Source code for typhon.datasets.filters

"""Collection of classes related to filtering


# Any commits made to this module between 2015-05-01 and 2019-02-01
# by Gerrit Holl are developed for the EC project “Fidelity and
# Uncertainty in Climate Data Records from Earth Observations (FIDUCEO)”.
# Grant agreement: 638822
# All those contributions are dual-licensed under the MIT license for use
# in typhon, and the GNU General Public License version 3.

import sys
import abc
import dbm
import logging
import tempfile
import pathlib
import shutil
import datetime
import warnings

import numpy
    import progressbar
except ImportError:
    progressbar = None

from . import dataset

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class FilterError(Exception): """For any errors related to filtering. """
[docs] class OutlierFilter(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def filter_outliers(self, C): ...
[docs] class MEDMAD(OutlierFilter): """Outlier filter based on Median Absolute Deviation """
[docs] def __init__(self, cutoff, fallback_min_std=0.1): self.cutoff = cutoff self.fallback_min_std = 0.1
[docs] def filter_outliers(self, C): cutoff = self.cutoff if C.ndim == 3: med = C.reshape(C.shape[0]*C.shape[1], C.shape[2]), 0) mad = abs(C - med).reshape(C.shape[0]*C.shape[1], C.shape[2]), 0) if (mad==0).any(): # use fallback med[mad==0] = C[..., mad==0].reshape(C.shape[0]*C.shape[1], (mad==0).sum()).mean(0) mad[mad==0] = numpy.c_[ C[..., mad==0].reshape(C.shape[0]*C.shape[1], (mad==0).sum()).std(0), numpy.tile(self.fallback_min_std, (mad==0).sum())].max(1) elif C.ndim < 3: med =,))) mad = - med).reshape((-1,))) if mad==0: med = C.mean() mad = max(C.std(), self.fallback_min_std) else: raise ValueError("Cannot filter outliers on " "input with ndim={ndim:d}>3 dimensions".format(ndim=C.ndim)) fracdev = ((C - med)/mad) return abs(fracdev) > cutoff
[docs] class OrbitFilter: """Generic, abstract class for any kind of filtering. Implementations of this class are intended to be used between and after each orbit file is read by Dataset.read_period. One important implementation for this class are the various OverlapFilter implementations, that make sure overlaps are removed. This can either be done after each orbit or when all orbits have been read. Different filters may need different meta-information that needs to be provided by specific Dataset._read implementations. For example, the FirstlineDBFilter needs a header name (or the entire header from which to extract this). Each filterer can state what keyword arguments need to be passed on to the reading routine using the args_to_reader attribute. Moments in filtering that this class takes is responsible for: - Before the first orbit is read: .reset() - After each orbit is read. .filter(...) - After the last orbit is read: .finalise(...) You can also use this class for validation, i.e. to check that data are correct and if they aren't, raise an exception, if they are, return data as-is. """ args_to_reader = {}
[docs] def reset(self): pass
[docs] def filter(self, scanlines, **extra): return scanlines
[docs] def finalise(self, arr): return arr
def __eq__(self, other): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
[docs] class TimeMaskFilter(OrbitFilter): """Throw out bad (masked) times. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ds): self.ds = ds
[docs] def reset(self): pass
[docs] def filter(self, scanlines, **extra): # when time is masked, we should REALLY despair. We want # to have sequential scanlines. Throw them out already! if scanlines["time"].mask.any(): logger.warning("Throwing out {:d} scanlines because " "their times are flagged and not sequential".format( scanlines["time"].mask.sum())) good = ~scanlines["time"].mask return scanlines[good] else: return scanlines
[docs] def finalise(self, arr): return arr
[docs] class HIRSTimeSequenceDuplicateFilter(OrbitFilter): """Force scanlines to be in the proper sequence without duplicates This is for handling time sequence and duplicate issues within a single orbit file. The two have to be in one filter because the application of the latter relies on the application of the first. I suppose one could conceivably want to remove time sequence problems but keep duplicate scanlines. """
[docs] def reset(self): pass
[docs] def filter(self, scanlines, **extra): goodorder = scanlines["hrs_scnlin"][1:] > scanlines["hrs_scnlin"][:-1] if not goodorder.all(): logger.warning("{:d} scanlines are out of " "order, resorting".format( (~goodorder).sum())) neworder = numpy.argsort(scanlines["hrs_scnlin"].data) scanlines = scanlines[neworder] # if there still are any now, it can only be due to duplicates goodorder = scanlines["hrs_scnlin"][1:] > scanlines["hrs_scnlin"][:-1] if not goodorder.all(): logger.warning("{:d} duplicate " "scanlines (judging from scanline number), removing".format((~goodorder).sum())) (_, ii) = numpy.unique(scanlines["hrs_scnlin"], return_index=True) scanlines = scanlines[ii] # still time sequence issues? goodtime = numpy.argsort(scanlines["time"]) == numpy.arange(scanlines.size) if not goodtime.all(): logger.warning("Still has time sequence issues! " "Dropping {:d} scanlines to be on the safe side. " "This is probably overconservative.".format((~goodtime).sum())) scanlines = scanlines[goodtime] # in some cases, like 1985-11-30T17:19:45.056 on NOAA-9, # there are scanlines with different scanline numbers but # the same time! (_, ii) = numpy.unique(scanlines["time"], return_index=True) if ii.size < scanlines["time"].size: logger.warning("Oops! There are scanlines with different " "scanline numbers but the same time! Removing {:d} " "more lines. I hope that's it!".format( scanlines["time"].size-ii.size)) scanlines = scanlines[ii] return scanlines
[docs] def finalise(self, arr): return arr
[docs] class HIRSFlagger(OrbitFilter): """Apply HIRS flags and raise error in case of failure """
[docs] def __init__(self, ds, max_flagged=0.5): self.ds = ds self.max_flagged = max_flagged
[docs] def reset(self): pass
[docs] def filter(self, scanlines, **extra): scanlines = self.ds.get_mask_from_flags(extra["header"], scanlines, max_flagged=self.max_flagged) return scanlines
[docs] def finalise(self, arr): return arr
[docs] class HIRSCalibCountFilter(OrbitFilter): """Apply masking based on calibration count filter for HIRS """
[docs] def __init__(self, ds, filter_calibcounts:OutlierFilter): self.ds = ds self.filter_calibcounts = filter_calibcounts
[docs] def reset(self): pass
[docs] def filter(self, scanlines, **extra): for v in self.ds.views: x = scanlines[self.ds.scantype_fieldname] == getattr(self.ds, "typ_{:s}".format(v)) if not x.any(): raise dataset.InvalidDataError("Out of {:d} scanlines, " "found no {:s} views, cannot calibrate!".format( scanlines.shape[0], v)) scanlines.mask["counts"][x, 8:, :] = self.ds.filter_calibcounts.filter_outliers( scanlines["counts"][x, 8:, :]) cc = scanlines["calcof_sorted"] # scanlines = self.ds.apply_calibcount_filter(scanlines) if cc.ndim == 4: calibzero = (cc[:, :, 1, :]==0).all(2) if cc.ndim == 3: calibzero = (cc==0).all(2) if "bt" in scanlines.dtype.names: scanlines["bt"].mask[...] |= calibzero[:, numpy.newaxis, :19] if "radiance" in scanlines.dtype.names: scanlines["radiance"].mask[...] |= calibzero[:, numpy.newaxis, :20] try: # if one is masked, so should the other… scanlines["radiance"].mask[:, :, :19] |= scanlines["bt"].mask except ValueError: # xarray raises ValueError, not KeyError # not a problem if either of those fields does not exists pass return scanlines
[docs] def finalise(self, arr): return arr
[docs] class HIRSPRTTempFilter(OrbitFilter): """Apply masking to PRT counts when they are outliers """
[docs] def __init__(self, ds, filter_prttemps:OutlierFilter): self.ds = ds self.filter_prttemps = filter_prttemps
[docs] def reset(self): pass
[docs] def filter(self, scanlines, **extra): for fld in [nm for nm in scanlines.dtype.names if nm.startswith("temp_")]: scanlines[fld].mask |= self.ds.filter_prttemps.filter_outliers( scanlines[fld]) return scanlines
[docs] def finalise(self, arr): return arr
[docs] class OverlapFilter(OrbitFilter): """Implementations to feed into firstline filtering This is used in tovs HIRS reading routine. """ # the 'late' attribute should be set to True if all duplicate checking # is done late; this will suppress after-orbit verification of absense # of duplicates. late = False
[docs] class FirstlineDBFilter(OverlapFilter):
[docs] def __init__(self, ds, granules_firstline_file): self.ds = ds self.granules_firstline_file = granules_firstline_file
[docs] def reset(self): pass
_tmpdir = None _firstline_db = None
[docs] def filter(self, scanlines, header): """Filter out any scanlines that existed in the previous granule. Only works on datasets implementing get_dataname from the header. """ dataname = self.ds.get_dataname(header, robust=True) if self._firstline_db is None: try: self._firstline_db = str(self.granules_firstline_file), "r") except dbm.error as e: # presumably a lock tmpdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() self._tmpdir = tmpdir # should be deleted only when object is tmp_gfl = str(pathlib.Path(, logger.warning("Cannot read GFL DB at {!s}: {!s}, " "presumably in use, copying to {!s}".format( self.granules_firstline_file, e.args, tmp_gfl)) shutil.copyfile(str(self.granules_firstline_file), tmp_gfl) self.granules_firstline_file = tmp_gfl self._firstline_db = try: firstline = int(self._firstline_db[dataname]) except KeyError as e: raise FilterError("Unable to filter firstline: {:s}".format( e.args[0])) from e if firstline > scanlines.shape[0]: logger.warning("Full granule {:s} appears contained in previous one. " "Refusing to return any lines.".format(dataname)) return scanlines[0:0] return scanlines[scanlines["hrs_scnlin"] > firstline]
[docs] def update_firstline_db(self, satname=None, start_date=None, end_date=None, overwrite=False): """Create / update the firstline database Create or update the database describing for each granule what the first scanline is that doesn't occur in the preceding granule. If a granule is entirely contained within the previous one, firstline is set to L+1 where L is the number of lines. """ prev_head = prev_line = None satname = satname or self.ds.satname start_date = start_date or self.ds.start_date end_date = end_date or self.ds.end_date if end_date > end_date ="Updating firstline-db {:s} for " "{:%Y-%m-%d}--{:%Y-%m-%d}".format(satname, start_date, end_date)) count_updated = count_all = 0 with, "c") as gfd: try: bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=1, widgets=[progressbar.Bar("=", "[", "]"), " ", progressbar.Percentage(), ' (', progressbar.AdaptiveETA(), " -> ", progressbar.AbsoluteETA(), ') ']) except AttributeError: dobar = False bar = None"If you had the " "progressbar2 module, you would have gotten a " "nice progressbar.") else: dobar = sys.stdout.isatty() if dobar: bar.start() bar.update(0) for (g_start, gran) in self.ds.find_granules_sorted(start_date, end_date, return_time=True, satname=satname): try: (cur_line, extra) =, apply_scale_factors=False, calibrate=False) cur_head = extra["header"] cur_time = self.ds._get_time(cur_line) except (dataset.InvalidFileError, dataset.InvalidDataError) as exc: logger.error("Could not read {!s}: {!s}".format(gran, exc)) continue lab = self.ds.get_dataname(cur_head, robust=True) if lab in gfd and not overwrite: logger.debug("Already present: {:s}".format(lab)) elif prev_line is not None: # what if prev_line is None? We don't want to define any # value for the very first granule we process, as we might # be starting to process in the middle... if cur_time.max() > prev_time.max(): # Bugfix 2017-01-16: do not get confused between # the index and the hrs_scnlin field. So far, I'm using # the index to set firstline but the hrs_scnlin # field to apply it. #first = (cur_time > prev_time[-1]).nonzero()[0][0] # Bugfix 2017-08-21: instead of taking the last # time from the previous granule, take the # maximum; this allows for time sequence errors. # See #139 first = cur_line["hrs_scnlin"][cur_time > prev_time.max()].min() logger.debug("{:s}: {:d}".format(lab, first)) else: first = cur_line["hrs_scnlin"].max()+1"{:s}: Fully contained in {:s}!".format( lab, self.ds.get_dataname(prev_head, robust=True))) gfd[lab] = str(first) count_updated += 1 prev_line = cur_line.copy() prev_head = cur_head.copy() prev_time = cur_time.copy() if dobar: bar.update((g_start-start_date)/(end_date-start_date)) count_all += 1 if dobar: bar.update(1) bar.finish()"Updated {:d}/{:d} granules".format(count_updated, count_all))
[docs] def finalise(self, arr): return arr
[docs] class NullLineFilter(OverlapFilter): """Do not filter firstlines at all """
[docs] def reset(self): pass
[docs] def filter(self, scanlines, header): return scanlines
[docs] def finalise(self, arr): return arr
[docs] class HIRSBestLineFilter(OverlapFilter): """Choose best between overlaps. Currently works only for HIRS. """ # those are expected to be different between orbits, others are not knowndiff = {'hrs_scnlin', 'hrs_qualind', 'hrs_linqualflgs', 'hrs_chqualflg'} warn_overlap = False # set to True if you want warnings when overlaps inconsistent late = True
[docs] def __init__(self, ds, warn_overlap=False): self.ds = ds self.warn_overlap = warn_overlap
orbits = []
[docs] def reset(self): self.orbits.clear()
[docs] def filter(self, scanlines, header): self.orbits.append( (self.ds.get_dataname(header, robust=True), scanlines["time"].min(), scanlines["time"].max(), scanlines.size)) return scanlines
[docs] def select_winner(self, rep): """Select "winning" scanline among 2 or more Between 2 or more identical scanlines, select the one that fits best. That probably means least flags etc. Takes a ndarray with dtype containing at least the HIRS flag fields. Dimension should be (n,) where n>1. Returns the index of the best choice. """ # relevant fields: # # - hrs_qualind # - hrs_linqualflgs # - hrs_chqualflg # - hrs_mnfrqual # # But this differs between HIRS/2/3/4... # need some neutral way of "scoring" how bad it is scores = self.ds.flagscore(rep) return numpy.argmin(scores)
[docs] def finalise(self, arr, verify_overlap_consistency=False): """For all sets of duplicates, select optimal one Arguments: arr [ndarray], dtype with structured ndarray according to what the HIRS reading routine produces verify_overlap_consistency [bool]. Verify that overlapping scanlines have consistent information. Defaults to False because this can be very slow. Returns: same array but sorted and with duplicates removed; for each pair of duplicates, best alternative is chosen """ # Find all pairs of duplicates (usually in sets of 2) and the # with corresponding indices and multiplicity (count). arrsrt = arr[numpy.argsort(arr["time"])] _, ii, cnt = numpy.unique(arrsrt["time"], return_index=True, return_counts=True) logger.debug("Selecting optimal scanlines for " f"{ii.size:d} overlapping pairs") # (mult_ii, mult_cnt) take the same values as if I were to do: # for (mult_ii, mult_cnt) in zip(ii[cnt>1], cnt[cnt>1]), but I # want to keep the indices so I can /write/ to ii multcnt_i_all = (cnt>1).nonzero()[0] for multcnt_i in multcnt_i_all: mult_ii = ii[multcnt_i] mult_cnt = cnt[multcnt_i] rep = arrsrt[mult_ii:mult_ii+mult_cnt] if self.warn_overlap: fields_notclose = {nm for nm in rep.dtype.names if not (rep[nm][0]==rep[nm] if rep[nm].dtype.kind[0] in "MmS" else numpy.isclose(rep[nm][0, ...], rep[nm]) ).all()} - self.knowndiff if len(fields_notclose) > 0: warnings.warn( "Overlapping or duplicate scanlines " "have inconsistent values for ".format( rep[0]["time"].astype(datetime.datetime)) + ", ".join(list(fields_notclose)), UserWarning) # ii normally contains the index of the first of a sequence of # duplicates; select_winner returns the index of the optimal # choice within the set 'rep' of repeated scanlines; the sum # will thus be the index of our scanline of choice ii[multcnt_i] += self.select_winner(rep) return arrsrt[ii]