Source code for typhon.files.handlers.ocean_rain

from .common import NetCDF4, expects_file_info

__all__ = [

[docs]class OceanRAIN(NetCDF4): """File handler that can read data from OceanRAIN NetCDF4 files. This object handles OceanRAIN V1.0 NetCDF4 files such as they are compatible with :mod:`typhon.collocations`, i.e.: * rename *latitude* and *longitude* field to *lat* and *lon*. * convert the content of the *time* variable to numpydtetime64 objects. Examples: Draw a world map with all measurements of OceanRAIN: .. :code-block:: python3 from typhon.files import FileSet, OceanRAIN from typhon.plots import worldmap # Create a Dataset object that points to the files: ocean_rain = FileSet( "OceanRAIN_1.0/OceanRAIN__W__{ship}_{ship_id}", handler=OceanRAIN(), info_via="both", ) # Create a figure: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) ax = None # This iterates through all files from OceanRAIN and plots them: for file, data in ocean_rain.icollect(return_info=True): label = f"{file.attr['ship']} ({data['lat'].size} mins)" # We only plot every 1000th point to draw the worldmap faster: ax, plot = worldmap( data["lat"][::1000], data["lon"][::1000], ax=ax, s=6, label=label, background=True ) # Add a nice legend handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() ax.legend( handles, labels, bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc=3, ncol=2, borderaxespad=0., #mode="expand", ) """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initializes a OceanRAIN file handler class. Args: **kwargs: Additional key word arguments that are allowed for the :class:`typhon.spareice.handlers.common.NetCDF4` class. """ # Call the base class initializer super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] @expects_file_info() def get_info(self, file, **kwargs): """Get information about an OceanRAIN dataset file Args: file: A string containing path and name or a :class:`FileInfo` object of the file of which to get the information about. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. Returns: A :class:`FileInfo` object. """ data = super().read(file, fields=("time",)) file.times = [data["time"].min().item(0), data["time"].max().item(0)] return file
[docs] @expects_file_info() def read(self, filename, **kwargs): """Read and parse a NetCDF file and load it to a xarray.Dataset Args: filename: Path and name of the file as string or FileInfo object. **kwargs: Additional key word arguments that are allowed for the :class:`~typhon.files.handlers.common.NetCDF4` class. Returns: A xarray.Dataset object. """ # Make sure that the standard fields are always gonna be imported: fields = kwargs.pop("fields", None) if fields is not None: fields = {"time", "latitude", "longitude"} | set(fields) # This renaming makes the data compatible for collocate routines: mapping = { "latitude": "lat", "longitude": "lon", **kwargs.get("mapping", {}) } return super().read(filename, fields=fields, mapping=mapping, **kwargs)