
SRF.integrate_radiances(f, L, spectral=True)[source]

From a spectrum of radiances and a SRF, calculate channel (spectral) radiance

The spectral response function may not be specified on the same grid as the spectrum of radiances. Therefore, this function interpolates the spectral response function onto the grid of the radiances. This is less bad than the reverse, because a spectral response function tends to be more smooth than a spectrum.


  • Interpolation of spectral response function onto frequency grid on which radiances are specified.

  • f (ndarray) – Frequencies for spectral radiances [Hz]

  • L (ndarray) – Spectral radiances [W m^-2 sr^-1 Hz^-1]. Can be in radiance units of various kinds. Make sure this is consistent with the spectral response function. Innermost dimension must correspond to frequencies.

  • spectral (bool) – If true, return spectral radiance [W m^-2 sr^-1 Hz^-1]. If false, return radiance [W m^-2 sr^-1]. Defaults to True.


Channel (spectral) radiance according to ‘spectral’