Source code for typhon.physics.atmosphere

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Functions directly related to atmospheric sciences.
from numbers import Number
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from typhon import constants
from typhon import math

__all__ = [

[docs] def relative_humidity2vmr(RH, p, T, e_eq=None): r"""Convert relative humidity into water vapor VMR. .. math:: x = \frac{\mathrm{RH} \cdot e_s(T)}{p} Note: By default, the relative humidity is calculated with respect to saturation over liquid water in accordance to the WMO standard for radiosonde observations. You can use :func:`~typhon.physics.e_eq_mixed_mk` to calculate relative humidity with respect to saturation over the mixed-phase following the IFS model documentation. Parameters: RH (float or ndarray): Relative humidity. p (float or ndarray): Pressue [Pa]. T (float or ndarray): Temperature [K]. e_eq (callable): Function to calculate the equilibrium vapor pressure of water in Pa. The function must implement the signature ``e_eq = f(T)`` where ``T`` is temperature in Kelvin. If ``None`` the function :func:`~typhon.physics.e_eq_water_mk` is used. Returns: float or ndarray: Volume mixing ratio [unitless]. See also: :func:`~typhon.physics.vmr2relative_humidity` Complement function (returns RH for given VMR). :func:`~typhon.physics.e_eq_water_mk` Used to calculate the equilibrium water vapor pressure. Examples: >>> relative_humidity2vmr(0.75, 101300, 300) 0.026185323887350429 """ if e_eq is None: e_eq = e_eq_water_mk return RH * e_eq(T) / p
[docs] def vmr2relative_humidity(vmr, p, T, e_eq=None): r"""Convert water vapor VMR into relative humidity. .. math:: \mathrm{RH} = \frac{x \cdot p}{e_s(T)} Note: By default, the relative humidity is calculated with respect to saturation over liquid water in accordance to the WMO standard for radiosonde observations. You can use :func:`~typhon.physics.e_eq_mixed_mk` to calculate relative humidity with respect to saturation over the mixed-phase following the IFS model documentation. Parameters: vmr (float or ndarray): Volume mixing ratio, p (float or ndarray): Pressure [Pa]. T (float or ndarray): Temperature [K]. e_eq (callable): Function to calculate the equilibrium vapor pressure of water in Pa. The function must implement the signature ``e_eq = f(T)`` where ``T`` is temperature in Kelvin. If ``None`` the function :func:`~typhon.physics.e_eq_water_mk` is used. Returns: float or ndarray: Relative humidity [unitless]. See also: :func:`~typhon.physics.relative_humidity2vmr` Complement function (returns VMR for given RH). :func:`~typhon.physics.e_eq_water_mk` Used to calculate the equilibrium water vapor pressure. Examples: >>> vmr2relative_humidity(0.025, 1013e2, 300) 0.71604995533615401 """ if e_eq is None: e_eq = e_eq_water_mk return vmr * p / e_eq(T)
[docs] def column_relative_humidity(q, p, t, axis=0): r"""Convert specific humidity, pressure and temperature into column relative humidity. .. math:: \mathrm{CRH} = \frac{IVW}{IVW_{saturated}} The integrated water vapour (IVW) is caluculated using ty.physics.integrate_water_vapor(vmr, p). vmr is calulated via ty.physics.specific_humidity2vmr(q). To calculate the saturated intergrated water vapour (IVWS) the saturated mixing (qs) ratio is needed which is calculated using ty.physics.specific_humidity(es,p). Doing that the saturated water vapour pressure (es) needs to be determined via ty.physics.e_eq_mixed_mk(t). Parameters: q (float or ndarray): Specific humidity, p (float or ndarray): Pressure [Pa], t (float or ndarray): Temperature [K]. Returns: float or ndarray: Column relative humidity. """ # ivw dim = list(q.shape) # q to vmr vmr = specific_humidity2vmr(q) # vmr to integrated water vapour content ivw = integrate_water_vapor(vmr, p, axis=axis) # ivws # t to es es = e_eq_mixed_mk(t) es.shape = (dim) # es to qs if len(dim) == 1: l = len(es) else: l = len(es[axis]) # qs = specific_humidity(es, ps) qs = np.zeros(dim) es = es.swapaxes(0,axis) qs = qs.swapaxes(0,axis) for i in range(0,l): qs[i] = water_vapor_pressure2specific_humidity(es[i], p[i]) es = es.swapaxes(axis,0) qs = qs.swapaxes(axis,0) # qs to vmrs vmrs = specific_humidity2vmr(qs) # vmrs to integrated saturated water vapour content ivws = integrate_water_vapor(vmrs, p, axis=axis) crh = ivw/ivws return crh
[docs] def integrate_water_vapor(vmr, p, T=None, z=None, axis=0): r"""Calculate the integrated water vapor (IWV). The basic implementation of the function assumes the atmosphere to be in hydrostatic equilibrium. The IWV is calculated as follows: .. math:: \mathrm{IWV} = -\frac{1}{g} \int q(p)\,\mathrm{d}p For non-hydrostatic atmospheres, additional information on temperature and height are needed: .. math:: \mathrm{IWV} = \int \rho_v(z)\,\mathrm{d}z Parameters: vmr (float or ndarray): Volume mixing ratio, p (float or ndarray): Pressue [Pa]. T (float or ndarray): Temperature [K] (see ``z``). z (float or ndarray): Height [m]. For non-hydrostatic calculation both ``T`` and ``z`` have to be passed. axis (int): Axis to integrate along. Returns: float: Integrated water vapor [kg/m**2]. """ if T is None and z is None: # Calculate IWV assuming hydrostatic equilibrium. q = vmr2specific_humidity(vmr) g = constants.earth_standard_gravity return -math.integrate_column(q, p, axis=axis) / g elif T is None or z is None: raise ValueError( 'Pass both `T` and `z` for non-hydrostatic calculation of the IWV.' ) else: # Integrate the water vapor mass density for non-hydrostatic cases. R_v = constants.gas_constant_water_vapor rho = density(p, T, R=R_v) # Water vapor density. return math.integrate_column(vmr * rho, z, axis=axis)
[docs] def moist_lapse_rate(p, T, e_eq=None): r"""Calculate the moist-adiabatic temperature lapse rate. Bohren and Albrecht (Equation 6.111, note the **sign change**): .. math:: \frac{dT}{dz} = \frac{g}{c_p} \frac{1 + l_v w_s / RT}{1 + l_v^2 w_s/c_p R_v T^2} Parameters: p (float or ndarray): Pressure [Pa]. T (float or ndarray): Temperature [K]. e_eq (callable): Function to calculate the equilibrium vapor pressure of water in Pa. The function must implement the signature ``e_eq = f(T)`` where ``T`` is temperature in Kelvin. If ``None`` the function :func:`~typhon.physics.e_eq_water_mk` is used. Returns: float or ndarray: Moist-adiabatic lapse rate [K/m]. Examples: >>> moist_lapse_rate(1013.25e2, 288.15) 0.004728194612232855 References: Bohren C. and Albrecht B., Atmospheric Thermodynamics, p. 287-92 """ if e_eq is None: e_eq = e_eq_water_mk # Use short formula symbols for physical constants. g = constants.earth_standard_gravity Lv = constants.heat_of_vaporization Rd = constants.gas_constant_dry_air Rv = constants.gas_constant_water_vapor Cp = constants.isobaric_mass_heat_capacity gamma_d = g / Cp # dry lapse rate w_saturated = vmr2mixing_ratio(e_eq(T) / p) lapse = ( gamma_d * ( (1 + (Lv * w_saturated) / (Rd * T)) / (1 + (Lv**2 * w_saturated) / (Cp * Rv * T**2)) ) ) return lapse
[docs] def standard_atmosphere(z, coordinates='height'): """International Standard Atmosphere (ISA). The temperature profile is defined between 0-85 km (1089 h-0.004 hPa). Values exceeding this range are linearly interpolated. Parameters: z (float or ndarray): Geopotential height above MSL [m] or pressure [Pa] (see ``coordinates``). coordinates (str): Either 'height' or 'pressure'. Returns: ndarray: Atmospheric temperature [K]. Examples: .. plot:: :include-source: import numpy as np from typhon.plots import (profile_p_log, profile_z) from typhon.physics import standard_atmosphere from typhon.math import nlogspace z = np.linspace(0, 84e3, 100) fig, ax = plt.subplots() profile_z(z, standard_atmosphere(z), ax=ax) p = nlogspace(1000e2, 0.4, 100) fig, ax = plt.subplots() profile_p_log(p, standard_atmosphere(p, coordinates='pressure')) """ h = np.array([-610, 11000, 20000, 32000, 47000, 51000, 71000, 84852]) p = np.array( [108_900, 22_632, 5474.9, 868.02, 110.91, 66.939, 3.9564, 0.3734] ) temp = np.array([+19.0, -56.5, -56.5, -44.5, -2.5, -2.5, -58.5, -86.28]) if coordinates == 'height': z_ref = h elif coordinates == 'pressure': z_ref = np.log(p) z = np.log(z) else: raise ValueError( f'"{coordinates}" coordinate is unsupported. ' 'Use "height" or "pressure".') return interp1d(z_ref, temp + constants.K, fill_value='extrapolate')(z)
[docs] def pressure2height(p, T=None): r"""Convert pressure to height based on the hydrostatic equilibrium. .. math:: z = \int -\frac{\mathrm{d}p}{\rho g} Parameters: p (ndarray): Pressure [Pa]. T (ndarray): Temperature [K]. If ``None`` the standard atmosphere is assumed. See also: .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: standard_atmosphere Returns: ndarray: Relative height above lowest pressure level [m]. """ if T is None: T = standard_atmosphere(p, coordinates='pressure') layer_depth = np.diff(p) rho = density(p, T) rho_layer = 0.5 * (rho[:-1] + rho[1:]) z = np.cumsum(-layer_depth / (rho_layer * constants.g)) return np.hstack([0, z])
[docs] def e_eq_ice_mk(T): r"""Calculate the equilibrium vapor pressure of water over ice. .. math:: \ln(e_\mathrm{ice}) = 9.550426 - \frac{5723.265}{T} + 3.53068 \cdot \ln(T) - 0.00728332 \cdot T Parameters: T (float or ndarray): Temperature [K]. Returns: float or ndarray: Equilibrium vapor pressure [Pa]. See also: :func:`~typhon.physics.e_eq_water_mk` Calculate the equilibrium vapor pressure over liquid water. :func:`~typhon.physics.e_eq_mixed_mk` Calculate the vapor pressure of water over the mixed phase. References: Murphy, D. M. and Koop, T. (2005): Review of the vapour pressures of ice and supercooled water for atmospheric applications, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 131(608): 1539–1565. doi:10.1256/qj.04.94 """ if np.any(T <= 0): raise ValueError('Temperatures must be larger than 0 Kelvin.') # Give the natural log of saturation vapor pressure over ice in Pa e = 9.550426 - 5723.265 / T + 3.53068 * np.log(T) - 0.00728332 * T return np.exp(e)
[docs] def e_eq_water_mk(T): r"""Calculate the equilibrium vapor pressure of water over liquid water. .. math:: \ln(e_\mathrm{liq}) &= 54.842763 - \frac{6763.22}{T} - 4.21 \cdot \ln(T) \\ &+ 0.000367 \cdot T + \tanh \left(0.0415 \cdot (T - 218.8)\right) \\ &\cdot \left(53.878 - \frac{1331.22}{T} - 9.44523 \cdot \ln(T) + 0.014025 \cdot T \right) Parameters: T (float or ndarray): Temperature [K]. Returns: float or ndarray: Equilibrium vapor pressure [Pa]. See also: :func:`~typhon.physics.e_eq_ice_mk` Calculate the equilibrium vapor pressure of water over ice. :func:`~typhon.physics.e_eq_mixed_mk` Calculate the vapor pressure of water over the mixed phase. References: Murphy, D. M. and Koop, T. (2005): Review of the vapour pressures of ice and supercooled water for atmospheric applications, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 131(608): 1539–1565. doi:10.1256/qj.04.94 """ if np.any(T <= 0): raise ValueError('Temperatures must be larger than 0 Kelvin.') # Give the natural log of saturation vapor pressure over water in Pa e = (54.842763 - 6763.22 / T - 4.21 * np.log(T) + 0.000367 * T + np.tanh(0.0415 * (T - 218.8)) * (53.878 - 1331.22 / T - 9.44523 * np.log(T) + 0.014025 * T)) return np.exp(e)
[docs] def e_eq_mixed_mk(T): r"""Return equilibrium pressure of water with respect to the mixed-phase. The equilibrium pressure over water is taken for temperatures above the triple point :math:`T_t` the value over ice is taken for temperatures below :math:`T_t–23\,\mathrm{K}`. For intermediate temperatures the equilibrium pressure is computed as a combination of the values over water and ice according to the IFS documentation: .. math:: e_\mathrm{s} = \begin{cases} T > T_t, & e_\mathrm{liq} \\ T < T_t - 23\,\mathrm{K}, & e_\mathrm{ice} \\ else, & e_\mathrm{ice} + (e_\mathrm{liq} - e_\mathrm{ice}) \cdot \left(\frac{T - T_t - 23}{23}\right)^2 \end{cases} References: IFS Documentation – Cy45r1, Operational implementation 5 June 2018, Part IV: Physical Processes, Chapter 12, Eq. 12.13, .. plot:: :include-source: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from typhon import physics T = np.linspace(245, 285) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.semilogy(T, physics.e_eq_mixed_mk(T), lw=3, c='k', label='Mixed') ax.semilogy(T, physics.e_eq_ice_mk(T), ls='dashed', label='Ice') ax.semilogy(T, physics.e_eq_water_mk(T), ls='dashed', label='Water') ax.set_ylabel('Vapor pressure [Pa]') ax.set_xlabel('Temperature [K]') ax.legend() Parameters: T (float or ndarray): Temperature [K]. See also: :func:`~typhon.physics.e_eq_ice_mk` Equilibrium pressure of water over ice. :func:`~typhon.physics.e_eq_water_mk` Equilibrium pressure of water over liquid water. Returns: float or ndarray: Equilibrium pressure [Pa]. """ # Keep track of input type to match the return type. is_float_input = isinstance(T, Number) if is_float_input: # Convert float input to ndarray to allow indexing. T = np.asarray([T]) e_eq_water = e_eq_water_mk(T) e_eq_ice = e_eq_ice_mk(T) is_water = T > constants.triple_point_water is_ice = T < (constants.triple_point_water - 23.) e_eq = (e_eq_ice + (e_eq_water - e_eq_ice) * ((T - constants.triple_point_water + 23) / 23)**2 ) e_eq[is_ice] = e_eq_ice[is_ice] e_eq[is_water] = e_eq_water[is_water] return e_eq[0] if is_float_input else e_eq
[docs] def density(p, T, R=constants.gas_constant_dry_air): r"""Calculates gas density by ideal gas law. .. math:: \rho = \frac{p}{R \cdot T} Parameters: p (float or ndarray): Pressure [Pa.] T (float or ndarray): Temperature [K]. If type of T and p is ndarray, size must match p. R (float): Gas constant [J K^-1 kg^-1]. Default is gas constant for dry air. Returns: float or ndarray: Density [kg/m**3]. See also: :mod:`typhon.constants` Module containing universal gas constant as well as gas constants for dry air and water vapor. Examples: >>> density(1013e2, 300) 1.1763056653021122 """ return p / (R * T)
[docs] def mixing_ratio2specific_humidity(w): r"""Convert mass mixing ratio to specific humidity. .. math:: q = \frac{w}{1 + w} Parameters: w (float or ndarray): Mass mixing ratio. Returns: float or ndarray: Specific humidity. Examples: >>> mixing_ratio2specific_humidity(0.02) 0.0196078431372549 """ return w / (1 + w)
[docs] def mixing_ratio2vmr(w): r"""Convert mass mixing ratio to volume mixing ratio. .. math:: x = \frac{w}{w + \frac{M_w}{M_d}} Parameters: w (float or ndarray): Mass mixing ratio. Returns: float or ndarray: Volume mixing ratio. Examples: >>> mixing_ratio2vmr(0.02) 0.03115371853180794 """ Md = constants.molar_mass_dry_air Mw = constants.molar_mass_water return w / (w + Mw / Md)
[docs] def specific_humidity2mixing_ratio(q): r"""Convert specific humidity to mass mixing ratio. .. math:: w = \frac{q}{1 - q} Parameters: q (float or ndarray): Specific humidity. Returns: float or ndarray: Mass mixing ratio. Examples: >>> specific_humidity2mixing_ratio(0.02) 0.020408163265306124 """ return q / (1 - q)
[docs] def specific_humidity2vmr(q): r"""Convert specific humidity to volume mixing ratio. .. math:: x = \frac{q}{(1 - q) \frac{M_w}{M_d} + q} Parameters: q (float or ndarray): Specific humidity. Returns: float or ndarray: Volume mixing ratio. Examples: >>> specific_humidity2vmr(0.02) 0.03176931009073226 """ Md = constants.molar_mass_dry_air Mw = constants.molar_mass_water return q / ((1 - q) * Mw / Md + q)
[docs] def vmr2mixing_ratio(x): r"""Convert volume mixing ratio to mass mixing ratio. .. math:: w = \frac{x}{1 - x} \frac{M_w}{M_d} Parameters: x (float or ndarray): Volume mixing ratio. Returns: float or ndarray: Mass mixing ratio. Examples: >>> vmr2mixing_ratio(0.04) 0.025915747437955664 """ Md = constants.molar_mass_dry_air Mw = constants.molar_mass_water return x / (1 - x) * Mw / Md
[docs] def vmr2specific_humidity(x): r"""Convert volume mixing ratio to specific humidity. .. math:: q = \frac{x}{(1 - x) \frac{M_d}{M_w} + x} Parameters: x (float or ndarray): Volume mixing ratio. Returns: float or ndarray: Specific humidity. Examples: >>> vmr2specific_humidity(0.04) 0.025261087474946833 """ Md = constants.molar_mass_dry_air Mw = constants.molar_mass_water return x / ((1 - x) * Md / Mw + x)
[docs] def water_vapor_pressure2specific_humidity(e, p): r"""Convert water vapor pressure into specific humidity. .. math:: \mathrm{q} = \frac{0.622 \cdot e}{p - 0.378 \cdot e} Parameters: e (float or ndarray): Water vapour pressure [Pa], p (float or ndarray): Pressure [Pa]. Returns: float or ndarray: specific humidity. Examples: >>> water_vapor_pressure2specific_humidity(2338, 101300) 0.01448208036795962 """ return 0.622*e/(p-0.378*e)