Source code for typhon.datasets.dataset

"""Module containing classes abstracting datasets

# Any commits made to this module between 2015-05-01 and 2017-03-01
# by Gerrit Holl are developed for the EC project “Fidelity and
# Uncertainty in Climate Data Records from Earth Observations (FIDUCEO)”.
# Grant agreement: 638822
# All those contributions are dual-licensed under the MIT license for use
# in typhon, and the GNU General Public License version 3.

import abc
import itertools
import logging
import pathlib
import re
import shelve
import string
import shutil
import tempfile
import datetime
import sys
import collections
import warnings

import numpy
import numpy.lib.arraysetops
import numpy.lib.recfunctions

import netCDF4

import xarray

from .. import config
from .. import utils
from .. import math as tpmath
from ..physics.units import em
from ..constants import MiB

from . import filters

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    import progressbar
except ImportError:
    progressbar = None

[docs] class GranuleLocatorError(Exception): """Problem locating granules. """
[docs] class DataFileError(Exception): """Superclass for any datafile problems Upon reading a large amounts of data, some files will contain problems. When processing a year of data, we don't want to fail entirely when one orbit file fails. But if there is a real bug somewhere, we probably do want to fail. Therefore, the typhon dataset framework is optionally resilient to datafile related errors, but only if those derive from DataFileError. Therefore, users implementing their own reading routine may wish to catch errors arising from corrupted data, and raise an exception derived from DataFileError instead. That way, typhon knows that a problem is due to corrupted data and not due to a bug. """
[docs] class InvalidFileError(DataFileError, ValueError): """Raised when the requested information cannot be obtained from the file See DataFileError for more information. """
[docs] class InvalidDataError(DataFileError): """Raised when data is not how it should be. See DataFileError for more information. """
all_datasets = {}
[docs] class Dataset(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Represents a dataset. This is an abstract class. More specific subclasses are SingleFileDataset and MultiFileDataset. To add a dataset, subclass one of the subclasses of Dataset, such as MultiFileDataset, and implement the abstract methods. Dataset objects have a limited number of attributes. To limit the occurence of bugs, dynamically setting non-pre-existing attributes is limited. Attributes can be set either by passing keyword arguments when creating the object, or by setting the appropriate field in your typhon configuration file (such as .typhonrc). The configuration section will correspond to the object name, the key to the attribute, and the value to the value assigned to the attribute. See also :mod:`typhon.config`. Attributes: start_date (datetime.datetime or numpy.datetime64): Starting date for dataset. May be used to search through ALL granules. WARNING! If this is set at a time t_0 before the actual first measurement t_1, then the collocation algorith (see CollocatedDataset) will conclude that there are 0 collocations in [t_0, t_1], and will not realise if data in [t_0, t_1] are actually added later! end_date (datetime.datetime or numpy.datetime64): Similar to start_date, but for ending. name (str): Name for the dataset. Used to make sure there is only a single dataset with the same name for any particular dataset. If a dataset is initiated with a pre-exisitng name, the previous product is called. aliases (Mapping[str, str]): Aliases for field. Dictionary can be useful if you want to programmatically loop through the same field for many different datasets, but they are named differently. For example, an alias could be "ch4_profile". unique_fields (Container[str]): Set of fields that make any individual measurement unique. For example, the default value is {"time", "lat", "lon"}. related (Mapping[str, Dataset]): Dictionary whose keys may refer to other datasets with related information, such as DMPs or flags. """ _instances = None start_date = None end_date = None name = "" section = "" aliases = {} time_field = "time" unique_fields = {"time", "lat", "lon"} mandatory_fields = None # fields that reader relies upon related = {} maxsize = 10000*MiB my_pseudo_fields = None read_returns = "ndarray" default_orbit_filters = [] # in case of xarray returns, if concatenation is NOT along time # coordinate, this should be set to something else concat_coor = None # Make singleton: there is no point in having multiple copies of a # dataset-object around when both relate to the same dataset and # class. def __new__(cls, name=None, **kwargs): name = name or or cls.__name__ if cls._instances is None: cls._instances = {} # make sure subclasses aren't confused for their parents if not cls in cls._instances: cls._instances[cls] = {} if name in cls._instances[cls]: return cls._instances[cls][name] self = super().__new__(cls) cls._instances[cls][name] = self if not cls in all_datasets: all_datasets[cls] = {} all_datasets[cls][name] = self return self # __init__ takes care of the rest # through __new__, I make sure there's only a single dataset # object per class with the same name. However, __init__ will get # called again despite __new__ returning an older self. Make sure # we don't get hurt by that.
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialise a Dataset object. All keyword arguments will be translated into attributes. Does not take positional arguments. Note that if you create a dataset with a name that already exists, the existing object is returned, but __init__ is still called (Python does this, see """ self.mandatory_fields = set() for (k, v) in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) self.setlocal() if self.my_pseudo_fields is None: self.my_pseudo_fields = collections.OrderedDict()
def __setattr__(self, k, v): if hasattr(self, k) or hasattr(type(self), k): super().__setattr__(k, v) else: raise AttributeError("Unknown attribute: {}. ".format(k))
[docs] def setlocal(self): """Set local attributes, from config or otherwise. """ if self.section in config.conf: for k in config.conf[self.section]: setattr(self, k, config.conf[self.section][k])
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def find_granules(self, start=datetime.datetime.min, end=datetime.datetime.max, include_last_before=False): """Loop through all granules for indicated period. This is a generator that will loop through all granules from `start` to `end`, inclusive. See also: `find_granules_sorted` Arguments: start (datetime.datetime): Start Starting datetime. When omitted, start at complete beginning of dataset. end (datetime.datetime): End End datetime. When omitted, continue to end of dataset. Last granule will start before this datetime, but contents may continue beyond it. include_last_before (bool): Be inclusive When True, also return the last granule /before/ start, so that a reader is sure to include all data in the covered period. When False, the first granule yielded is the first granule starting after start. Yields: pathlib.Path objects for all files in dataset. Sorting is not guaranteed; if you need guaranteed sorting, use `find_granules_sorted`. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def find_granules_sorted(self, start=None, end=None): """Yield all granules sorted by starting time then ending time. For details, see `find_granules`. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def find_most_recent_granule_before(self, instant, **locator_args): """Find granule covering instant Find granule started most recently before `instant`. Arguments: instant (datetime.datetime): Time to search for datetime for which a granule is sought beginning of dataset. **locator_args: Any other keyword arguments that the particular dataset needs. Commonly, `satname` is needed. Returns: pathlib.Path object for sought granule. """ ...
# Cannot use functools.lru_cache because it cannot handle mutable # results or arguments
[docs] @utils.cache.mutable_cache(maxsize=10) def read_period(self, start=None, end=None, onerror="skip", fields="all", pseudo_fields=None, sorted=True, locator_args=None, reader_args=None, limits=None, simple_filters=(), orbit_filters=None, enforce_no_duplicates=True, excs=(DataFileError, filters.FilterError)): """Read all granules between start and end, in bulk. Arguments: start (datetime.datetime): Start Starting datetime. When omitted, start at complete beginning of dataset. end (datetime.datetime): End End datetime. When omitted, continue to end of dataset. Last granule will start before this datetime, but contents may continue beyond it. Can also be a datetime.timedelta, which will then be interpreted as a length after start. onerror (str): What to do on errors When reading many files, some files may have problems. If onerror is set to "skip", files with errors are skipped and reading continues with the next file. This is the default behaviour. If onerror is set to "raise", the method will reraise the original exception as soon as a problem occurs. fields (Iterable[str] or str): What fields to return What fields to read from dataset. Either a collection of strings corresponding to fields to read, or the str "all" (default), which means read all fields. pseudo_fields (Mapping[str, function]): See documentation for sorted (bool): Should the granules be read in sorted order? Defaults to true. NB: does not currently guarantee that the actual results are sorted; this is up to the individual reading routines! locator_args (dict): Extra keyword arguments passed on to granule finding routines. reader_args (dict): Extra keyword arguments to be passed on to reading routine. Since these differ per type, those are probably documented in the class docstring. limits (dict): Limitations to apply to each granule. For the exact format, see `:func:typhon.math.array.limit_ndarray`. simple_filters (container/iterable): collection of functions to be applied for filtering. Must take ndarray input, must give ndarray output. For more advanced filtering, pass instances of implementations of filters.OrbitFilter to orbit_filters. orbit_filters (Sequence[filters.OrbitFilter]): more advanced filters to apply for each orbit or after all orbits. Those are instances of filters.OrbitFilter and thus have state, which can be useful for e.g. overlap checking. For each of those, the system will call .reset() before the first orbit is read, .filter(...) after each orbit, and .finalise() at the end. enforce_no_duplicates excs (Sequence[Exception]): what exceptions to try and catch after every read. Use with onorrer. Returns: Masked array containing all data in period. Invalid data may or may not be masked, depending on the behaviour of the reading routine implemented by the subclass. """ if locator_args is None: locator_args = {} if reader_args is None: reader_args = {} if limits is None: limits = {} if orbit_filters is None: orbit_filters = self.default_orbit_filters start = start or self.start_date end = end or self.end_date if isinstance(end, datetime.timedelta): end = start + end finder = self.find_granules_sorted if sorted else self.find_granules"Reading {} {locator_args!s} " "for period {start:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} " " – {end:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}".format(**vars())) dobar = sorted and progressbar and sys.stdout.isatty() if dobar: bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=1, widgets=[progressbar.Bar("=", "[", "]"), " ", progressbar.Percentage(), ' (', progressbar.ETA(), ') ']) bar.start() bar.update(0) else:"Psst! If you install the progressbar2 package, " "you will get a fancy progressbar!") anygood = False arr = None N = 0 time = self.time_field for of in orbit_filters: of.reset() # NB: extra_filter_args = collections.ChainMap(*(of.args_to_reader for of in orbit_filters)) overlap_filters = [ f for f in orbit_filters if isinstance(f, filters.OverlapFilter)] late = overlap_filters[0].late if len(overlap_filters) > 0 else True if len(overlap_filters) > 1: raise ValueError("Found {:d} overlap filters: {!s}".format( len(overlap_filters), overlap_filters)) for (g_start, gran) in finder(start, end, return_time=True, include_last_before=True, **locator_args): try: (cont, extra) =, fields=fields, pseudo_fields=pseudo_fields, **reader_args, **extra_filter_args) for of in orbit_filters: cont = of.filter(cont, **extra) # FIXME: handle cases where very few scanlines are left # after filtering. We may find errors downstream if there # are very few scanlines left. if (not late and cont[time].size > 0): if (enforce_no_duplicates and sorted and arr is not None and N>0 and (cont[time][0] <= latest)): if isinstance(latest, xarray.DataArray): latest = latest.values.astype("M8[ms]") if isinstance(cont[time][0], xarray.DataArray): conttime = cont[time][0].values.astype("M8[ms]") else: conttime = cont[time][0] raise InvalidDataError( "Reading routine for {!s} returned data starting " "{:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}, which precedes last entry " "for preceding granule at {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}. " "As data are supposed to be sorted in time, this " "probably means duplicate removal is not working " "as it should, or you are using an implementation " "that deliberately leaves duplicates in, and you " "should be passing enforce_no_duplicates=False to " "read_period.".format(gran, conttime.astype(datetime.datetime), latest.astype(datetime.datetime))) # NB: when datasets erroneously contain duplicate coordinates # (I'm looking at you, FIDUCEO/FCDR_HIRS#159!), this # comparison will cause a failure in xarray. In this case, # compare values instead. arrrr = cont[time] if isinstance(arrrr, xarray.DataArray): arrrr = arrrr.values if not (arrrr[1:] >= arrrr[:-1]).all(): raise InvalidDataError("Reader for {!s} returned data " "with unsorted time. This must be fixed.".format( f)) cont = self._apply_limits_and_filters(cont, limits, simple_filters) except excs as exc: if onerror == "skip": # fields that reader relies upon logger.error("Can not read file {}: {}".format( gran, exc.args[0])) continue else: raise else: (arr, N, latest) = self._add_gran_to_data(arr, cont, N, start, end, g_start) # contents.append( # cont[(cont[time]<=end)&(cont[time]>=start)]) if N > 0: anygood = True if dobar: bar.update(max((g_start-start) / (end-start),0)) if dobar: bar.update(1) bar.finish() if anygood: # NB: filter finalise before or after dataset finalise? # arr = self._finalise_arr(arr, N) for of in orbit_filters: arr = of.finalise(arr) if "flags" in self.related: arr = self.flag(arr) return arr else: raise DataFileError("Can not find any valid data!")
def _apply_limits_and_filters(self, cont, limits, simple_filters): if isinstance(cont, xarray.Dataset): if len(limits)>0: raise NotImplementedError( "limits not implemented on xarray datasets") oldsize = cont[self.time_field].size for f in simple_filters: cont = f(cont) logger.debug("Filters reduced number from " "{:d} to {:d}".format(oldsize, cont[self.time_field].size)) return cont oldsize = cont.size cont = tpmath.array.limit_ndarray(cont, limits) for f in simple_filters: cont = f(cont) if cont.size < oldsize: logger.debug("Applying limitations, reducing " "{:d} to {:d}".format(oldsize, cont.size)) return cont def _add_gran_to_data(self, arr, cont, N, start, end, g_start): # first ensure we only add the segment we actually want if isinstance(cont, xarray.Dataset): tm = cont[self.time_field].values.astype("M8[ms]") cont = cont.loc[dict.fromkeys( utils.get_time_coordinates(cont)&cont.dims.keys(), slice(start, end))] else: cont = cont[(cont[self.time_field]<end)&(cont[self.time_field]>=start)] if isinstance(cont, xarray.Dataset): # xarray reads lazily, but we want to merge all granules into # a single object at the end, so have to load it into memory # anyway; rather do it now than all at once later, so that we # can keep track of how fast things are going if cont[self.time_field].size > 0: # avoid cont.load() if arr is None: arr = [cont] N = cont[self.time_field].size else: arr.append(cont) N += cont[self.time_field].size for i in range(len(arr)): if arr[-i][self.time_field].size > 0: latest = arr[-i][self.time_field][-1] break else: latest = numpy.datetime64(0, "ms") else: if arr is None: arr = cont N = cont.size else: if (N+cont.size) > arr.size: # need to allocate more frac_done = max((g_start-start) / (end-start),0) # suppose all future files have on average the # same size? Until we have reached 10%, simply # double every time. After that, extrapolate more # cleverly. newsize = (int((N+cont[self.time_field].size)//frac_done) if frac_done > 0.1 else (N+cont[self.time_field].size) * 2) arr = self._ensure_large_enough(arr, cont, N, newsize, frac_done) self._add_cont_to_arr(arr, N, cont) N += cont[self.time_field].size if arr[self.time_field].size > 0: latest = arr[self.time_field][N-1] else: latest = numpy.datetime64(0, "ms") return arr, N, latest def _ensure_large_enough(self, arr, cont, N, newsize, frac_done): """Allocate new space while adding gran to data Helper for _add_gran_to_data, part of the read_period family of helpers. Does NOT add cont to arr!""" if isinstance(cont, xarray.Dataset): raise NotImplementedError("Not used for xarray datasets. " "But see version history at " " " "if there is a wish to reimplemented!") else: if newsize * arr.itemsize > self.maxsize: raise MemoryError("This dataset is too large " "for typhons little mind. Continuing might " "ultimately need {:,.0f} MiB of RAM. This exceeds my " "maximum (self.maxsize) of {:,.0f} MiB. " "Sorry! ".format( newsize*arr.itemsize/MiB, self.maxsize/MiB)) logger.debug( "New size ({:d} items, {:,.0f} MiB) would exceed allocated " "size ({:d} items, {:,.0f} MiB). I'm {:.3%} " "through. Allocating new: {:d} items, {:,.0f} " "MiB. New size: {:d} items, {:,.0f} " "MiB.".format(N+cont.size, (cont.nbytes+arr.nbytes)/MiB, arr.size, arr.nbytes/MiB, frac_done, newsize-arr.size, (newsize-arr.size)*arr.itemsize/MiB, newsize, newsize*arr.itemsize/MiB)) mod = ( if hasattr(arr, "mask") else numpy) arr = mod.concatenate( (arr, mod.zeros(dtype=arr.dtype, shape=newsize-arr.size))) return arr def _add_cont_to_arr(self, arr, N, cont): """Changes arr in-situ, does not return""" if isinstance(cont, xarray.Dataset): # we should already know it's large enough # for arr[self.time_field] I start at N # for the other time coordinates at the relative "speed" they # are behind N # but this is not guaranteed to be regular so I would need to # keep trac of each individually, or inspect it on-the-fly # this approximation may be good enough for pre-allocation # (which is approximate anyway), when actually storing we need # to do a better job… for each time coordinate, check when it # “dies” raise NotImplementedError("This is not used for xarrays. " "But see comment in source-code for some thoughts.") else: arr[N:(N+cont.size)] = cont #arr = self._finalise_arr(arr, N) def _finalise_arr(self, arr, N): if isinstance(arr, list): logger.debug("Concatenating {N:d} DataArrays...".format(N=N)) if self.concat_coor is None: return utils.concat_each_time_coordinate(*arr) else: return xarray.concat(arr, dim=self.concat_coor) logger.debug("Done!") else: return self._correct_overallocation(arr, N) @staticmethod def _correct_overallocation(arr, N): if isinstance(arr, xarray.Dataset): raise RuntimeError("We shouldn't be here. Ever.") logger.debug("Correcting overallocation ({:d}->{:d})".format( arr.size, N)) return arr[:N] @abc.abstractmethod def _read(self, f, fields="all"): """Read granule in file, low-level. To be implemented by subclass. Do not call this method; call :func:`` instead. For documentation, see :func:``. """ raise NotImplementedError() # Cannot use functools.lru_cache because it cannot handle mutable # results or arguments
[docs] @utils.cache.mutable_cache(maxsize=10) def read(self, f=None, fields="all", pseudo_fields=None, **kwargs): """Read granule in file and do some other fixes Shall return an ndarray with at least the fields lat, lon, time. Arguments: f (str): String containing path to file to read. fields (Iterable[str] or str): What fields to return. See :func:`Dataset.read_period` for details. pseudo_fields (Mapping[str, function]): Additional fields to calculate on-the-fly after every read. That may be more attractive from a memory point of view. In this mapping, the keys will be names added to the dtype of the returned ndarray (at the top level). The values are functions. Each function must take four arguments: content [ndarray or xarray.DataArray] Content of file. D [Mapping] Output of earlier-executed data-fields. header [ndarray or xarry.DataArray] Header of file. fn [string-like] Name of file. and return an ndarray or xarray.DataArray to be merged with content. Dictionary are ordered now, make sure to pass the correct order. Any further keyword arguments are passed on to the particular reading routine. For details, please refer to the docstring for the class. Returns: Masked array containing data in file with selected fields. """ if isinstance(f, pathlib.PurePath): f = str(f) if pseudo_fields is None: pseudo_fields = collections.OrderedDict() # expand pseudo_fields with items from my_pseudo_fields not # already there, and also process dependent fields if fields != "all": fields = list(fields) for (k, (deps, v, cond)) in self.my_pseudo_fields.items(): if k in fields: for d in deps: if (d not in fields and all(kwargs.get(condfn) in condval for (condfn, condval) in cond.items())): fields.append(d) for mandatory in self.mandatory_fields: if mandatory not in fields: fields.append(mandatory) for (k, (deps, v, cond)) in self.my_pseudo_fields.items(): if (fields=="all" or k in fields and k not in pseudo_fields) and ( all(kwargs.get(condfn) in condval for (condfn, condval) in cond.items())): pseudo_fields[k] = v logger.debug("Reading {:s}".format(f)) # should not pass pseudo_fields on to reader, it will get confused fields = (fields if fields == "all" else [f for f in fields if not f in pseudo_fields]) (M, extra) = (self._read(f, fields=fields, **kwargs) if f is not None else self._read(fields=fields, **kwargs)) M = self._add_pseudo_fields(M, pseudo_fields, extra, f) return (M, extra)
def _add_pseudo_fields(self, M, pseudo_fields, extra, f): D = collections.OrderedDict() for (k, fnc) in pseudo_fields.items(): try: D[k] = fnc(M, D, extra, f) except TypeError as exc: if "positional argument" in exc.args[0]: # backward compatibility D[k] = fnc(M) else: raise if D != {}: if self.read_returns == "ndarray": mod = ( if hasattr(M, "mask") else numpy) newM = mod.zeros(shape=M.shape, dtype=M.dtype.descr + [(k, v.dtype, v.shape[1:]) for (k,v) in D.items()]) for k in M.dtype.names: newM[k] = M[k] elif self.read_returns == "xarray": newM = M else: raise ValueError("read_returns must be ndarray or xarray") for (k, v) in D.items(): newM[k] = v M = newM return M def __str__(self): return "<{self.__class__.__name__:s}:{}>".format(self=self) # Leave disk-memoisation out of typhon until dependency on joblib has # been decided. # # @tools.mark_for_disk_cache( # process=dict( # my_data=lambda x: x.view(dtype="i1")))
[docs] def combine(self, my_data, other_obj, other_data=None, other_args=None, trans=None, timetol=numpy.timedelta64(1, 's'), time_name="time"): """Combine with data from other dataset. Combine a set of measurements from this dataset with another dataset, where each individual measurement correspond to exactly one from the other one, as identified by time/lat/lon, orbitid, or measurument id, or other characteristics. The object attribute unique_fields determines how those are found. The other dataset may contain flags, DMPs, or different information altogether. Arguments: my_data (ndarray): Data for self. A (masked) array with a dtype such as returned from ` <>`. other_obj (Dataset): Dataset to match Object from a Dataset subclass from which to find matching data. other_data (ndarray): Data for other. Optional. Optionally, pass data for other object. If not provided or None, this will be read using other_obj. other_args (dict): Keyword arguments passed to other_obj.read_period. May need to contain things like {"locator_args": {"satname": "noaa18"}} trans (collections.OrderedDict): Dictionary of what field in `my_data` corresponds to what field in `other_data`. Optional; by default, merges self.unique_fields and other_obj.unique_fields, and assumes names between the two are identical. Order is relevant for optimal recursive bisection search for matches, which is to be implemented. timetol (timedelta64): For datetime types, `isclose` does not work ( User must pass an explicit tolerance, defaulting to 1 second. time_name (str): Name for my time field. Defaults to "time". Used to determine the period to read from the other dataset. Returns: Masked ndarray of same size as `my_data` and same `dtype` as returned by ``. TODO: Allow user to pass already-read data from other dataset. """ if trans is None: flds = list(self.unique_fields & other_obj.unique_fields) trans = collections.OrderedDict(zip(flds, flds)) if other_args is None: other_args = {} if self.read_returns == "ndarray": if other_data is None: first = my_data[time_name].min().astype(datetime.datetime) last = my_data[time_name].max().astype(datetime.datetime) elif self.read_returns == "xarray": if other_data is None: first = my_data[time_name].min().values.astype("M8[ms]" ).astype(datetime.datetime) last = my_data[time_name].max().values.astype("M8[ms]" ).astype(datetime.datetime) else: raise ValueError("read_returns must be ndarray or xarray") if other_data is None: other_data = other_obj.read_period(first, last, **other_args) (my_prim, other_prim) = next(iter(trans.items())) if self.read_returns == "ndarray": # my_data needs to be sorted try: my_data._fill_value except AttributeError: my_data.sort(order=my_prim, kind="heapsort") else: # see # my_data.sort(order=my_prim, kind="heapsort", fill_value=my_data._fill_value) elif self.read_returns == "xarray": # ensure sorted along time dimension if not len(my_data[my_prim].dims) == len(other_data[other_prim].dims) == 1: raise ValueError( "Must use 1-D index for finding combinations, " "{:s} has {:d} dimensions: {!s}, " "{:s} has {:d} dimensions: {!s}.".format( my_prim, len(my_data[my_prim].dims), my_data[my_prim].dims, other_prim, len(other_data[other_prim].dims), other_data[other_prim].dims)) my_dim = my_data[my_prim].dims[0] other_dim = other_data[other_prim].dims[0] if not (my_data[my_prim][1:] >= my_data[my_prim][:-1]).all(): warnings.warn("Primary/reference instrument data should " "be sorted in time to find matching data in other set. " f"Field {my_prim:s} in {} is not sorted in " "time. Note that this problem may be unavoidable if " "we are tasked to search for additional information " "for both pairs of collocations, and times are sorted " "according to one but not the other. Therefore, I " "will force the sorting for now, but I'm not entirely " "sure this cannot lead to problems later. You have " "been warned.", UserWarning) my_data = my_data.loc[ {my_data[my_prim].dims[0]: numpy.argsort(my_data[my_prim])}] # through interpolation, find times in `other` closest to times in # myself; hopefully that means the difference is zero if issubclass(my_data[my_prim].dtype.type, numpy.datetime64): x = other_data[other_prim].astype("<M8[ms]").astype("f8") xx = my_data[my_prim].astype("<M8[ms]").astype("f8") else: x = other_data[other_prim] xx = my_data[my_prim] if self.read_returns == "ndarray": ii = numpy.interp(xx, x, numpy.arange(other_data[other_prim].shape[0])).round().astype( numpy.uint64) else: if not other_data[other_prim].dtype.kind=="M": raise ValueError("When finding combinations based " "on xarray datasets, I can only do so based on " "time coordinates, but {:s} has dtype {!s}.".format( other_prim, other_data[other_prim].dtype)) for (k, v) in other_data.data_vars.items(): if v.dtype.kind == "M": raise ValueError("Found time data variable " "that is not a coordinate, I'm confused, " "should I interpolate it? Assign as a coordinate " "to be sure!") ii = dict.fromkeys(utils.get_time_dimensions(other_data)) for k in ii.keys(): x = other_data[k].astype("<M8[ms]").astype("f8") ii[k] = numpy.interp(xx, x, numpy.arange(x.shape[0])).round().astype(numpy.int64) # if self.read_returns == "ndarray": # other_combi = other_data[ii] # # now go through fields to see that there is an actual match # elif self.read_returns == "xarray": other_combi = other_data[ii] if self.read_returns == "ndarray": near = numpy.all([(numpy.isclose(my_data[f_my], other_combi[f_oth]) if issubclass(my_data[f_my].dtype.type, numpy.inexact) else abs(my_data[f_my] - other_combi[f_oth]) < timetol if issubclass(my_data[f_my].dtype.type, numpy.datetime64) else my_data[f_my] == other_combi[f_oth]) for (f_my, f_oth) in trans.items()], 0) elif self.read_returns == "xarray": near = numpy.all([ (numpy.isclose(my_data[f_my].values, other_combi[f_oth].values) if issubclass(my_data[f_my].dtype.type, numpy.inexact) else abs(my_data[f_my].values - other_combi[f_oth].values) < timetol if issubclass(my_data[f_my].dtype.type, numpy.datetime64) else my_data[f_my].values == other_combi[f_oth].values) for (f_my, f_oth) in trans.items()], 0) if not near.any(): # check time coverage first_found = other_data["time"].min().values.astype("M8[ms]").astype(datetime.datetime) last_found = other_data["time"].max().values.astype("M8[ms]").astype(datetime.datetime) if (abs(first_found - first) > timetol and abs(last_found - last) > timetol): raise ValueError(f"Primary covers " f"{first:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}{last:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}, " "but secondary only covers " f"{first_found:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}{last_found:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}. " "Finding secondary fails. Perhaps the " "secondary is coming from a derived dataset compared " "to where the original collocations were made, and the " "derived dataset is temporarily absent.") else: raise ValueError("Did not find any secondaries! Are times off?") if not near.all(): logger.warn("Only {:d}/{:d} ({:%}) of secondaries found".format( near.sum(), near.size, near.sum()/near.size)) if self.read_returns == "ndarray": try: other_combi.mask[~near] = numpy.ones_like(other_combi.mask[~near]) except AttributeError: # not a MaskedArray yet other_combi =, other_combi) elif self.read_returns == "xarray": vars_with_dim = [k for k in other_combi.data_vars.keys() if other_dim in other_combi[k].dims] for v in vars_with_dim: other_combi[v][{"time": ~near}] = numpy.nan return other_combi
[docs] def get_additional_field(self, M, fld): """Get additional field. Get field from other dataset, original objects, or otherwise. To be implemented by subclass implementations. Exact fields depend on subclass. Arguments: M (ndarray): ndarray with existing data A (masked) array with a dtype such as returned from ` <>`. fld (str): Additional field to read from original data Returns: ndarray with fields of M + fld. """ raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented by child-class")
[docs] def as_xarray_dataset(self): raise NotImplementedError("Dataset {!s} has not implemented " "conversion to xarray".format(self))
[docs] class SingleFileDataset(Dataset): """Represents a dataset where all measurements are in one file. """ start_date = datetime.datetime.min end_date = datetime.datetime.max srcfile = None # docstring in parent
[docs] def find_granules(self, start=datetime.datetime.min, end=datetime.datetime.max, include_last_before=False): if start < self.end_date and end > self.start_date: yield self.srcfile
# docstring in parent
[docs] def find_granules_sorted(self, start=datetime.datetime.min, end=datetime.datetime.max, include_last_before=False): yield from self.find_granules(start, end)
[docs] def get_times_for_granule(self, gran=None): return (self.start_date, self.end_date)
[docs] def read(self, f=None, fields="all"): return super().read(f or self.srcfile, fields)
[docs] def find_most_recent_granule_before(self, instant, **locator_args): if instant > self.start_date: yield from self.find_granules(**locator_args) else: raise GranuleLocatorError("Instant out of range: " "{:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}".format(instant))
[docs] class MultiFileDataset(Dataset): """Represents a dataset where measurements are spread over multiple files. If filenames contain timestamps, this information is used to determine the time for a granule or measurement. If filenames do not contain timestamps, this information is obtained from the file contents. Attributes: basedir (pathlib.Path or str): Describes the directory under which all granules are located. Can be either a string or a pathlib.Path object. subdir (pathlib.Path or str): Describes the directory within basedir where granules are located. May contain string formatting directives where particular fields are replaces, such as `year`, `month`, and `day`. For example: `subdir = '{year}/{month}'`. Sorting cannot be more narrow than by day. re (str): Regular expression that should match valid granule files within `basedir` / `subdir`. Should use symbolic group names to capture relevant information when possible, such as starting time, orbit number, etc. For time identification, relevant fields are contained in MultiFileDataset.date_info, where each field also exists in a version with "_end" appended. MultiFileDataset.refields contains all recognised fields. If any _end fields are found, the ending time is equal to the beginning time with any _end fields replaced. If no _end fields are found, the `granule_duration` attribute is used to determine the ending time, or the file is read to get the ending time (hopefully the header is enough). granule_cache_file (pathlib.Path or str): If set, use this file to cache information related to granules. This is used to cache granule times if those are not directly inferred from the filename. Otherwise, this is not used. The full path to this file shall be `basedir` / `granule_cache_file`. granule_duration (datetime.timedelta): If the filename contains starting times but no ending times, granule_duration is used to determine the ending time. This should be a datetime.timedelta object. """ basedir = None subdir = "" re = None _re = None # compiled version, do not touch granule_cache_file = None _granule_start_times = None granule_duration = None datefields = "year month day hour minute second".split() # likely extended later. Note that "tod" is also a datefield, # interpreted as seconds since 00 refields = ["".join(x) for x in itertools.product(datefields, ("", "_end"))] valid_field_values = {} # When set to a string, interpreted as a path to database of granules # with corresponding first lines. This may be relevant for cases like # the NOAA and MetOp satelline sensors, where subsequent granules # contain some repetitions of lines from previous granules. granules_firstline_file = None granules_firstline_db = None
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._str2path("basedir", "subdir", "granule_cache_file") self._open_granule_file() if is not None: self._re = re.compile(, re.IGNORECASE)
def _str2path(self, *args): for attr in args: if (getattr(self, attr) is not None and not isinstance(getattr(self, attr), pathlib.PurePath)): setattr(self, attr, pathlib.Path(getattr(self, attr))) def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() del state["_granule_start_times"] return state def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) self._open_granule_file()
[docs] def find_dir_for_time(self, dt): """Find the directory containing granules/measurements at (date)time For a given datetime object, find the directory that contains granules/measurument files for this particular time. Arguments: dt (datetime.datetime): Timestamp for inquiry. In reality, any object with `year`, `month`, and `day` attributes works. Returns: pathlib.Path object pointing to to relevant directory """ return pathlib.Path(str(self.basedir / self.subdir).format( year=dt.year, month=dt.month,, doy=dt.timetuple().tm_yday))
[docs] def get_mandatory_fields(self): fm = string.Formatter() fields = {f[1] for f in fm.parse(str(self.basedir / self.subdir))} if fields == {None}: fields = set() return fields - set(self.datefields)
[docs] def verify_mandatory_fields(self, extra): mandatory = self.get_mandatory_fields() found = set(extra.keys()) missing = set() if not mandatory <= found: missing = mandatory - found # I'm deleting elements so I must loop over a copy for elem in missing.copy(): try: extra[elem] = getattr(self, elem) except AttributeError: pass else: missing.remove(elem) if missing: raise GranuleLocatorError("Missing fields needed to search for " "{} files. Need: {mandatory:s}. " "Found: {found:s}. Missing: {missing:s}".format( self=self, mandatory=", ".join(mandatory), found=", ".join(found) or "(none)", missing=", ".join(missing))) for field in found: if field in self.valid_field_values: if not extra[field] in self.valid_field_values[field]: raise GranuleLocatorError("Encountered invalid {field!s} " "when searching for {!s} files. " "Found: {value!s}. Valid: " "{valid_values!s}".format( field=field, self=self, extra=extra, value=extra[field], valid_values=self.valid_field_values[field]))
[docs] def get_subdir_resolution(self): """Return the resolution for the subdir precision. Returns "year", "month", "day", or None (if there is no subdir). Based on parsing of self.subdir attribute. """ fm = string.Formatter() fields = {f[1] for f in fm.parse(str(self.subdir))} if "day" in fields: return "day" if "month" in fields: if "doy" in fields: raise ValueError("Format string has both month and doy") return "month" if "year" in fields: if "doy" in fields: return "day" return "year"
[docs] def get_path_format_variables(self): """What extra format variables are needed in find_granules? Depending on the dataset, `find_granules` needs zero or more extra formatting valiables. For example, TOVS instruments require the satellite. Required formatting arguments are determined by self.basedir and self.subdir. """ return {x[1] for x in string.Formatter().parse( str(self.basedir / self.subdir))} - {"year", "month", "day"}
[docs] def iterate_subdirs(self, d_start, d_end, **extra): """Iterate through all subdirs in dataset. Note that this does not check for existance of those directories. Yields a 2-element tuple where the first contains information on year(/month/day), and the second is the path. Arguments: d_start ( Starting date. d_end ( Ending date **extra: Any extra keyword arguments. This will be passed on to format self.basedir / self.subdir, in case the standard fields like year, month, etc. do not provide enough information. Yields: pathlib.Path objects for each directory in the dataset containing files between `d_start` and `d_end`. """ self.verify_mandatory_fields(extra) # depending on resolution, iterate by year, month, or day. # Resolution is determined by provided fields in self.subdir. d = d_start res = self.get_subdir_resolution() pst = str(self.basedir / self.subdir) if res == "year": year = d.year while, 1, 1) <= d_end: yield (dict(year=year), pathlib.Path(pst.format(year=year, **extra))) year += 1 elif res == "month": year = d.year month = d.month while, month, 1) <= d_end: yield (dict(year=year, month=month), pathlib.Path(pst.format(year=year, month=month, **extra))) if month == 12: year += 1 month = 1 else: month += 1 elif res == "day": #while d < d_end: if any(x[1] == "doy" for x in string.Formatter().parse(pst)): while d <= d_end: doy = d.timetuple().tm_yday yield (dict(year=d.year, doy=doy), pathlib.Path(pst.format(year=d.year, doy=doy, **extra))) d += datetime.timedelta(days=1) else: while d <= d_end: yield (dict(year=d.year, month=d.month,, pathlib.Path(pst.format( year=d.year, month=d.month,, **extra))) d = d + datetime.timedelta(days=1) else: yield ({}, pathlib.Path(pst.format(**extra)))
[docs] def find_granules(self, dt_start=None, dt_end=None, include_last_before=False, **extra): """Yield all granules/measurementfiles in period Accepts extra keyword arguments. Meaning depends on actual dataset. Could be something like a satellite name in the case of sensors occurring on multiple platforms, like HIRS. To see what keyword arguments are accepted or possibly needed for a particular dataset, call self.get_path_format_variables() If keyword argument `return_time` is present and True, yield tuples of (start_time, path) rather than just `path`. The results are usually sorted by start time, but this is not guaranteed and depends on the filesystem. If you need sorted granules, please use find_granules_sorted. Arguments: d_start ( Starting date. d_end ( Ending date include_last_before (bool): Include last granule starting before. **extra: Any extra keyword arguments. This will be passed on to format self.basedir / self.subdir, in case the standard fields like year, month, etc. do not provide enough information. Yields: pathlib.Path objects for each datafile in the dataset between `dt_start` and `dt_end`. """ if dt_start is None: dt_start = self.start_date if dt_end is None: dt_end = self.end_date return_time = extra.pop("return_time", False) self.verify_mandatory_fields(extra) d_start = ( if isinstance(dt_start, datetime.datetime) else dt_start) d_end = ( if isinstance(dt_end, datetime.datetime) else dt_end) found_any_dirs = False found_any_grans = False logger.debug(("Searching for {!s} granules between {!s} and {!s} " ).format(, dt_start, dt_end)) before = None if include_last_before and dt_start > self.start_date: try: before = self.find_most_recent_granule_before(dt_start, return_time=return_time, **extra) yield before except GranuleLocatorError: # no problem pass for (timeinfo, subdir) in self.iterate_subdirs(d_start, d_end, **extra): if subdir.exists() and subdir.is_dir(): logger.debug("Searching directory {!s}".format(subdir)) found_any_dirs = True for child in subdir.iterdir(): if before is not None and child == before[1]: # already yielded it as "last before" continue m = self._re.fullmatch( if m is not None: fit = True for k in m.groupdict().keys() & extra.keys(): if m[k].lower() != extra[k].lower(): fit = False # not the right file break if not fit: continue found_any_grans = True try: (g_start, g_end) = self.get_times_for_granule(child, **timeinfo) except InvalidFileError as e: logger.error( "Skipping {!s}. Problem: {}".format( child, e.args[0])) continue if g_end >= dt_start and g_start <= dt_end: if return_time: yield (g_start, child) else: yield child if not found_any_dirs: logger.warning("Found no directories. Make sure {} has " "coverage in {dt_start:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} – " "{dt_end:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} and that you spelt any " "additional information correctly: ".format(self=self, dt_start=dt_start, dt_end=dt_end) + str(extra) + " Satellite " "names and other fields are case-sensitive!") elif not found_any_grans: logger.warning("Directories searched appear to contain no matching " "files. Make sure basedir, subdir, and regexp are " "correct and you did not misspell any extra " "information: " + str(extra))
[docs] def find_granules_sorted(self, dt_start=None, dt_end=None, include_last_before=False, **extra): """Yield all granules, sorted by times. For documentation, see :func:`~Dataset.find_granules`. """ allgran = list(self.find_granules(dt_start, dt_end, include_last_before, **extra)) # I've been through all granules at least once, so all should be # cached now; no need for additional hints when granule timeinfo # obtainable only with hints from subdir, which is not included in # the re-matching method if extra.get("return_time", False): yield from sorted(allgran) else: yield from sorted(allgran, key=self.get_times_for_granule)
[docs] def find_most_recent_granule_before(self, instant, **locator_args): # docstring in parent class return_time = locator_args.pop("return_time", False) res = self.get_subdir_resolution() if res == "day": d0 = datetime.datetime(instant.year, instant.month,, 0, 0, 0) d1 = d0 + datetime.timedelta(days=2) # closed interval d0 = d0 - datetime.timedelta(days=1) # granule may start yesterday elif res == "month": d0 = datetime.datetime(instant.year, instant.month, 1, 0, 0, 0) d1 = d0 + datetime.timedelta(days=31*2) d0 = d0 - datetime.timedelta(days=31) elif res == "year": d0 = datetime.datetime(instant.year-1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) d1 = datetime.datetime(instant.year+1, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59) else: d0 = d1 = None # search entire dataset first = True for (time_st, gran) in self.find_granules_sorted(d0, d1, return_time=True, **locator_args): if time_st > instant: if not first: if return_time: return (lasttime, lastgran) else: return lastgran break lasttime = time_st lastgran = gran first = False raise GranuleLocatorError("Can not find any granule " "before {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}".format(instant))
@staticmethod def _getyear(gd, s, alt): """Extract year info from group-dict Taking a group dict and a string, get an int for the year. The group dict should come from re.fullmatch().groupdict(). The second argument is typically "year" or "year_end". If this is a 4-digit string, it is taken as a year. If it is a 2-digit string, it is taken as a 2-digit year, which is taken as 19xx for <= 68, and 20xx for >= 69, according to POSIX and ISO C standards. If there is no match, return alt. Arguments: gd (dict): Group-dict such as returned by re module s (str): String to match for int (str): Value returned in case there is no match Returns: int: year """ if s in gd: i = int(gd[s]) if len(gd[s]) == 2: return 1900 + i if i> 68 else 2000 + i elif len(gd[s]) == 4: return i else: raise ValueError("Found {:d}-digit string for the year. " "Expected 2 or 4 digits. Giving up.".format(len(gd[s]))) else: return alt
[docs] def get_info_for_granule(self, p): """Return dict (re.fullmatch) for granule, based on re Arguments: p (pathlib.Path): path to granule Returns: dict: dictionary with info, such as returned by :func:`re.fullmatch`. """ if not isinstance(p, pathlib.Path): p = pathlib.Path(p) m = self._re.fullmatch( return m.groupdict()
[docs] def get_times_for_granule(self, p, **kwargs): """For granule stored in `path`, get start and end times. May take hints for year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and their endings, according to self.datefields Arguments: p (pathlib.Path): path to granule **kwargs: Any more info that may be needed Returns: (datetime, datetime): Start and end time for granule """ if not isinstance(p, pathlib.PurePath): p = pathlib.PurePath(p) if str(p) in self._granule_start_times.keys(): (start, end) = self._granule_start_times[str(p)] else: gd = self.get_info_for_granule(p) if (any(f in gd.keys() for f in self.datefields) and (any(f in gd.keys() for f in {x+"_end" for x in self.datefields}) or self.granule_duration is not None)): st_date = [int(gd.get(p, kwargs.get(p, 0))) for p in self.datefields] td = datetime.timedelta() if st_date[1] == st_date[2] == 0: if "doy" in gd: td += datetime.timedelta(days=int(gd["doy"])-1) # month and day can't be 0... st_date[1] = st_date[1] or 1 st_date[2] = st_date[2] or 1 # maybe it's a two-year notation st_date[0] = self._getyear(gd, "year", kwargs.get("year", 0)) try: start = datetime.datetime(*st_date) except ValueError as e: raise InvalidFileError("File {!s} has invalid " "starting datetime, giving up".format(p)) from v if "tod" in gd and start.time() == datetime.time(0): td += datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(gd["tod"])) start += td if any(k.endswith("_end") for k in gd.keys()): # FIXME: Does this go well at the end of # year/month/day boundary? Should really makes sure # that end is the first time occurance after # start_time fulfilling the provided information. end_date = st_date.copy() end_date[0] = self._getyear(gd, "year_end", kwargs.get("year_end", st_date[0])) end_date[1:] = [int(gd.get(p+"_end", kwargs.get(p+"_end", sd_x))) for (p, sd_x) in zip(self.datefields[1:], st_date[1:])] try: end = datetime.datetime(*end_date) except ValueError as v: raise InvalidFileError("File {!s} has invalid " "ending datetime, giving up".format(p)) from v if end_date < st_date: # must have crossed date boundary end += datetime.timedelta(days=1) elif self.granule_duration is not None: end = start + self.granule_duration else: raise RuntimeError("This code should never execute") else: # implementation depends on dataset (start, end) = self.get_time_from_granule_contents(str(p)) self._granule_start_times[str(p)] = (start, end) return (start, end)
# not an abstract method because subclasses need to implement it /if # and only if starting/ending times cannot be determined from the filename
[docs] def get_time_from_granule_contents(self, p): """Get datetime objects for beginning and end of granule If it returns None, then use same as start time. Arguments: p (pathlib.Path): Path to file Returns: (datetime, datetime): 2-tuple for start and end times """ raise ValueError( ("To determine starting and end-times for a {0} dataset, " "I need to read the file. However, {0} has not implemented the " "get_time_from_granule_contents method.".format( type(self).__name__)))
def _open_granule_file(self): if self.granule_cache_file is not None: p = str(self.basedir / self.granule_cache_file) try: self._granule_start_times =, protocol=4) except OSError: logger.error(("Unable to open granule file {} RW. " "Opening copy instead.").format(p)) tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() shutil.copyfile(p, #self._granule_start_times =, flag='r') self._granule_start_times = else: self._granule_start_times = {} def _filter_firstline(self, f, M): # by default, do nothing raise NotImplementedError("Dataset {self:s} {} needs " "database for storing a table with the first new scanline per " "granule, i.e. the first line not contained in the previous. " "Please define `granules_firstline` in source-code or " "configuration file.")
[docs] class SingleMeasurementPerFileDataset(MultiFileDataset): """Represents datasets where each file contains one measurement. An example of this would be ACE-FTS, or some radio-occultation datasets. Attributes: filename_fields (Mapping[str, dtype]) dict with {name, dtype} for fields that should be copied from the filename (as obtained with into the header """ granule_duration = datetime.timedelta(0) filename_fields = {}
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def read_single(self, p, fields="all"): """Read a single measurement from a single file. Shall take one argument (a path object) and return a tuple with (header, measurement). The header shall contain information like latitude, longitude, time. Arguments: p (pathlib.Path): path to file fields (Iterable[str] or str): What fields to return. See :func:`Dataset.read_period` for details. """ raise NotImplementedError()
_head_dtype = {} def _read(self, p, fields="all"): """Reads a single measurement converted to ndarray Arguments: p (pathlib.Path): path to file fields (Iterable[str] or str): What fields to return. See :func:`Dataset.read_period` for details. """ (head, body) = self.read_single(p, fields=fields) dt = [(s+body.shape if len(s)==2 else (s[0], s[1], s[2]+body.shape)) for s in body.dtype.descr] dt.extend([("lat", "f8"), ("lon", "f8"), ("time", "M8[s]")]) dt.extend([(s, self._head_dtype[s]) for s in (head.keys() & self._head_dtype.keys()) if s not in {"lat", "lon", "time"}]) if self.filename_fields: info = self.get_info_for_granule(p) dt.extend(self.filename_fields.items()) D =, dt) for nm in body.dtype.names: D[nm] = body[nm] for nm in {"lat", "lon", "time"}: D[nm] = head[nm] for nm in head.keys() & D.dtype.names: if nm not in {"lat", "lon", "time"}: D[nm] = head[nm] if self.filename_fields: for nm in self.filename_fields.keys(): D[nm] = info[nm] return (D, {})
[docs] class NetCDFDataset: """Mixin for any dataset where the contents are in NetCDF. This may provide a good default for any NetCDF-based dataset. The reading routine will take the most commonly occurring dimension as the ndarray axes, and the rest within structured multidimensional dtype. USE WITH CARE! PROVISIONAL API! This one should use xarray, of course! See """ read_returns = "ndarray" # can be set to xarray def _get_dtype_from_vars(self, alldims, allvars, fields, prim): """Get dtype from alldims, allvars """ return numpy.dtype([ (k, "f4" if (getattr(v, "Scale", 1)!=1) else v.dtype, tuple(s for (i, s) in enumerate(v.shape) if v.dimensions[i] != alldims[prim].name)) for (k, v) in allvars.items() if ((alldims[prim].name in v.dimensions) if fields=="all" else (k in fields))]) def _read(self, f, fields="all", pseudo_fields=None, prim=None): if self.read_returns == "ndarray": return (self._read_ndarray(f, fields, pseudo_fields, prim), {}) elif self.read_returns == "xarray": ds = xarray.open_dataset(f) if fields != "all": ds = ds[fields] if pseudo_fields is not None: warnings.warn("Ignoring pseudo-fields", UserWarning) # if there is any problem loading the file, I want to know # that now, not whenever I happen to read the data ds.load() return (ds, {}) def _read_ndarray(self, f, fields="all", pseudo_fields=None, prim=None): if pseudo_fields is None: pseudo_fields = {} with netCDF4.Dataset(f, 'r') as ds: # generic conversion of NetCDF to ndarray; consider the most # common dimension, make this one the shape of the ndarray, # copy over all variables that share this dimension, and # ignore the rest, unless variables are passed explicitly # first do the “pseudo fields” so I know the dtype before I # create the structured dtype extra = {nm: f(ds) for (nm, f) in pseudo_fields.items()} # # if contained in one layer of groups, flatten those first if ds.groups != {}: # NB: empty OrderedDict == {} alldims = collections.OrderedDict( itertools.chain.from_iterable( ds[x].dimensions.items() for x in ds.groups.keys())) allvars = collections.OrderedDict( itertools.chain.from_iterable( ds[x].variables.items() for x in ds.groups.keys())) else: alldims = ds.dimensions allvars = ds.variables # count most frequent dimensions cnt = collections.Counter( itertools.chain.from_iterable( allvars[var].dimensions for var in allvars.keys())) prim = prim or cnt.most_common(1)[0][0] n = alldims[prim].size M = numpy.zeros(shape=(n,), dtype=self._get_dtype_from_vars(alldims, allvars, fields, prim).descr + [(nm, v.dtype, v.shape[1:]) for (nm, v) in extra.items()]) M = for v in M.dtype.names: try: M[v][...] = extra[v][...] except KeyError: # should be direct instead pass else: continue try: M[v][...] = allvars[v][...] * getattr(allvars[v], "Scale", 1) try: M[v].mask[M[v]==allvars[v]._FillValue] = True except AttributeError: # no fill value or not a masked array...? pass except TypeError: pass # probably not a numeric type return M
[docs] class HomemadeDataset(NetCDFDataset, MultiFileDataset): """For any dataset created by typhon or its dependencies. Currently supports only saving to npz, through the save_npz method. Eventually, should also support other file formats, in particular NetCDF. """ stored_name = None write_basedir = write_subdir = None
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._str2path("write_basedir", "write_subdir", "stored_name")
[docs] def find_granule_for_time(self, **kwargs): """Find granule for specific time. May or may not exist. Arguments (kw only) are passed on to format directories stored in self.basedir / self.subdir / self.stored_name, along with self.__dict__. One special keyword, "write", can be used when writing data, as some datasets in "production mode" have different files for writing than reading. Returns path to granule. """ if kwargs.get("mode") == "write": d = (getattr(self, "write_basedir", self.basedir) / getattr(self, "write_subdir", self.subdir) / self.stored_name) else: d = self.basedir / self.subdir / self.stored_name # next line inspired by # which was posted by Alek Kowalczyk on 2015-08-25 and licensed # under CC-BY-SA 3.0. I believe my code is sufficiently far from # the original to not be a derivative work and that it can legally # be MIT-licensed. subsdict = {attr: getattr(self, attr) for attr in dir(self)} subsdict.update(**kwargs) nm = pathlib.Path(str(d).format(**subsdict)) return nm
def _read(self, f, fields="all"): if f.endswith("npz") or f.endswith("npy"): if fields != "all": warnings.warn("Ignoring fields≠'all'!", UserWarning) return (numpy.load(f)["arr_0"], {}) elif f.endswith("nc"): try: return super()._read(f, fields=fields) except ValueError as v: if v.args[0] == ("zero-size array to reduction operation " "minimum which has no identity"): # A bug in xarray will cause a ValueError if trying to # decode the times in a NetCDF file with length 0. # See . # Although I can't presently solve this (not decoding # would be undesirable due to inconsistencies), I can # at least replace it by an exception that means "bad # data". raise InvalidDataError("It looks like the NetCDF file " "is empty or at least has a datetime variable with " "length 0. Due to " " " "I can't currently handle that. Original message " "was: " + v.args[0]) from v else: raise # def find_granules(self, start, end): # raise StopIteration() # @abc.abstractmethod # def quicksave(self, f): # """Quick save to file # # :param str f: File to save to # """
[docs] def save_npz(self, path, M): """Save to compressed npz Arguments: path (pathlib.Path): Path to store to M (ndarray): Contents of what to store. """ p = pathlib.Path(path) p.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) numpy.savez_compressed(str(path), M)
[docs] class MultiSatelliteDataset(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): satellites = set() @property def valid_field_values(self): return {"satname": self.satellites}
[docs] class HyperSpectral(Dataset, em.FwmuMixin): """Superclass for any hyperspectral instrument """ freqfile = None
# Not yet transferred from pyatmlab to typhon, not clean enough: # # - ProfileDataset # - StationaryDataset # - HyperSpectral
[docs] class DatasetDeque: """A deque-like object sliding through a dataset. For a particular dataset, keep data corresponding to time period in memory. When reading new data, discard a corresponding time period of data in the past. This should be useful to process longer periods of data that do not fit into memory, to calculate sliding window statistics, or to perform processing where values nearby in time are required. """ dsobj = window = init_time = center_time = data = None
[docs] def __init__(self, ds, window, init_time, *args, **kwargs): """Initialise a DatasetDeque Arguments: ds [Dataset]: Dataset that this belongs to, for example, HIRS(). This dataset must have an implementation of .as_xarray_dataset(). window [timedelta]: Duration that should be kept in memory. For example, datetime.timedelta(hours=48). init_time [datetime]: Instant around which initial window shall be centred. Remaining arguments passed to read_period. """ self.dsobj = ds self.window = window self.init_time = init_time self.center_time = init_time self.reset(newtime=self.init_time, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def reset(self, newtime=None, *args, **kwargs): """Reset to initial conditions Sets data to indicated time or self.init_time ± self.window/2 Arguments: newtime [datetime.datetime]: optional, time at which to center window. If not given, reset to initial time. Remaining arguments passed to read_period. """ self.edges = (self.init_time-self.window/2, self.init_time+self.window/2) self.center_time = newtime or self.init_time M = self.dsobj.read_period( *self.edges, *args, **kwargs) = self.dsobj.as_xarray_dataset(M)
[docs] def move(self, period, *args, **kwargs): """Read period on the right, discard period on the left This moves the window to the right by `period` by reading `period` new data, appending this on the right, and discarding an equally long period on the left. Arguments: period [timedelta]: Duration by which to shift. Must be positive. Remaining arguments passed to read_period. """ if period > self.window: raise ValueError("Shifting period ({!s}) exceeds window " "length ({!s})!".format(period, self.window)) self.center_time += period ok = False try: Mnew = self.dsobj.read_period( self.edges[1], self.edges[1]+period, *args, **kwargs) except: # syntactically required raise else: datanew = self.dsobj.as_xarray_dataset(Mnew) ok = True finally: self.edges = (self.edges[0] + period, self.edges[1] + period) # need to convert to ms or it will become int and indexing will # fail, see # and # # If the very first iteration fails to read the first period and # is off by X hours, EVERYTHING will be off by X hours if I simply # reset it based on the first time in! Therefore the # 'min' function. # newst =["time"][0].values.astype("M8[ms]") + numpy.timedelta64(period) newst = min(numpy.datetime64(self.edges[0]),["time"][0].values.astype("M8[ms]") + numpy.timedelta64(period)) # BUG: need workaround for all_encodings = {k: v.encoding for (k, v) in} = xarray.concat( (, None)), datanew), dim="time") for (k, v) in v.encoding = all_encodings[k]
[docs] def resize(self, window): """Resize window """ self.window = window self.edges = (self.center_time-window/2, self.center_time+window/2) = self.dsobj.as_xarray_dataset( self.dsobj.read_period(*self.edges))
def __repr__(self): return "<{:s} {:s} centred at {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M}>".format( self.__class__.__name__, repr(self.dsobj), self.center_time)