148 Eigen::ComplexEigenSolver<Eigen::MatrixXcd>
eig(const Eigen::Ref<Eigen::MatrixXcd> A);
The type to use for all integer numbers and indices.
void cayley_hamilton_fitted_method_4x4_propmat_to_transmat__eigen(MatrixView F, ConstMatrixView A)
Numeric lsf(VectorView x, ConstMatrixView A, ConstVectorView y, bool residual=true) noexcept
Least squares fitting by solving x for known A and y.
A class implementing complex numbers for ARTS.
void propmat4x4_to_transmat4x4(MatrixView F, Tensor3View dF_upp, Tensor3View dF_low, ConstMatrixView A, ConstTensor3View dA_upp, ConstTensor3View dA_low, const Index &q=10)
Eigen::ComplexEigenSolver< Eigen::MatrixXcd > eig(const Eigen::Ref< Eigen::MatrixXcd > A)
Return the Eigen decomposition of the eigen matrix.
void ludcmp(Matrix &LU, ArrayOfIndex &indx, ConstMatrixView A)
LU decomposition.
The ComplexVectorView class.
void matrix_exp2(MatrixView F, ConstMatrixView A)
Numeric norm_inf(ConstMatrixView A)
Maximum absolute row sum norm.
void diagonalize(MatrixView P, VectorView WR, VectorView WI, ConstMatrixView A)
Matrix Diagonalization.
void inv(MatrixView Ainv, ConstMatrixView A)
Matrix Inverse.
void matrix_exp_4x4(MatrixView F, ConstMatrixView A, const Index &q=10)
void solve(VectorView x, ConstMatrixView A, ConstVectorView b)
Solve a linear system.
The type to use for all floating point numbers.
void matrix_exp2_4x4(MatrixView F, ConstMatrixView A)
void matrix_exp(MatrixView F, ConstMatrixView A, const Index &q=10)
General exponential of a Matrix.
void matrix_exp_dmatrix_exp(MatrixView F, Tensor3View dF, ConstMatrixView A, ConstTensor3View dA, const Index &q=10)
General exponential of a Matrix with their derivatives.
This can be used to make arrays out of anything.
void id_mat(MatrixView I)
Identity Matrix.
void lubacksub(VectorView x, ConstMatrixView LU, ConstVectorView b, const ArrayOfIndex &indx)
LU backsubstitution.
A constant view of a Tensor3.
A constant view of a Vector.
void special_matrix_exp_and_dmatrix_exp_dx_for_rt(MatrixView F, Tensor3View dF_upp, Tensor3View dF_low, ConstMatrixView A, ConstTensor3View dA_upp, ConstTensor3View dA_low, const Index &q=10)
Special exponential of a Matrix with their derivatives.
A constant view of a Matrix.
A constant view of a ComplexMatrix.
void cayley_hamilton_fitted_method_4x4_propmat_to_transmat__explicit(MatrixView F, ConstMatrixView A)
void linreg(Vector &p, ConstVectorView x, ConstVectorView y)
Numeric det(ConstMatrixView A)
The ComplexMatrixView class.