Source code for typhon.collocations.collocator

import gc
import logging
import traceback
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

from typhon.geodesy import great_circle_distance
from typhon.geographical import GeoIndex
from typhon.utils import add_xarray_groups, get_xarray_groups
from typhon.utils.timeutils import to_datetime, to_timedelta, Timer

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# The names for the processes. This started as an easter egg, but it actually
# helps to identify different processes during debugging.
    'Newton', 'Einstein', 'Bohr', 'Darwin', 'Pasteur', 'Freud', 'Galilei',
    'Lavoisier', 'Kepler', 'Copernicus', 'Faraday', 'Maxwell', 'Bernard',
    'Boas', 'Heisenberg', 'Pauling', 'Virchow', 'Schrodinger', 'Rutherford',
    'Dirac', 'Vesalius', 'Brahe', 'Buffon', 'Boltzmann', 'Planck', 'Curie',
    'Herschel', 'Lyell', 'Laplace', 'Hubble', 'Thomson', 'Born', 'Crick',
    'Fermi', 'Euler', 'Liebig', 'Eddington', 'Harvey', 'Malpighi', 'Huygens',
    'Gauss', 'Haller', 'Kekule', 'Koch', 'Gell-Mann', 'Fischer', 'Mendeleev',
    'Glashow', 'Watson', 'Bardeen', 'Neumann', 'Feynman', 'Wegener', 'Hawking',
    'Leeuwenhoek', 'Laue', 'Kirchhoff', 'Bethe', 'Euclid', 'Mendel', 'Onnes',
    'Morgan', 'Helmholtz', 'Ehrlich', 'Mayr', 'Sherrington', 'Dobzhansky',
    'Delbruck', 'Lamarck', 'Bayliss', 'Chomsky', 'Sanger', 'Lucretius',
    'Dalton', 'Broglie', 'Linnaeus', 'Piaget', 'Simpson', 'Levi-Strauss',
    'Margulis', 'Landsteiner', 'Lorenz', 'Wilson', 'Hopkins', 'Elion', 'Selye',
    'Oppenheimer', 'Teller', 'Libby', 'Haeckel', 'Salk', 'Kraepelin',
    'Lysenko', 'Galton', 'Binet', 'Kinsey', 'Fleming', 'Skinner', 'Wundt',

class ProcessCrashed(Exception):
    """Helper exception for crashed processes"""

[docs] class Collocator:
[docs] def __init__( self, threads=None, name=None, #log_dir=None ): """Initialize a collocator object that can find collocations Args: threads: Finding collocations can be parallelized in threads. Give here the maximum number of threads that you want to use. Which number of threads is the best, may be machine-dependent. So this is a parameter that you can use to fine-tune the performance. Note: Not yet implemented due to GIL usage of sklearn BallTree. name: The name of this collocator, will be used in log statements. """ self.empty = None # xr.Dataset() self.index = None self.index_with_primary = False self.threads = threads # These optimization parameters will be overwritten in collocate self.bin_factor = None self.magnitude_factor = None self.tunnel_limit = None self.leaf_size = None = name if name is not None else "Collocator"
# If no collocations are found, this will be returned. We need empty # arrays to concatenate the results without problems: @property def no_pairs(self): return np.array([[], []]) @property def no_intervals(self): return np.array([], dtype='timedelta64[ns]') @property def no_distances(self): return np.array([]) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.collocate(*args, **kwargs) def _debug(self, msg): logger.debug(f"[{}] {msg}") def _info(self, msg):"[{}] {msg}") def _error(self, msg): logger.error(f"[{}] {msg}")
[docs] def collocate_filesets( self, filesets, start=None, end=None, processes=None, output=None, bundle=None, skip_file_errors=False, post_processor=None, post_processor_kwargs=None, **kwargs ): """Find collocation between the data of two filesets If you want to save the collocations directly to disk, it may be easier to use :meth:`` directly. Args: filesets: A list of two :class:`FileSet` objects, the primary and the secondary fileset. Can be also :class:`~typhon.collocations.common.Collocations` objects with `read_mode=collapse`. The order of the filesets is irrelevant for the results of the collocation search but files from the secondary fileset might be read multiple times if using parallel processing (`processes` is greater than one). The number of output files could be different (see also the option `bundle`). start: Start date either as datetime object or as string ("YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss"). Year, month and day are required. Hours, minutes and seconds are optional. If not given, it is datetime.min per default. end: End date. Same format as "start". If not given, it is datetime.max per default. processes: Collocating can be parallelized which improves the performance significantly. Pass here the number of processes to use. output: Fileset object where the collocated data should be stored. bundle: Set this to *primary* if you want to bundle the output files by their collocated primaries, i.e. there will be only one output file per primary. *daily* is also possible, then all files from one day are bundled together. Per default, all collocations for each file match will be saved separately. This might lead to a high number of output files. Note: *daily* means one process bundles all collocations from one day into one output file. If using multiple processes, this could still produce several daily output files per day. skip_file_errors: If this is *True* and a file could not be read, the file and its match will be skipped and a warning will be printed. Otheriwse the program will stop (default). post_processor: A function for post-processing the collocated data before saving it to `output`. Must accept two parameters: a xarray.Dataset with the collocated data and a dictionary with the path attributes from the collocated files. post_processor_kwargs: A dictionary with keyword arguments that should be passed to `post_processor`. **kwargs: Further keyword arguments that are allowed for :meth:`collocate`. Yields: A xarray.Dataset with the collocated data if `output` is not set. If `output` is set to a FileSet-like object, only the filename of the stored collocations is yielded. The results are not ordered if you use more than one process. For more information about the yielded xarray.Dataset have a look at :meth:`collocate`. Examples: .. code-block:: python """ timer = Timer().start() if len(filesets) != 2: raise ValueError("Only collocating two filesets at once is allowed" "at the moment!") # Check the max_interval argument because we need it later max_interval = kwargs.get("max_interval", None) if max_interval is None: raise ValueError("Collocating filesets without max_interval is" " not yet implemented!") if start is None: start = datetime.min else: start = to_datetime(start) if end is None: end = datetime.max else: end = to_datetime(end) self._info(f"Collocate from {start} to {end}") # Find the files from both filesets which overlap tempoerally. matches = list(filesets[0].match( filesets[1], start=start, end=end, max_interval=max_interval, )) if processes is None: processes = 1 # Make sure that there are never more processes than matches processes = min(processes, len(matches)) total_matches = sum(len(match[1]) for match in matches) self._info(f"using {processes} process(es) on {total_matches} matches") # MAGIC with processes # Each process gets a list with matches. Important: the matches should # be continuous to guarantee a good performance. After finishing one # match, the process pushes its results to the result queue. If errors # are raised during collocating, the raised errors are pushed to the # error queue, matches_chunks = np.array_split(np.array(matches, dtype=object), processes) # This queue collects all results: results = Queue(maxsize=processes) # This queue collects all error exceptions errors = Queue() # Extend the keyword arguments that we are going to pass to # _collocate_files: kwargs.update({ "start": start, "end": end, "filesets": filesets, "output": output, "bundle": bundle, "skip_file_errors": skip_file_errors, "post_processor": post_processor, "post_processor_kwargs": post_processor_kwargs, }) # This list contains all running processes process_list = [ Process( target=Collocator._process_caller, args=( self, results, errors, PROCESS_NAMES[i], ), kwargs={**kwargs, "matches": matches_chunk}, daemon=True, ) for i, matches_chunk in enumerate(matches_chunks) ] # We want to keep track of the progress of the collocation search since # it may take a while. process_progress = { name: 0. # Each process is at 0 percent at the beginning for name in PROCESS_NAMES[:processes] } # Start all processes: for process in process_list: process.start() # As long as some processes are still running, wait for their results: running = process_list.copy() processed_matches = 0 # The main process has two tasks during its child processes are # collocating. # 1) Collect their results and yield them to the user # 2) Display the progress and estimate the remaining processing time while running: # Filter out all processes that are dead: they either crashed or # complete their task running = [ process for process in running if process.is_alive() ] # Get all results from the result queue while not results.empty(): process, progress, result = results.get() # The process might be crashed. To keep the remaining time # estimation useful, we exclude the crashed process from the # calculation. if result is ProcessCrashed: del process_progress[process] else: process_progress[process] = progress try: nerrors = errors.qsize() except NotImplementedError: nerrors = 'unknown' self._print_progress( timer.elapsed, process_progress, len(running), nerrors) if result is not None: yield result # Explicit free up memory: gc.collect() for process in process_list: process.join() if not errors.empty(): self._error("Some processes terminated due to errors:") while not errors.empty(): error = errors.get() msg = '\n'.join([ "-"*79, error[2], "".join(traceback.format_tb(error[1])), "-" * 79 + "\n" ]) self._error(msg)
@staticmethod def _print_progress(elapsed_time, process_progress, processes, errors): elapsed_time -= timedelta(microseconds=elapsed_time.microseconds) if len(process_progress) == 0: msg = "-"*79 + "\n" msg += f"100% | {elapsed_time} hours elapsed" if errors != "unknown": msg += f" | {errors} failed" msg += "\n" + "-"*79 + "\n" logger.error(msg) return progress = sum(process_progress.values()) / len(process_progress) try: expected_time = elapsed_time * (100 / progress - 1) expected_time -= timedelta( microseconds=expected_time.microseconds) except ZeroDivisionError: expected_time = "unknown" msg = "-"*79 + "\n" msg += f"{progress:.0f}% | {elapsed_time} hours elapsed, " \ f"{expected_time} hours left | {processes} proc running" if errors != "unknown": msg += f", {errors} failed" msg += "\n" + "-"*79 + "\n" logger.error(msg) @staticmethod def _process_caller( self, results, errors, name, output, bundle, post_processor, post_processor_kwargs, **kwargs): """Wrapper around _collocate_matches This function is called for each process. It communicates with the main process via the result and error queue. Result Queue: Adds for each collocated file match the process name, its progress and the actual results. Error Queue: If an error is raised, the name of this proces and the error messages is put to this queue. """ = name # We keep track of how many file pairs we have already processed to # make the error debugging easier. We need the match in flat form: matches = [ [match[0], secondary] for match in kwargs['matches'] for secondary in match[1] ] # If we want to bundle the output, we need to collect some contents. # The current_bundle_tag stores a certain information for the current # bundle (e.g. filename of primary or day of the year). If it changes, # the bundle is stored to disk and a new bundle is created. cached_data = [] cached_attributes = {} current_bundle_tag = None try: processed = 0 collocated_matches = self._collocate_matches(**kwargs) for collocations, attributes in collocated_matches: match = matches[processed] processed += 1 progress = 100 * processed / len(matches) if collocations is None: results.put([name, progress, None]) continue # The user does not want to bundle anything therefore just save # the current collocations if bundle is None: result = self._save_and_return( collocations, attributes, output, post_processor, post_processor_kwargs ) results.put([name, progress, result]) continue # The user may want to bundle the collocations before writing # them to disk, e.g. by their primaries. save_cache = self._should_save_cache( bundle, current_bundle_tag, match, to_datetime(collocations.attrs["start_time"]) ) if save_cache: result = self._save_and_return( cached_data, cached_attributes, output, post_processor, post_processor_kwargs ) results.put([name, progress, result]) cached_data = [] cached_attributes = {} # So far, we have not cached any collocations or we still need # to wait before saving them to disk. cached_data.append(collocations) cached_attributes.update(**attributes) if bundle == "primary": current_bundle_tag = match[0].path elif bundle == "daily": current_bundle_tag = \ to_datetime(collocations.attrs["start_time"]).date() # After all iterations, save last cached data to disk: if cached_data: result = self._save_and_return( cached_data, cached_attributes, output, post_processor, post_processor_kwargs ) results.put([name, progress, result]) except Exception as exception: # Tell the main process to stop considering this process for the # remaining processing time: results.put( [name, 100., ProcessCrashed] ) self._error("ERROR: I got a problem and terminate!") # Build a message that contains all important information for # debugging: msg = f"Process {name} ({matches[0][0].times[0]} -" \ f"{matches[-1][0].times[1]}) failed\n" \ f"Failed to collocate {matches[processed]} with"\ f"{matches[processed]}\n" # The main process needs to know about this exception! error = [ name, exception.__traceback__, msg + "ERROR: " + str(exception) ] errors.put(error) self._error(exception) # Finally, raise the exception to terminate this process: raise exception self._info(f"Finished all {len(matches)} matches") def _save_and_return(self, collocations, attributes, output, post_processor, post_processor_kwargs): """Save collocations to disk or return them""" if isinstance(collocations, list): collocations = concat_collocations( collocations ) if output is None: return collocations, attributes else: filename = output.get_filename( [to_datetime(collocations.attrs["start_time"]), to_datetime(collocations.attrs["end_time"])], fill=attributes ) # Apply a post processor function from the user if post_processor is not None: if post_processor_kwargs is None: post_processor_kwargs = {} collocations = post_processor( collocations, attributes, **post_processor_kwargs ) if collocations is None: return None self._info(f"Store collocations to\n{filename}") # Write the data to the file. output.write(collocations, filename) return filename @staticmethod def _should_save_cache(bundle, current_bundle_tag, match, start_time): """Return true if the cache should be saved otherwise false """ if current_bundle_tag is None: return False elif bundle == "primary": # Check whether the primary has changed since the last time: return current_bundle_tag != match[0].path elif bundle == "daily": # Has the day changed since last time? return current_bundle_tag != # In all other cases, the bundle should not be saved yet: return False def _collocate_matches( self, filesets, matches, skip_file_errors, **kwargs ): """Load file matches and collocate their content Yields: A tuple of two items: the first is always the current percentage of progress. If output is True, the second is only the filename of the saved collocations. Otherwise, it is a tuple of collocations and their collected :class:`~typhon.files.handlers.common.FileInfo` attributes as a dictionary. """ # Load all matches in a parallized queue: loaded_matches = filesets[0].align( filesets[1], matches=matches, return_info=True, compact=False, skip_errors=skip_file_errors, ) for loaded_match in loaded_matches: # The FileInfo objects of the matched files: files = loaded_match[0][0], loaded_match[1][0] # We copy the data from the matches since they might be used for # other matches as well: primary, secondary = \ loaded_match[0][1].copy(), loaded_match[1][1].copy() self._debug(f"Collocate {files[0].path}\nwith {files[1].path}") collocations = self.collocate( (filesets[0].name, primary), (filesets[1].name, secondary), **kwargs, ) if collocations is None: self._debug("Found no collocations!") # At least, give the process caller a progress update: yield None, None continue # Check whether the collocation data is compatible and was build # correctly check_collocation_data(collocations) found = [ collocations[f"{filesets[0].name}/time"].size, collocations[f"{filesets[1].name}/time"].size ] self._debug( f"Found {found[0]} ({filesets[0].name}) and " f"{found[1]} ({filesets[1].name}) collocations" ) # Add the names of the processed files: for f in range(2): if f"{filesets[f].name}/__file" in collocations.variables: continue collocations[f"{filesets[f].name}/__file"] = files[f].path # Collect the attributes of the input files. The attributes get a # prefix, primary or secondary, to allow not-unique names. attributes = { f"primary.{p}" if f == 0 else f"secondary.{p}": v for f, file in enumerate(files) for p, v in file.attr.items() } yield collocations, attributes
[docs] def collocate( self, primary, secondary, max_interval=None, max_distance=None, bin_factor=1, magnitude_factor=10, tunnel_limit=None, start=None, end=None, leaf_size=40 ): """Find collocations between two xarray.Dataset objects Collocations are two or more data points that are located close to each other in space and/or time. Each xarray.Dataset contain the variables *time*, *lat*, *lon*. They must be - if they are coordinates - unique. Otherwise, their coordinates must be unique, i.e. they cannot contain duplicated values. *time* must be a 1-dimensional array with a *numpy.datetime64*-like data type. *lat* and *lon* can be gridded, i.e. they can be multi- dimensional. However, they must always share the first dimension with *time*. *lat* must be latitudes between *-90* (south) and *90* (north) and *lon* must be longitudes between *-180* (west) and *180* (east) degrees. See below for examples. The collocation searched is performed with a fast ball tree implementation by scikit-learn. The ball tree is cached and reused whenever the data points from `primary` or `secondary` have not changed. If you want to find collocations between FileSet objects, use :class:`collocate_filesets` instead. Args: primary: A tuple of a string with the dataset name and a xarray.Dataset that fulfill the specifications from above. Can be also a xarray.Dataset only, the name is then automatically set to *primary*. secondary: A tuple of a string with the dataset name and a xarray.Dataset that fulfill the specifications from above. Can be also a xarray.Dataset only, the name is then automatically set to *secondary*. max_interval: Either a number as a time interval in seconds, a string containing a time with a unit (e.g. *100 minutes*) or a timedelta object. This is the maximum time interval between two data points. If this is None, the data will be searched for spatial collocations only. max_distance: Either a number as a length in kilometers or a string containing a length with a unit (e.g. *100 meters*). This is the maximum distance between two data points to meet the collocation criteria. If this is None, the data will be searched for temporal collocations only. Either `max_interval` or *max_distance* must be given. tunnel_limit: Maximum distance in kilometers at which to switch from tunnel to haversine distance metric. Per default this algorithm uses the tunnel metric, which simply transform all latitudes and longitudes to 3D-cartesian space and calculate their euclidean distance. This is faster than the haversine metric but produces an error that grows with larger distances. When searching for distances exceeding this limit (`max_distance` is greater than this parameter), the haversine metric is used, which is more accurate but takes more time. Default is 1000 kilometers. magnitude_factor: Since building new trees is expensive, this algorithm tries to use the last tree when possible (e.g. for data with fixed grid). However, building the tree with the larger dataset and query it with the smaller dataset is faster than vice versa. Depending on which premise to follow, there might have a different performance in the end. This parameter is the factor of that one dataset must be larger than the other to throw away an already-built ball tree and rebuild it with the larger dataset. leaf_size: The size of one leaf in the Ball Tree. The higher the leaf size the faster is the tree building but the slower is the tree query. The optimal leaf size is dataset-dependent. Default is 40. bin_factor: When using a temporal criterion via `max_interval`, the data will be temporally binned to speed-up the search. The bin size is `bin_factor` * `max_interval`. Which bin factor is the best, may be dataset-dependent. So this is a parameter that you can use to fine-tune the performance. start: Limit the collocated data from this start date. Can be either as datetime object or as string ("YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss"). Year, month and day are required. Hours, minutes and seconds are optional. If not given, it is datetime.min per default. end: End date. Same format as "start". If not given, it is datetime.max per default. Returns: None if no collocations were found. Otherwise, a xarray.Dataset with the collocated data in *compact* form. It consists of three groups (groups of variables containing */* in their name): the *primary*, *secondary* and the *Collocations* group. If you passed `primary` or `secondary` with own names, they will be used in the output. The *Collocations* group contains information about the found collocations. *Collocations/pairs* is a 2xN array where N is the number of found collocations. It contains the indices of the *primary* and *secondary* data points which are collocations. The indices refer to the data points stored in the *primary* or *secondary* group. *Collocations/interval* and *Collocations/distance* are the intervals and distances between the collocations in seconds and kilometers, respectively. Collocations in *compact* form are efficient when saving them to disk but it might be complicated to use them directly. Consider applying :func:`~typhon.collocations.common.collapse` or :func:`~typhon.collocations.common.expand` on them. Examples: .. code-block: python # TODO: Update this example! import numpy as np from typhon.collocations import Collocator # Create the data. primary and secondary can also be # xarray.Dataset objects: primary = { "time": np.arange( "2018-01-01", "2018-01-02", dtype="datetime64[h]" ), "lat": 30.*np.sin(np.linspace(-3.14, 3.14, 24))+20, "lon": np.linspace(0, 90, 24), } secondary = { "time": np.arange( "2018-01-01", "2018-01-02", dtype="datetime64[h]" ), "lat": 30.*np.sin(np.linspace(-3.14, 3.14, 24)+1.)+20, "lon": np.linspace(0, 90, 24), } # Find collocations with a maximum distance of 300 kilometers # and a maximum interval of 1 hour collocator = Collocator() collocated = collocator.collocate( primary, secondary, max_distance="300km", max_interval="1h" ) print(collocated) """ if max_distance is None and max_interval is None: raise ValueError( "Either max_distance or max_interval must be given!" ) if max_interval is not None: max_interval = to_timedelta(max_interval, numbers_as="seconds") # The user can give strings instead of datetime objects: start = datetime.min if start is None else to_datetime(start) end = datetime.max if end is None else to_datetime(end) # Did the user give the datasets specific names? primary_name, primary, secondary_name, secondary = self._get_names( primary, secondary ) # Select the common time period of both datasets and flat them. primary, secondary = self._prepare_data( primary, secondary, max_interval, start, end ) # Maybe there is no data left after selection? if primary is None: return self.empty self.bin_factor = bin_factor self.magnitude_factor = magnitude_factor self.tunnel_limit = tunnel_limit self.leaf_size = leaf_size timer = Timer().start() # We cannot allow NaNs in the time, lat or lon fields not_nans1 = self._get_not_nans(primary) not_nans2 = self._get_not_nans(secondary) # Retrieve the important fields from the data. To avoid any overhead by # xarray, we use the plain numpy.arrays and do not use the isel method # (see We rather use # index arrays that we use later to select the rest of the data lat1 =[not_nans1] lon1 = primary.lon.values[not_nans1] time1 = primary.time.values[not_nans1] lat2 =[not_nans2] lon2 = secondary.lon.values[not_nans2] time2 = secondary.time.values[not_nans2] original_indices = [ np.arange(primary.time.size)[not_nans1], np.arange(secondary.time.size)[not_nans2] ] self._debug(f"{timer} for filtering NaNs") # We can search for spatial collocations (max_interval=None), temporal # collocations (max_distance=None) or both. if max_interval is None: # Search for spatial collocations only: pairs, distances = self.spatial_search( lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, max_distance, ) intervals = self._get_intervals( time1[pairs[0]], time2[pairs[1]] ) return self._create_return( primary, secondary, primary_name, secondary_name, self._to_original(pairs, original_indices), intervals, distances, max_interval, max_distance ) elif max_distance is None: # Search for temporal collocations only: pairs, intervals = self.temporal_search( time1, time2, max_interval ) distances = self._get_distances( lat1[pairs[0]], lon1[pairs[0]], lat2[pairs[1]], lon2[pairs[1]], ) return self._create_return( primary, secondary, primary_name, secondary_name, self._to_original(pairs, original_indices), intervals, distances, max_interval, max_distance ) # The user wants to use both criteria and search for spatial and # temporal collocations. At first, we do a coarse temporal pre-binning # so that we only search for collocations between points that might # also be temporally collocated. Unfortunately, this also produces an # overhead that is only negligible if we have a lot of data: data_magnitude = time1.size * time2.size if data_magnitude > 100_0000: # We have enough data, do temporal pre-binning! pairs, distances = self.spatial_search_with_temporal_binning( {"lat": lat1, "lon": lon1, "time": time1}, {"lat": lat2, "lon": lon2, "time": time2}, max_distance, max_interval ) else: # We do not have enough data to justify that whole pre-binning. # Simply do it directly! pairs, distances = self.spatial_search( lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, max_distance, ) # Did we find any spatial collocations? if not pairs.any(): return self.empty # Check now whether the spatial collocations really pass the temporal # condition: passed_temporal_check, intervals = self._temporal_check( time1[pairs[0]], time2[pairs[1]], max_interval ) # Return only the values that passed the time check return self._create_return( primary, secondary, primary_name, secondary_name, self._to_original( pairs[:, passed_temporal_check], original_indices), intervals, distances[passed_temporal_check], max_interval, max_distance )
@staticmethod def _to_original(pairs, original_indices): return np.array([ original_indices[i][pair_array] for i, pair_array in enumerate(pairs) ]) @staticmethod def _get_names(primary, secondary): # Check out whether the user gave the primary and secondary any name: if isinstance(primary, (tuple, list)): primary_name, primary = primary else: primary_name = "primary" if isinstance(secondary, (tuple, list)): secondary_name, secondary = secondary else: secondary_name = "secondary" return primary_name, primary, secondary_name, secondary def _prepare_data(self, primary, secondary, max_interval, start, end): """Prepare the data for the collocation search This method selects the time period which should be searched for collocations and flats the input datasets if they have gridded variables. Returns: The datasets constraint to the common time period, sorted by time and flattened. If no common time period could be found, two None objects are returned. """ if max_interval is not None: timer = Timer().start() # We do not have to collocate everything, just the common time # period expanded by max_interval and limited by the global start # and end parameter: primary_period, secondary_period = self._get_common_time_period( primary, secondary, max_interval, start, end ) # Check whether something is left: if not primary_period.size or not secondary_period.size: return None, None # We need everything sorted by the time, otherwise xarray's stack # method makes problems: primary_period = primary_period.sortby(primary_period) primary_dim = primary_period.dims[0] secondary_period = secondary_period.sortby(secondary_period) secondary_dim = secondary_period.dims[0] # Select the common time period and while using sorted indices: primary = primary.sel(**{primary_dim: primary_period[primary_dim]}) secondary = secondary.sel( **{secondary_dim: secondary_period[secondary_dim]} ) # Check whether something is left: if not primary_period.size or not secondary_period.size: return None, None self._debug(f"{timer} for selecting common time period") # Flat the data: For collocating, we need a flat data structure. # Fortunately, xarray provides the very convenient stack method # where we can flat multiple dimensions to one. Which dimensions do # we have to stack together? We need the fields *time*, *lat* and # *lon* to be flat. So we choose their dimensions to be stacked. timer = Timer().start() primary = self._flat_to_main_coord(primary) secondary = self._flat_to_main_coord(secondary) self._debug(f"{timer} for flatting data") return primary, secondary @staticmethod def _get_common_time_period( primary, secondary, max_interval, start, end): max_interval = pd.Timedelta(max_interval) # We want to select a common time window from both datasets, # aligned to the primary's time coverage. Because xarray has a # very annoying bug in time retrieving # (, this is a # little bit cumbersome: common_start = max( start, pd.Timestamp(primary.time.values.min().item(0)).tz_localize(None) - max_interval, pd.Timestamp(secondary.time.values.min().item(0)).tz_localize(None) - max_interval ) common_end = min( end, pd.Timestamp(primary.time.values.max().item(0)).tz_localize(None) + max_interval, pd.Timestamp(secondary.time.values.max().item(0)).tz_localize(None) + max_interval ) primary_period = primary.time.where( (primary.time.values >= np.datetime64(common_start)) & (primary.time.values <= np.datetime64(common_end)) ).dropna(primary.time.dims[0]) secondary_period = secondary.time.where( (secondary.time.values >= np.datetime64(common_start)) & (secondary.time.values <= np.datetime64(common_end)) ).dropna(secondary.time.dims[0]) return primary_period, secondary_period @staticmethod def _get_not_nans(dataset): return & dataset.lon.notnull().values @staticmethod def _flat_to_main_coord(data): """Make the dataset flat despite of its original structure We need a flat dataset structure for the collocation algorithms, i.e. time, lat and lon are not allowed to be gridded, they must be 1-dimensional and share the same dimension (namely *collocation*). There are three groups of original data structures that this method can handle: * linear (e.g. ship track measurements): time, lat and lon have the same dimension and are all 1-dimensional. Fulfills all criteria from above. No action has to be taken. * gridded_coords (e.g. instruments on satellites with gridded swaths): lat or lon are gridded (they have multiple dimensions). Stack the coordinates of them together to a new shared dimension. Args: data: xr.Dataset object Returns: A xr.Dataset where time, lat and lon are aligned on one shared dimension. """ # Flat: shared_dims = list( set(data.time.dims) | set( | set(data.lon.dims) ) # Check whether the dataset is flat (time, lat and lon share the same # dimension size and are 1-dimensional) if len(shared_dims) == 1: if shared_dims[0] in ("time", "lat", "lon"): # One of the key variables is the main dimension! Change this: data["collocation"] = shared_dims[0], np.arange( data[shared_dims[0]].size) data = data.swap_dims({shared_dims[0]: "collocation"}) data = data.reset_coords(shared_dims[0]) # So far, collocation is a coordinate. We want to make it to a # dimension, so drop its values: return data.drop_vars("collocation") return data.rename({ shared_dims[0]: "collocation" }) # The coordinates are gridded: # Some field might be more deeply stacked than another. Choose the # dimensions of the most deeply stacked variable: dims = max( data["time"].dims, data["lat"].dims, data["lon"].dims, key=lambda x: len(x) ) # We want to be able to retrieve additional fields after collocating. # Therefore, we give each dimension that is no coordinate yet a value # to use them as indices later. for dim in dims: if dim not in data.coords: data[dim] = dim, np.arange(data.dims[dim]) # We assume that coordinates must be unique! Otherwise, we would have # to use this ugly work-around: # Replace the former coordinates with new coordinates that have unique # values. # new_dims = [] # for dim in dims: # new_dim = f"__replacement_{dim}" # data[new_dim] = dim, np.arange(data.dims[dim]) # data = data.swap_dims({dim: new_dim}) # new_dims.append(new_dim) return data.stack(collocation=dims) def _create_return( self, primary, secondary, primary_name, secondary_name, original_pairs, intervals, distances, max_interval, max_distance ): if not original_pairs.any(): return self.empty pairs = [] output = {} names = [primary_name, secondary_name] for i, dataset in enumerate([primary, secondary]): # name of the current dataset (primary or secondary) name = names[i] # These are the indices of the points in the original data that # have collocations. We remove the duplicates since we want to copy # the required data only once. They are called original_indices # because they are the indices in the original data array: original_indices = pd.unique(original_pairs[i]) # After selecting the collocated data, the original indices cannot # be applied any longer. We need new indices that indicate the # pairs in the collocated data. new_indices = np.empty(original_indices.max() + 1, dtype=int) new_indices[original_indices] = np.arange( original_indices.size ) collocation_indices = new_indices[original_pairs[i]] # Save the collocation indices in the metadata group: pairs.append(collocation_indices) output[names[i]] = dataset.isel(collocation=original_indices) # We have to convert the MultiIndex to a normal index because we # cannot store it to a file otherwise. We can convert it by simply # setting it to new values, but we are losing the sub-level # coordinates (the dimenisons that we stacked to create the # multi-index in the first place) with that step. Hence, we store # the sub-level coordinates in additional dataset to preserve them. main_coord_is_multiindex = isinstance( output[name].get_index("collocation"), pd.core.indexes.multi.MultiIndex ) if main_coord_is_multiindex: stacked_dims_data = xr.merge([ xr.DataArray( output[name][dim].values, name=dim, dims=["collocation"] ) for dim in output[name].get_index("collocation").names ]) # Okay, actually we want to get rid of the main coordinate. It # should stay as a dimension name but without own labels. I.e. we # want to drop it. Because it still may a MultiIndex, we cannot # drop it directly but we have to set it to something different. output[name]["collocation"] = \ np.arange(output[name]["collocation"].size) if main_coord_is_multiindex: # Now, since we unstacked the multi-index, we can add the # stacked dimensions back to the dataset: output[name] = xr.merge( [output[name], stacked_dims_data], ) # For the flattening we might have created temporal variables, # also collect them to drop: vars_to_drop = [ var for var in output[name].variables.keys() if var.startswith("__replacement_") ] output[name] = output[name].drop_vars([ f"collocation", *vars_to_drop ]) # Merge all datasets into one: output = add_xarray_groups( xr.Dataset(), **output ) # This holds the collocation information (pairs, intervals and # distances): metadata = xr.Dataset() metadata["pairs"] = xr.DataArray( np.array(pairs, dtype=int), dims=("group", "collocation"), attrs={ "max_interval": f"Max. interval in secs: {max_interval}", "max_distance": f"Max. distance in kilometers: {max_distance}", "primary": primary_name, "secondary": secondary_name, } ) metadata["interval"] = xr.DataArray( intervals, dims=("collocation", ), attrs={ "max_interval": f"Max. interval in secs: {max_interval}", "max_distance": f"Max. distance in kilometers: {max_distance}", "primary": primary_name, "secondary": secondary_name, } ) metadata["distance"] = xr.DataArray( distances, dims=("collocation",), attrs={ "max_interval": f"Max. interval in secs: {max_interval}", "max_distance": f"Max. distance in kilometers: {max_distance}", "primary": primary_name, "secondary": secondary_name, "units": "kilometers", } ) metadata["group"] = xr.DataArray( [primary_name, secondary_name], dims=("group",), attrs={ "max_interval": f"Max. interval in secs: {max_interval}", "max_distance": f"Max. distance in kilometers: {max_distance}", } ) output = add_xarray_groups( output, Collocations=metadata ) start = pd.Timestamp( output[primary_name+"/time"].values.min().item(0) ) end = pd.Timestamp( output[primary_name+"/time"].values.max().item(0) ) output.attrs = { "start_time": str(start), "end_time": str(end), } return output
[docs] @staticmethod def get_meta_group(): return f"Collocations"
[docs] def spatial_search_with_temporal_binning( self, primary, secondary, max_distance, max_interval ): # For time-binning purposes, pandas Dataframe objects are a good choice primary = pd.DataFrame(primary).set_index("time") secondary = pd.DataFrame(secondary).set_index("time") # Now let's split the two data data along their time coordinate so # we avoid searching for spatial collocations that do not fulfill # the temporal condition in the first place. However, the overhead # of the finding algorithm must be considered too (for example the # BallTree creation time). This can be adjusted by the parameter # bin_factor: bin_duration = self.bin_factor * max_interval # The binning is more efficient if we use the largest dataset as # primary: swapped_datasets = secondary.size > primary.size if swapped_datasets: primary, secondary = secondary, primary # Let's bin the primaries along their time axis and search for the # corresponding secondary bins: bin_pairs = ( self._bin_pairs(start, chunk, primary, secondary, max_interval) for start, chunk in primary.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq=bin_duration)) ) # Add arguments to the bins (we need them for the spatial search # function): bins_with_args = ( [self, max_distance, *bin_pair] for bin_pair in bin_pairs ) # Unfortunately, a first attempt parallelizing this using threads # worsened the performance. Update: The BallTree code from scikit-learn # does not release the GIL. But apparently there will be a new version # coming that solves this problem, see this scikit-learn issue: # So stay # tuned! # threads = 1 if self.threads is None else self.threads t = Timer(verbose=False).start() # with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as pool: # results = list( # Collocator._spatial_search_bin, bins_with_args # )) results = list(map( Collocator._spatial_search_bin, bins_with_args )) self._debug(f"Collocated {len(results)} bins in {t.stop()}") pairs_list, distances_list = zip(*results) pairs = np.hstack(pairs_list) # No collocations were found. if not pairs.any(): return self.no_pairs, self.no_distances # Stack the rest of the results together: distances = np.hstack(distances_list) if swapped_datasets: # Swap the rows of the results pairs[[0, 1]] = pairs[[1, 0]] return pairs.astype("int64"), distances
@staticmethod def _bin_pairs(chunk1_start, chunk1, primary, secondary, max_interval): """""" chunk2_start = chunk1_start - max_interval chunk2_end = chunk1.index.max() + max_interval offset1 = primary.index.searchsorted(chunk1_start) offset2 = secondary.index.searchsorted(chunk2_start) chunk2 = secondary.loc[chunk2_start:chunk2_end] return offset1, chunk1, offset2, chunk2 @staticmethod def _spatial_search_bin(args): self, max_distance, offset1, data1, offset2, data2 = args if data1.empty or data2.empty: return self.no_pairs, self.no_distances pairs, distances = self.spatial_search( data1["lat"].values, data1["lon"].values, data2["lat"].values, data2["lon"].values, max_distance ) pairs[0] += offset1 pairs[1] += offset2 return pairs, distances def _build_spatial_index(self, lat, lon): # Find out whether the cached index still works with the new points: if self._spatial_is_cached(lat, lon): self._debug("Spatial index is cached and can be reused") return self.index return GeoIndex(lat, lon, leaf_size=self.leaf_size) def _spatial_is_cached(self, lat, lon): """Return True if the cached ball tree is still applicable to the new data""" if self.index is None: return False try: return np.allclose(lat, \ & np.allclose(lon, self.index.lon) except ValueError: # The shapes are different return False def _choose_points_to_build_index(self, primary, secondary): """Choose which points should be used for tree building This method helps to optimize the performance. Args: primary: Converted primary points secondary: Converted secondary points Returns: True if primary points should be used for tree building. False otherwise. """ # There are two options to optimize the performance: # A) Cache the index and reuse it if either the primary or the # secondary points have not changed (that is the case for data with a # fixed grid). Building the tree is normally very expensive, so it # should never be done without a reason. # B) Build the tree with the larger set of points and query it with the # smaller set. # Which option should be used if A and B cannot be applied at the same # time? If the magnitude of one point set is much larger (by # `magnitude factor` larger) than the other point set, we strictly # follow B. Otherwise, we prioritize A. if primary[0].size > secondary[0].size * self.magnitude_factor: # Use primary points return True elif secondary[0].size > primary[0].size * self.magnitude_factor: # Use secondary points return False # Apparently, none of the datasets is much larger than the others. So # just check whether we still have a cached tree. If we used the # primary points last time and they still fit, use them again: if self.index_with_primary and self._spatial_is_cached(*primary): return True # Check the same for the secondary data: if not self.index_with_primary and self._spatial_is_cached(*secondary): return False # Otherwise, just use the larger dataset: return primary[0].size > secondary[0].size #return self.no_pairs, self.no_intervals def _temporal_check( self, primary_time, secondary_time, max_interval ): """Checks whether the current collocations fulfill temporal conditions Returns: """ intervals = self._get_intervals(primary_time, secondary_time) # Check whether the time differences are less than the temporal # boundary: passed_time_check = intervals < max_interval return passed_time_check, intervals[passed_time_check] @staticmethod def _get_intervals(time1, time2): return np.abs((time1 - time2)).astype("timedelta64[s]") @staticmethod def _get_distances(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2): return great_circle_distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)
def concat_collocations(collocations): """Concat compact collocations Compact collocations cannot be concatenated directly because indices in *Collocations/pairs* won't be correct any longer afterwards. This concatenate function fixes this problem. Args: collocations: A list of xarray.Dataset objects with compact collocations. Returns: One xarray.Dataset object """ # We need to increment the pair indices when concatening the datasets primary = collocations[0]["Collocations/group"].item(0) secondary = collocations[0]["Collocations/group"].item(1) primary_size = 0 secondary_size = 0 collocation_coord = { "Collocations": "Collocations/collocation", primary: f"{primary}/collocation", secondary: f"{secondary}/collocation", } # Collect all collocations for each single group: groups = defaultdict(list) for obj in collocations: for group, data in get_xarray_groups(obj).items(): if group == "Collocations": # Correct the indices: data["Collocations/pairs"][0, :] += primary_size data["Collocations/pairs"][1, :] += secondary_size data = data.drop_vars("Collocations/group") groups[group].append(data) primary_size += obj.dims[f"{primary}/collocation"] secondary_size += obj.dims[f"{secondary}/collocation"] starts = [] ends = [] for group, data_list in groups.items(): groups[group] = xr.concat( data_list, dim=collocation_coord[group] ) start = pd.Timestamp(groups[primary][primary+"/time"].min().item(0)) end = pd.Timestamp(groups[primary][primary+"/time"].max().item(0)) merged = xr.merge(groups.values()) merged.attrs = { "start_time": str(start), "end_time": str(end), } merged["Collocations/group"] = collocations[0]["Collocations/group"] return merged class InvalidCollocationData(Exception): """Error when trying to collapse / expand invalid collocation data """ def __init__(self, message, *args): Exception.__init__(self, message, *args) def check_collocation_data(dataset): """Check whether the dataset fulfills the standard of collocated data Args: dataset: A xarray.Dataset object Raises: A InvalidCollocationData Error if the dataset did not pass the test. """ mandatory_fields = ["Collocations/pairs", "Collocations/group"] for mandatory_field in mandatory_fields: if mandatory_field not in dataset.variables: raise InvalidCollocationData( f"Could not find the field '{mandatory_field}'!" )