Source code for typhon.datasets.tovs

"""Datasets for TOVS/ATOVS

This module imports typhon.physics.units and therefore has a soft
dependency on the pint units library.  Import this module only if you can
accept such a dependency.

# Any commits made to this module between 2015-05-01 and 2017-03-01
# by Gerrit Holl are developed for the EC project “Fidelity and
# Uncertainty in Climate Data Records from Earth Observations (FIDUCEO)”.
# Grant agreement: 638822
# All those contributions are dual-licensed under the MIT license for use
# in typhon, and the GNU General Public License version 3.

import sys
import io
import tempfile
import subprocess
import datetime
import logging
import gzip
import shutil
import abc
import pathlib
import warnings
import xarray
import numpy
    import progressbar
except ImportError:
    progressbar = None

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    import coda
except ImportError:
        "Unable to import coda, won't read IASI EPS L1C. "
        "If you need to read IASI EPS L1C, please obtain CODA from "
        " and install.  Good luck.",
from . import dataset
from ..utils import safe_eval
from .. import utils
# from .. import physics
from .. import math as tpmath
from ..physics.units import ureg
from ..physics.units import radiance_units as rad_u
from ..physics.units import em
from .. import config

from . import filters

from . import _tovs_defs

def _noaa_names(i):
    """Return set of possible NOAA names for sat number

    - lower or UPPER case
    - zero-padded number or not (noaa7, noaa07)
    - with or without dash (noaa-14, noaa14)
    - long (noaa) or short (n)

    Does not include pre-launch names.


        i [int]: Number of NOAA satellite


        Set of possible spellings for this satellite.
    S = {f"{nm:s}{dash:s}{i:>{w:>02d}}"
        for nm in {"noaa", "n"}
        for dash in {"", "-", "_"}
        for w in {1, 2}}
    return S|{nm.upper() for nm in S}
[docs] class Radiometer(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): srf_dir = "" srf_backend_response = "" srf_backend_f = "" srf_rttov = ""
[docs] class ATOVS: """Functionality in common with all ATOVS. Designed as mixin. """ @staticmethod def _get_time(scanlines, prefix): return (scanlines[prefix + "scnlinyr"].astype("M8[Y]") - 1970 + (scanlines[prefix + "scnlindy"]-1).astype("m8[D]") + scanlines[prefix + "scnlintime"].astype("m8[ms]"))
[docs] class HIRS(dataset.MultiSatelliteDataset, Radiometer, dataset.MultiFileDataset): """High-resolution Infra-Red Sounder. This class can read HIRS l1b as published in the NOAA CLASS archive. Reading routines as for any datasets (see documentation for Dataset, MultiFileDataset, and others). Specifically for HIRS: when reading a single file (i.e., takes keyword arguments: radiance_units. Defaults to "si", by which I annoyingly mean W/(m²·sr·Hz). Set to "classic" if you want mW/(m²·sr·cm^{-1}), which is the unit more commonly used for HIRS and which it is calibrated against. apply_scale_factors. If true (defaults true), apply scale factors as documented in KLM / POD guides. This is required when calibrate is True. calibrate. If true (defaults true), apply calibration. When false, will not return any brightness temperatures or radiances, just counts. Note that this relates to the native NOAA calibration, not to any new calibration such as developed for FIDUCEO. max_flagged. Float between 0 and 1. If a larger proportion than this number is flagged, raise an exception (FIXME DOC) and throw away the entire granule. Note that this class only reads in the standard HIRS data with its standard calibration. Innovative calibrations including uncertainties are implemented in HIRSFCDR. To use this class, you need to define in your typhonrc the following settings in the section 'hirs': basedir subdir re (TODO: migrate to definition?) format_definition_file only for FIXME Work in progress. TODO/FIXME: - What is the correct way to use the odd bit parity? Information in NOAA KLM User's Guide pages 3-31 and 8-154, but I'm not sure how to apply it. - If datasets like MHS or AVHRR are added some common code could probably move to a class between HIRS and MultiFileDataset, or to a mixin such as ATOVS. - Better handling of duplicates between subsequent granules. Currently it takes all lines from the older granule and none from the newer, but this should be decided on a case-by-case basis (Jon Mittaz, personal communication). """ name = section = "hirs" format_definition_file = "" n_channels = 20 n_calibchannels = 19 n_minorframes = 64 n_perline = 56 count_start = 2 count_end = 22 granules_firstline_file = pathlib.Path("") re = r"(L?\d*\.)?NSS.HIR[XS].(?P<satcode>.{2})\.D(?P<year>\d{2})(?P<doy>\d{3})\.S(?P<hour>\d{2})(?P<minute>\d{2})\.E(?P<hour_end>\d{2})(?P<minute_end>\d{2})\.B(?P<B>\d{7})\.(?P<station>.{2})\.gz" satname = None temperature_fields = None # For convenience, define scan type codes. Stores in hrs_scntyp. typ_Earth = 0 typ_space = 1 #typ_ict = 2 # internal cold calibration target; only used on HIRS/2 typ_iwt = 3 # internal warm calibration target _fact_shapes = {"hrs_h_fwcnttmp": (4, 5)} _data_vars_props = None max_valid_time_ptp = numpy.timedelta64(3, 'h') filter_calibcounts = filter_prttemps = filters.MEDMAD(10) flag_fields = set()
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.mandatory_fields |= {"hrs_scnlin", "calcof_sorted"} self.mandatory_fields |= self.flag_fields self.granules_firstline_file = pathlib.Path(self.granules_firstline_file) if not self.granules_firstline_file.is_absolute(): self.granules_firstline_file = self.basedir.joinpath( self.granules_firstline_file) self.default_orbit_filters = ( filters.FirstlineDBFilter(self, self.granules_firstline_file), filters.TimeMaskFilter(self), filters.HIRSTimeSequenceDuplicateFilter(), filters.HIRSFlagger(self, max_flagged=0.5), filters.HIRSCalibCountFilter(self, self.filter_calibcounts), filters.HIRSPRTTempFilter(self, self.filter_prttemps), ) if self.satname is not None: (self.start_date, self.end_date) = _tovs_defs.HIRS_periods[self.satname] # set here so inheriting classes can extend self.temperature_fields = {"iwt", "ict", "fwh", "scanmirror", "primtlscp", "sectlscp", "baseplate", "elec", "patch_full", "scanmotor", "fwm", "ch"} self._data_vars_props = _tovs_defs.HIRS_data_vars_props[self.version].copy()
# docstring in class and parent def _read(self, path, fields="all", apply_scale_factors=True, apply_calibration=True, radiance_units="si"): if path.endswith(".gz"): opener = else: opener = open with opener(str(path), 'rb') as f: self.seekhead(f) (header_dtype, line_dtype) = self.get_dtypes(f) header_bytes = header = numpy.frombuffer(header_bytes, header_dtype) n_lines = header["hrs_h_scnlin"][0] scanlines_bytes = try: scanlines = numpy.frombuffer(scanlines_bytes, line_dtype) except ValueError as v: raise dataset.InvalidFileError("Can not read " "whole number of records. Expected {:d} scanlines, " "but found {:d} lines with a remainder of {:d} " "bytes. File appears truncated.".format( n_lines, *divmod(len(scanlines_bytes), line_dtype.itemsize))) from v if scanlines.shape[0] != n_lines: raise dataset.InvalidFileError( "Problem reading {!s}. Header promises {:d} scanlines, but I found only {:d} — " "corrupted file? ".format(path, n_lines, scanlines.shape[0])) if n_lines < 2: raise dataset.InvalidFileError( "Problem reading {!s}. File contains only {:d} scanlines. " "My reading routine cannot currently handle that.".format( path, n_lines)) n_lines = scanlines.shape[0] if apply_scale_factors: (header, scanlines) = self._apply_scale_factors(header, scanlines) if apply_calibration: if not apply_scale_factors: raise ValueError("Can't calibrate if not also applying" " scale factors!") (lat, lon) = self.get_pos(scanlines) if not (1 < lat.ptp() <= 180) or not (1 < lon.ptp() <= 360): raise dataset.InvalidDataError( "Range of latitude {:.1f}°, longitude {:.1f}, suspect!".format( lat.ptp(), lon.ptp())) other = self.get_other(scanlines) cc = self.get_cc(scanlines) cc = cc[:, numpy.argsort(self.channel_order), ...] elem = scanlines["hrs_elem"].reshape(n_lines, self.n_minorframes, self.n_wordperframe) # x & ~(1<<12) == x - 1<<12 == x - 4096 if this # bit is set counts = elem[:, :self.n_perline, self.count_start:self.count_end] counts = counts - self.counts_offset counts = counts[:, :, numpy.argsort(self.channel_order)] rad_wn = self.calibrate(cc, counts) # Convert radiance to BT (wn, c1, c2) = self.get_wn_c1_c2(header) # convert wn to SI units wn = wn * (1 / wn = / ureg.m) bt = self.rad2bt(rad_wn[:, :, :self.n_calibchannels], wn, c1, c2) # extract more info from TIP temp = self.get_temp(header, elem, scanlines["hrs_anwrd"] if "hrs_anwrd" in scanlines.dtype.names else None) # Copy over all fields... should be able to use # numpy.lib.recfunctions.append_fields but incredibly slow! scanlines_new =, dtype=(scanlines.dtype.descr + [("radiance", "f4", (self.n_perline, self.n_channels,)), ("counts", "i2", (self.n_perline, self.n_channels,)), ("bt", "f4", (self.n_perline, self.n_calibchannels,)), ("time", "M8[ms]"), ("lat", "f8", (self.n_perline,)), ("lon", "f8", (self.n_perline,)), ("calcof_sorted", "f8", cc.shape[1:])] + [("temp_"+k, "f4", temp[k].squeeze().shape[1:]) for k in temp.keys()] + other.dtype.descr)) for f in scanlines.dtype.names: scanlines_new[f] = scanlines[f] for f in temp.keys(): scanlines_new["temp_" + f] = temp[f].squeeze() for f in other.dtype.names: scanlines_new[f] = other[f] if radiance_units == "si": scanlines_new["radiance"] =["si"], "radiance") elif radiance_units == "classic": scanlines_new["radiance"] =["ir"], "radiance") else: raise ValueError("Invalid value for radiance_units. " "Expected 'si' or 'classic'. Got " "{:s}".format(radiance_units)) scanlines_new["counts"] = counts scanlines_new["bt"] = bt scanlines_new["lat"] = lat scanlines_new["lon"] = lon time = self._get_time(scanlines) if time.ptp() > self.max_valid_time_ptp: raise dataset.InvalidDataError("Time span appears to be " "{!s}. That can't be right!".format( time.ptp().astype(datetime.timedelta))) scanlines_new["time"] = self._get_time(scanlines) scanlines_new["calcof_sorted"] = cc scanlines = scanlines_new header_new = numpy.empty(shape=header.shape, dtype=(header.dtype.descr + [("dataname", "<U42")])) for f in header.dtype.names: header_new[f] = header[f] try: header_new["dataname"] = self.get_dataname(header) except ValueError as exc: warnings.warn("Could not read dataname from header: " + exc.args[0]) header_new["dataname"] = pathlib.Path(path).stem header = header_new else: # i.e. not calibrating # FIXME: this violates DRY a bit, as those lines also occur # in the If:-block, but hard to do incrementally. However, I # just rely on times being available too much. scanlines_new = numpy.empty(shape=scanlines.shape, dtype=(scanlines.dtype.descr + [("time", "M8[ms]")])) scanlines_new["time"] = self._get_time(scanlines) for f in scanlines.dtype.names: scanlines_new[f] = scanlines[f] scanlines = scanlines_new if fields != "all": # I'd like to use catch_warnings, but this triggers # thus flooding my screen # for any *other* warning wherever this is called in a loop, # which it is. Commenting out again :( # with warnings.catch_warnings(): # selecting multiple fields from a structured masked array # leads to a FutureWarning, see # . # I believe this is a false alert. # warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=FutureWarning) scanlines = scanlines[fields] # TODO: # - Add other meta-information from TIP extra = {"header": header} return (scanlines, extra) def _add_pseudo_fields(self, M, pseudo_fields, extra, f): if isinstance(M, tuple): return (M[0], super()._add_pseudo_fields(M[1], pseudo_fields, extra, f)) else: return super()._add_pseudo_fields(M, pseudo_fields, extra, f)
[docs] def check_parity(self, counts): """Verify parity for counts NOAA KLM Users Guide – April 2014 Revision, Section, Page 3-31, Table > Minor Word Parity Check is the last bit of each minor Frame > or data element and is inserted to make the total number of > “ones” in that data element odd. This permits checking for > loss of data integrity between transmission from the instrument > and reconstruction on the ground. """ raise NotImplementedError("Parity checking not implemented yet.")
[docs] def rad2bt(self, rad_wn, wn, c1, c2): """Apply the standard radiance-to-BT conversion from NOAA KLM User's Guide. Applies the standard radiance-to-BT conversion as documented by the NOAA KLM User's Guide. This is based on a linearisation of a radiance-to-BT mapping for the entire channel. A more accurate method is available in typhon.physics.em.SRF.channel_radiance2bt, which requires explicit consideration of the SRF. Such consideration is implicit here. That means that this method is only valid assuming the nominal SRF! This method relies on values reported in the header of each granule. See NOAA KLM User's Guide, Table, page 8-108. Please convert to SI units first. NOAA KLM User's Guide, Section 7.2. :param rad_wn: Spectral radiance per wanenumber [W·sr^{-1}·m^{-2}·{m^{-1}}^{-1}] :param wn: Central wavenumber [m^{-1}]. Note that unprefixed SI units are used. :param c1: c1 as contained in hrs_h_tempradcnv :param c2: c2 as contained in hrs_h_tempradcnv """ # if possible, ensure it's in base — not needed if I already rely # on pint beyond # try: # rad_wn = W / (ureg.m**2 * * (1/ureg.m))) # except AttributeError: # pass #rad_f = em.specrad_wavenumber2frequency(rad_wn) rad_f =["si"], "radiance") # standard inverse Planck function T_uncorr = em.specrad_frequency_to_planck_bt(rad_f,, "sp"))#em.wavenumber2frequency(wn)) # fails with FloatingPointError… # see #T_corr = (T_uncorr - ureg.Quantity(c1, ureg.K))/c2 T_corr = ureg.Quantity( ( - c1)/c2, mask=T_uncorr.mask), ureg.K) return T_corr
[docs] def id2no(self, satid): """Translate satellite id to satellite number. Sources: - POD guide, Table 2.0.4-3. - KLM User's Guide, Table - KLM User's Guide, Table WARNING: Does not support NOAA-13 or TIROS-N! """ return _tovs_defs.HIRS_ids[self.version][satid]
[docs] def id2name(self, satid): """Translate satellite id to satellite name. See also id2no. WARNING: Does not support NOAA-13 or TIROS-N! """ return _tovs_defs.HIRS_names[self.version][satid]
# translation from HIRS.l1b format documentation to dtypes _trans_tovs2dtype = {"C": "|S", "I1": ">i1", "I2": ">i2", "I4": ">i4"} _cmd = ("pdftotext", "-f", "{first}", "-l", "{last}", "-layout", "{pdf}", "{txt}")
[docs] @classmethod def get_definition_from_PDF(cls, path_to_pdf): """Get HIRS definition from NWPSAF PDF. This method needs the external program pdftotext. Put the result in header_dtype manually, but there are some corrections (see comments in source code in _tovs_defs). :param str path_to_pdf: Path to document NWPSAF-MF-UD-003_Formats.pdf :returns: (head_dtype, head_format, line_dtype, line_format) """ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: tmpfile = tmpdir + "/def" subprocess.check_call([a.format( first=cls.pdf_definition_pages[0], last=cls.pdf_definition_pages[1], pdf=path_to_pdf, txt=tmpfile) for a in cls._cmd]) #, io.SEEK_END) #, io.SEEK_END) head_dtype = [] line_dtype = [] with open(tmpfile, encoding="utf-8") as tf: for line in tf: if not line.strip().startswith("hrs"): continue (name, type, ws, nw, *descr) = line.strip().split() dtp = head_dtype if name.startswith("hrs_h") else line_dtype dtp.append( (name, cls._trans_tovs2dtype[type] + (ws if type=="C" else ""), tools.safe_eval(nw))) return (head_dtype, line_dtype)
def _apply_scale_factors(self, header, scanlines): #new_head_dtype = self.header_dtype.descr.copy() new_head_dtype = header.dtype.descr.copy() new_line_dtype = scanlines.dtype.descr.copy() for (i, dt) in enumerate(header.dtype.descr): if dt[0] in _tovs_defs.HIRS_scale_factors[self.version]: new_head_dtype[i] = (dt[0], ">f8") + dt[2:] for (i, dt) in enumerate(scanlines.dtype.descr): if dt[0] in _tovs_defs.HIRS_scale_factors[self.version]: new_line_dtype[i] = (dt[0], ">f8") + dt[2:] new_head = numpy.empty(shape=header.shape, dtype=new_head_dtype) new_line = numpy.empty(shape=scanlines.shape, dtype=new_line_dtype) for (targ, src) in [(new_head, header), (new_line, scanlines)]: for f in targ.dtype.names: # NB: I can't simply say targ[f] = src[f] / 10**0, because # this will turn it into a float and refuse to cast it # into an int dtype if f in _tovs_defs.HIRS_scale_factors[self.version]: # FIXME: does this work for many scanlines? targ[f] = src[f] / numpy.power( _tovs_defs.HIRS_scale_bases[self.version], _tovs_defs.HIRS_scale_factors[self.version][f]) else: targ[f] = src[f] return (new_head, new_line)
[docs] def get_iwt(self, header, elem): """Get temperature of internal warm target """ (iwt_fact, iwt_counts) = self._get_iwt_info(header, elem) return self._convert_temp(iwt_fact, iwt_counts)
#@staticmethod def _convert_temp(self, fact, counts): """Convert counts to temperatures based on factors. Relevant to IWT, ICT, filter wheel, telescope, etc. Conversion is based on polynomial expression a_0 + a_1 * c_0 + a_2 * c_1^2 + ... Source related to HIRS/2 and HIRS/2I, but should be the same for HIRS/3 and HIRS/4. Would be good to confirm this. Also flag outliers. Source: NOAA Polar Satellite Calibration: A System Description. NOAA Technical Report, NESDIS 77 TODO: Verify outcome according to Sensor Temperature Ranges HIRS/3: KLM, Table HIRS/4: KLM, Table """ # FIXME: Should be able to merge those conditions into a single # expression with some clever use of Ellipsis N = fact.shape[-1] if counts.ndim == 3: tmp = (counts[:, :, :, numpy.newaxis].astype("double") ** numpy.arange(1, N)[numpy.newaxis, numpy.newaxis, numpy.newaxis, :]) M = (fact[:, 0:1] + (fact[:, numpy.newaxis, 1:] * tmp).sum(3)) elif counts.ndim == 2: tmp = (counts[..., numpy.newaxis].astype("double") ** numpy.arange(1, N).reshape((1,)*counts.ndim + (N-1,))) M = fact[0:1] + (fact[numpy.newaxis, numpy.newaxis, 1:] * tmp).sum(-1) elif counts.ndim == 1: fact = fact.squeeze() M = (fact[0] + (fact[numpy.newaxis, 1:] * (counts[:, numpy.newaxis].astype("double") ** numpy.arange(1, N)[numpy.newaxis, :])).sum(1)) else: raise NotImplementedError("ndim = {:d}".format(counts.ndim)) M = return M
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_wn_c1_c2(self, header): """Read central wavenumber, c1, and c2 from header Given a header such as returned by, return central wavenumber and the coefficients c1 and c2. """ ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def seekhead(self, f): """Seek open file to header position. For some files, CLASS prepends 512 bytes to the file. This method shall make sure the file pointer is in the correct position to start reading. """ ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def calibrate(self, cc, counts): ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_mask_from_flags(self, header, lines, max_flagged=0.5): """Set mask in lines, based on header and lines info Given header and lines such as returned by, determine flags and set them on lines as appropriate. Returns lines as a masked array. """ ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_cc(self, scanlines): """Extract calibration coefficients from scanlines. """ ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_dtypes(self, fp): """Get dtypes for file. Needs an open file object. Used internally by reading routine. """ ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_pos(scanlines): """Get lat-lon from scanlines. """ ...
@abc.abstractmethod def _get_time(scanlines): """Read time from scanlines. Shall return an ndarray with M8[s] dtype. """ ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_other(scanlines): """Get other information from scanlines. Exact content depends on implementation. Can be things like scantype, solar zenith angles, etc. """ ...
[docs] def get_temp(self, header, elem, anwrd): """Get temperatures from header, element, anwrd Used internally. FIXME DOC. """ # note: subclasses should still expand this N = elem.shape[0] return dict( iwt = self._convert_temp(*self._get_iwt_info(header, elem)), ict = self._convert_temp(*self._get_ict_info(header, elem)), fwh = self._convert_temp( self._get_temp_factor(header, "hrs_h_fwcnttmp"), elem[:, 60, 2:22].reshape(N, 4, 5)), scanmirror = self._convert_temp( self._get_temp_factor(header, "hrs_h_scmircnttmp"), elem[:, 62, 2]), primtlscp = self._convert_temp( self._get_temp_factor(header, "hrs_h_pttcnttmp"), elem[:, 62, 3]), sectlscp = self._convert_temp( self._get_temp_factor(header, "hrs_h_sttcnttmp"), elem[:, 62, 4]), baseplate = self._convert_temp( self._get_temp_factor(header, "hrs_h_bpcnttmp"), elem[:, 62, 5]), elec = self._convert_temp( self._get_temp_factor(header, "hrs_h_electcnttmp"), elem[:, 62, 6]), patch_full = self._convert_temp( self._get_temp_factor(header, "hrs_h_patchfcnttmp"), elem[:, 62, 7]), scanmotor = self._convert_temp( self._get_temp_factor(header, "hrs_h_scmotcnttmp"), elem[:, 62, 8]), fwm = self._convert_temp( self._get_temp_factor(header, "hrs_h_fwmcnttmp"), elem[:, 62, 9]), ch = self._convert_temp( self._get_temp_factor(header, "hrs_h_chsgcnttmp"), elem[:, 62, 10]), )
def _reshape_fact(self, name, fact, robust=False): if name in self._fact_shapes: try: return fact.reshape(self._fact_shapes[name]) except ValueError: if robust: return fact else: raise else: return fact def _get_temp_factor(self, head, name): satname = self.id2name(head["hrs_h_satid"][0]) # TIROS-N and NOAA-11 have same code... if satname == "NOAA11" and ((numpy.ascontiguousarray( head["hrs_h_startdatadatetime"]).view(">u2")[0] & 0xfe00) >> 9) < 1985: satname = "TIROSN" fact = _tovs_defs.HIRS_count_to_temp[satname][name[6:]] return self._reshape_fact(name, fact, robust=True) def _get_iwt_info(self, head, elem): iwt_counts = elem[:, 58, self.count_start:self.count_end].reshape( (elem.shape[0], 4, 5)) iwt_fact = self._get_temp_factor(head, "hrs_h_iwtcnttmp") return (iwt_fact, iwt_counts) def _get_ict_info(self, head, elem): ict_counts = elem[:, 59, self.count_start:self.count_end] ict_counts = ict_counts.reshape(elem.shape[0], 4, 5) ict_fact = self._get_temp_factor(head, "hrs_h_ictcnttmp") return (ict_fact, ict_counts)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_dataname(self, header, robust=False): """Extract dataname from header. """
[docs] def calc_time_since_last_calib(self, M, D=None, H=None, fn=None): """Calculate time since last calibration. Calculate time (in seconds) since the last calibration cycle. Arguments: M [ndarray] ndarray of the same type as returned by Must be contiguous or results will be wrong. Returns: ndarray, seconds since last calibration cycle """ # undocumented arguments are so that it can be used as a # pseudo_field after 2018-07-30 # explicit loop may be somewhat slower than broadcasting, but # broadcasting is O(N²) in memory — not acceptable! ix_iwt = (M[self.scantype_fieldname]==self.typ_iwt).nonzero()[0] time_iwt = M["time"][M[self.scantype_fieldname]==self.typ_iwt] tsc =, dtype="m8[ms]") for i in range(ix_iwt.shape[0]): lst = ix_iwt[i] try: nxt = ix_iwt[i+1] except IndexError: nxt = time_iwt.shape[0] tsc[lst:nxt] = M["time"][lst:nxt] - M["time"][lst] return tsc.astype("m8[ms]").astype("f4")/1000
[docs] def count_lines_since_last_calib(self, M, D=None, H=None, fn=None): """Count scanlines since last calibration. Count scanlines since the last calibration cycle. Arguments: M [ndarray] ndarray of the same type as returned by Must be contiguous or results will be wrong. Returns: ndarray (uint16), scanlines since last calibration cycle """ # undocumented arguments are so that it can be used as a # pseudo_field after 2018-07-30 # explicit loop may be somewhat slower than broadcasting, but # broadcasting is O(N²) in memory — not acceptable! ix_iwt = (M[self.scantype_fieldname]==self.typ_iwt).nonzero()[0] time_iwt = M["time"][M[self.scantype_fieldname]==self.typ_iwt] lsc =, dtype="u2") for i in range(ix_iwt.shape[0]): lst = ix_iwt[i] try: nxt = ix_iwt[i+1] except IndexError: nxt = time_iwt.shape[0] lsc[lst:nxt] = numpy.arange(0, nxt-lst) return lsc
[docs] def as_xarray_dataset(self, M, skip_dimensions=(), rename_dimensions={}): """Convert structured ndarray to xarray dataset From an object with a dtype such as may be returned by, return an xarray dataset. This method is in flux and its API is currently not stable. There needs to be a proper system of defining the variable names etc. See tickets 145, 148, 149. NB: xarray does not support masked arrays (see Therefore, I convert each integer type to float/double. To prevent a loss of precision, I double the memory allocation for each, as int8 always fits in float16, int16 always fits in float32, and int32 always fits in float64. Note that assuming the encoding is set correctly in data_vars_props (such as in _tovs_defs) it will still be stored as the appropriate integer type. Arguments: M [ndarray] ndarray of same type as returned by skip_dimensions [Container[str]] dimensions that shall not be included. For example, normal HIRS data has a scanpos dimension, HIRS-HIRS collocations do not; to convert collocaitons, pass skip_dimensions=["scanpos"]. rename_dimensions [Mapping[str,str]] dimensions that shall be renamed. For example, for collocations you may want to rename "time" to "scanline" or to "collocation". """ p = self._data_vars_props add_to_all = {"source": "copied from NOAA native L1B format"} origvar = "original_name_l1b" data_vars = { p[v][0]: ([rename_dimensions.get(d,d) for d in p[v][1] if d not in skip_dimensions], (M[v].data if isinstance(M, else M[v]).astype( M[v].dtype if M[v].dtype.kind[0] in "MOSUVmcfb" or "bit" in p[v][0] else "f{:d}".format(M[v].dtype.itemsize*2)), {**p[v][2], **add_to_all, **{origvar: v}}) for v in p.keys() & set(M.dtype.names)} coords = dict( time = (("time",), M["time"]), scanline = (("time",), numpy.arange(M.shape[0])), scanpos = (("scanpos",), numpy.arange(1, self.n_perline+1)), channel = (("channel",), numpy.arange(1, self.n_channels+1)), calibrated_channel = (("calibrated_channel",), numpy.arange(1, self.n_calibchannels+1)), ) if "lon" in M.dtype.names: coords["lon"] = (("time", "scanpos"), M["lon"]) if "lat" in M.dtype.names: coords["lat"] = (("time", "scanpos"), M["lat"]) coords = {rename_dimensions.get(k, k): ([rename_dimensions.get(d, d) for d in v[0] if d not in skip_dimensions], v[1], {**(p[k][2] if k in p else {}), **(add_to_all if k in M.dtype.names else {}), **({origvar: k} if k in M.dtype.names else {})}) for (k, v) in coords.items() if k not in skip_dimensions} ds = xarray.Dataset( {k:v for (k,v) in data_vars.items() if not k in coords.keys()}, coords, {"title": "HIRS L1C"}) for v in p.keys() & set(M.dtype.names): ds[p[v][0]].encoding = p[v][3] if ("bit" not in p[v][0] and ds[p[v][0]].dtype.kind not in "Mm" and hasattr(M[v], "mask")): ds[p[v][0]].values[M[v].mask] = numpy.nan #( # numpy.nan if M[v].dtype.kind.startswith('f') # else p[v][3]["_FillValue"]) return ds
[docs] def flagscore(self, M): """Calculate "flag score"; higher is worse. To aid the selection of the "best" scanline between subsequenc scanlines, calculate a "flag score". """ score = numpy.zeros(shape=M.shape, dtype="f4") qif = _tovs_defs.QualIndFlagsHIRS[self.version] mff = _tovs_defs.MinorFrameFlagsHIRS[self.version] qi = M["hrs_qualind"] mf = M["hrs_mnfrqual"] for flag in qif: score += ((qi & flag)!=0) # add extra penalty for donotuse score += 10 * ((qi & qif.qidonotuse)!=0) for flag in mff: score += ((mf & flag)!=0).mean(1) return score
[docs] class HIRSPOD(HIRS): """Read early HIRS such as documented in POD guide. Methods are mostly as for HIRS class. """ n_wordperframe = 22 counts_offset = 0 typ_ict = 2 # internal cold calibration target; only used on HIRS/2 views = ("ict", "iwt", "space", "Earth") scantype_fieldname = "scantype" # “distance” between space and IWCT views dist_space_iwct = 2 # HIRS/2 has LZA only for the edge of the scan. Linear interpolation # is not good enough; scale with a single reference array for other # positions. Reference array taken from # NSS.HIRX.M2.D06325.S1200.E1340.B0046667.SV ref_lza = ( numpy.array([ 59.19, 56.66, 54.21, 51.82, 49.48, 47.19, 44.93, 42.7 , 40.5 , 38.33, 36.17, 34.03, 31.91, 29.8 , 27.7 , 25.61, 23.53, 21.46, 19.4 , 17.34, 15.29, 13.24, 11.2 , 9.16, 7.12, 5.09, 3.05, 1.02, 1.01, 3.05, 5.08, 7.12, 9.15, 11.19, 13.24, 15.28, 17.34, 19.39, 21.46, 23.53, 25.6 , 27.69, 29.79, 31.9 , 34.02, 36.16, 38.32, 40.49, 42.69, 44.92, 47.18, 49.47, 51.81, 54.2 , 56.65, 59.18])) flag_fields = {"hrs_qualind", "hrs_mnfrqual"} # docstring in parent
[docs] def seekhead(self, f):, io.SEEK_SET)
[docs] def calibrate(self, cc, counts): """Apply the standard calibration from NOAA POD Guide Returns radiance in SI units (W m^-2 sr^-1 Hz^-1). POD Guide, section 4.5 """ # Equation 4.5-1 # should normally have no effect as channels should be linear, # according to POD Guide, page 4-26 # order is 0th, 1st, 2nd order term nc = cc[:, numpy.newaxis, :, 2, :] counts = nc[..., 0] + nc[..., 1] * counts + nc[..., 2] * counts**2 # Equation 4.5.1-1 # Use auto-coefficient. There's also manual coefficient. # order is 2nd, 1st, 0th order term ac = cc[:, numpy.newaxis, :, 1, :] rad = ac[..., 2] + ac[..., 1] * counts + ac[..., 0] * counts**2 if not (cc[:, :, 0, :]==0).all(): logger.warning("Found non-zero values for manual coefficient! " "Usually those are zero but when they aren't, I don't know " "which ones to use. Use with care. ") # This is apparently calibrated in units of mW/m2-sr-cm-1. rad = ureg.Quantity(rad, rad_u["ir"]) return rad
# docstring in parent class
[docs] def get_wn_c1_c2(self, header): h = _tovs_defs.HIRS_coeffs[self.version][self.id2no(header["hrs_h_satid"][0])] return numpy.vstack([h[i] for i in range(1, 20)]).T
# docstring in parent class
[docs] def get_mask_from_flags(self, header, lines, max_flagged=0.5): # for flag bits, see POD User's Guide, page 4-4 and 4-5. # quality indicators qi = lines["hrs_qualind"] qidict = dict( qifatal = qi & (1<<31), qitimeseqerr = qi & (1<<30), qidatagap = qi & (1<<29), qidwell = qi & (1<<28), qidatafill = qi & (1<<27), qidacs = qi & (1<<26), # 25-24: scan type qimirrorlocked =qi & (1<<23), qimirrorpos = qi & (1<<22), qimirrorrepos = qi & (1<<21), qifiltersync = qi & (1<<20), qiscanpattern = qi & (1<<19), qicalibration = qi & (1<<18), qinoearth = qi & (1<<17), qiearthloc_delta = qi & (1<<16), qibitsync = qi & (1<<15), qisyncerror = qi & (1<<14), qiframesync = qi & (1<<13), qiflywheel = qi & (1<<12), qibitslip = qi & (1<<11), qitipparity = qi & (1<<10), qiauxbiterror = qi & (1<<9), # 8: spare # 0-7: counters ) # FIXME: minor frame quality, POD User's Guide, page 4-10 bad_bt = (lines["hrs_qualind"] & 0xcffffe00) != 0 earthcounts = lines["hrs_qualind"] & 0x03000000 == 0 calibcounts = ~earthcounts # treat earth and calib counts separately; a stuck mirror is not a # problem in calibration mode, and some mirror repositioning etc. # may even be on purpose bad_earthcounts = earthcounts & ((lines["hrs_qualind"] & 0xccfbfe00) != 0) bad_calibcounts = calibcounts & ((lines["hrs_qualind"] & 0xccdbfe00) != 0) # different for non-earth-views if "bt" in lines.dtype.names: lines["bt"].mask[bad_bt, :, :] = True if "radiance" in lines.dtype.names: lines["radiance"].mask[bad_bt, :, :] = True if "counts" in lines.dtype.names: lines["counts"].mask[bad_earthcounts|bad_calibcounts, :, :] = True if lines["counts"].mask.sum() > lines["counts"].size*max_flagged: raise dataset.InvalidDataError( "Excessive amount of flagged data ({:.2%}). ".format( lines["counts"].mask.sum()/lines["counts"].size) + ', '.join("{:s} ({:.2%})".format(k[2:], (v!=0).sum()/v.size) for (k, v) in qidict.items() if (v!=0).sum()/v.size > 0.01)) return lines
# unfinished # def process_elem(self): # out_of_sync = (tiptop & (1<< 6)) >> 6 == 0 # element_number = (tiptop & ((1<<13) - (1<<7))) >> 7 # ch1_period_monitor = (tiptop & ((1<<19) - (1<<13))) >> 13 # el_cal_level = (tiptop & ((1<<24) - (1<<19))) >> 19 # encoder_position = (tiptop & ((1<<32) - (1<<24))) >> 24 # # docstring in parent
[docs] def get_cc(self, scanlines): cc = scanlines["hrs_calcof"].reshape(scanlines.shape[0], 3, self.n_channels, 3) cc = numpy.swapaxes(cc, 2, 1) return cc
# docstring in parent
[docs] def get_temp(self, header, elem, anwrd): N = elem.shape[0] D = super().get_temp(header, elem, anwrd) # FIXME: need to add temperatures from minor frame 62 here. See # NOAA POD GUIDE, chapter 4, page 4-8 (PDF page 8) # # FIXME: Also minor frame 61: patch_exp, fsr, ... # patch_exp = self._convert_temp( # self._get_temp_factor(header, "hrs_h_patchexpcnttmp").reshape(1, 6), # elem[:, 61, 2:7].reshape(N, 1, 5)), # fsr = self._convert_temp( # self._get_temp_factor(header, "hrs_h_fsradcnttmp").reshape(1, 6), # elem[:, 61, 7:12].reshape(N, 1, 5))) D.update(dict( patch_exp = self._convert_temp( self._get_temp_factor(header, "hrs_h_patchexpcnttmp").reshape(1, 5), elem[:, 61, 2:7].reshape(N, 1, 5)), fsr = self._convert_temp( self._get_temp_factor(header, "hrs_h_fsradcnttmp").reshape(1, 5), elem[:, 61, 7:12].reshape(N, 1, 5)))) return D
# docstring in parent @staticmethod def _get_time(scanlines): # NOAA POD User's Guide, page 4-4 # year is "contained in first 7 bits of first 2 bytes" # But despite having 7 bits it only uses 2 digits and resets from # 99 to 0 after 2000 year02 = ((numpy.ascontiguousarray( scanlines["hrs_scnlintime"]).view(">u2").reshape( -1, 3)[:, 0] & 0xfe00) >> 9) year = numpy.where(year02<70, year02+2000, year02+1900) # doy is "right-justified in first two bytes" doy = (numpy.ascontiguousarray( scanlines["hrs_scnlintime"]).view(">u2").reshape( -1, 3)[:, 0] & 0x01ff) # "27-bit millisecond UTC time of day is right-justified in last # four bytes" # Make sure we interpret those four bytes as big-endian! time_ms = (( numpy.ascontiguousarray( numpy.ascontiguousarray( scanlines["hrs_scnlintime"] ).view("uint16").reshape(-1, 3)[:, 1:] ).view(">u4")) & 0xffffffe0) return (year.astype("M8[Y]") - 1970 + (doy-1).astype("m8[D]") + time_ms.astype("m8[ms]").squeeze()) # docstring in parent
[docs] @staticmethod def get_pos(scanlines): # See POD User's Guide, page 4-7 lat = scanlines["hrs_pos"][:, ::2] / 128 lon = scanlines["hrs_pos"][:, 1::2] / 128 return (lat, lon)
# docstring in parent
[docs] def get_other(self, scanlines): # See POD User's Guide, page 4-7 # not actually available for HIRS/2 # Use reference from HIRS/4 (MetOp-A) along with single lza value # given for HIRS/2 to “scale up” full array M = numpy.empty(shape=scanlines.shape, dtype=[ ("scantype", "i1"), ("lza_approx", "f4", self.n_perline), ]) M["scantype"] = (scanlines["hrs_qualind"] & 0x03000000)>>24 #M["lza_approx"] = ((scanlines["hrs_satloc"][:, 1]/128) M["lza_approx"] = ((scanlines["hrs_lza"][:]/128) / self.ref_lza[0])[:, numpy.newaxis] * self.ref_lza[numpy.newaxis, :] return M
[docs] def get_dtypes(self, f): """Get dtypes for header and lines Takes as argument fp to open granule file. Before 1995, a record was 4256 bytes. After 1995, it became 4253 bytes. This change appears undocumented but can be find in the AAPP source code at AAPP/src/tools/bin/hirs2_class_to_aapp.F """ pos = f.tell() # check starting year self.seekhead(f), io.SEEK_SET) year = ((numpy.frombuffer(f.peek(2), "<u2", count=1)[0] & 0xfe) >> 1) year += (2000 if year < 70 else 1900) if year < 1995: hd = _tovs_defs.HIRS_header_dtypes[2][4256] ln = _tovs_defs.HIRS_line_dtypes[2][4256] else: hd = _tovs_defs.HIRS_header_dtypes[2][4253] ln = _tovs_defs.HIRS_line_dtypes[2][4253], io.SEEK_SET) return (hd, ln)
# docstring in parent
[docs] def get_dataname(self, header, robust=False): # See POD User's Guide, page 2-6; this is in EBCDIC dataname = header["hrs_h_dataname"][0].decode("EBCDIC-CP-BE") if len(dataname) == 0: msg = ("Dataname empty for {satname!s}. " "I have noticed this problem for: TIROS-N (all data), " "NOAA-6 (before 1985-10-31 08:27), NOAA-7 (all data), " "NOAA-8 (all data), NOAA-9 (before 1985-10-31 13:30). " "Those data appear to have a different header. If you " "happen to know documentation for ancient headers, please " "e-mail!".format(satname=self.satname)) if robust: dataname = ( str(header["hrs_h_startdatadatetime"][0]) + str(header["hrs_h_enddatadatetime"][0]) + str(header["hrs_h_satid"][0])).replace("\\", "").replace("'", "") warnings.warn(msg + " Trying ad-hoc dataname for now.") else: raise ValueError(msg) return dataname
# docstring in parent
[docs] class HIRS2(HIRSPOD): """Sole implementation of HIRSPOD """ satellites = {f"noaa{i:>02d}": _noaa_names(i) for i in range(6, 15)} satellites["tirosn"] = _noaa_names(5)|{"tn", "tirosn", "TN", "TIROSN"} version = 2 channel_order = numpy.asarray(_tovs_defs.HIRS_channel_order[2]) start_date = datetime.datetime(1978, 10, 29) end_date = datetime.datetime(2006, 10, 10)
# docstring in parent
[docs] class HIRS2I(HIRS2): # identical fileformat, as far as I can tell. # Differ only in channel positions. satellites = {"noaa11", "noaa14"}
# docstring in parent
[docs] class HIRSKLM(ATOVS, HIRS): counts_offset = 4096 n_wordperframe = 24 views = ("iwt", "space", "Earth") scantype_fieldname = "hrs_scntyp" # “distance” between space and IWCT views dist_space_iwct = 1 flag_fields = {"hrs_qualind", "hrs_linqualflgs", "hrs_mnfrqual", "hrs_elem", "hrs_chqualflg"}
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.temperature_fields |= {"an_rd", "an_baseplate", "an_el", "an_pch", "an_scnm", "an_fwm", "patch_exp", "fsr"}
# docstring in parent
[docs] def seekhead(self, f):, io.SEEK_SET) if f.peek(3)[:3] in {b"NSS", b"CMS", b"DSS", b"UKM"}:, io.SEEK_SET) else: # assuming additional header, io.SEEK_SET) if not f.peek(3)[:3] in {b"NSS", b"CMS", b"DSS", b"UKM"}: raise dataset.InvalidFileError( "Could not find header in {:s}".format(
[docs] def calibrate(self, cc, counts): """Apply the standard calibration from NOAA KLM User's Guide. NOAA KLM User's Guide, section 7.2, equation (7.2-3), page 7-12, PDF page 286: r = a₀ + a₁C + a₂²C where C are counts and a₀, a₁, a₂ contained in hrs_calcof as documented in the NOAA KLM User's Guide: - Section, Table and - Section, Table, """ rad = (cc[:, numpy.newaxis, :, 2] + cc[:, numpy.newaxis, :, 1] * counts + cc[:, numpy.newaxis, :, 0] * counts**2) # This is apparently calibrated in units of mW/m2-sr-cm-1. # Convert to SI units. rad = ureg.Quantity(rad, rad_u["ir"]) # ureg.mW / (ureg.m**2 * * (1/ # # Convert to SI base units (not needed anymore with pint) # rad = / (ureg.m**2 * * (1/ureg.m)), # "radiance") return rad
# docstring in parent
[docs] def get_wn_c1_c2(self, header): return header["hrs_h_tempradcnv"].reshape(self.n_calibchannels, 3).T
# docstring in parent
[docs] def get_mask_from_flags(self, header, lines, max_flagged=0.5): # These four entries are contained in each data frame and consider # the quality of the entire frame. See Table and # Table, # However, it is too drastic to reject everything, because some # flags mean "some channel uncalibrated", for example. This does # not affect counts. # # In practice, the usefulness of these indicators depends a lot on # the satellite. For example, for NOAA-15, a lot of useful data # is flagged and a lot of outliers are unflagged. # FIXME! Those have changed between HIRS/3 and HIRS/4 — FIXME! # FIXME! How are they in MetOp-A — FIXME! # # On second thought — these flags have so many false negatives and # false positives, that it is difficult to use them in practice. # FIXME: This should be rewritten to use # _tovs_defs.QualIndFlagsHIRSKLM and its children # quality indicators qi = lines["hrs_qualind"] qidonotuse = qi & (1<<31) qitimeseqerr = qi & (1<<30) qidatagap = qi & (1<<29) qinofullcalib = qi & (1<<28) qinoearthloc = qi & (1<<27) qifirstgood = qi & (1<<26) qistatchng = qi & (1<<25) lq = lines["hrs_linqualflgs"] # time problems tmbadcanfix = lq & (1<<23) tmbadnofix = lq & (1<<22) tmnotcnstnt = lq & (1<<21) tmrpt = lq & (1<<20) # calibration anomalies cabadtime = lq & (1<<15) cafewer = lq & (1<<14) cabadprt = lq & (1<<13) camargprt = lq & (1<<12) cachmiss = lq & (1<<11) cainstmode = lq & (1<<10) camoon = lq & (1<<9) # channel-specific in subclass # earth location problems elbadtime = lq & (1<<7) elquestime = lq & (1<<6) elmargreason = lq & (1<<5) elunreason = lq & (1<<4) # minor frame mf = lines["hrs_mnfrqual"] mfsusptime = mf & (1<<7) mfhasfill = mf & (1<<6) mfhastipdwell = mf & (1<<5) mfsusppacsqc = mf & (1<<4) mfmirlock = mf & (1<<3) mfmirposerr = mf & (1<<2) mfmirmoved = mf & (1<<1) # last bit is parity, but I can't seem to figure out how to use # it. It doesn't seem to work at all, so I'll ignore it. # which ones imply bad BT? # which ones imply bad counts? #badline = (lines["hrs_qualind"] | lines["hrs_linqualflgs"]) != 0 #badchan = lines["hrs_chqualflg"] != 0 # Does this sometimes mask too much? #badmnrframe = lines["hrs_mnfrqual"] != 0 # NOAA KLM User's Guide, page 8-154: Table # consider flag for “valid” elem = lines["hrs_elem"].reshape(lines.shape[0], 64, 24) cnt_flags = elem[:, :, 22] mfvalid = ((cnt_flags & 0x8000) >> 15) == 1 #badmnrframe |= (~valid) # When I assume that HIRS's "odd parity bit" is really an "even # parity bit", I get bad parity for ~0.2% of cases. If I assume # the documentation is correct, I get bad parity for 99.8% of # cases. The parity bit is the second bit (i.e. 0x4000). badparity = (((cnt_flags & 0x8000) >> 15) ^ ((cnt_flags & 0x4000) >> 14)) == 1 #return (badline, badchannel, badmnrframe) for fld in set(lines.dtype.names) - {"lat", "lon", "time"}: # only for the most serious offences # ...but normally still leave lat/lon/time intact... lines[fld].mask |= qidonotuse.reshape(([lines.shape[0]] + [1]*(lines[fld].ndim-1)))!=0 # If time is no longer sequential we still mask it. Caller might # want to get rid of the lines altogether. Remask # qidonotuse-marked times if they do not occur after previous and # before next. Note that this ONLY takes care of bad times # already marked as qidonotuse; other problematic times need to be # taken care of elsewhere and are out of the scope of this function delta_t = numpy.diff(lines["time"]) # take care of "too early": # we always accept the time for the very first measurement, so we # call .nonzero() on qidonotuse[1:] and compensate for the # off-by-one-error thus introduced. #lines["time"].mask[qidonotuse.nonzero()[0][ lines["time"].mask[(qidonotuse[1:].nonzero()[0]+1)[ (numpy.sign(delta_t[(qidonotuse!=0)[1:]].astype(numpy.int64)) != 1)]] = True # take care of "late outliers" (alway accept the very last # measurement) lines["time"].mask[(qidonotuse[:-1].nonzero()[0])[ (numpy.sign(delta_t[(qidonotuse!=0)[:-1]].astype(numpy.int64)) != 1)]] = True for fld in ("counts", "bt"): if fld not in lines.dtype.names: continue # Where a channel is bad, mask the entire scanline # NB: BT has only 19 channels #lines[fld].mask |= badchan[:, numpy.newaxis, :lines[fld].shape[2]] # Where a minor frame is bad or parity fails, mask all channels #lines[fld].mask |= badmnrframe[:, :56, numpy.newaxis] #lines[fld].mask |= badparity[:, :56, numpy.newaxis] # Where an entire line is bad, mask all channels at entire # scanline #lines[fld].mask |= badline[:, numpy.newaxis, numpy.newaxis] lines[fld].mask |= camoon[:, numpy.newaxis, numpy.newaxis]!=0 if header["hrs_h_instid"][0] in {306, 307}: # MetOp seems to always have "mirror position error"! I # can't afford to reject data. bm = 0xfa else: # mirror moved, position error, or locked bm = 0xfe lines[fld].mask |= (mf & bm)[:, :self.n_perline, numpy.newaxis]!=0 # Some lines are marked as space view or black body view for v in ("bt", "radiance"): if v not in lines.dtype.names: continue lines[v].mask |= (lines["hrs_scntyp"] != self.typ_Earth)[:, numpy.newaxis, numpy.newaxis] # Where radiances are negative, mask individual values as masked lines[v][:, :, :19].mask |= (lines["radiance"][:, :, :19] <= 0) # Where counts==0, mask individual values # WARNING: counts==0 is within the valid range for some channels! lines[v][:, :, :19].mask |= (elem[:, :self.n_perline, 2:21]==0) if lines["counts"].mask.sum() > lines["counts"].size*max_flagged: raise dataset.InvalidDataError( "Excessive amount of flagged data ({:.2%}). " "Moon ({:.2%}), mirror position error ({:.2%}), " "mirror moved ({:.2%}).".format( lines["counts"].mask.sum()/lines["counts"].size, (camoon!=0).sum()/camoon.size, (mfmirposerr[:, :self.n_perline]!=0).sum()/ mfmirposerr[:, :self.n_perline].size, (mfmirmoved[:, :self.n_perline]!=0).sum()/ mfmirmoved[:, :self.n_perline].size)) return lines
# docstring in parent
[docs] def get_cc(self, scanlines): cc = scanlines["hrs_calcof"].reshape(scanlines.shape[0], self.n_channels, scanlines.dtype["hrs_calcof"].shape[0]//self.n_channels) return cc
# docstring in parent
[docs] def get_temp(self, header, elem, anwrd): N = elem.shape[0] D = super().get_temp(header, elem, anwrd) D.update(dict( an_rd = self._convert_temp_analog( header[0]["hrs_h_rdtemp"], anwrd[:, 0]), # ok an_baseplate = self._convert_temp_analog( header[0]["hrs_h_bptemp"], anwrd[:, 1]), # bad an_el = self._convert_temp_analog( header[0]["hrs_h_eltemp"], anwrd[:, 2]), # OK an_pch = self._convert_temp_analog( header[0]["hrs_h_pchtemp"], anwrd[:, 3]), # OK an_scnm = self._convert_temp_analog( header[0]["hrs_h_scnmtemp"], anwrd[:, 5]), # bad an_fwm = self._convert_temp_analog( header[0]["hrs_h_fwmtemp"], anwrd[:, 6])), # bad patch_exp = self._convert_temp( self._get_temp_factor(header, "hrs_h_patchexpcnttmp").reshape(1, 6), elem[:, 61, 2:7].reshape(N, 1, 5)), fsr = self._convert_temp( self._get_temp_factor(header, "hrs_h_fsradcnttmp").reshape(1, 6), elem[:, 61, 7:12].reshape(N, 1, 5))) return D
def _convert_temp_analog(self, F, C): V = C.astype("float64")*0.02 return (F * V[:, numpy.newaxis]**numpy.arange(F.shape[0])[numpy.newaxis, :]).sum(1)
[docs] @staticmethod def read_cpids(path): """Read calibration parameters input data sets (CPIDS) Should contain a CPIDS file for HIRS, such as NK.cpids.HIRS. Read telemetry conversiot data from a Calibration Parameters Input Data Sets (CPIDS) source file, such as available at NOAA. Some were sent by Dejiang Han <> to Gerrit Holl <> on 2016-02-17. """ D = {} with"rb") as fp: fp.readline() analogcc = numpy.genfromtxt(fp, max_rows=16, dtype="f4") fp.readline() fp.readline() digatcc = numpy.genfromtxt(fp, max_rows=11, dtype="f4") fp.readline() fp.readline() digalc1 = numpy.genfromtxt(fp, max_rows=1, dtype="f4") digalc2 = numpy.genfromtxt(fp, max_rows=1, dtype="f4") fp.readline() fp.readline() # filter wheel housing D["fwcnttemp"] = numpy.genfromtxt(fp, max_rows=4, dtype="f4") fp.readline() fp.readline() D["ictcnttmp"] = numpy.genfromtxt(fp, max_rows=4, dtype="f4") fp.readline() fp.readline() D["iwtcnttmp"] = numpy.genfromtxt(fp, max_rows=5, dtype="f4") fp.readline() fp.readline() D["sttcnttmp"] = numpy.genfromtxt(fp, max_rows=1, dtype="f4") D.update(zip( "an_rdtemp an_bptemp an_eltemp an_pchtemp an_fhcc " "an_scnmtemp an_fwmtemp an_p5v an_p10v an_p75v an_m75v " "an_p15v an_m15v an_fwmcur an_scmcur " "an_pchcpow".split(), analogcc)) D.update(zip( "tttcnttmp patchexpcnttmp fsradcnttmp scmircnttmp " "pttcnttmp bpcnttmp electcnttmp patchfcnttmp scmotcnttmp " "fwmcnttmp".split(), digatcc)) D.update(zip( "fwthc ecdac pcp smccc fmccc p15vdccc m15vdccc p7.5vdccc " "m7.5vdccc p10vdccc".split(), digalc1)) D["p5vdccc"] = digalc2.squeeze() return D
# docstring in parent
[docs] @staticmethod def get_pos(scanlines): lat = scanlines["hrs_pos"][:, ::2] lon = scanlines["hrs_pos"][:, 1::2] return (lat, lon)
@staticmethod def _get_time(scanlines): # according to # I need to pass the class now? return super(HIRSKLM, HIRSKLM)._get_time(scanlines, prefix="hrs_") # docstring in parent
[docs] def get_other(self, scanlines): M = numpy.empty(shape=(scanlines.shape[0],), dtype=[ ("sol_za", "f4", self.n_perline), ("sat_za", "f4", self.n_perline), ("loc_aa", "f4", self.n_perline)]) M["sol_za"] = scanlines["hrs_ang"][:, ::3] M["sat_za"] = scanlines["hrs_ang"][:, 1::3] M["loc_aa"] = scanlines["hrs_ang"][:, 2::3] return M
# docstring in parent
[docs] def get_dtypes(self, f): return (self.header_dtype, self.line_dtype)
# docstring in parent
[docs] def get_dataname(self, header, robust=False): return header["hrs_h_dataname"][0].decode("US-ASCII")
[docs] def flagscore(self, M): score = super().flagscore(M) lqf = _tovs_defs.LinQualFlagsHIRS[self.version] chf = _tovs_defs.ChQualFlagsHIRS[self.version] lq = M["hrs_linqualflgs"] ch = M["hrs_chqualflg"] for flag in lqf: score += ((lq & flag)!=0) for flag in chf: score += ((ch & flag)!=0).mean(1) return score
# docstring in parent
[docs] class HIRS3(HIRSKLM): pdf_definition_pages = (26, 37) version = 3 satellites = {f"noaa{i:>02d}": _noaa_names(i) for i in {15, 16, 17}} header_dtype = _tovs_defs.HIRS_header_dtypes[3] line_dtype = _tovs_defs.HIRS_line_dtypes[3] channel_order = numpy.asarray(_tovs_defs.HIRS_channel_order[3]) start_date = datetime.datetime(1999, 1, 1) end_date = datetime.datetime(2016, 12, 31) # update as appropriate
[docs] def get_mask_from_flags(self, header, lines, max_flagged=0.5): lines = super().get_mask_from_flags(header, lines, max_flagged=max_flagged) # channel quality indicators cq = lines["hrs_chqualflg"][:, numpy.argsort(self.channel_order)] cqbadbb = cq & (1<<5) cqbadsv = cq & (1<<4) cqbadprt = cq & (1<<3) cqmargbb = cq & (1<<2) cqmargsv = cq & (1<<1) cqmargprt = cq & 1 return lines
# docstring in parent
[docs] class HIRS4(HIRSKLM): satellites = {"noaa18": _noaa_names(18), "noaa19": _noaa_names(19), "metopa": {"METOPA", "metopa", "MA", "ma", "metop_2"}, "metopb": {"METOPB", "metopb", "MB", "mb", "metop_1"}} pdf_definition_pages = (38, 54) version = 4 header_dtype = _tovs_defs.HIRS_header_dtypes[4] line_dtype = _tovs_defs.HIRS_line_dtypes[4] channel_order = numpy.asarray(_tovs_defs.HIRS_channel_order[4]) _fact_shapes = { "hrs_h_ictcnttmp": (4, 6), "hrs_h_fwcnttmp": (4, 6)} start_date = datetime.datetime(2005, 6, 5) end_date = datetime.datetime(2016, 12, 31) # update as appropriate
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.temperature_fields.add("terttlscp")
def _get_iwt_info(self, head, elem): iwt_counts = numpy.concatenate( (elem[:, 58, self.count_start:self.count_end], elem[:, 59, 12:17]), 1).reshape((elem.shape[0], 5, 5)) iwt_fact = self._get_temp_factor(head, "hrs_h_iwtcnttmp").reshape(5, 6) iwt_counts = iwt_counts.astype("int64") return (iwt_fact, iwt_counts) def _get_ict_info(self, head, elem): ict_counts = elem[:, 59, 2:7] ict_fact = self._get_temp_factor(head, "hrs_h_ictcnttmp")[0, :6] return (ict_fact, ict_counts) def _get_temp_factor(self, head, name): return self._reshape_fact(name, head[name])
[docs] def get_temp(self, header, elem, anwrd): """Extract temperatures """ D = super().get_temp(header, elem, anwrd) # new in HIRS/4 D["terttlscp"] = self._convert_temp( header["hrs_h_tttcnttmp"], elem[:, 59, 17:22].reshape(elem.shape[0], 1, 5)) return D
[docs] def get_mask_from_flags(self, header, lines, max_flagged=0.5): lines = super().get_mask_from_flags(header, lines, max_flagged=max_flagged) # channel quality indicators cq = lines["hrs_chqualflg"][:, numpy.argsort(self.channel_order)] cqfailed= cq & (1<<5) cqanom = cq & (1<<4) cqslopehcf = cq & (1<<3) cqbbnedc = cq & (1<<2) cqspnedc = cq & (1<<1) cqnotappl = cq & 1 #badchan = (cqnotappl!=0) | (cqspnedc!=0) | (cqbbnedc!=0) badchan = (cq & 0x07) != 0 for v in ("counts", "bt", "radiance"): if v not in lines.dtype.names: continue lines[v].mask |= badchan[:, numpy.newaxis, :lines[v].shape[2]] return lines
[docs] class IASIEPS(dataset.MultiFileDataset, dataset.HyperSpectral): """Read IASI from EUMETSAT EPS L1C This class depends on the Common Data Access Toolbox (CODA). Reading data requires that in TYPHONRC, the variables 'tmpdir' and 'tmpdirb' are set in [main]. """ name = section = "iasi" start_date = datetime.datetime(2007, 5, 29, 5, 8, 56) end_date = datetime.datetime(2015, 11, 17, 16, 38, 59) granule_duration = datetime.timedelta(seconds=6200) _dtype = numpy.dtype([ ("time", "M8[ms]"), ("lat", "f4", (4,)), ("lon", "f4", (4,)), ("satellite_zenith_angle", "f4", (4,)), ("satellite_azimuth_angle", "f4", (4,)), ("solar_zenith_angle", "f4", (4,)), ("solar_azimuth_angle", "f4", (4,)), ("spectral_radiance", "f4", (4, 8700))]) # Minimum temporary space for unpacking # Warning: race conditions needs to be addressed. # As a workaround, choose very large minspace. minspace = 1e10 @staticmethod def __obtain_from_mdr(c, field): fieldall = numpy.concatenate([getattr(x.MDR, field)[:, :, :, numpy.newaxis] for x in c.MDR if hasattr(x, 'MDR')], 3) fieldall = numpy.transpose(fieldall, [3, 0, 1, 2]) return fieldall def _read(self, path, fields="all"): tmpdira = config.conf["main"]["tmpdir"] tmpdirb = config.conf["main"]["tmpdirb"] tmpdir = (tmpdira if shutil.disk_usage(tmpdira).free > self.minspace else tmpdirb) # FIXME: this could use typhon.utils.decompress with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="wb", dir=tmpdir, delete=True) as tmpfile: with, "rb") as gzfile: logger.debug("Decompressing {!s}".format(path)) gzcont = logger.debug("Writing decompressed file to {!s}".format( tmpfile.write(gzcont) del gzcont # All the hard work is in coda logger.debug("Reading {!s}".format( cfp = c = coda.fetch(cfp) logger.debug("Sorting info...") n_scanlines = c.MPHR.TOTAL_MDR start = datetime.datetime(*coda.time_double_to_parts_utc(c.MPHR.SENSING_START)) has_mdr = numpy.array([hasattr(m, 'MDR') for m in c.MDR], dtype=numpy.bool) bad = numpy.array([ (m.MDR.DEGRADED_PROC_MDR|m.MDR.DEGRADED_INST_MDR) if hasattr(m, 'MDR') else True for m in c.MDR], dtype=numpy.bool) dlt = numpy.concatenate( [m.MDR.OnboardUTC[:, numpy.newaxis] for m in c.MDR if hasattr(m, 'MDR')], 1) - c.MPHR.SENSING_START M = dtype=self._dtype, shape=(n_scanlines, 30)) M["time"][has_mdr] = numpy.datetime64(start, "ms") + numpy.array(dlt*1e3, "m8[ms]").T specall = self.__obtain_from_mdr(c, "GS1cSpect").astype("f8") # apply scale factors first = c.MDR[0].MDR.IDefNsfirst1b last = c.MDR[0].MDR.IDefNslast1b for (slc_st, slc_fi, fact) in zip( filter(None, c.GIADR_ScaleFactors.IDefScaleSondNsfirst), c.GIADR_ScaleFactors.IDefScaleSondNslast, c.GIADR_ScaleFactors.IDefScaleSondScaleFactor): # Documented intervals are closed [a, b]; Python uses # half-open [a, b). specall[..., (slc_st-first):(slc_fi-first+1)] *= pow(10.0, -fact) M["spectral_radiance"][has_mdr] = specall locall = self.__obtain_from_mdr(c, "GGeoSondLoc") M["lon"][has_mdr] = locall[:, :, :, 0] M["lat"][has_mdr] = locall[:, :, :, 1] satangall = self.__obtain_from_mdr(c, "GGeoSondAnglesMETOP") M["satellite_zenith_angle"][has_mdr] = satangall[:, :, :, 0] M["satellite_azimuth_angle"][has_mdr] = satangall[:, :, :, 1] solangall = self.__obtain_from_mdr(c, "GGeoSondAnglesSUN") M["solar_zenith_angle"][has_mdr] = solangall[:, :, :, 0] M["solar_azimuth_angle"][has_mdr] = solangall[:, :, :, 1] for fld in M.dtype.names: M.mask[fld][~has_mdr, ...] = True M.mask[fld][bad, ...] = True m = c.MDR[0].MDR wavenumber = (m.IDefSpectDWn1b * numpy.arange(m.IDefNsfirst1b, m.IDefNslast1b+0.1) * (1/ureg.metre)) if self.wavenumber is None: self.wavenumber = wavenumber elif abs(self.wavenumber - wavenumber).max() > (0.05 * 1/(ureg.centimetre)): raise ValueError("Inconsistent wavenumbers") return (M, {})
[docs] class IASISub(dataset.HomemadeDataset, dataset.HyperSpectral): name = section = "iasisub" subdir = "{month}" stored_name = "IASI_1C_selection_{year}_{month}_{day}.npz" re = r"IASI_1C_selection_(?P<year>\d{4})_(?P<month>\d{1,2})_(?P<day>\d{1,2}).npz" start_date = datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) end_date = datetime.datetime(2011, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59) def _read(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.frequency is None: self.frequency = numpy.loadtxt(self.freqfile) return super()._read(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_times_for_granule(self, p, **kwargs): gd = self.get_info_for_granule(p) (year, month, day) = (int(gd[m]) for m in "year month day".split()) # FIXME: this isn't accurate, it usually starts slightly later... start = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0) # FIXME: this isn't accurate, there may be some in the next day... end = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, 23, 59, 59) return (start, end)
[docs] class TOVSCollocatedDataset: """Mixin for any TOVS collocated dataset. Different because of scanlines. Should be mixed in before Dataset """ colloc_dim = "UNDEFINED"
[docs] def combine(self, M, other_obj, *args, col_field, col_field_slice=slice(None), trans, col_dim_name=None, **kwargs): MM = super().combine(M, other_obj, *args, trans=trans, **kwargs) if self.read_returns == "ndarray": # do something about entire scanlines being returned scnlin_names = [f[0] for f in MM.dtype.descr if len(f)>2 and f[2][0]==other_obj.n_perline] # strip out scanline dimension new_dtp = [(f[0], f[1], tuple(i for i in f[2] if i!=other_obj.n_perline)) if f[0] in scnlin_names else f for f in MM.dtype.descr] idx_all = numpy.arange(M.size) MM_new =, shape=MM.shape) for fld in MM.dtype.names: if fld in scnlin_names: # see # Ashwini Chaudhary, 2014-05-02 # NB: I believe this does not count as a derivative # work and that the CC-BY-SA 3.0 licensing conditions # do not apply here MM_new[fld][...] = MM[fld][idx_all, M[col_field][col_field_slice], ...] else: MM_new[fld][...] = MM[fld][...] return MM_new elif self.read_returns == "xarray": scnlin_names = [k for (k, v) in MM.data_vars.items() if col_dim_name in v.dims] (my_var, other_var) = next(iter(trans.items())) my_dim = M[my_var].dims[0] other_dim = MM[other_var].dims[0] # repeat the above-linked SO feat but for xarray… does not # appear to work directly, need to pass through .values and # carefully translate the right order of dimensions to the # correct indices idx_all = numpy.arange(M.dims[self.colloc_dim]) for varname in scnlin_names: attrs = MM[varname].attrs coding = MM[varname].encoding MM[varname] = ( [self.colloc_dim if MM[varname].coords[d].dtype.kind=="M" else d for d in MM[varname].dims if d != col_dim_name], MM[varname].values[ tuple(M[col_field].values if d == col_dim_name else idx_all if MM[varname].coords[d].dtype.kind == "M" else slice(None) for d in MM[varname].dims) ]) MM[varname].attrs.update(attrs) MM[varname].encoding.update(coding) # how parent class returned it, there are now several # equally-sized dimensions all related to time: time, # scanline_earth, calibration_cycle, etc. Make sure they all # get the dimension matchup_count or whatever I use for the # collocations. # NB: I want to drop the dimensions, but keep the # coordinates using the matchup_number dimension. A simple # rename would rename the coordinates, such that matchup_number ends # up having the contents of whatever coordinate came last, and # the rest vanishes; need to reassign right coordinates after # renaming. As of xarray 0.10, I need to manually drop them # first or xarray will complain that "the new name # 'matchup_count' conflicts" timedims = utils.get_time_dimensions(MM) MM = MM.drop_vars(timedims).rename(dict.fromkeys(timedims, self.colloc_dim) ).assign_coords( **{d: (self.colloc_dim, MM.coords[d].values) for d in utils.get_time_dimensions(MM)}, **{self.colloc_dim: M[self.colloc_dim].values}) return MM else: raise ValueError("read_returns must be xarray or ndarray")
[docs] class HIASI(TOVSCollocatedDataset, dataset.NetCDFDataset, dataset.MultiFileDataset, dataset.HyperSpectral): """"HIRS-IASI collocations """ name = section = "hiasi" subdir = "{year:04d}/{month:02d}" re = (r"W_XX-EUMETSAT-Darmstadt,SATCAL\+COLLOC\+LEOLEOIR," r"opa\+HIRS\+M02\+IASI_C_EUMS_(?P<year>\d{4})(?P<month>\d{2})" r"(?P<day>\d{2})(?P<hour>\d{2})(?P<minute>\d{2})(?P<second>\d{2})_" r"(?P<year_end>\d{4})(?P<month_end>\d{2})(?P<day_end>\d{2})" r"(?P<hour_end>\d{2})(?P<minute_end>\d{2})(?P<second_end>\d{2})\.nc") start_date = datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 1) end_date = datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 1) colloc_dim = "line" concat_coor = "line" def _read(self, f, fields="all"): (M, extra) = super()._read(f, fields) if self.read_returns == "ndarray": # functionality in numpy.lib.recfunctions.append_fields is too # slow! MM = numpy.zeros(shape=M.shape, dtype=M.dtype.descr + [("time", "M8[s]")]) MM["time"] = M["mon_time"].astype("M8[s]") for f in M.dtype.names: MM[f][...] = M[f][...] return (MM[numpy.argsort(MM["time"])], extra) elif self.read_returns == "xarray": M["time"] = ("line", M["ref_time"]) M = utils.undo_xarray_floatification(M) # make units understandable by UADA / pint M["ref_radiance"].attrs["units"] = \ M["ref_radiance"].attrs["units"] \ .replace("m2", "m**2") \ .replace("^-1", "**(-1)") # make sure data are sorted in time M = M.loc[{"line": numpy.argsort(M["time"])}] return (M, extra) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid read_returns: {self.read_returns:s}")
[docs] def combine(self, M, other_obj, *args, **kwargs): MM = super().combine(M, other_obj, *args, col_field="mon_column", col_dim_name="scanpos", **kwargs) # do something about entire scanlines being returned return MM
[docs] class HIRSHIRS(TOVSCollocatedDataset, dataset.NetCDFDataset, dataset.MultiFileDataset): """HIRS-HIRS collocations from Brockmann Consult A.k.a. MMD05 """ name = section = "hirshirs" subdir = "hirs_{prim:s}_{sec:s}" re = (r"mmd05_hirs-(?P<prim>.{2,3})_hirs-(?P<sec>.{2,3})_" r"(?P<year>\d{4})-(?P<doy>\d{3})_(?P<year_end>\d{4})-" r"(?P<doy_end>\d{3})\.nc") start_date = HIRS2.start_date end_date = HIRS4.end_date colloc_dim = "matchup_count" concat_coor = "matchup_count" def _read(self, f, fields="all"): (M, extra) = super()._read(f, fields) if self.read_returns == "ndarray": timefields = [x for x in M.dtype.descr if x[0].endswith("acquisition_time")] if len(timefields) != 2: raise dataset.InvalidFileError("Expected 2 " "fields for time, found {:d}".format(len(timefields))) MM =, dtype=M.dtype.descr + [("alltime", "M8[s]", timefields[0][2] if len(timefields[0])>2 else ()), ("time", "M8[s]")]) # Always use primary time so that time is always increasing # MM["alltime"] = ( #[timefields[0][0]], 0)*.5 + #[timefields[1][0]], 0)*.5 # ).astype("M8[s]") MM["alltime"] = ([timefields[0][0]], 0) ).astype("M8[s]") MM["time"] = MM["alltime"][:, int(MM["alltime"].shape[1]//2+1), int(MM["alltime"].shape[2]//2+1)] for fld in M.dtype.fields: MM[fld][...] = M[fld][...] # it appears there may still have been overlaps in the data that # went into the matchups... try to fix that here # BUG! (time1, time2) is not unique! Time is per SCANLINE, # so unique would be (time1, x1, time2, x2)! ii = numpy.argsort(M[timefields[0][0]][:, 3, 3]) Msrt = M[ii] (_, iiu) = numpy.unique( numpy.c_[ Msrt[timefields[0][0]][:, 3, 3], Msrt[timefields[1][0]][:, 3, 3] ].data.view("i4,i4"), return_index=True) if iiu.size < MM.size: logger.warning("There were duplicates in {!s}! Removing " "{:.2%}".format(f, 1-iiu.size/MM.size)) return (MM[ii][iiu], extra) elif self.read_returns == "xarray": # in some files, the dtype for x and y is turned into float # by xarray because it has a _FillValue attribute M = utils.undo_xarray_floatification(M) # acquisition_time has attribute "unit" instead of "units"; # use regular "time" instead timefields = [k for k in M.data_vars.keys() if k.endswith("time") and not k.endswith("acquisition_time")] # estimate corrected time per pixel depending on location in # scan position; this prevents false detection of # duplicates and unsorted data. for p in (x[5:-3] for x in M.dims.keys() if x.endswith("nx")): M["hirs-{:s}_time".format(p)] += (M["hirs-{:s}_x".format(p)]*100).astype("m8[ms]") if len(timefields) != 2: raise dataset.InvalidFileError("Expected 2 " "fields for time, found {:d}".format(len(timefields))) # need to manually flag bad times as this wasn't done earlier # in the processing for fld in timefields: M[fld].values[(M[fld].values.astype("M8[ms]") > numpy.datetime64( | (M[fld].values.astype("M8[ms]") < numpy.datetime64("1975-01-01"))] = numpy.datetime64("NaT") tm1 = M[timefields[0]][:, 3, 3] tm2 = M[timefields[1]][:, 3, 3] # NB: tm1+tm2 is invalid so calculate average like this newtime = tm1 + (tm2-tm1)/2 M["time"] = ((self.colloc_dim,), newtime) # BUG! (time1, time2) is not unique! Time is per SCANLINE, # so unique would be (time1, x1, time2, x2)! ii = numpy.argsort(M[timefields[0]][:, 3, 3]) Ms = M.loc[ {self.colloc_dim: ii, **{k: 3 for k in M.dims.keys() if k != self.colloc_dim}}][timefields] Msn = numpy.c_[Ms[timefields[0]].values, Ms[timefields[1]].values] # see # Posted by Jaime, 2013-06-06. # I believe this does not count as a derivative work and that # specific CC-BY-SA 3.0 conditions do not apply here. Msnu = numpy.ascontiguousarray(Msn).view( numpy.dtype((numpy.void, Msn.dtype.itemsize * 2))) (_, iiu) = numpy.unique(Msnu, return_index=True) if iiu.size < M.dims[self.colloc_dim]: logger.warning("There were duplicates in {!s}! Removing " "{:.2%}".format(f, 1-iiu.size/M.dims[self.colloc_dim])) M = M[{self.colloc_dim: iiu}] M = M[{self.colloc_dim: numpy.argsort(M["time"])}] return (M, extra) else: raise ValueError("read_returns should be xarray or ndarray, " "found {!s}".format(self.read_returns))
[docs] def combine(self, M, other_obj, *args, col_field, **kwargs): return super().combine(M, other_obj, *args, col_field=col_field, col_field_slice=(slice(None), 3, 3), **kwargs)
[docs] class MHSL1C(ATOVS, dataset.NetCDFDataset, dataset.MultiFileDataset): name = section = "mhs_l1c" subdir = "{satname:s}_mhs_{year:04d}/{month:02d}/{day:02d}" re = (r"(\d*\.)?NSS.MHSX.(?P<satcode>.{2})\.D(?P<year>\d{2})" r"(?P<doy>\d{3})\.S(?P<hour>\d{2})(?P<minute>\d{2})\.E" r"(?P<hour_end>\d{2})(?P<minute_end>\d{2})\.B(?P<B>\d{7})\.(?P<station>.{2})\.h5") start_date = datetime.datetime(1999, 1, 1) end_date = datetime.datetime(2016, 4, 1) def _get_dtype_from_vars(self, alldims, allvars, fields, prim): # MHS L1C has phony dims with repeated names between groups, so # need to determine by value (size) rather than name return numpy.dtype([ (k, "f4" if (getattr(v, "Scale", 1)!=1) else v.dtype, tuple(s for (i, s) in enumerate(v.shape) if v.shape[i] != alldims[prim].size)) for (k, v) in allvars.items() if ((alldims[prim].size in v.shape) if fields=="all" else (k in fields))]) def _read(self, f, fields="all"): try: (M, extra) = super()._read(f, fields) except ValueError as e: # some MHS L1C files have multiple 'phony_0' dimensions, even # though they should have different dimensions with the same # size. This crashes my clever NetCDF reader. Until I have a # bugfix, make a workaround. raise dataset.InvalidFileError("Encountered ValueError" "probably due to phony files...") from e # functionality in numpy.lib.recfunctions.append_fields is too # slow! MM = numpy.zeros(shape=M.shape, dtype=M.dtype.descr + [("time", "M8[s]")]) MM["time"] = self._get_time(M, prefix="") #MM["time"] = M["mon_time"].astype("M8[s]") for f in M.dtype.names: MM[f][...] = M[f][...] return (MM, extra)
def which_hirs(satname): """Given a satellite, return right HIRS object """ for h in {HIRS2, HIRS3, HIRS4}: for (k, v) in h.satellites.items(): if satname in {k}|v: return h(satname=satname) else: raise ValueError("Unknown HIRS satellite: {:s}".format(satname)) def norm_tovs_name(satname, mode="default"): """Given a TOVS satellite name, return normalised name Arguments: satname [str] The name of the satellite, or an alias of the name. Accepts many forms, for full list of accepted forms, see the satellites dictionary on the classes HIRS2, HIRS3, and HIRS4. mode [str], defaults to "default" What type of name to return. Can be: - "default", will be of form "noaa12" or "metopb" - "ARTS", will be of form "NOAA12" or "METOPB" - "FIDUCEO", same as ARTS but ensuring 2-digit no - "RTTOV", will be of form "noaa_12" or "metop_2" - "BC", will be of form "N12" or "M02" Returns: str, satellite name in requested dialect """ for h in {HIRS2, HIRS3, HIRS4}: for (k, v) in h.satellites.items(): if satname in {k}|v: if mode == "default": return k elif mode == "ARTS": return k.upper() elif mode == "FIDUCEO": if len(k)==6: return k.upper() elif len(k)==5: return "NOAA{:>d}".format(int(k[-2:], 10)) elif mode == "RTTOV": if k == "tirosn": return "noaa_5" elif k == "metopa": return "metop_2" elif k == "metopb": return "metop_1" elif k.startswith("noaa"): return "noaa_{:>d}".format(int(k[-2:], 10)) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Should not happen: reference name {k:s}") elif mode == "BC": if k == "tirosn": return "tn" elif k == "metopa": return "m2" elif k == "metopb": return "m1" elif k.startswith("noaa"): return "n{:>02d}".format(int(k[-2:], 10)) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Should not happen: reference name {k:s}") else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown mode: {mode:s}") raise ValueError(f"Unknown TOVS satellite: {satname:s}")