ARTS  2.3.1285(git:92a29ea9-dirty)
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* Copyright (C) 2016 Jana Mendrok <>
3  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
4  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
5  Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
6  later version.
8  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11  GNU General Public License for more details.
13  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
15  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
16  USA.
17 */
28 /*===========================================================================
29  === External declarations
30  ===========================================================================*/
32 #include "config.h"
34 #ifdef ENABLE_RT4
36 #include <complex.h>
37 #include <cfloat>
38 #include <stdexcept>
39 #include "disort.h"
40 #include "interpolation.h"
41 #include "m_xml.h"
42 #include "optproperties.h"
43 #include "physics_funcs.h"
44 #include "rt4.h"
45 #include "rte.h"
47 using std::ostringstream;
48 using std::runtime_error;
50 extern const Numeric PI;
51 extern const Numeric DEG2RAD;
52 extern const Numeric RAD2DEG;
53 extern const Numeric SPEED_OF_LIGHT;
54 extern const Numeric COSMIC_BG_TEMP;
56 void check_rt4_input( // Output
57  Index& nhstreams,
58  Index& nhza,
59  Index& nummu,
60  // Input
61  const Index& cloudbox_on,
62  const Index& atmfields_checked,
63  const Index& atmgeom_checked,
64  const Index& cloudbox_checked,
65  const Index& scat_data_checked,
66  const ArrayOfIndex& cloudbox_limits,
67  const ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData& scat_data,
68  const Index& atmosphere_dim,
69  const Index& stokes_dim,
70  const Index& nstreams,
71  const String& quad_type,
72  const Index& add_straight_angles,
73  const Index& pnd_ncols) {
74  // Don't do anything if there's no cloudbox defined.
75  if (!cloudbox_on) {
76  throw runtime_error(
77  "Cloudbox is off, no scattering calculations to be"
78  " performed.");
79  }
81  if (atmfields_checked != 1)
82  throw runtime_error(
83  "The atmospheric fields must be flagged to have"
84  " passed a consistency check (atmfields_checked=1).");
85  if (atmgeom_checked != 1)
86  throw runtime_error(
87  "The atmospheric geometry must be flagged to have"
88  " passed a consistency check (atmgeom_checked=1).");
89  if (cloudbox_checked != 1)
90  throw runtime_error(
91  "The cloudbox must be flagged to have"
92  " passed a consistency check (cloudbox_checked=1).");
93  if (scat_data_checked != 1)
94  throw runtime_error(
95  "The scat_data must be flagged to have "
96  "passed a consistency check (scat_data_checked=1).");
98  if (atmosphere_dim != 1)
99  throw runtime_error(
100  "For running RT4, atmospheric dimensionality"
101  " must be 1.\n");
103  if (stokes_dim < 0 || stokes_dim > 2)
104  throw runtime_error(
105  "For running RT4, the dimension of stokes vector"
106  " must be 1 or 2.\n");
108  if (cloudbox_limits[0] != 0) {
109  ostringstream os;
110  os << "RT4 calculations currently only possible with"
111  << " lower cloudbox limit\n"
112  << "at 0th atmospheric level"
113  << " (assumes surface there, ignoring z_surface).\n";
114  throw runtime_error(os.str());
115  }
117  if (cloudbox_limits.nelem() != 2 * atmosphere_dim)
118  throw runtime_error(
119  "*cloudbox_limits* is a vector which contains the"
120  " upper and lower limit of the cloud for all"
121  " atmospheric dimensions. So its dimension must"
122  " be 2 x *atmosphere_dim*");
124  if (scat_data.empty())
125  throw runtime_error(
126  "No single scattering data present.\n"
127  "See documentation of WSV *scat_data* for options to"
128  " make single scattering data available.\n");
130  if (pnd_ncols != 1)
131  throw runtime_error(
132  "*pnd_field* is not 1D! \n"
133  "RT4 can only be used for 1D!\n");
135  if (quad_type.length() > 1) {
136  ostringstream os;
137  os << "Input parameter *quad_type* not allowed to contain more than a"
138  << " single character.\n"
139  << "Yours has " << quad_type.length() << ".\n";
140  throw runtime_error(os.str());
141  }
143  if (quad_type == "D" || quad_type == "G") {
144  if (add_straight_angles)
145  nhza = 1;
146  else
147  nhza = 0;
148  } else if (quad_type == "L") {
149  nhza = 0;
150  } else {
151  ostringstream os;
152  os << "Unknown quadrature type: " << quad_type
153  << ".\nOnly D, G, and L allowed.\n";
154  throw runtime_error(os.str());
155  }
157  // RT4 actually uses number of angles in single hemisphere. However, we don't
158  // want a bunch of different approaches used in the interface, so we apply the
159  // DISORT (and ARTS) way of total number of angles here. Hence, we have to
160  // ensure here that total number is even.
161  if (nstreams / 2 * 2 != nstreams) {
162  ostringstream os;
163  os << "RT4 requires an even number of streams, but yours is " << nstreams
164  << ".\n";
165  throw runtime_error(os.str());
166  }
167  nhstreams = nstreams / 2;
168  // nummu is the total number of angles in one hemisphere, including both
169  // the quadrature angles and the "extra" angles.
170  nummu = nhstreams + nhza;
172  // RT4 can only completely or azimuthally randomly oriented particles.
173  bool no_arb_ori = true;
174  for (Index i_ss = 0; i_ss < scat_data.nelem(); i_ss++)
175  for (Index i_se = 0; i_se < scat_data[i_ss].nelem(); i_se++)
176  if (scat_data[i_ss][i_se].ptype != PTYPE_TOTAL_RND &&
177  scat_data[i_ss][i_se].ptype != PTYPE_AZIMUTH_RND)
178  no_arb_ori = false;
179  if (!no_arb_ori) {
180  ostringstream os;
181  os << "RT4 can only handle scattering elements of type " << PTYPE_TOTAL_RND
182  << " (" << PTypeToString(PTYPE_TOTAL_RND) << ") and\n"
184  << "),\n"
185  << "but at least one element of other type (" << PTYPE_GENERAL << "="
186  << PTypeToString(PTYPE_GENERAL) << ") is present.\n";
187  throw runtime_error(os.str());
188  }
190  //------------- end of checks ---------------------------------------
191 }
193 void get_quad_angles( // Output
194  VectorView mu_values,
195  VectorView quad_weights,
196  Vector& za_grid,
197  Vector& aa_grid,
198  // Input
199  const String& quad_type,
200  const Index& nhstreams,
201  const Index& nhza,
202  const Index& nummu) {
203  if (quad_type == "D") {
204  double_gauss_quadrature_(
205  nhstreams, mu_values.get_c_array(), quad_weights.get_c_array());
206  } else if (quad_type == "G") {
207  gauss_legendre_quadrature_(
208  nhstreams, mu_values.get_c_array(), quad_weights.get_c_array());
209  } else //if( quad_type=="L" )
210  {
211  lobatto_quadrature_(
212  nhstreams, mu_values.get_c_array(), quad_weights.get_c_array());
213  }
215  // Set "extra" angle (at 0deg) if quad_type!="L" && !add_straight_angles
216  if (nhza > 0) mu_values[nhstreams] = 1.;
218  // FIXME: we should be able to avoid setting za_grid here in one way,
219  // and resetting in another before leaving the WSM. This, however, requires
220  // rearranging the angle order and angle assignment in the RT4-SSP prep
221  // routines.
222  za_grid.resize(2 * nummu);
223  for (Index imu = 0; imu < nummu; imu++) {
224  za_grid[imu] = acos(mu_values[imu]) * RAD2DEG;
225  za_grid[nummu + imu] = 180. - za_grid[imu];
226  }
227  aa_grid.resize(1);
228  aa_grid[0] = 0.;
229 }
231 void get_rt4surf_props( // Output
232  Vector& ground_albedo,
233  Tensor3& ground_reflec,
234  ComplexVector& ground_index,
235  // Input
236  ConstVectorView f_grid,
237  const String& ground_type,
238  const Numeric& surface_skin_t,
239  ConstVectorView surface_scalar_reflectivity,
240  ConstTensor3View surface_reflectivity,
241  const GriddedField3& surface_complex_refr_index,
242  const Index& stokes_dim) {
243  if (surface_skin_t < 0. || surface_skin_t > 1000.) {
244  ostringstream os;
245  os << "Surface temperature is set to " << surface_skin_t << " K,\n"
246  << "which is not considered a meaningful value.\n";
247  throw runtime_error(os.str());
248  }
250  const Index nf = f_grid.nelem();
252  if (ground_type == "L") // RT4's proprietary Lambertian
253  {
254  if (min(surface_scalar_reflectivity) < 0 ||
255  max(surface_scalar_reflectivity) > 1) {
256  throw runtime_error(
257  "All values in *surface_scalar_reflectivity* must be inside [0,1].");
258  }
260  // surface albedo
261  if (surface_scalar_reflectivity.nelem() == f_grid.nelem())
262  ground_albedo = surface_scalar_reflectivity;
263  else if (surface_scalar_reflectivity.nelem() == 1)
264  ground_albedo += surface_scalar_reflectivity[0];
265  else {
266  ostringstream os;
267  os << "For Lambertian surface reflection, the number of elements in\n"
268  << "*surface_scalar_reflectivity* needs to match the length of\n"
269  << "*f_grid* or be 1."
270  << "\n length of *f_grid* : " << f_grid.nelem()
271  << "\n length of *surface_scalar_reflectivity* : "
272  << surface_scalar_reflectivity.nelem() << "\n";
273  throw runtime_error(os.str());
274  }
276  } else if (ground_type == "S") // RT4's 'proprietary' Specular
277  {
278  const Index ref_sto = surface_reflectivity.nrows();
280  chk_if_in_range("surface_reflectivity's stokes_dim", ref_sto, 1, 4);
281  if (ref_sto != surface_reflectivity.ncols()) {
282  ostringstream os;
283  os << "The number of rows and columnss in *surface_reflectivity*\n"
284  << "must match each other.";
285  throw runtime_error(os.str());
286  }
288  if (min(surface_reflectivity(joker, 0, 0)) < 0 ||
289  max(surface_reflectivity(joker, 0, 0)) > 1) {
290  throw runtime_error(
291  "All r11 values in *surface_reflectivity* must be inside [0,1].");
292  }
294  // surface reflectivity
295  if (surface_reflectivity.npages() == f_grid.nelem())
296  if (ref_sto < stokes_dim)
297  ground_reflec(joker, Range(0, ref_sto), Range(0, ref_sto)) =
298  surface_reflectivity;
299  else
300  ground_reflec = surface_reflectivity(
301  joker, Range(0, stokes_dim), Range(0, stokes_dim));
302  else if (surface_reflectivity.npages() == 1)
303  if (ref_sto < stokes_dim)
304  for (Index f_index = 0; f_index < nf; f_index++)
305  ground_reflec(f_index, Range(0, ref_sto), Range(0, ref_sto)) +=
306  surface_reflectivity(0, joker, joker);
307  else
308  for (Index f_index = 0; f_index < nf; f_index++)
309  ground_reflec(f_index, joker, joker) += surface_reflectivity(
310  0, Range(0, stokes_dim), Range(0, stokes_dim));
311  else {
312  ostringstream os;
313  os << "For specular surface reflection, the number of elements in\n"
314  << "*surface_reflectivity* needs to match the length of\n"
315  << "*f_grid* or be 1."
316  << "\n length of *f_grid* : " << f_grid.nelem()
317  << "\n length of *surface_reflectivity* : "
318  << surface_reflectivity.npages() << "\n";
319  throw runtime_error(os.str());
320  }
322  } else if (ground_type == "F") // RT4's proprietary Fresnel
323  {
324  //extract/interpolate from GriddedField
325  Matrix n_real(nf, 1), n_imag(nf, 1);
326  complex_n_interp(n_real,
327  n_imag,
328  surface_complex_refr_index,
329  "surface_complex_refr_index",
330  f_grid,
331  Vector(1, surface_skin_t));
332  //ground_index = Complex(n_real(joker,0),n_imag(joker,0));
333  for (Index f_index = 0; f_index < nf; f_index++) {
334  ground_index[f_index] = Complex(n_real(f_index, 0), n_imag(f_index, 0));
335  }
336  } else {
337  ostringstream os;
338  os << "Unknown surface type.\n";
339  throw runtime_error(os.str());
340  }
341 }
343 void run_rt4(Workspace& ws,
344  // Output
345  Tensor7& cloudbox_field,
346  Vector& za_grid,
347  // Input
348  ConstVectorView f_grid,
349  ConstVectorView p_grid,
350  ConstVectorView z_profile,
351  ConstVectorView t_profile,
352  ConstMatrixView vmr_profiles,
353  ConstMatrixView pnd_profiles,
354  const ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData& scat_data,
355  const Agenda& propmat_clearsky_agenda,
356  const ArrayOfIndex& cloudbox_limits,
357  const Index& stokes_dim,
358  const Index& nummu,
359  const Index& nhza,
360  const String& ground_type,
361  const Numeric& surface_skin_t,
362  ConstVectorView ground_albedo,
363  ConstTensor3View ground_reflec,
364  ConstComplexVectorView ground_index,
365  ConstTensor5View surf_refl_mat,
366  ConstTensor3View surf_emis_vec,
367  const Agenda& surface_rtprop_agenda,
368  const Numeric& surf_altitude,
369  const String& quad_type,
370  Vector& mu_values,
371  ConstVectorView quad_weights,
372  const Index& auto_inc_nstreams,
373  const Index& robust,
374  const Index& za_interp_order,
375  const Index& cos_za_interp,
376  const String& pfct_method,
377  const Index& pfct_aa_grid_size,
378  const Numeric& pfct_threshold,
379  const Numeric& max_delta_tau,
380  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
381  // Create an atmosphere starting at z_surface
382  Vector p, z, t;
383  Matrix vmr, pnd;
384  ArrayOfIndex cboxlims;
385  Index ncboxremoved;
386  //
387  reduced_1datm(p,
388  z,
389  t,
390  vmr,
391  pnd,
392  cboxlims,
393  ncboxremoved,
394  p_grid,
395  z_profile,
396  surf_altitude,
397  t_profile,
398  vmr_profiles,
399  pnd_profiles,
400  cloudbox_limits);
402  // Input variables for RT4
403  Index num_layers = p.nelem() - 1;
405  // Top of the atmosphere temperature
406  // FIXME: so far hard-coded to cosmic background. However, change that to set
407  // according to/from space_agenda.
408  // to do so, we need to hand over sky_radiance instead of sky_temp as
409  // Tensor3(2,stokes_dim,nummu) per frequency. That is, for properly using
410  // iy_space_agenda, we need to recall the agenda over the stream angles (not
411  // sure what to do with the upwelling ones. according to the RT4-internal
412  // sizing, sky_radiance contains even those. but they might not be used
413  // (check!) and hence be set arbitrary.
414  const Numeric sky_temp = COSMIC_BG_TEMP;
416  // Data fields
417  Vector height(num_layers + 1);
418  Vector temperatures(num_layers + 1);
419  for (Index i = 0; i < height.nelem(); i++) {
420  height[i] = z[num_layers - i];
421  temperatures[i] = t[num_layers - i];
422  }
424  // this indexes all cloudbox layers as cloudy layers.
425  // optional FIXME: to use the power of RT4 (faster solving scheme for
426  // individual non-cloudy layers), one should consider non-cloudy layers within
427  // cloudbox. That requires some kind of recognition and index setting based on
428  // pnd_field or (derived) cloud layer extinction or scattering.
429  // we use something similar with iyHybrid. have a look there...
430  const Index num_scatlayers = pnd.ncols() - 1;
431  Vector scatlayers(num_layers, 0.);
432  Vector gas_extinct(num_layers, 0.);
433  Tensor6 scatter_matrix(
434  num_scatlayers, 4, nummu, stokes_dim, nummu, stokes_dim, 0.);
435  Tensor6 extinct_matrix(
436  1, num_scatlayers, 2, nummu, stokes_dim, stokes_dim, 0.);
437  Tensor5 emis_vector(1, num_scatlayers, 2, nummu, stokes_dim, 0.);
439  // if there is no scatt particle at all, we don't need to calculate the
440  // scat properties (FIXME: that should rather be done by a proper setting
441  // of scat_layers).
442  Vector pnd_per_level(pnd.ncols());
443  for (Index clev = 0; clev < pnd.ncols(); clev++)
444  pnd_per_level[clev] = pnd(joker, clev).sum();
445  Numeric pndtot = pnd_per_level.sum();
447  for (Index i = 0; i < cboxlims[1] - cboxlims[0]; i++) {
448  scatlayers[num_layers - 1 - cboxlims[0] - i] = float(i + 1);
449  }
451  // Output variables
452  Tensor3 up_rad(num_layers + 1, nummu, stokes_dim, 0.);
453  Tensor3 down_rad(num_layers + 1, nummu, stokes_dim, 0.);
455  Tensor6 extinct_matrix_allf;
456  Tensor5 emis_vector_allf;
457  if (!auto_inc_nstreams) {
458  extinct_matrix_allf.resize(
459  f_grid.nelem(), num_scatlayers, 2, nummu, stokes_dim, stokes_dim);
460  emis_vector_allf.resize(
461  f_grid.nelem(), num_scatlayers, 2, nummu, stokes_dim);
462  par_optpropCalc(emis_vector_allf,
463  extinct_matrix_allf,
464  //scatlayers,
465  scat_data,
466  za_grid,
467  -1,
468  pnd,
469  t,
470  cboxlims,
471  stokes_dim);
472  if (emis_vector_allf.nshelves() == 1) // scat_data had just a single freq
473  // point. copy into emis/ext here and
474  // don't touch anymore later on.
475  {
476  emis_vector = emis_vector_allf(Range(0, 1), joker, joker, joker, joker);
477  extinct_matrix =
478  extinct_matrix_allf(Range(0, 1), joker, joker, joker, joker, joker);
479  }
480  }
482  // FIXME: once, all old optprop scheme incl. the applied agendas is removed,
483  // we can remove this as well.
484  Vector za_grid_orig;
485  if (auto_inc_nstreams) {
486  // For the WSV za_grid, we need to reset these grids instead of
487  // creating a new container. this because further down some agendas are
488  // used that access scat_za/aa_grid through the workspace.
489  // Later on, we need to reconstruct the original setting, hence backup
490  // that here.
491  za_grid_orig = za_grid;
492  }
494  Index nummu_new = 0;
495  // Loop over frequencies
496  for (Index f_index = 0; f_index < f_grid.nelem(); f_index++) {
497  // Wavelength [um]
498  Numeric wavelength;
499  wavelength = 1e6 * SPEED_OF_LIGHT / f_grid[f_index];
501  Matrix groundreflec = ground_reflec(f_index, joker, joker);
502  Tensor4 surfreflmat = surf_refl_mat(f_index, joker, joker, joker, joker);
503  Matrix surfemisvec = surf_emis_vec(f_index, joker, joker);
504  //Vector muvalues=mu_values;
506  // only update gas_extinct if there is any gas absorption at all (since
507  // vmr_field is not freq-dependent, gas_extinct will remain as above
508  // initialized (with 0) for all freqs, ie we can rely on that it wasn't
509  // changed).
510  if (vmr.ncols() > 0) {
511  gas_optpropCalc(ws,
512  gas_extinct,
513  propmat_clearsky_agenda,
514  t[Range(0, num_layers + 1)],
515  vmr(joker, Range(0, num_layers + 1)),
516  p[Range(0, num_layers + 1)],
517  f_grid[Range(f_index, 1)]);
518  }
520  Index pfct_failed = 0;
521  if (pndtot != 0) {
522  if (nummu_new < nummu) {
523  if (!auto_inc_nstreams) // all freq calculated before. just copy
524  // here. but only if needed.
525  {
526  if (emis_vector_allf.nshelves() != 1) {
527  emis_vector =
528  emis_vector_allf(Range(f_index, 1), joker, joker, joker, joker);
529  extinct_matrix = extinct_matrix_allf(
530  Range(f_index, 1), joker, joker, joker, joker, joker);
531  }
532  } else {
533  par_optpropCalc(emis_vector,
534  extinct_matrix,
535  //scatlayers,
536  scat_data,
537  za_grid,
538  f_index,
539  pnd,
540  t[Range(0, num_layers + 1)],
541  cboxlims,
542  stokes_dim);
543  }
544  sca_optpropCalc(scatter_matrix,
545  pfct_failed,
546  emis_vector(0, joker, joker, joker, joker),
547  extinct_matrix(0, joker, joker, joker, joker, joker),
548  f_index,
549  scat_data,
550  pnd,
551  stokes_dim,
552  za_grid,
553  quad_weights,
554  pfct_method,
555  pfct_aa_grid_size,
556  pfct_threshold,
557  auto_inc_nstreams,
558  verbosity);
559  } else {
560  pfct_failed = 1;
561  }
562  }
564  if (!pfct_failed) {
565 #pragma omp critical(fortran_rt4)
566  {
567  // Call RT4
568  radtrano_(stokes_dim,
569  nummu,
570  nhza,
571  max_delta_tau,
572  quad_type.c_str(),
573  surface_skin_t,
574  ground_type.c_str(),
575  ground_albedo[f_index],
576  ground_index[f_index],
577  groundreflec.get_c_array(),
578  surfreflmat.get_c_array(),
579  surfemisvec.get_c_array(),
580  sky_temp,
581  wavelength,
582  num_layers,
583  height.get_c_array(),
584  temperatures.get_c_array(),
585  gas_extinct.get_c_array(),
586  num_scatlayers,
587  scatlayers.get_c_array(),
588  extinct_matrix.get_c_array(),
589  emis_vector.get_c_array(),
590  scatter_matrix.get_c_array(),
591  //noutlevels,
592  //outlevels.get_c_array(),
593  mu_values.get_c_array(),
594  up_rad.get_c_array(),
595  down_rad.get_c_array());
596  }
598  } else { // if (auto_inc_nstreams)
600  if (nummu_new < nummu) nummu_new = nummu + 1;
602  Index nhstreams_new;
603  Vector mu_values_new, quad_weights_new, aa_grid_new;
604  Tensor6 scatter_matrix_new;
605  Tensor6 extinct_matrix_new;
606  Tensor5 emis_vector_new;
607  Tensor4 surfreflmat_new;
608  Matrix surfemisvec_new;
610  while (pfct_failed && (2 * nummu_new) <= auto_inc_nstreams) {
611  // resize and recalc nstream-affected/determined variables:
612  // - mu_values, quad_weights (resize & recalc)
613  nhstreams_new = nummu_new - nhza;
614  mu_values_new.resize(nummu_new);
615  mu_values_new = 0.;
616  quad_weights_new.resize(nummu_new);
617  quad_weights_new = 0.;
618  get_quad_angles(mu_values_new,
619  quad_weights_new,
620  za_grid,
621  aa_grid_new,
622  quad_type,
623  nhstreams_new,
624  nhza,
625  nummu_new);
627  // - resize & recalculate emis_vector, extinct_matrix (as input to scatter_matrix calc)
628  extinct_matrix_new.resize(
629  1, num_scatlayers, 2, nummu_new, stokes_dim, stokes_dim);
630  extinct_matrix_new = 0.;
631  emis_vector_new.resize(1, num_scatlayers, 2, nummu_new, stokes_dim);
632  emis_vector_new = 0.;
633  // FIXME: So far, outside-of-freq-loop calculated optprops will fall
634  // back to in-loop-calculated ones in case of auto-increasing stream
635  // numbers. There might be better options, but I (JM) couldn't come up
636  // with or decide for one so far (we could recalc over all freqs. but
637  // that would unnecessarily recalc lower-freq optprops, too, which are
638  // not needed anymore. which could likely take more time than we
639  // potentially safe through all-at-once temperature and direction
640  // interpolations.
641  par_optpropCalc(emis_vector_new,
642  extinct_matrix_new,
643  //scatlayers,
644  scat_data,
645  za_grid,
646  f_index,
647  pnd,
648  t[Range(0, num_layers + 1)],
649  cboxlims,
650  stokes_dim);
652  // - resize & recalc scatter_matrix
653  scatter_matrix_new.resize(
654  num_scatlayers, 4, nummu_new, stokes_dim, nummu_new, stokes_dim);
655  scatter_matrix_new = 0.;
656  pfct_failed = 0;
657  sca_optpropCalc(
658  scatter_matrix_new,
659  pfct_failed,
660  emis_vector_new(0, joker, joker, joker, joker),
661  extinct_matrix_new(0, joker, joker, joker, joker, joker),
662  f_index,
663  scat_data,
664  pnd,
665  stokes_dim,
666  za_grid,
667  quad_weights_new,
668  pfct_method,
669  pfct_aa_grid_size,
670  pfct_threshold,
671  auto_inc_nstreams,
672  verbosity);
674  if (pfct_failed) nummu_new = nummu_new + 1;
675  }
677  if (pfct_failed) {
678  nummu_new = nummu_new - 1;
679  ostringstream os;
680  os << "Could not increase nstreams sufficiently (current: "
681  << 2 * nummu_new << ")\n"
682  << "to satisfy scattering matrix norm at f[" << f_index
683  << "]=" << f_grid[f_index] * 1e-9 << " GHz.\n";
684  if (!robust) {
685  // couldn't find a nstreams within the limits of auto_inc_nstremas
686  // (aka max. nstreams) that satisfies the scattering matrix norm.
687  // Hence fail completely.
688  os << "Try higher maximum number of allowed streams (ie. higher"
689  << " auto_inc_nstreams than " << auto_inc_nstreams << ").";
690  throw runtime_error(os.str());
691  } else {
693  os << "Continuing with nstreams=" << 2 * nummu_new
694  << ". Output for this frequency might be erroneous.";
695  out1 << os.str();
696  pfct_failed = -1;
697  sca_optpropCalc(
698  scatter_matrix_new,
699  pfct_failed,
700  emis_vector_new(0, joker, joker, joker, joker),
701  extinct_matrix_new(0, joker, joker, joker, joker, joker),
702  f_index,
703  scat_data,
704  pnd,
705  stokes_dim,
706  za_grid,
707  quad_weights_new,
708  pfct_method,
709  pfct_aa_grid_size,
710  pfct_threshold,
711  0,
712  verbosity);
713  }
714  }
716  // resize and calc remaining nstream-affected variables:
717  // - in case of surface_rtprop_agenda driven surface: surfreflmat, surfemisvec
718  if (ground_type == "A") // surface_rtprop_agenda driven surface
719  {
720  Tensor5 srm_new(1, nummu_new, stokes_dim, nummu_new, stokes_dim, 0.);
721  Tensor3 sev_new(1, nummu_new, stokes_dim, 0.);
722  surf_optpropCalc(ws,
723  srm_new,
724  sev_new,
725  surface_rtprop_agenda,
726  f_grid[Range(f_index, 1)],
727  za_grid,
728  mu_values_new,
729  quad_weights_new,
730  stokes_dim,
731  surf_altitude);
732  surfreflmat_new = srm_new(0, joker, joker, joker, joker);
733  surfemisvec_new = sev_new(0, joker, joker);
734  }
735  // - up/down_rad (resize only)
736  Tensor3 up_rad_new(num_layers + 1, nummu_new, stokes_dim, 0.);
737  Tensor3 down_rad_new(num_layers + 1, nummu_new, stokes_dim, 0.);
738  //
739  // run radtrano_
740 #pragma omp critical(fortran_rt4)
741  {
742  // Call RT4
743  radtrano_(stokes_dim,
744  nummu_new,
745  nhza,
746  max_delta_tau,
747  quad_type.c_str(),
748  surface_skin_t,
749  ground_type.c_str(),
750  ground_albedo[f_index],
751  ground_index[f_index],
752  groundreflec.get_c_array(),
753  surfreflmat_new.get_c_array(),
754  surfemisvec_new.get_c_array(),
755  sky_temp,
756  wavelength,
757  num_layers,
758  height.get_c_array(),
759  temperatures.get_c_array(),
760  gas_extinct.get_c_array(),
761  num_scatlayers,
762  scatlayers.get_c_array(),
763  extinct_matrix_new(0, joker, joker, joker, joker, joker)
764  .get_c_array(),
765  emis_vector_new(0, joker, joker, joker, joker).get_c_array(),
766  scatter_matrix_new.get_c_array(),
767  //noutlevels,
768  //outlevels.get_c_array(),
769  mu_values_new.get_c_array(),
770  up_rad_new.get_c_array(),
771  down_rad_new.get_c_array());
772  }
773  // back-interpolate nstream_new fields to nstreams
774  // (possible to use iyCloudboxInterp agenda? nja, not really a good
775  // idea. too much overhead there (checking, 3D+2ang interpol). rather
776  // use interp_order as additional user parameter.
777  // extrapol issues shouldn't occur as we go from finer to coarser
778  // angular grid)
779  // - loop over nummu:
780  // - determine weights per ummu ang (should be valid for both up and
781  // down)
782  // - loop over num_layers and stokes_dim:
783  // - apply weights
784  for (Index j = 0; j < nummu; j++) {
785  GridPosPoly gp_za;
786  if (cos_za_interp) {
787  gridpos_poly(
788  gp_za, mu_values_new, mu_values[j], za_interp_order, 0.5);
789  } else {
790  gridpos_poly(gp_za,
791  za_grid[Range(0, nummu_new)],
792  za_grid_orig[j],
793  za_interp_order,
794  0.5);
795  }
796  Vector itw(gp_za.idx.nelem());
797  interpweights(itw, gp_za);
799  for (Index k = 0; k < num_layers + 1; k++)
800  for (Index ist = 0; ist < stokes_dim; ist++) {
801  up_rad(k, j, ist) = interp(itw, up_rad_new(k, joker, ist), gp_za);
802  down_rad(k, j, ist) =
803  interp(itw, down_rad_new(k, joker, ist), gp_za);
804  }
805  }
807  // reconstruct za_grid
808  za_grid = za_grid_orig;
809  }
811  // RT4 rad output is in wavelength units, nominally in W/(m2 sr um), where
812  // wavelength input is required in um.
813  // FIXME: When using wavelength input in m, output should be in W/(m2 sr
814  // m). However, check this. So, at first we use wavelength in um. Then
815  // change and compare.
816  //
817  // FIXME: if ever we allow the cloudbox to be not directly at the surface
818  // (at atm level #0, respectively), the assigning from up/down_rad to
819  // cloudbox_field needs to checked. there seems some offsetting going on
820  // (test example: TestDOIT.arts. if kept like below, cloudbox_field at
821  // top-of-cloudbox seems to actually be from somewhere within the
822  // cloud(box) indicated by downwelling being to high and downwelling
823  // exhibiting a non-zero polarisation signature (which it wouldn't with
824  // only scalar gas abs above).
825  //
826  Numeric rad_l2f = wavelength / f_grid[f_index];
827  // down/up_rad contain the radiances in order from slant (90deg) to steep
828  // (0 and 180deg, respectively) streams,then the possible extra angle(s).
829  // We need to resort them properly into cloudbox_field, such that order is
830  // from 0 to 180deg.
831  for (Index j = 0; j < nummu; j++) {
832  for (Index ist = 0; ist < stokes_dim; ist++) {
833  for (Index k = cboxlims[1] - cboxlims[0]; k >= 0; k--) {
834  cloudbox_field(f_index, k + ncboxremoved, 0, 0, nummu + j, 0, ist) =
835  up_rad(num_layers - k, j, ist) * rad_l2f;
836  cloudbox_field(
837  f_index, k + ncboxremoved, 0, 0, nummu - 1 - j, 0, ist) =
838  down_rad(num_layers - k, j, ist) * rad_l2f;
839  }
840  // To avoid potential numerical problems at interpolation of the field,
841  // we copy the surface field to underground altitudes
842  for (Index k = ncboxremoved - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
843  cloudbox_field(f_index, k, 0, 0, nummu + j, 0, ist) =
844  cloudbox_field(f_index, k + 1, 0, 0, nummu + j, 0, ist);
845  cloudbox_field(f_index, k, 0, 0, nummu - 1 + j, 0, ist) =
846  cloudbox_field(f_index, k + 1, 0, 0, nummu - 1 + j, 0, ist);
847  }
848  }
849  }
850  }
851 }
853 void za_grid_adjust( // Output
854  Vector& za_grid,
855  // Input
856  ConstVectorView mu_values,
857  const Index& nummu) {
858  for (Index j = 0; j < nummu; j++) {
859  za_grid[nummu - 1 - j] = acos(mu_values[j]) * RAD2DEG;
860  za_grid[nummu + j] = 180. - acos(mu_values[j]) * RAD2DEG;
861  //cout << "setting scat_za[" << nummu-1-j << "]=" << za_grid[nummu-1-j]
862  // << " and [" << nummu+j << "]=" << za_grid[nummu+j]
863  // << " from mu[" << j << "]=" << mu_values[j] << "\n";
864  }
865 }
867 void gas_optpropCalc(Workspace& ws,
868  VectorView gas_extinct,
869  const Agenda& propmat_clearsky_agenda,
870  ConstVectorView t_profile,
871  ConstMatrixView vmr_profiles,
872  ConstVectorView p_grid,
873  ConstVectorView f_mono) {
874  // Initialization
875  gas_extinct = 0.;
877  const Index Np = p_grid.nelem();
879  assert(gas_extinct.nelem() == Np - 1);
881  // Local variables to be used in agendas
882  Numeric rtp_temperature_local;
883  Numeric rtp_pressure_local;
884  ArrayOfPropagationMatrix propmat_clearsky_local;
885  Vector rtp_vmr_local(vmr_profiles.nrows());
887  const EnergyLevelMap rtp_nlte_local_dummy;
889  // Calculate layer averaged gaseous extinction
890  for (Index i = 0; i < Np - 1; i++) {
891  rtp_pressure_local = 0.5 * (p_grid[i] + p_grid[i + 1]);
892  rtp_temperature_local = 0.5 * (t_profile[i] + t_profile[i + 1]);
894  // Average vmrs
895  for (Index j = 0; j < vmr_profiles.nrows(); j++)
896  rtp_vmr_local[j] = 0.5 * (vmr_profiles(j, i) + vmr_profiles(j, i + 1));
898  const Vector rtp_mag_dummy(3, 0);
899  const Vector ppath_los_dummy;
901  //FIXME: do this right?
902  ArrayOfStokesVector nlte_dummy;
903  // This is right since there should be only clearsky partials
904  ArrayOfPropagationMatrix partial_dummy;
905  ArrayOfStokesVector partial_source_dummy, partial_nlte_dummy;
907  propmat_clearsky_local,
908  nlte_dummy,
909  partial_dummy,
910  partial_source_dummy,
911  partial_nlte_dummy,
913  f_mono, // monochromatic calculation
914  rtp_mag_dummy,
915  ppath_los_dummy,
916  rtp_pressure_local,
917  rtp_temperature_local,
918  rtp_nlte_local_dummy,
919  rtp_vmr_local,
920  propmat_clearsky_agenda);
922  //Assuming non-polarized light and only one frequency
923  if (propmat_clearsky_local.nelem()) {
924  gas_extinct[Np - 2 - i] = propmat_clearsky_local[0].Kjj()[0];
925  for (Index j = 1; j < propmat_clearsky_local.nelem(); j++) {
926  gas_extinct[Np - 2 - i] += propmat_clearsky_local[j].Kjj()[0];
927  }
928  }
929  }
930 }
932 void par_optpropCalc(Tensor5View emis_vector,
933  Tensor6View extinct_matrix,
934  //VectorView scatlayers,
935  const ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData& scat_data,
936  const Vector& za_grid,
937  const Index& f_index,
938  ConstMatrixView pnd_profiles,
939  ConstVectorView t_profile,
940  const ArrayOfIndex& cloudbox_limits,
941  const Index& stokes_dim) {
942  // Initialization
943  extinct_matrix = 0.;
944  emis_vector = 0.;
946  const Index Np_cloud = pnd_profiles.ncols();
947  const Index nummu = za_grid.nelem() / 2;
949  assert(emis_vector.nbooks() == Np_cloud - 1);
950  assert(extinct_matrix.nshelves() == Np_cloud - 1);
952  // preparing input data
953  Vector T_array = t_profile[Range(cloudbox_limits[0], Np_cloud)];
954  Matrix dir_array(za_grid.nelem(), 2, 0.);
955  dir_array(joker, 0) = za_grid;
957  // making output containers
958  ArrayOfArrayOfTensor5 ext_mat_Nse;
959  ArrayOfArrayOfTensor4 abs_vec_Nse;
960  ArrayOfArrayOfIndex ptypes_Nse;
961  Matrix t_ok;
962  ArrayOfTensor5 ext_mat_ssbulk;
963  ArrayOfTensor4 abs_vec_ssbulk;
964  ArrayOfIndex ptype_ssbulk;
965  Tensor5 ext_mat_bulk;
966  Tensor4 abs_vec_bulk;
967  Index ptype_bulk;
969  opt_prop_NScatElems(ext_mat_Nse,
970  abs_vec_Nse,
971  ptypes_Nse,
972  t_ok,
973  scat_data,
974  stokes_dim,
975  T_array,
976  dir_array,
977  f_index);
978  opt_prop_ScatSpecBulk(ext_mat_ssbulk,
979  abs_vec_ssbulk,
980  ptype_ssbulk,
981  ext_mat_Nse,
982  abs_vec_Nse,
983  ptypes_Nse,
984  pnd_profiles(joker, joker),
985  t_ok);
986  opt_prop_Bulk(ext_mat_bulk,
987  abs_vec_bulk,
988  ptype_bulk,
989  ext_mat_ssbulk,
990  abs_vec_ssbulk,
991  ptype_ssbulk);
993  // Calculate layer averaged extinction and absorption and sort into RT4-format
994  // data tensors
995  for (Index ipc = 0; ipc < Np_cloud - 1; ipc++) {
996  for (Index fi = 0; fi < abs_vec_bulk.nbooks(); fi++) {
997  for (Index imu = 0; imu < nummu; imu++) {
998  for (Index ist1 = 0; ist1 < stokes_dim; ist1++) {
999  for (Index ist2 = 0; ist2 < stokes_dim; ist2++) {
1000  extinct_matrix(fi, ipc, 0, imu, ist2, ist1) =
1001  .5 * (ext_mat_bulk(fi, ipc, imu, ist1, ist2) +
1002  ext_mat_bulk(fi, ipc + 1, imu, ist1, ist2));
1003  extinct_matrix(fi, ipc, 1, imu, ist2, ist1) =
1004  .5 * (ext_mat_bulk(fi, ipc, nummu + imu, ist1, ist2) +
1005  ext_mat_bulk(fi, ipc + 1, nummu + imu, ist1, ist2));
1006  }
1007  emis_vector(fi, ipc, 0, imu, ist1) =
1008  .5 * (abs_vec_bulk(fi, ipc, imu, ist1) +
1009  abs_vec_bulk(fi, ipc + 1, imu, ist1));
1010  emis_vector(fi, ipc, 1, imu, ist1) =
1011  .5 * (abs_vec_bulk(fi, ipc, nummu + imu, ist1) +
1012  abs_vec_bulk(fi, ipc + 1, nummu + imu, ist1));
1013  }
1014  }
1015  }
1016  }
1017 }
1019 void sca_optpropCalc( //Output
1020  Tensor6View scatter_matrix,
1021  Index& pfct_failed,
1022  //Input
1023  ConstTensor4View emis_vector,
1024  ConstTensor5View extinct_matrix,
1025  const Index& f_index,
1026  const ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData& scat_data,
1027  ConstMatrixView pnd_profiles,
1028  const Index& stokes_dim,
1029  const Vector& za_grid,
1030  ConstVectorView quad_weights,
1031  const String& pfct_method,
1032  const Index& pfct_aa_grid_size,
1033  const Numeric& pfct_threshold,
1034  const Index& auto_inc_nstreams,
1035  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
1036  // FIXME: this whole funtions needs revision/optimization regarding
1037  // - temperature dependence (using new-type scat_data)
1038  // - using redundancies in sca_mat data at least for totally random
1039  // orientation particles (are there some for az. random, too? like
1040  // upper/lower hemisphere equiv?) - we might at least have a flag
1041  // (transported down from calling function?) whether we deal exclusively
1042  // with totally random orient particles (and then take some shortcuts...)
1044  // FIXME: do we have numerical issues, too, here in case of tiny pnd? check
1045  // with Patrick's Disort-issue case.
1047  // Initialization
1048  scatter_matrix = 0.;
1050  const Index N_se = pnd_profiles.nrows();
1051  const Index Np_cloud = pnd_profiles.ncols();
1052  const Index nza_rt = za_grid.nelem();
1054  assert(scatter_matrix.nvitrines() == Np_cloud - 1);
1056  // Check that total number of scattering elements in scat_data and pnd_profiles
1057  // agree.
1058  // FIXME: this should be done earlier. in calling method. outside freq- and
1059  // other possible loops. rather assert than runtime error.
1060  if (TotalNumberOfElements(scat_data) != N_se) {
1061  ostringstream os;
1062  os << "Total number of scattering elements in scat_data ("
1063  << TotalNumberOfElements(scat_data) << ") and pnd_profiles (" << N_se
1064  << ") disagree.";
1065  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1066  }
1068  if (pfct_aa_grid_size < 2) {
1069  ostringstream os;
1070  os << "Azimuth grid size for scatt matrix extraction"
1071  << " (*pfct_aa_grid_size*) must be >1.\n"
1072  << "Yours is " << pfct_aa_grid_size << ".\n";
1073  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1074  }
1075  Vector aa_grid;
1076  nlinspace(aa_grid, 0, 180, pfct_aa_grid_size);
1078  Index i_se_flat = 0;
1079  Tensor5 sca_mat(N_se, nza_rt, nza_rt, stokes_dim, stokes_dim, 0.);
1080  Matrix ext_fixT_spt(N_se, nza_rt, 0.), abs_fixT_spt(N_se, nza_rt, 0.);
1082  // Precalculate azimuth integration weights for totally randomly oriented
1083  // (they are only determined by pfct_aa_grid_size)
1084  Numeric daa_totrand =
1085  1. / float(pfct_aa_grid_size - 1); // 2*180./360./(pfct_aa_grid_size-1)
1087  // first we extract Z at one T, integrate the azimuth data at each
1088  // za_inc/za_sca combi (to get the Fourier series mode), then interpolate
1089  // to the mu/mu' combis we need in RT.
1090  //
1091  // FIXME: are the stokes component assignments correct? for totally random?
1092  // and azimuthally random? (as they are done differently...)
1093  for (Index i_ss = 0; i_ss < scat_data.nelem(); i_ss++) {
1094  for (Index i_se = 0; i_se < scat_data[i_ss].nelem(); i_se++) {
1095  SingleScatteringData ssd = scat_data[i_ss][i_se];
1096  Index this_f_index = (ssd.pha_mat_data.nlibraries() == 1 ? 0 : f_index);
1097  Index i_pfct;
1098  if (pfct_method == "low")
1099  i_pfct = 0;
1100  else if (pfct_method == "high")
1101  i_pfct = ssd.T_grid.nelem() - 1;
1102  else //if( pfct_method=="median" )
1103  i_pfct = ssd.T_grid.nelem() / 2;
1105  if (ssd.ptype == PTYPE_TOTAL_RND) {
1106  Matrix pha_mat(stokes_dim, stokes_dim, 0.);
1107  for (Index iza = 0; iza < nza_rt; iza++) {
1108  for (Index sza = 0; sza < nza_rt; sza++) {
1109  Matrix pha_mat_int(stokes_dim, stokes_dim, 0.);
1110  for (Index saa = 0; saa < pfct_aa_grid_size; saa++) {
1112  pha_mat(joker, joker),
1113  ssd.pha_mat_data(
1114  this_f_index, i_pfct, joker, joker, joker, joker, joker),
1115  ssd.za_grid,
1116  ssd.aa_grid,
1117  ssd.ptype,
1118  sza,
1119  saa,
1120  iza,
1121  0,
1122  za_grid,
1123  aa_grid,
1124  verbosity);
1126  if (saa == 0 || saa == pfct_aa_grid_size - 1)
1127  pha_mat *= (daa_totrand / 2.);
1128  else
1129  pha_mat *= daa_totrand;
1130  pha_mat_int += pha_mat;
1131  }
1132  sca_mat(i_se_flat, iza, sza, joker, joker) = pha_mat_int;
1133  }
1134  ext_fixT_spt(i_se_flat, iza) =
1135  ssd.ext_mat_data(this_f_index, i_pfct, 0, 0, 0);
1136  abs_fixT_spt(i_se_flat, iza) =
1137  ssd.abs_vec_data(this_f_index, i_pfct, 0, 0, 0);
1138  }
1139  } else if (ssd.ptype == PTYPE_AZIMUTH_RND) {
1140  Index nza_se = ssd.za_grid.nelem();
1141  Index naa_se = ssd.aa_grid.nelem();
1142  Tensor4 pha_mat_int(nza_se, nza_se, stokes_dim, stokes_dim, 0.);
1143  ConstVectorView za_datagrid = ssd.za_grid;
1144  ConstVectorView aa_datagrid = ssd.aa_grid;
1145  assert(aa_datagrid[0] == 0.);
1146  assert(aa_datagrid[naa_se - 1] == 180.);
1147  Vector daa(naa_se);
1149  // Precalculate azimuth integration weights for this azimuthally
1150  // randomly oriented scat element
1151  // (need to do this per scat element as ssd.aa_grid is scat
1152  // element specific (might change between elements) and need to do
1153  // this on actual grid instead of grid number since the grid can,
1154  // at least theoretically be non-equidistant)
1155  daa[0] = (aa_datagrid[1] - aa_datagrid[0]) / 360.;
1156  for (Index saa = 1; saa < naa_se - 1; saa++)
1157  daa[saa] = (aa_datagrid[saa + 1] - aa_datagrid[saa - 1]) / 360.;
1158  daa[naa_se - 1] =
1159  (aa_datagrid[naa_se - 1] - aa_datagrid[naa_se - 2]) / 360.;
1161  // first, extracting the phase matrix at the scatt elements own
1162  // polar angle grid, deriving their respective azimuthal (Fourier
1163  // series) 0-mode
1164  for (Index iza = 0; iza < nza_se; iza++)
1165  for (Index sza = 0; sza < nza_se; sza++) {
1166  for (Index saa = 0; saa < naa_se; saa++) {
1167  for (Index ist1 = 0; ist1 < stokes_dim; ist1++)
1168  for (Index ist2 = 0; ist2 < stokes_dim; ist2++)
1169  pha_mat_int(sza, iza, ist1, ist2) +=
1170  daa[saa] * ssd.pha_mat_data(this_f_index,
1171  i_pfct,
1172  sza,
1173  saa,
1174  iza,
1175  0,
1176  ist1 * 4 + ist2);
1177  }
1178  }
1180  // second, interpolating the extracted azimuthal mode to the RT4
1181  // solver polar angles
1182  for (Index iza = 0; iza < nza_rt; iza++) {
1183  for (Index sza = 0; sza < nza_rt; sza++) {
1184  GridPos za_sca_gp;
1185  GridPos za_inc_gp;
1186  Vector itw(4);
1187  Matrix pha_mat_lab(stokes_dim, stokes_dim, 0.);
1188  Numeric za_sca = za_grid[sza];
1189  Numeric za_inc = za_grid[iza];
1191  gridpos(za_inc_gp, za_datagrid, za_inc);
1192  gridpos(za_sca_gp, za_datagrid, za_sca);
1193  interpweights(itw, za_sca_gp, za_inc_gp);
1195  for (Index ist1 = 0; ist1 < stokes_dim; ist1++)
1196  for (Index ist2 = 0; ist2 < stokes_dim; ist2++) {
1197  pha_mat_lab(ist1, ist2) =
1198  interp(itw,
1199  pha_mat_int(Range(joker), Range(joker), ist1, ist2),
1200  za_sca_gp,
1201  za_inc_gp);
1202  //if (ist1+ist2==1)
1203  // pha_mat_lab(ist1,ist2) *= -1.;
1204  }
1206  sca_mat(i_se_flat, iza, sza, joker, joker) = pha_mat_lab;
1207  }
1208  ext_fixT_spt(i_se_flat, iza) =
1209  ssd.ext_mat_data(this_f_index, i_pfct, iza, 0, 0);
1210  abs_fixT_spt(i_se_flat, iza) =
1211  ssd.abs_vec_data(this_f_index, i_pfct, iza, 0, 0);
1212  }
1213  } else {
1214  ostringstream os;
1215  os << "Unsuitable particle type encountered.";
1216  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1217  }
1218  i_se_flat++;
1219  }
1220  }
1222  assert(i_se_flat == N_se);
1223  // now we sum up the Z(mu,mu') over the scattering elements weighted by the
1224  // pnd_field data, deriving Z(z,mu,mu') and sorting this into
1225  // scatter_matrix
1226  // FIXME: it seems that at least for totally random, corresponding upward and
1227  // downward directions have exactly the same (0,0) elements. Can we use this
1228  // to reduce calc efforts (for sca and its normalization as well as for ext
1229  // and abs?)
1230  Index nummu = nza_rt / 2;
1231  for (Index scat_p_index_local = 0; scat_p_index_local < Np_cloud - 1;
1232  scat_p_index_local++) {
1233  Vector ext_fixT(nza_rt, 0.), abs_fixT(nza_rt, 0.);
1235  for (Index i_se = 0; i_se < N_se; i_se++) {
1236  Numeric pnd_mean = 0.5 * (pnd_profiles(i_se, scat_p_index_local + 1) +
1237  pnd_profiles(i_se, scat_p_index_local));
1238  if (pnd_mean != 0.)
1239  for (Index iza = 0; iza < nummu; iza++) {
1240  // JM171003: not clear to me anymore why this check. if pnd_mean
1241  // is non-zero, then extinction should also be non-zero by
1242  // default?
1243  //if ( (extinct_matrix(scat_p_index_local,0,iza,0,0)+
1244  // extinct_matrix(scat_p_index_local,1,iza,0,0)) > 0. )
1245  for (Index sza = 0; sza < nummu; sza++) {
1246  for (Index ist1 = 0; ist1 < stokes_dim; ist1++)
1247  for (Index ist2 = 0; ist2 < stokes_dim; ist2++) {
1248  // we can't use stokes_dim jokers here since '*' doesn't
1249  // exist for Num*MatView. Also, order of stokes matrix
1250  // dimensions is inverted here (aka scat matrix is
1251  // transposed).
1252  scatter_matrix(scat_p_index_local, 0, iza, ist2, sza, ist1) +=
1253  pnd_mean * sca_mat(i_se, iza, sza, ist1, ist2);
1254  scatter_matrix(scat_p_index_local, 1, iza, ist2, sza, ist1) +=
1255  pnd_mean * sca_mat(i_se, nummu + iza, sza, ist1, ist2);
1256  scatter_matrix(scat_p_index_local, 2, iza, ist2, sza, ist1) +=
1257  pnd_mean * sca_mat(i_se, iza, nummu + sza, ist1, ist2);
1258  scatter_matrix(scat_p_index_local, 3, iza, ist2, sza, ist1) +=
1259  pnd_mean *
1260  sca_mat(i_se, nummu + iza, nummu + sza, ist1, ist2);
1261  }
1262  }
1264  ext_fixT[iza] += pnd_mean * ext_fixT_spt(i_se, iza);
1265  abs_fixT[iza] += pnd_mean * abs_fixT_spt(i_se, iza);
1266  }
1267  }
1269  for (Index iza = 0; iza < nummu; iza++) {
1270  for (Index ih = 0; ih < 2; ih++) {
1271  if (extinct_matrix(scat_p_index_local, ih, iza, 0, 0) > 0.) {
1272  Numeric sca_mat_integ = 0.;
1274  // We need to calculate the nominal values for the fixed T, we
1275  // used above in the pha_mat extraction. Only this tells us whether
1276  // angular resolution is sufficient.
1277  //
1278  //Numeric ext_nom = extinct_matrix(scat_p_index_local,ih,iza,0,0);
1279  //Numeric sca_nom = ext_nom-emis_vector(scat_p_index_local,ih,iza,0);
1280  Numeric ext_nom = ext_fixT[iza];
1281  Numeric sca_nom = ext_nom - abs_fixT[iza];
1282  Numeric w0_nom = sca_nom / ext_nom;
1283  assert(w0_nom >= 0.);
1285  for (Index sza = 0; sza < nummu; sza++) {
1286  // SUM2 = SUM2 + 2.0D0*PI*QUAD_WEIGHTS(J2)*
1287  // . ( SCATTER_MATRIX(1,J2,1,J1, L,TSL)
1288  // . + SCATTER_MATRIX(1,J2,1,J1, L+2,TSL) )
1289  sca_mat_integ +=
1290  quad_weights[sza] *
1291  (scatter_matrix(scat_p_index_local, ih, iza, 0, sza, 0) +
1292  scatter_matrix(scat_p_index_local, ih + 2, iza, 0, sza, 0));
1293  }
1295  // compare integrated scatt matrix with ext-abs for respective
1296  // incident polar angle - consistently with scat_dataCheck, we do
1297  // this in terms of albedo deviation (since PFCT deviations at
1298  // small albedos matter less than those at high albedos)
1300  Numeric w0_act = 2. * PI * sca_mat_integ / ext_nom;
1301  Numeric pfct_norm = 2. * PI * sca_mat_integ / sca_nom;
1302  /*
1303  cout << "sca_mat norm deviates " << 1e2*abs(1.-pfct_norm) << "%"
1304  << " (" << abs(w0_act-w0_nom) << " in albedo).\n";
1305  */
1306  Numeric sca_nom_paropt =
1307  extinct_matrix(scat_p_index_local, ih, iza, 0, 0) -
1308  emis_vector(scat_p_index_local, ih, iza, 0);
1309  //Numeric w0_nom_paropt = sca_nom_paropt /
1310  // extinct_matrix(scat_p_index_local,ih,iza,0,0);
1311  /*
1312  cout << "scat_p=" << scat_p_index_local
1313  << ", iza=" << iza << ", hem=" << ih << "\n";
1314  cout << " scaopt (paropt) w0_act= " << w0_act
1315  << ", w0_nom = " << w0_nom
1316  << " (" << w0_nom_paropt
1317  << "), diff=" << w0_act-w0_nom
1318  << " (" << w0_nom-w0_nom_paropt << ").\n";
1319  */
1321  if (abs(w0_act - w0_nom) > pfct_threshold) {
1322  if (pfct_failed >= 0) {
1323  if (auto_inc_nstreams) {
1324  pfct_failed = 1;
1325  return;
1326  } else {
1327  ostringstream os;
1328  os << "Bulk scattering matrix normalization deviates significantly\n"
1329  << "from expected value (" << 1e2 * abs(1. - pfct_norm)
1330  << "%,"
1331  << " resulting in albedo deviation of "
1332  << abs(w0_act - w0_nom) << ").\n"
1333  << "Something seems wrong with your scattering data "
1334  << " (did you run *scat_dataCheck*?)\n"
1335  << "or your RT4 setup (try increasing *nstreams* and in case"
1336  << " of randomly oriented particles possibly also"
1337  << " pfct_aa_grid_size).";
1338  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1339  }
1340  }
1341  } else if (abs(w0_act - w0_nom) > pfct_threshold * 0.1 ||
1342  abs(1. - pfct_norm) > 1e-2) {
1343  CREATE_OUT2;
1344  out2
1345  << "Warning: The bulk scattering matrix is not well normalized\n"
1346  << "Deviating from expected value by "
1347  << 1e2 * abs(1. - pfct_norm) << "% (and "
1348  << abs(w0_act - w0_nom) << " in terms of scattering albedo).\n";
1349  }
1350  // rescale scattering matrix to expected (0,0) value (and scale all
1351  // other elements accordingly)
1352  //
1353  // However, here we should not use the pfct_norm based on the
1354  // deviation from the fixed-temperature ext and abs. Instead, for
1355  // energy conservation reasons, this needs to be consistent with
1356  // extinct_matrix and emis_vector. Hence, recalculate pfct_norm
1357  // from them.
1358  //cout << " scaopt (paropt) pfct_norm dev = " << 1e2*pfct_norm-1e2;
1359  pfct_norm = 2. * PI * sca_mat_integ / sca_nom_paropt;
1360  //cout << " (" << 1e2*pfct_norm-1e2 << ")%.\n";
1361  //
1362  // FIXME: not fully clear whether applying the same rescaling
1363  // factor to all stokes elements is the correct way to do. check
1364  // out, e.g., Vasilieva (JQSRT 2006) for better approaches.
1365  // FIXME: rather rescale Z(0,0) only as we should have less issues
1366  // for other Z elements as they are less peaked/featured.
1367  scatter_matrix(scat_p_index_local, ih, iza, joker, joker, joker) /=
1368  pfct_norm;
1369  scatter_matrix(
1370  scat_p_index_local, ih + 2, iza, joker, joker, joker) /=
1371  pfct_norm;
1372  //if (scat_p_index_local==49)
1373  }
1374  }
1375  }
1376  }
1377 }
1379 void surf_optpropCalc(Workspace& ws,
1380  //Output
1381  Tensor5View surf_refl_mat,
1382  Tensor3View surf_emis_vec,
1383  //Input
1384  const Agenda& surface_rtprop_agenda,
1385  ConstVectorView f_grid,
1386  ConstVectorView za_grid,
1387  ConstVectorView mu_values,
1388  ConstVectorView quad_weights,
1389  const Index& stokes_dim,
1390  const Numeric& surf_alt) {
1391  // While proprietary RT4 - from the input/user control side - handles only
1392  // Lambertian and Fresnel, the Doubling&Adding solver core applies a surface
1393  // reflection matrix and a surface radiance term. The reflection matrix is
1394  // dependent on incident and reflection direction, ie forms a discrete
1395  // representation of the bidirectional reflection function; the radiance term
1396  // is dependent on outgoing polar angle. That is, the solver core can
1397  // basically handle ANY kind of surface reflection type.
1398  //
1399  // Here, we replace RT4's proprietary surface reflection and radiance term
1400  // calculation and use ARTS' surface_rtprop_agenda instead to set these
1401  // variables up.
1402  // That is, ARTS-RT4 is set up such that it can handle all surface reflection
1403  // types that ARTS itself can handle.
1404  // What is required here, is to derive the reflection matrix over all incident
1405  // and reflected polar angle directions. The surface_rtprop_agenda handles one
1406  // reflected direction at a time (rtp_los); it is sufficient here to simply
1407  // loop over all reflected angles as given by the stream directions. However,
1408  // the incident directions (surface_los) provided by surface_rtprop_agenda
1409  // depends on the specific, user-defined setup of the agenda. Out of what the
1410  // agenda call provides, we have to derive the reflection matrix entries for
1411  // the incident directions as defined by the RT4 stream directions. To be
1412  // completely general (handling everything from specular via semi-specular to
1413  // Lambertian) is a bit tricky. Here we decided to allow the ARTS-standard
1414  // 0.5-grid-spacing extrapolation and set everything outside that range to
1415  // zero.
1416  //
1417  // We do all frequencies here at once (assuming this is the faster variant as
1418  // the agenda anyway (can) provide output for full f_grid at once and as we
1419  // have to apply the same inter/extrapolation to all the frequencies).
1420  //
1421  // FIXME: Allow surface to be elsewhere than at lowest atm level (this
1422  // requires changes in the surface setting part and more extensive ones in the
1423  // atmospheric optical property prep part within the frequency loop further
1424  // below).
1426  chk_not_empty("surface_rtprop_agenda", surface_rtprop_agenda);
1428  const Index nf = f_grid.nelem();
1429  const Index nummu = za_grid.nelem() / 2;
1430  const String B_unit = "R";
1432  // Local input of surface_rtprop_agenda.
1433  Vector rtp_pos(1, surf_alt); //atmosphere_dim is 1
1435  for (Index rmu = 0; rmu < nummu; rmu++) {
1436  // Local output of surface_rtprop_agenda.
1437  Numeric surface_skin_t;
1438  Matrix surface_los;
1439  Tensor4 surface_rmatrix;
1440  Matrix surface_emission;
1442  // rtp_los is reflected direction, ie upwelling direction, which is >90deg
1443  // in ARTS. za_grid is sorted here as downwelling (90->0) in 1st
1444  // half, upwelling (90->180) in second half. that is, here we have to take
1445  // the second half grid or, alternatively, use 180deg-za[imu].
1446  Vector rtp_los(1, za_grid[nummu + rmu]);
1449  surface_skin_t,
1450  surface_emission,
1451  surface_los,
1452  surface_rmatrix,
1453  f_grid,
1454  rtp_pos,
1455  rtp_los,
1456  surface_rtprop_agenda);
1457  Index nsl = surface_los.nrows();
1458  assert(surface_los.ncols() == 1 || nsl == 0);
1460  // ARTS' surface_emission is equivalent to RT4's gnd_radiance (here:
1461  // surf_emis_vec) except for ARTS using Planck in terms of frequency,
1462  // while RT4 uses it in terms of wavelengths.
1463  // To derive gnd_radiance, we can either use ARTS surface_emission and
1464  // rescale it by B_lambda(surface_skin_t)/B_freq(surface_skin_t). Or we
1465  // can create it from surface_rmatrix and B_lambda(surface_skin_t). The
1466  // latter is more direct regarding use of B(T), but is requires
1467  // (re-)deriving diffuse reflectivity stokes components (which should be
1468  // the sum of the incident polar angle dependent reflectivities. so, that
1469  // might ensure better consistency. but then we should calculate
1470  // gnd_radiance only after surface_los to za_grid conversion of the
1471  // reflection matrix). For now, we use the rescaling approach.
1472  for (Index f_index = 0; f_index < nf; f_index++) {
1473  Numeric freq = f_grid[f_index];
1474  Numeric B_freq = planck(freq, surface_skin_t);
1475  Numeric B_lambda;
1476  Numeric wave = 1e6 * SPEED_OF_LIGHT / freq;
1477  planck_function_(surface_skin_t, B_unit.c_str(), wave, B_lambda);
1478  Numeric B_ratio = B_lambda / B_freq;
1479  surf_emis_vec(f_index, rmu, joker) = surface_emission(f_index, joker);
1480  surf_emis_vec(f_index, rmu, joker) *= B_ratio;
1481  }
1483  // now we have to properly fill the RT4 stream directions in incident
1484  // angle dimension of the reflection matrix for RT4 with the agenda
1485  // output, which is given on/limited to surface_los. Only values inside
1486  // the (default) extrapolation range are filled; the rest is left as 0.
1487  // we do this for each incident stream separately as we need to check them
1488  // separately whether they are within allowed inter/extrapolation range
1489  // (ARTS can't do this for all elements of a vector at once. it will fail
1490  // for the whole vector if there's a single value outside.).
1492  // as we are rescaling surface_rmatrix within here, we need to keep its
1493  // original normalization for later renormalization. Create the container
1494  // here, fill in below.
1495  Vector R_arts(f_grid.nelem(), 0.);
1497  if (nsl > 1) // non-blackbody, non-specular reflection
1498  {
1499  for (Index f_index = 0; f_index < nf; f_index++)
1500  R_arts[f_index] = surface_rmatrix(joker, f_index, 0, 0).sum();
1502  // Determine angle range weights in surface_rmatrix and de-scale
1503  // surface_rmatrix with those.
1504  Vector surf_int_grid(nsl + 1);
1505  surf_int_grid[0] =
1506  surface_los(0, 0) - 0.5 * (surface_los(1, 0) - surface_los(0, 0));
1507  surf_int_grid[nsl] =
1508  surface_los(nsl - 1, 0) +
1509  0.5 * (surface_los(nsl - 1, 0) - surface_los(nsl - 2, 0));
1510  for (Index imu = 1; imu < nsl; imu++)
1511  surf_int_grid[imu] =
1512  0.5 * (surface_los(imu - 1, 0) + surface_los(imu, 0));
1513  surf_int_grid *= DEG2RAD;
1514  for (Index imu = 0; imu < nsl; imu++) {
1515  //Numeric coslow = cos(2.*surf_int_grid[imu]);
1516  //Numeric coshigh = cos(2.*surf_int_grid[imu+1]);
1517  //Numeric w = 0.5*(coslow-coshigh);
1518  Numeric w = 0.5 * (cos(2. * surf_int_grid[imu]) -
1519  cos(2. * surf_int_grid[imu + 1]));
1520  surface_rmatrix(imu, joker, joker, joker) /= w;
1521  }
1523  // Testing: interpolation in cos(za)
1524  //Vector mu_surf_los(nsl);
1525  //for (Index imu=0; imu<nsl; imu++)
1526  // mu_surf_los[imu] = cos(surface_los(imu,0)*DEG2RAD);
1528  for (Index imu = 0; imu < nummu; imu++) {
1529  try {
1530  GridPos gp_za;
1531  gridpos(gp_za, surface_los(joker, 0), za_grid[imu]);
1532  // Testing: interpolation in cos(za)
1533  //gridpos( gp_za, mu_surf_los, mu_values[imu] );
1534  Vector itw(2);
1535  interpweights(itw, gp_za);
1537  // now apply the interpolation weights. since we're not in
1538  // python, we can't do the whole tensor at once, but need to
1539  // loop over the dimensions.
1540  for (Index f_index = 0; f_index < nf; f_index++)
1541  for (Index sto1 = 0; sto1 < stokes_dim; sto1++)
1542  for (Index sto2 = 0; sto2 < stokes_dim; sto2++)
1543  surf_refl_mat(f_index, imu, sto2, rmu, sto1) = interp(
1544  itw, surface_rmatrix(joker, f_index, sto1, sto2), gp_za);
1545  // Apply new angle range weights - as this is for RT4, we apply
1546  // the actual RT4 angle (aka quadrature) weights:
1547  surf_refl_mat(joker, imu, joker, rmu, joker) *=
1548  (quad_weights[imu] * mu_values[imu]);
1549  } catch (const runtime_error& e) {
1550  // nothing to do here. we just leave the reflection matrix
1551  // entry at the 0.0 it was initialized with.
1552  }
1553  }
1554  } else if (nsl > 0) // specular reflection
1555  // no interpolation, no angle weight rescaling,
1556  // just setting diagonal elements of surf_refl_mat.
1557  {
1558  for (Index f_index = 0; f_index < nf; f_index++)
1559  R_arts[f_index] = surface_rmatrix(joker, f_index, 0, 0).sum();
1561  // surface_los angle should be identical to
1562  // 180. - (rtp_los=za_grid[nummu+rmu]=180.-za_grid[rmu])
1563  // = za_grid[rmu].
1564  // check that, and if so, sort values into refmat(rmu,rmu).
1565  assert(is_same_within_epsilon(surface_los(0, 0), za_grid[rmu], 1e-12));
1566  for (Index f_index = 0; f_index < nf; f_index++)
1567  for (Index sto1 = 0; sto1 < stokes_dim; sto1++)
1568  for (Index sto2 = 0; sto2 < stokes_dim; sto2++)
1569  surf_refl_mat(f_index, rmu, sto2, rmu, sto1) =
1570  surface_rmatrix(0, f_index, sto1, sto2);
1571  }
1572  //else {} // explicit blackbody
1573  // all surf_refl_mat elements to remain at 0., ie nothing to do.
1575  //eventually make sure the scaling of surf_refl_mat is correct
1576  for (Index f_index = 0; f_index < nf; f_index++) {
1577  Numeric R_scale = 1.;
1578  Numeric R_rt4 = surf_refl_mat(f_index, joker, 0, rmu, 0).sum();
1579  if (R_rt4 == 0.) {
1580  if (R_arts[f_index] != 0.) {
1581  ostringstream os;
1582  os << "Something went wrong.\n"
1583  << "At reflected stream #" << rmu
1584  << ", power reflection coefficient for RT4\n"
1585  << "became 0, although the one from surface_rtprop_agenda is "
1586  << R_arts << ".\n";
1587  throw runtime_error(os.str());
1588  }
1589  } else {
1590  R_scale = R_arts[f_index] / R_rt4;
1591  surf_refl_mat(f_index, joker, joker, rmu, joker) *= R_scale;
1592  }
1593  }
1594  }
1595 }
1597 void rt4_test(Tensor4& out_rad,
1598  const String& datapath,
1599  const Verbosity& verbosity) {
1600  //emissivity.resize(4);
1601  //reflectivity.resize(4);
1603  Index nstokes = 2;
1604  Index nummu = 8;
1605  Index nuummu = 0;
1606  Numeric max_delta_tau = 1.0E-6;
1607  String quad_type = "L";
1608  Numeric ground_temp = 300.;
1609  String ground_type = "L";
1610  Numeric ground_albedo = 0.05;
1611  Complex ground_index;
1612  Numeric sky_temp = 0.;
1613  Numeric wavelength = 880.;
1614  //Index noutlevels=1;
1615  //ArrayOfIndex outlevels(1);
1616  //outlevels[0]=1;
1618  Vector height, temperatures, gas_extinct;
1619  Tensor5 sca_data;
1620  Tensor4 ext_data;
1621  Tensor3 abs_data;
1622  ReadXML(height, "height", datapath + "z.xml", "", verbosity);
1623  ReadXML(temperatures, "temperatures", datapath + "T.xml", "", verbosity);
1624  ReadXML(gas_extinct, "gas_extinct", datapath + "abs_gas.xml", "", verbosity);
1625  ReadXML(abs_data, "abs_data", datapath + "abs_par.xml", "", verbosity);
1626  ReadXML(ext_data, "ext_data", datapath + "ext_par.xml", "", verbosity);
1627  ReadXML(sca_data, "sca_data", datapath + "sca_par.xml", "", verbosity);
1628  Index num_layers = height.nelem() - 1;
1629  Index num_scatlayers = 3;
1630  Vector scatlayers(num_layers, 0.);
1631  scatlayers[3] = 1.;
1632  scatlayers[4] = 2.;
1633  scatlayers[5] = 3.;
1635  // the read in sca/ext/abs_data is the complete set (and it's in the wrong
1636  // order for passing it directly to radtrano). before handing over to
1637  // fortran, we need to reduce it to the number of stokes elements to be
1638  // used. we can't use views here as all data needs to be continuous in
1639  // memory; that is, we have to explicitly copy the data we need.
1640  Tensor6 scatter_matrix(num_scatlayers, 4, nummu, nstokes, nummu, nstokes);
1641  for (Index ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++)
1642  for (Index ij = 0; ij < nummu; ij++)
1643  for (Index ik = 0; ik < nstokes; ik++)
1644  for (Index il = 0; il < nummu; il++)
1645  for (Index im = 0; im < nstokes; im++)
1646  for (Index in = 0; in < num_scatlayers; in++)
1647  scatter_matrix(in, ii, ij, ik, il, im) =
1648  sca_data(im, il, ik, ij, ii);
1649  Tensor5 extinct_matrix(num_scatlayers, 2, nummu, nstokes, nstokes);
1650  for (Index ii = 0; ii < 2; ii++)
1651  for (Index ij = 0; ij < nummu; ij++)
1652  for (Index ik = 0; ik < nstokes; ik++)
1653  for (Index il = 0; il < nstokes; il++)
1654  for (Index im = 0; im < num_scatlayers; im++)
1655  extinct_matrix(im, ii, ij, ik, il) = ext_data(il, ik, ij, ii);
1656  Tensor4 emis_vector(num_scatlayers, 2, nummu, nstokes);
1657  for (Index ii = 0; ii < 2; ii++)
1658  for (Index ij = 0; ij < nummu; ij++)
1659  for (Index ik = 0; ik < nstokes; ik++)
1660  for (Index il = 0; il < num_scatlayers; il++)
1661  emis_vector(il, ii, ij, ik) = abs_data(ik, ij, ii);
1663  // dummy parameters necessary due to modified, flexible surface handling
1664  Tensor4 surf_refl_mat(nummu, nstokes, nummu, nstokes, 0.);
1665  Matrix surf_emis_vec(nummu, nstokes, 0.);
1666  Matrix ground_reflec(nstokes, nstokes, 0.);
1668  // Output variables
1669  Vector mu_values(nummu);
1670  Tensor3 up_rad(num_layers + 1, nummu, nstokes, 0.);
1671  Tensor3 down_rad(num_layers + 1, nummu, nstokes, 0.);
1673  radtrano_(nstokes,
1674  nummu,
1675  nuummu,
1676  max_delta_tau,
1677  quad_type.c_str(),
1678  ground_temp,
1679  ground_type.c_str(),
1680  ground_albedo,
1681  ground_index,
1682  ground_reflec.get_c_array(),
1683  surf_refl_mat.get_c_array(),
1684  surf_emis_vec.get_c_array(),
1685  sky_temp,
1686  wavelength,
1687  num_layers,
1688  height.get_c_array(),
1689  temperatures.get_c_array(),
1690  gas_extinct.get_c_array(),
1691  num_scatlayers,
1692  scatlayers.get_c_array(),
1693  extinct_matrix.get_c_array(),
1694  emis_vector.get_c_array(),
1695  scatter_matrix.get_c_array(),
1696  //noutlevels,
1697  //outlevels.get_c_array(),
1698  mu_values.get_c_array(),
1699  up_rad.get_c_array(),
1700  down_rad.get_c_array());
1702  //so far, output is in
1703  // units W/m^2 um sr
1704  // dimensions [numlayers+1,nummu,nstokes]
1705  // sorted from high to low (altitudes) and 0 to |1| (mu)
1706  //WriteXML( "ascii", up_rad, "up_rad.xml", 0, "up_rad", "", "", verbosity );
1707  //WriteXML( "ascii", down_rad, "down_rad.xml", 0, "down_rad", "", "", verbosity );
1709  //to be able to compare with RT4 reference results, reshape output into
1710  //RT4-output type table (specifically, resort up_rad such that it runs from
1711  //zenith welling to horizontal, thus forms a continuous angle grid with
1712  //down_rad. if later changing up_rad/down_rad sorting such that it is in
1713  //line with cloudbox_field, then this has to be adapted as well...
1714  out_rad.resize(num_layers + 1, 2, nummu, nstokes);
1715  for (Index ii = 0; ii < nummu; ii++)
1716  out_rad(joker, 0, ii, joker) = up_rad(joker, nummu - 1 - ii, joker);
1717  //out_rad(joker,0,joker,joker) = up_rad;
1718  out_rad(joker, 1, joker, joker) = down_rad;
1719  //WriteXML( "ascii", out_rad, "out_rad.xml", 0, "out_rad", "", "", verbosity );
1720 }
1722 #endif /* ENABLE_RT4 */
The type to use for all integer numbers and indices.
Definition: matpack.h:39
void surface_rtprop_agendaExecute(Workspace &ws, Numeric &surface_skin_t, Matrix &surface_emission, Matrix &surface_los, Tensor4 &surface_rmatrix, const Vector &f_grid, const Vector &rtp_pos, const Vector &rtp_los, const Agenda &input_agenda)
The VectorView class.
Definition: matpackI.h:610
A class implementing complex numbers for ARTS.
The Agenda class.
Definition: agenda_class.h:44
Index nelem() const
Number of elements.
Definition: array.h:195
void resize(Index s, Index b, Index p, Index r, Index c)
Resize function.
const Numeric * get_c_array() const
Conversion to plain C-array.
The Vector class.
Definition: matpackI.h:860
#define abs(x)
Index nvitrines() const
Returns the number of vitrines.
Numeric interp(ConstVectorView itw, ConstVectorView a, const GridPos &tc)
Red 1D Interpolate.
Contains functions related to application of scattering solver RT4.
The Tensor4 class.
Definition: matpackIV.h:421
The range class.
Definition: matpackI.h:160
Array< RetrievalQuantity > ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity
Definition: jacobian.h:402
void reduced_1datm(Vector &p, Vector &z, Vector &t, Matrix &vmr, Matrix &pnd, ArrayOfIndex &cboxlims, Index &ncboxremoved, ConstVectorView p_grid, ConstVectorView z_profile, const Numeric &z_surface, ConstVectorView t_profile, ConstMatrixView vmr_profiles, ConstMatrixView pnd_profiles, const ArrayOfIndex &cloudbox_limits)
invlib::Vector< ArtsVector > Vector
invlib wrapper type for ARTS vectors.
Definition: oem.h:32
cmplx FADDEEVA() w(cmplx z, double relerr)
void opt_prop_Bulk(Tensor5 &ext_mat, Tensor4 &abs_vec, Index &ptype, const ArrayOfTensor5 &ext_mat_ss, const ArrayOfTensor4 &abs_vec_ss, const ArrayOfIndex &ptypes_ss)
one-line descript
The Tensor6View class.
Definition: matpackVI.h:621
The Tensor7 class.
Definition: matpackVII.h:2382
Header file for
Index nbooks() const
Returns the number of books.
#define min(a, b)
Index nrows() const
Returns the number of rows.
Definition: matpackIII.h:147
Index nelem() const
Returns the number of elements.
Structure to store a grid position.
Definition: interpolation.h:73
A constant view of a Tensor4.
Definition: matpackIV.h:133
void chk_not_empty(const String &x_name, const Agenda &x)
const Numeric COSMIC_BG_TEMP
Global constant, Planck temperature for cosmic background radiation [K].
Index ncols() const
Returns the number of columns.
const Numeric * get_c_array() const
Conversion to plain C-array, const-version.
The Tensor3 class.
Definition: matpackIII.h:339
Index TotalNumberOfElements(const Array< Array< base > > &aa)
Determine total number of elements in an ArrayOfArray.
Definition: array.h:343
Index nshelves() const
Returns the number of shelves.
bool is_same_within_epsilon(const Numeric &a, const Numeric &b, const Numeric &epsilon)
Check, if two numbers agree within a given epsilon.
_CS_string_type str() const
Definition: sstream.h:491
std::complex< Numeric > Complex
Definition: complex.h:33
Index ncols() const
Returns the number of columns.
Definition: matpackIII.h:150
The Tensor3View class.
Definition: matpackIII.h:239
ArrayOfIndex idx
void nlinspace(Vector &x, const Numeric start, const Numeric stop, const Index n)
#define CREATE_OUT1
Definition: messages.h:205
void gridpos(ArrayOfGridPos &gp, ConstVectorView old_grid, ConstVectorView new_grid, const Numeric &extpolfac)
Set up a grid position Array.
A constant view of a Tensor5.
Definition: matpackV.h:143
const Joker joker
The type to use for all floating point numbers.
Definition: matpack.h:33
void ReadXML(T &v, const String &v_name, const String &f, const String &f_name, const Verbosity &verbosity)
Definition: m_xml.h:41
The Matrix class.
Definition: matpackI.h:1193
Index nlibraries() const
Returns the number of libraries.
void gridpos_poly(ArrayOfGridPosPoly &gp, ConstVectorView old_grid, ConstVectorView new_grid, const Index order, const Numeric &extpolfac)
The maximum difference from 1 that we allow for a sum check.
const Numeric * get_c_array() const
Conversion to plain C-array.
The ComplexVector class.
Definition: complex.h:573
The Tensor5View class.
Definition: matpackV.h:333
const Numeric DEG2RAD
Global constant, conversion from degrees to radians.
basic_ostringstream< char, string_char_traits< char >, alloc > ostringstream
Definition: sstream.h:204
Index npages() const
Returns the number of pages.
Definition: matpackIII.h:144
This can be used to make arrays out of anything.
Definition: array.h:40
Index nshelves() const
Returns the number of shelves.
void opt_prop_ScatSpecBulk(ArrayOfTensor5 &ext_mat, ArrayOfTensor4 &abs_vec, ArrayOfIndex &ptype, const ArrayOfArrayOfTensor5 &ext_mat_se, const ArrayOfArrayOfTensor4 &abs_vec_se, const ArrayOfArrayOfIndex &ptypes_se, ConstMatrixView pnds, ConstMatrixView t_ok)
Scattering species bulk extinction and absorption.
const Numeric PI
Global constant, pi.
void chk_if_in_range(const String &x_name, const Index &x, const Index &x_low, const Index &x_high)
const Numeric * get_c_array() const
Conversion to plain C-array.
void resize(Index n)
Resize function.
#define max(a, b)
A constant view of a Tensor3.
Definition: matpackIII.h:132
The Tensor6 class.
Definition: matpackVI.h:1088
void pha_matTransform(MatrixView pha_mat_lab, ConstTensor5View pha_mat_data, ConstVectorView za_datagrid, ConstVectorView aa_datagrid, const PType &ptype, const Index &za_sca_idx, const Index &aa_sca_idx, const Index &za_inc_idx, const Index &aa_inc_idx, ConstVectorView za_grid, ConstVectorView aa_grid, const Verbosity &verbosity)
Transformation of phase matrix.
A constant view of a Vector.
Definition: matpackI.h:476
Workspace methods and template functions for supergeneric XML IO.
String PTypeToString(const PType &ptype)
Convert particle type enum value to String.
A constant view of a Matrix.
Definition: matpackI.h:982
Numeric planck(const Numeric &f, const Numeric &t)
Workspace class.
Definition: workspace_ng.h:40
Index nbooks() const
Returns the number of books.
void resize(Index v, Index s, Index b, Index p, Index r, Index c)
Resize function.
Structure to store a grid position for higher order interpolation.
void opt_prop_NScatElems(ArrayOfArrayOfTensor5 &ext_mat, ArrayOfArrayOfTensor4 &abs_vec, ArrayOfArrayOfIndex &ptypes, Matrix &t_ok, const ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData &scat_data, const Index &stokes_dim, const Vector &T_array, const Matrix &dir_array, const Index &f_index, const Index &t_interp_order)
Extinction and absorption from all scattering elements.
const Numeric * get_c_array() const
Conversion to plain C-array.
A constant view of a ComplexVector.
Definition: complex.h:268
void propmat_clearsky_agendaExecute(Workspace &ws, ArrayOfPropagationMatrix &propmat_clearsky, ArrayOfStokesVector &nlte_source, ArrayOfPropagationMatrix &dpropmat_clearsky_dx, ArrayOfStokesVector &dnlte_dx_source, ArrayOfStokesVector &nlte_dsource_dx, const ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &jacobian_quantities, const Vector &f_grid, const Vector &rtp_mag, const Vector &rtp_los, const Numeric rtp_pressure, const Numeric rtp_temperature, const EnergyLevelMap &rtp_nlte, const Vector &rtp_vmr, const Agenda &input_agenda)
void complex_n_interp(MatrixView n_real, MatrixView n_imag, const GriddedField3 &complex_n, const String &varname, ConstVectorView f_grid, ConstVectorView t_grid)
General function for interpolating data of complex n type.
void interpweights(VectorView itw, const GridPos &tc)
Red 1D interpolation weights.
#define CREATE_OUT2
Definition: messages.h:206
Functions for disort interface.
const Numeric SPEED_OF_LIGHT
Scattering database structure and functions.
This file contains declerations of functions of physical character.
Index nrows() const
Returns the number of rows.
void resize(Index b, Index p, Index r, Index c)
Resize function.
const Numeric RAD2DEG
Global constant, conversion from radians to degrees.
The Tensor5 class.
Definition: matpackV.h:506
Declaration of functions in
const Numeric * get_c_array() const
Conversion to plain C-array.