) new_var.attrs["units"] = str(u) else: # unary operators? always retain units? raise NotImplementedError("Not implented") new_var.attrs["units"] = str(self.attrs.get("units")) return new_var # pow is different because resulting unit depends on argument, not on # unit of argument def __pow__(self, other): x = super().__pow__(other) if self.attrs.get("units"): x.attrs["units"] = str(pow(ureg.Quantity(1, self.attrs["units"]), ureg.Quantity(other, getattr(other, "units", "1"))).u) return x def __rpow__(self, other): x = super().__rpow__(other) if self.attrs.get("units"): # NB: this should fail if we're not dimensionless x.attrs["units"] = str(pow( ureg.Quantity(other, getattr(other, "units", "1")), ureg.Quantity(1, self.attrs["units"])).u) return x def _reduce(self, attr, *args, **kwargs): # unit on diff, sum etc. is a bit involved as it should depend on the # coordinates of the dimension along which the reduction is taken, but # as it is all discrete I consider the unit to stay the same u = self.attrs.get("units") d = getattr(super(), attr)(*args, **kwargs) if u is not None: d.attrs["units"] = u return d # not sure if/how I can/should define those in a loop. Should also have # std, min, max, mean, probably others.
[docs] def diff(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._reduce("diff", *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def sum(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._reduce("sum", *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def mean(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._reduce("mean", *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def median(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._reduce("median", *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def to(self, new_unit, *contexts, **kwargs): """Convert to other unit. See corresponding method in pint. """ x = self.copy() x.values = ureg.Quantity(self.values, self.attrs["units"]).to( new_unit, *contexts, **kwargs).m x.attrs["units"] = str(new_unit) return x
[docs] def to_root_units(self): """Equivalent of pint's Quantity.to_root_units """ x = self.copy() q = ureg.Quantity(self.values, self.attrs["units"]).to_root_units() x.values = q.m x.attrs["units"] = str(q.u) return x
tp_all = ["add", "sub", "mul", "matmul", "truediv", "floordiv", "mod", "divmod"] for tp in tp_all + ["r"+x for x in tp_all]: meth = "__{:s}__".format(tp) def func(self, other, meth=meth, tp=tp): rat = (ureg.Quantity(1, getattr(self, "units", "1")) / ureg.Quantity(1, getattr(other, "units", "1"))) if (rat.u.dimensionless and rat.m != 1 # if (ureg.Quantity(1, getattr(self, "units", "1")) / # ureg.Quantity(1, getattr(other, "units", "1"))) # if (ureg.Quantity(1, getattr(self, "units", "1")).to_root_units() # == ureg.Quantity(1, getattr(other, "units", "1")).to_root_units() # and ureg.Quantity(1, self.units).m != ureg.Quantity(1, self.units).to("1").m # and ureg.Quantity(1, self.units).m != ureg.Quantity(1, self.units).to("1").m # and getattr(self, "units", "1") != getattr(other, "units", "1") and meth[2:-2] not in ("mul", "rmul", "floordiv", "truediv")): raise NotImplementedError("Do not add arrays with same units " "but different prefixes, currently buggy, see #150.") x = getattr(super(UnitsAwareDataArray, self), meth)(other) if tp.startswith("r"): return self._apply_rbinary_op_to_units(getattr(operator, tp[1:]), other, x) else: return self._apply_binary_op_to_units(getattr(operator, tp), other, x) func.__name__ = meth setattr(UnitsAwareDataArray, meth, func) del func, tp_all