
The topography module provides interfaces to global elevation models. So far, only an interface to the SRTM30 data set is provided, which has a resolution of 1 km.

Elevation data is downloaded on the fly but is cached to speed up subsequent access. The interfaces uses the path pointed to by the TYPHON_DATA_PATH environment variable as data cache. This means that data is downloaded only when they are not found in the cache.


If TYPHON_DATA_PATH is not set, the location of the file cache will be determined from the XDG_CACHE_HOME environment variable and, if this is not defined, default to :${HOME}/.typhon/topography.

The module can be used in two ways:
  1. by extracting the elevation data at native resolution

  2. by interpolating to elevation data at arbitrary locations

The two different use cases are described below.

Native resolution

Extracting elevation data at native resolution for a given rectangular domain

is done using the SRTM30.elevation function. The function returns a tuple consisting of the latitude and longitude grids as well as the elevation data in meters.

lat_min = 50
lon_min = 10
lat_max = 60
lon_max = 20
lats, lons, z = SRTM30.elevation(lat_min, lon_min, lat_max, lon_max)

Interpolation to given coordinates

Interpolation of the elevation data to arbitrary coordinates can be performed using the interpolate method. Interpolation uses nearest neighbor interpolation and is implemented using a KDTree. Interpolating the SRTM30 data to given latitude and longitude grids can be done as follows:

lat_min = 50
lon_min = 10
lat_max = 60
lon_max = 20
lats = np.linspace(lat_min, lat_max, 101)
lons = np.linspace(lon_min, lon_max, 101)
z = SRTM30.interpolate(lat, lont)